Bad children! (1)

Prompt: Pretend you have children. Now scold them for something.

No! You do not play with the nuclear reactor! That's very dangerous! You could get killed! You could get us all killed! You could distract me from my chess game, and get me into checkmate! If you can't stay out of that room, I'm going to have to hire a babysitter to look after you when you're not at preschool! You don't want that, do you? I don't think so! So – Aaa! An explosion! – wait, hold on, that was perfectly contained! And it gave off enough energy that we no longer need oil! And it sent out anti-radiation that cures cancer, AIDS, and the common cold. And it opened a wormhole to a distant galaxy with friendly, superior life forms which want to help us. And it created food and homes for the poor. And stopped all wars. And solved the math problem I was trying to solve just now. Okay, so you were lucky this time. But next time...