Comments for Numeral systems/Number representations

2024-04-12 10:20:31 GMT by Me [he]
OK, please add Lucas numbers.
2024-04-12 11:12:41 GMT by Me [he]
I know this looks like spam, but please add:

Fibonacci {option: Starting numbers: _number_, _number_; presets: Fibonacci {1, 2}, Lucas {2, 1}} [The starting numbers (values of last 2 digits).]
Factors {option: Recursive: _checkbox_} [If it is recursive, the exponents are displayed in Factors notation.]
Transfinite ordinals {option: ω=: _number_} [Defines ω (the first transfinite ordinal) as a number, and then works upwards from there. ε_0 is defined to be ω^^ω (a power tower of ω ω's).]
Roman {option: Custom: _checkbox{yes @ Custom numbers: _list⁄_number_ = _text_⁄_, Allow subtraction rules: _checkbox_}_} [If custom numbers are turned on, you can set any number to any string, and toggle subtraction rules.]
2024-04-12 17:07:13 GMT by chridd [she]
Transfinite ordinals aren't a representation of the real numbers, so they wouldn't make sense for this page (there isn't really a way to show them in different bases etc.).  However, I do have an ordinal number calculator:  It doesn't support ε₀ yet, I think because I couldn't figure something out.

I can't find information about that particular generalization of Fibonacci coding; I'll have to think more about whether that can work.  (I know about the Lucas numbers, the question is whether/how they'd specifically work with Fibonacci coding.)

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