The "Thread Necromancy" Game scores (old xkcd forums)

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The scores

  1. Lazar: 11167:14
  2. Thesh: 10012:26
  3. chridd: 7012:42
  4. Earthling on Mars: 6931:53
  5. freezeblade: 6746:45
  6. e^iπ+1=0: 6720:00
  7. BigNose: 6224:35
  8. flicky1991: 6201:20 (most recent)
  9. Felstaff: 5224:46
  10. SlyReaper: 4585:57
  11. Antimony-120: 2990:54
  12. rnew: 2188:13
  13. Sruixan: 1865:20
  14. oagersnap: 1456:16
  15. eggdudeguy: 1389:35
  16. Sean Quixote: 1351:14
  17. Robin S: 1233:46
  18. quintopia: 1189:24
  19. mastered: 992:19
  20. SuperJedi224: 653:34
  21. gmalivuk: 633:28
  22. Bartimaeus: 622:37
  23. username5243: 602:27
  24. backslash: 526:27
  25. threetwoone: 514:55
  26. grotjam: 465:29
  27. Artemisia: 443:33
  28. pyro789x: 434:33
  29. _infina_: 431:07
  30. ronnie: 414:28
  31. sje46: 401:06
  32. Asmodieus: 387:56
  33. squareroot: 386:45
  34. eaglef2: 367:27
  35. Metty: 364:36
  36. Beyondthewall: 342:26
  37. Kabann: 337:48
  38. heuristically_alone: 325:48
  39. Under A Pale Grey Sky: 319:36
  40. trvsdrlng: 299:41
  41. kaimason1: 288:55
  42. notzeb: 271:06
  43. Silastic: 259:23
  44. Col. Mustard: 244:45
  45. michaelandjimi: 223:30
  46. careyhammer: 200:50
  47. Quadropus: 198:52
  48. keozen: 188:15
  49. orangedragonfire: 183:22
  50. Token: 182:45
  51. Allenr: 175:39
  52. AvalonXQ: 171:30
  53. matt96: 170:39
  54. AvatarIII: 168:51
  55. existential_elevator: 166:28
  56. sellyme: 162:03
  57. EvilHankVenture: 149:09
  58. mittfh: 145:45
  59. Octahedra: 144:39
  60. TheGrammarBolshevik: 135:11
  61. aurumelectrum13: 129:17
  62. Blubb3r3ng3l: 126:51
  63. TheAmazingTD: 123:19
  64. ShadowLurker: 122:17
  65. Pied typer: 116:04
  66. a Person: 114:14
  67. WarDaft: 113:08
  68. Babam: 107:04
  69. Froodulous: 106:36
  70. Vekter: 103:27
  71. WXsniper: 102:56
  72. Snark: 98:36
  73. madjo: 98:35
  74. Me321: 98:13
  75. Xalerwons: 97:52
  76. Silvyr: 96:21
  77. WazirKnightBishop: 94:23
  78. Jos: 94:12
  79. pkuky: 93:18
  80. Macbi: 91:03
  81. NecklaceOfShadow: 90:32
  82. hideki101: 87:31
  83. obituary: 87:02
  84. Cheese: 86:56
  85. pheonixduprese: 75:41
  86. AarexTiaokhiao: 72:51
  87. Aleril: 72:49
  88. Malbert: 72:31
  89. Kidiri: 71:22
  90. Ramses IV: 71:20
  91. scikidus: 70:48
  92. Meowers: 70:26
  93. The Moo Prophet: 70:21
  94. 666alphaomega666: 66:47
  95. ygh: 66:31
  96. googlyeyesultra: 66:01
  97. Twasbrillig: 65:25
  98. Echo244: 63:32
  99. Ralith The Third: 63:27
  100. GeoffreyY: 62:55
  101. SPsnow02: 62:22
  102. Athe: 59:58
  103. Tractor: 59:55
  104. emomanisme: 59:29
  105. sleepygamer: 56:54
  106. itaibn: 56:48
  107. LDJosh: 52:56
  108. Sasha: 52:47
  109. Brooklynxman: 52:12
  110. sonicspin: 51:14
  111. Lorenz: 49:54
  112. Kohlliah: 45:41
  113. Wyvern: 44:41
  114. vallu: 44:36
  115. LE4dGOLEM: 44:09
  116. DarkWeaver: 43:37
  117. J Spade: 41:10
  118. rileyrulesu: 40:52
