Every hour, on the hour scores (ramenchef.net)

Showing scores up to The Snide Sniper on (page 39). See current scores.

421 out of 951 (44.27%) posts are on the hour (minute = 00, ignoring seconds)

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The scores

  1. chridd: 563 (229/374 (61.23%) on hour)
  2. ratammer: 449 (138/332 (41.57%) on hour)
  3. The Snide Sniper: 221 (14/153 (9.15%) on hour) (most recent)
  4. heuristically_alone: 52 (8/33 (24.24%) on hour)
  5. marionic: 33 (26/40 (65.00%) on hour)
  6. moody7277: 13 (3/7 (42.86%) on hour)
  7. quasijem: 10 (2/7 (28.57%) on hour)
  8. patzer: 3 (0/2 (0.00%) on hour)
  9. Lavender Manna: 1 (1/1 (100.00%) on hour)
  10. faubi: 1 (0/1 (0.00%) on hour)
  11. somitomi: 0 (0/1 (0.00%) on hour)

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