Comments for Random Word and Sentence Maker-Upper

2017-09-26 15:17:59 GMT by Memes [they/them]
Sazop- to not be able to draw a straight line. spread the word people.
2017-10-16 15:29:27 GMT by Snake Dude [EdgeLord]
I unfortunately suffer from Sazop. Anyone who knows this is now a Spassorp. Welcome to the club.
2017-10-16 15:30:35 GMT by Memes [they/them]
Current members: 2
2017-10-17 15:18:53 GMT by Memes [NowAnEDgeLord]
2017-10-17 15:22:17 GMT by Memes [NowAnEDgeLord]
A Fleeb- someone who hates Hegarty maths and uses it for memes not maths.
Snoobing- putting a computer mouse on its side because you are that Edgy.
Twettut- to react like an octopus when you are not
Smebe- someone who knows none of the above things.

Everyone but the spassorps is a smebe.
2018-01-08 16:49:18 GMT by Memes [NowAnEDgeLord]
Yo my edgy lads/boiz/gals/nonboinaries
2018-01-08 16:51:00 GMT by Memes [NowAnEDgeLord]
To the absolute l3g3nd who made this website wow, you are the ultimate Spassorp and EdgeLord, keeping us sn00bing to vict0ry :)
2018-01-08 16:52:04 GMT by Snake Dude [EdgeLord]
 ↑↑↑↑↑ Agreed ↑↑↑↑↑
2018-01-31 16:25:21 GMT by Memes [NowAnEdgeLord]
Scrobarp- when you legit can’t stop laughing even if the joke is really dumb.
Some people scrobarp so hard they twettut 
2019-06-08 20:41:50 GMT by chridd [she]
Mod note: I just deleted a comment here (and my response to it) because it just consisted of the letter "e" over and over again.
2019-10-21 13:56:29 GMT by kaleb [he/they]
this is perfect! thank you <3
2020-03-16 19:05:08 GMT by RampagingKoala01 [she]
Holy cow this is awesome! I've used it for city names (using prefixes and suffixes plus elemental words). I love how customizable this is!
2021-01-04 19:48:40 GMT by Me [he]
In Anglo-Saxon, "hill", "shelf",& "rope" showed up,which I think means you did a pretty good job.
2021-01-04 22:09:20 GMT by Me [he]
How do you set the length for words?
2021-01-07 04:06:00 GMT by chridd [she]
Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way (you can't just type in a number of syllables or number of letters); you'll have to edit the rules.

Click "(show rules)" if the list of rules isn't visible.  Then you'll have to edit the line starting with "WORD ="; this is a list of options separated by |.  If you want a length that the program already sometimes generates, you can delete the other options.  If you want something longer, look at whatever the longest option is and use that.  (If you see something like *2, that just modifies the probability for choosing that option.)
2021-01-12 20:43:21 GMT by Me [he]
2021-01-22 05:52:46 GMT by Birgub [Your Royal Highness]
2021-11-09 12:19:33 GMT by Cielbird
This is a really intuitive and smart way to go about programming phonotactics!
2024-06-11 04:45:22 GMT by ell
new website background will take a while to get used to!! love this program btw have used it for years and it's very appreciated
2024-07-05 00:43:47 GMT by WordGeneratorManiac [he/him]
I got “like” and “teal” in Anglo-Saxon wow
2024-07-05 00:45:25 GMT by WordGeneratorManiac [he/him]
dremaz - possible Proto-Germanic root for the verb “dream”
2024-07-05 00:47:12 GMT by WordGeneratorManiac [he/him]
prail - “frail” but you can't say any fricatives

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