  119. Forthur: 38:36
  120. Lavender Manna: 38:01
  121. Raptortech97: 37:35
  122. Freddino18: 37:30
  123. NathanBros: 36:39
  124. Ansain: 35:35
  125. Geekthras: 35:20
  126. zerker2000: 33:53
  127. Kromix: 33:31
  128. Ralith: 32:57
  129. Torben: 32:28
  130. yohanleafheart: 31:50
  131. AtomicCow: 30:59
  132. cjmcjmcjmcjm: 30:29
  133. brnat: 29:41
  134. Aperfectring: 29:15
  135. Crazyjosh: 28:07
  136. returnaddress: 25:21
  137. Vytron: 25:19
  138. Rodan: 24:07
  139. tastelikecoke: 24:06
  140. That_one_guy: 23:58
  141. Nimz: 23:39
  142. thunk: 23:09
  143. mike-l: 22:02
  144. nickasummers: 21:34
  145. Mathmagic: 21:15
  146. Pesto: 20:49
  147. Opipik: 20:45
  148. Numzane: 20:27
  149. BurningLed: 19:52
  150. Poopenheimer: 19:51
  151. picnic_crossfire: 19:39
  152. goingnorthwest: 19:25
  153. Chrismclegless: 19:02
  154. LeftHandOfTheDevil: 18:56
  155. Poochy: 18:20
  156. i like pi: 18:02
  157. Phen: 17:51
  158. trebach: 17:50
  159. KicktheCAN: 17:39
  160. Rosewinsall: 17:14
  161. tomtom2357: 16:31
  162. jdj42: 16:26
  163. Kyreles: 16:10
  164. Odilo: 15:57
  165. skellious: 15:52
  166. Moonythedwarf: 15:29
  167. RetSpline: 15:12
  168. almosthonest: 15:05
  169. pchoo: 15:04
  170. Grlmm: 14:55
  171. Arlick: 14:52
  172. jakeyizle: 14:33
  173. masterwizard: 14:09
  174. Solt: 13:26
  175. scrovak: 13:04
  176. Raiser_B1ade: 12:43
  177. Leonsbuddydave: 12:32
  178. SimonM: 12:12
  179. idTENt: 11:49
  180. faubi: 11:45
  181. BiggAl: 11:40
  182. SPACKlick: 11:06
  183. Osha: 10:58
  184. dimitriye98: 10:55
  185. M.qrius: 10:41
  186. Phi: 10:36
  187. SoapyHobo: 9:34
  188. Kain: 9:32
  189. DrakeSD: 9:17
  190. ttnarg: 9:15
  191. Azrael001: 9:11
  192. Number3Pencils: 8:51
  193. bluebambue: 8:09
  194. Graham's Number: 8:03
  195. Krawl: 8:00
  196. cjquines: 7:56
  197. H.E.L.e.N.: 7:54
  198. nnninja: 7:52
  199. WaffleKirby: 7:43
  200. rath358: 7:20
  201. curtis95112: 7:02
  202. Chewbaccawacca: 6:57
  203. drowdemon: 6:47
  204. kevmus: 6:46
  205. Lumpy: 6:33
  206. vp1: 6:31
  207. Hiro: 6:26
  208. kernelpanic: 6:22
  209. The LuigiManiac: 6:06
  210. SirGabriel: 6:01
  211. Wnderer: 5:59
  212. neoliminal: 5:52
  213. Jezeze89: 5:36
  214. Tillian: 5:34
  215. KrazyerKate: 5:30
  216. alexriehl: 5:23
  217. StrengthInFaith: 5:20
  218. Dason: 5:07
  219. Stief: 5:07
  220. The Sleeping Tyrant: 5:07
  221. ostrichguy: 5:06
  222. superdemongob: 5:04
  223. Taedeor: 5:03
  224. Peshmerga: 5:02
  225. KingTip: 5:00
  226. ZeroSum: 4:58
  227. Subliminity: 4:47
  228. the white hatter: 4:46
  229. OfficiallyHaphazard: 4:42
  230. xX17GHDUDE17Xx: 4:39
  231. ShadeWolf: 4:37
  232. JamesObscura: 4:36
  233. thorgold: 4:33
  234. undergroundpanda: 4:31
  235. thejoeman0ne: 4:15
  236. bigglesworth: 4:10
  237. Geminia: 4:09
  238. AJR: 4:03
  239. Red Hal: 3:54
  240. VectorZero: 3:52
  241. MatteoTom: 3:46
  242. cjdrum: 3:44
  243. doggitydogs: 3:40
  244. black_hat_guy: 3:37
