Lwaitel lexicon

810 items currently in the lexicon. A C E H I K L M N P S T U W Y



á·á·á aaa [ˈa.ˈa.ˈa]
interjection AAAAAA!!!
al () Sign: 4cf(in)[G] [ˈal]  audio
pronoun that, the other thing currently being talked about
1 word derived from al; 55 examples; see nouns
an Sign: 3cf(in)[G] [ˈan]  audio
pronoun this, the thing currently being talked about
1 word derived from an; 128 examples; see nouns
ant1 [ˈant]
n. pos. possession, property (irregular: proximate tan, medial tal or antel, obviate chim)
4 words derived from ant; 2 examples
ant2 Sign: ()+(sh[Fu(s)]) [ˈant]
letter nt
aun·chent  [ˈaon.ʧn̩t]  audio
prep. except, minus, but
1 example; see prepositions


chá·tu  Sign: sh[¬b(a)]>H [ˈʧæ.to]
n. squirrel
-chem  [ʧm̩]
suffix (non-productive) side
from sechaim; 4 words derived from -chem
ches-  [ʧɪ̆s]
v.t. participle of chus
from chus; 1 example; see verbs
chí () Sign: 2cf(in)[G] [ˈʧi]  audio
pronoun you (2nd person)
2 words derived from chí; 11 examples; see nouns
-chi () Sign: 2cf(in)[G] [ʧi]
suffix second-person (chí) suffix for verbal agreement and inalienable possession
from chí; 13 examples
chí·chi  [ˈʧi.ʧi]
n. bird
from onomatopoea; 1 word derived from chíchi
maus chí·chi   [ˈmaos ˈʧɨ.ʧi]
v.i. sing (as a bird, or like a bird)
chi·lau  [ʧi.ˈʎao]
n. photograph
1 word derived from chilau; 2 examples
chus chi·lau   [ˈʧʉs ʧɨ.ˈʎao]
v.i., v.t. take a photo
chim  () [ˈʧim]
belonging to yon (obviate form of ant)
from ant + -i
chín·tu  [ˈʧiɲ.tʉ]
n. music, piece of music
from onomatopoea; 2 words derived from chíntu
maus chín·tu   [ˈmaos ˈʧɨɲ.tʉ]
v.i., v.t. play music
1 example
chín·twek  [ˈʧiɲ.twᵿ̜̆k]
n. musician
from chíntu + -ek
chín·twet  [ˈʧiɲ.twᵿ̜̆t]
n. instrument
from chíntu + -et
chip  [ˈʧip]
v.t. subjunctive of tap "use"
see verbs
chíp·tu  [ˈʧip.tʉ]
n. pos. smell
chíp·ye  [ˈʧi.pjɪ̆]
n. pos. nose
lam chíp·ye   [ˈlam ˈʧe.pjɪ̆]
v.t. smell (intentionally)
chíp·ye  [ˈlu ˈʧɨ.pjɪ̆]
v.i. smell
chish  [ˈʧiʃ]
v.t. subjunctive of chus "make"
see verbs
chi·ták·su Otidaxse [ʧi.ˈtak.so]
proper noun Tydotsu (a country)
from Tydotsuy Tydotsu (or probably an older version of the language, and possibly indirectly); 1 example
chius  [ˈʧɪʉs]
direction inside, during
2 examples
chus  [ˈʧʉs]
v.t. make
1 word derived from chus; 27 examples; see verbs


