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Displaying comments since Wed Nov 20 13:22:40 2024 UTC. Past month · Past week · Past day

2024-12-01 22:42:28 GMT by UnluckySovi [he/him] on Searchable Index Diachronica [view in context]

I really enjoyed this Index and I hope that there are more updates and sound changes :3
2024-12-02 15:54:10 GMT by Hzrn [she] on One side, one jump [view in context]
this is a great time! I really enjoyed it 8)
2024-12-02 15:55:41 GMT by Hzrn [she] on Firework game [view in context]
this is dope!! quite challenging, but kinda addictive! I enjoyed it
2024-12-02 17:26:02 GMT by Hzrn [she] on Firework game [view in context]
Made it to 6000!!! pretty awesome :3
2024-12-02 23:18:23 GMT by Hzrn [she] on Orb [view in context]
I Cracked 100k!!!! that's crazy. I got 111008 to be precise, which is a cool number! If you only take the first 5 digits it could be binary (or, any base! (a weak "any". other than unary)) but then the 8 arrives, and that's a power of two!

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