  245. tearcastle: 3:36
  246. Vapour: 3:33
  247. The Snide Sniper: 3:32
  248. t1mm01994: 3:23
  249. Badion: 3:23
  250. Jplus: 3:21
  251. Woopate: 3:14
  252. Queen Arasene: 3:13
  253. asiekierka: 3:12
  254. oopishCHILD.: 3:11
  255. ArchangelShrike: 3:08
  256. zer0n: 3:05
  257. shadyraptors: 3:05
  258. Handsome: 3:05
  259. Mouffles: 3:02
  260. PieceofPi: 3:01
  261. pollywog: 2:55
  262. xkcd follower: 2:54
  263. Arabascan: 2:52
  264. existential_squirrrel: 2:40
  265. frogdo: 2:30
  266. jfb1337: 2:13
  267. Abatet Ba'Miaw: 2:11
  268. A. Smith: 2:08
  269. Kocc42: 2:06
  270. curious and questioning: 2:05
  271. Halleck: 2:03
  272. Jace01: 2:01
  273. Phoenix112358: 2:00
  274. Neil_Boekend: 1:58
  275. abrenecki: 1:58
  276. Plasma_Wolf: 1:57
  277. clockworkmonk: 1:52
  278. Servant-of_Christ: 1:48
  279. JonR: 1:47
  280. NotRichardFeynman: 1:40
  281. Darkname: 1:32
  282. Welsh Mullet: 1:30
  283. LucasBrown: 1:20
  284. Patrik: 1:20
  285. no-genius: 1:20
  286. blind visionary: 1:20
  287. Rogue5_jm: 1:19
  288. CydTheSloth?: 1:16
  289. hintss: 1:16
  290. Moose Anus: 1:15
  291. mathmannix: 1:14
  292. quadmaster: 1:12
  293. iain_benson: 1:12
  294. Tony the thief: 1:11
  295. __Jonny: 1:09
  296. Ptolemis: 1:08
  297. Sourire: 1:05
  298. Richyrd of Pwny: 1:04
  299. Inky: 1:04
  300. CloudStrife: 1:02
  301. quietus: 1:02
  302. ChocloManx: 1:01
  303. someguy12345: 1:00
  304. serutan: 0:59
  305. iceberg: 0:58
  306. Sarcio: 0:56
  307. DJCure: 0:55
  308. ThisIsMe: 0:55
  309. Eebster the Great: 0:54
  310. Diezilla: 0:50
  311. She: 0:50
  312. Ankit1010: 0:47
  313. Heady: 0:46
  314. darkumbrion: 0:46
  315. E0000B6FAF25838: 0:45
  316. SHA33: 0:45
  317. mieulium: 0:42
  318. KevinLevin: 0:40
  319. DanDx: 0:40
  320. TomBot: 0:40
  321. Zoodync: 0:38
  322. Alanbly: 0:38
  323. xe3r: 0:37
  324. UrielZyx: 0:37
  325. DrStalker: 0:36
  326. Dr. Worm: 0:34
  327. Exkakx: 0:33
  328. Umlaut: 0:33
  329. Evengeduld: 0:32
  330. melladh: 0:32
  331. UniqueScreenname: 0:31
  332. Dark Avorian: 0:31
  333. Steve Zissou: 0:31
  334. Cheburashka: 0:30
  335. Kaeyn: 0:29
  336. the-munich-man: 0:23
  337. bouer: 0:22
  338. JohnnySars: 0:21
  339. shimavet: 0:20
  340. Devourer: 0:20
  341. jobriath: 0:19
  342. Conspiricy: 0:19
  343. ugmhemhe: 0:18
  344. psykx: 0:16
  345. crazyjimbo: 0:14
  346. Belial: 0:14
  347. phlip: 0:13
  348. QuantumED: 0:12
  349. Aeltar: 0:12
  350. foster: 0:12
  351. bbctol: 0:12
  352. Nexus_1101: 0:08
  353. Tobi: 0:08
  354. djangochained: 0:07
  355. Bunnychaser: 0:07
  356. MFHodge: 0:07
  357. zabing12: 0:06
  358. Adam H: 0:06
  359. KingXimana: 0:06
  360. Oflick: 0:05
  361. cyberjacob: 0:05
  362. ericgrau: 0:05
  363. davef: 0:04
  364. howardh: 0:03
  365. AKAnotu: 0:03
  366. Ketzerei: 0:03
  367. Zohar: 0:03
  368. Phrozt: 0:02
  369. TiberiusM: 0:02
  370. Maseiken: 0:00

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