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Displaying comments since Wed Jun 26 04:27:06 2024 UTC. Past month · Past week · Past day

2024-07-05 00:43:47 GMT by WordGeneratorManiac [he/him] on Random Word and Sentence Maker-Upper [view in context]
I got “like” and “teal” in Anglo-Saxon wow
2024-07-05 00:45:25 GMT by WordGeneratorManiac [he/him] on Random Word and Sentence Maker-Upper [view in context]
dremaz - possible Proto-Germanic root for the verb “dream”
2024-07-05 00:47:12 GMT by WordGeneratorManiac [he/him] on Random Word and Sentence Maker-Upper [view in context]
prail - “frail” but you can't say any fricatives

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