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Displaying comments since Wed Sep 11 20:11:34 2024 UTC. Past month · Past week · Past day

2024-09-15 02:17:06 GMT by pkmnhx [any pronouns] on Permutation calculator [view in context]
I'm trying to find a 10 cycle "s" such that s^5 is (1 2)(3 4)(5 6)(7 8)(9 10), is there any tips for how this tool could help me find one?
2024-09-15 02:37:26 GMT by pkmnhx [any pronouns] on Permutation calculator [view in context]
I ended up doing (...)^5 and looking at the simplified version and switching elements around to make it match what it needed to equal
2024-10-01 14:28:04 GMT by Atay [he] on Numeral systems/Number representations [view in context]
Can you please add other non-positional number systems please? And an option where the program allows the user to create non-positional systems.
2024-10-05 21:21:01 GMT by underline [he] on Searchable Index Diachronica [view in context]
THE most helpful resourse in sound changes!

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