Questions asked with varying frequencies version history
Version history
2017-02-20: first public version (as part of
About me
2018-08-23: added question "
What's your favorite breakfast food?
2020-07-05: added questions "
How many Super Mario games are there?
" and "
If you worked at the SCP foundation, what would you do, and what unfortunate fate would you meet doing it?
2021-06-07: added questions "Why is the site all (red/blue/etc.)?" (which I've left in About me) and "
Wait, are you left-handed?
2024-07-30: added more detail to "
Wait, are you left-handed?
made this its own page, reorganized the questions into sections, and added the "About this page" section
new questions:
Do you prefer keys with sharps or flats?
How many digits of pi do you have memorized?
(previously part of About me, but I've added more details)
Would you rather have the power to become invisible or to fly?
Wait, do you use military time?
Do you consider the week to start on Sunday or Monday?
How many Super Mario games are there?
updated questions:
What's your favorite breakfast food?
: fruit waffle rather than syrup, and mentioned a general preference for bread-y things
Will you create a giant robot or an army of robots for me?
: put the picture directly on the page, and put a note about taking over the world for other people
Can you teleport?
: answer is now more than one word
Wait, are you left-handed?
: added stuff about eating and a Palm PDA
If you worked at the SCP foundation, what would you do, and what unfortunate fate would you meet doing it?
: added "To be more specific…" paragraph
What time is it?
: uses my time zone and the server clock, instead of your computer's clock and time zone
How do you tell if a file is a hard link?
: added note about HFS+
also some minor changes