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The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Pink, and Magenta came, and many others too.
 ,hp      ohuse     
Naumel p'an, al ha se hántlwek se pai se kíltel se ngin se kílu se húsu se híleng se shupál se waunku se sal se sal.
[ˈ̩ ˈpan, ˈal ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈ sʊ̜̆ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩ sə̆ ʃʉ.ˈpal sə̆ ˈwɑoŋ.ku sʊ̜̆ ˈsal sə̆ ˈsal]
naum-elgo-med pe=an,at=prox, almed hared seand hántlwekorange seand paiyellow seand kíltellight_green seand ngindark_green seand kílucyan seand húsuPN seand hílengpurple seand shupálpink seand waunkumagenta seand salanother seand sal.another.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Now, Orange and Yellow were upset about this.
 p     
Hu'al hántlwek se pai luim miulsek súngep.
[ˈhwɑl ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae ˈlʊɨm ˈmɪʉl.sʊ̜̆k ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p]
hu=alexp=med hántlwekorange seand paiyellow -isee-obv miulsekanger súngep.this_fact.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Yellow, who was particularly greedy, shouted, "In the end, everything shall be my color!"
p , ,p ,( ,   )
Al Pai, hwel súyet, mausel hengút, muPe láspepi , swaim kaitu ánku ”.
[ˈal ˈpae, hwl̩ ˈsu.jᵿ̜̆t, ˈ̩ hŋ̩.ˈŋut, mu pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈsu, ˈswɑem ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈaŋ.ku ˈsu”]
almed pai,yellow, hwelnfoc súyet,greedy, maus-elsay-med hengút,shout, muquot pe=láspep-i“at=end-obv ,all, swa-ibe-obv kaitucolor ant-kupos.alien-1 ”.all”.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Everything shall be orange and yellow... in the end, that is."
  ,, )
swaim hántlwek se paipe láspepi ”.
[ˈsu ˈswɑem ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae… pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈsu”]
all swa-ibe-obv hántlwekorange seand paiyellow… pe=láspep-iat=end-obv ”.all”.

TODO that is.

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the day, the sky and sun turn orange and yellow, and cast everything in yellow light.
 ,   ,  , 
Pe láspepi lwaipek, al helíyel su al húswes nal hántlwek se pai, se hyámel , lwait pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈlʷɑe.pɪ̆k, ˈal çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ su ˈal ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae, sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈsu, ˈlʷɑet ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv lwaipek,day, almed helíyelsky suand almed húswessun na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai,yellow, seand hyam-elgive-med ,all, lwaitlight pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the year, the leaves turn yellow and orange.
 ,   
Pe láspepi hwámpek, al ngílpen nal hántlwek se pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈhwɑm.pə̆k, ˈal ˈsu ˈŋɨʎ.pn̩ ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv hwámpek,year, almed all ngílpenleaf na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
And when things are destroyed in a fire, the fire is orange and yellow.
   ,   
Se píki nga swaim naiyu se naim kúsenk, al naiyu swal hántlwek se pai.
[sə̆ ˈ ˈŋɜ ˈswɑem ˈnae.jʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈnaem ˈkʉ.sŋ̩k, ˈal ˈnae.jʉ ˈswɑl ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
seand píkiwhen ngaany swa-ibe-obv naiyufire seand na-ibecome-obv kúsenk,dead, almed naiyufire swa-elbe-med hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Yellow, in zir greed, also took gold.
p , p ,p  
Al pai, petwánchi swal súyet, kil sal lúntwel.
[ˈal ˈpae, pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈswɑl ˈsu.jᵿ̜̆t, ˈkiʎ ˈsal ˈlun.twl̩]
almed pai,yellow, petwánchibecause swa-elbe-med súyet,greedy, -elget-med salanother lú
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Then Color had everyone who was left stand in a line: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple.
       ,      
Pyet an Kaitu chúsen al numáng haupe naumel shi meníl, ha se hántlwek se pai se kíltel se kílu se húsu se híleng.
[pjɪ̆t ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈal ˈsu nu.ˈmaŋ ˈhao.pʊ̜̆ ˈ̩ ʃi.mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ, ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈ sʊ̜̆ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩]
pyetthen anprox kaitucolor chus-enmake-prox almed all numángstill haupeplace naum-elgo-med shi=meníl,to=line, hared seand hántlwekorange seand paiyellow seand kíltellight_green seand kílucyan seand húsublue seand híleng.purple.
Yellow (poem in Lwaitel)
Red and orange and yellow.
 
Ha se hántlwek se pai.
[ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
hared seand hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.