-e [ə̆]
suffix diminutive, physically small, young (-we after vowels)
2 words derived from -e
e·e·e aaa [ə̆.ə̆.ə̆]
uh, um (pronounced as one long syllable; may contain extra e's)
ek- Sign: [L#F] [ə̆k]
v.t. participle of ik
from ik; see verbs
-ek [ə̆k]
suffix doer (agent; verb to noun)
3 words derived from -ek
-el1 [l̩]
suffix like, having lots of (noun to adjective)
38 words derived from -el
-el2 () Sign: 4cf(in)[G] [l̩]
suffix third-person medial (al) suffix for verbal agreement and inalienable possession
from al; 43 examples
el·se·we  [l̩.sə̆.wʊ̜̆]
adj. pitch-black (due to the absense of a light source; often used with no-subject swa) (often pronounced al-se-we)
el·se·we hú·swes  ( ) [l̩.sə̆.wʊ̜̆ ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s]
n. total solar eclipse
el·se·we me·luin  ( ) [l̩.sə̆.wʊ̜̆ ml̩ʷ.ˈlʊɨɲ]
n. total lunar eclipse
em·pík [m̩.ˈpik]
n. weather, random chance
1 example
-en Sign: 3cf(in)[G] [n̩]
suffix third-person proximate (an) suffix for verbal agreement and inalienable possession
from an; 1 word derived from -en; 139 examples
e·nán·e  [n̩.ˈna.nə̆]
n. mirror, adj. reflective (reflects light like a mirror)
intentional palendrome
lam e·nán·e   [ˈlam n̩.ˈna.nə̆]
v.t. reflect
1 example
naum e·nán·e   [ˈnaom n̩.ˈna.nə̆]
v.i. turn to face the opposite direction, (of a picture) flip/mirror
piunk e·nán·e   [ˈpɪʉŋk n̩.ˈna.nə̆]
v.t. turn to face the opposite direction, turn over (a piece of paper or similar), (of a picture) flip/mirror
-ep [ə̆p]
suffix added to nouns to form personal names
from kip "person"; 6 words derived from -ep
-es [ə̆s]
suffix (non-productive), archaic verb-forming suffix
1 word derived from -es
-et [ə̆t]
suffix doer (instrument; verb to noun)
5 words derived from -et


ha1 [ˈha]  audio
n. number
1 word derived from ha
ha2 () [ˈha]  audio
adj. red
1 word derived from ha; 6 examples
maus há·he   [ˈmaos ˈha.hə̆]
v.i., v.t. laugh
hám·pek  () [ˈham.pə̆k]
n. night
from háneng + pik; 1 example
hám·pen  () [ˈham.pn̩]
adj. red-haired
from hántlwek + puinu
há·neng  () [ˈha.nŋ̩]
adj. dark, dim (due to a weak light source, or to being in shadow; often used with no-subject swa), confusing, n. pos. shadow
2 words derived from háneng; 2 examples
lam há·neng   ( ) [ˈlam ˈha.nŋ̩]
v.t. to shade, v.i. to turn off the lights, v.t. to turn (something) off
há·neng  ( ) [ˈlu ˈha.nŋ̩]
v.i. be confused (about)
há·neng hú·swes  ( ) [ˈha.nŋ̩ ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s]
n. partial solar eclipse
há·neng me·luin  ( ) [ˈha.nŋ̩ ml̩ʷ.ˈlʊɨɲ]
n. partial lunar eclipse
hánt·lwek  () [ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k]
adj. orange
1 word derived from hántlwek; 9 examples
há·pen  () [ˈha.pn̩]
n. tree shadow, with possibly-moving bright spots where the sun shines through
from háneng + pin
hás·tu  [ˈhas.to]
n. language
7 examples
hau  [ˈhao]  audio
particle starts a number used as a noun (e.g., when talking about numbers or math)
from ha + u; see numbers
haul·em  [ˈhao.lm̩]
n. pos. sadness
haul·em  [ˈlu ˈhao.lm̩]
v.i. feel sad (about)
hau·pe  [ˈhao.pʊ̜̆]
n. opt.pos. place (can be possessed to mean "the place where this is")
2 words derived from haupe; 2 examples
hau·pe  [ˈki ˈhao.pʊ̜̆]
v.t. find
lam hau·pe   [ˈlam ˈhao.pʊ̜̆]
v.t. look for, search for
hau·pi  [ˈhao.pɨ]
particle where; the place where (turns a clause into a noun)
from haupe + hi; 1 word derived from haupi; 1 example; see sentences
hau·pu  [ˈhao.pu]
adv. where (question word)
from haupe + -u; 1 example
haus·chi  [ˈhaos.ʧɨ]
adj. slow
2 examples
hau·wi  [ˈhao.wɨ]
n. cave
maybe related to wit
he [hə̆]  audio
particle starts a cardinal number
1 word derived from he; 8 examples; see numbers
he·he·he  [hə̆.hə̆.hə̆]
interjection ha ha ha (may contain extra he's for a longer laugh)
he·lau  [hl̩.ˈlao]
adj. how many (question word)
from he + lau
he·lí·yel () [çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩]
n. sky
11 examples
hyam he·lí·yel  ( ) [ˈçæm çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩]
v.dt. throw to (with the intent that they catch it)
naum he·lí·yel  ( ) [ˈnaom çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩]
v.i. fly
piunk he·lí·yel  ( ) [ˈpɪʉŋk çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩]
v.t. throw (if used with shi + a person, means "throw at"—i.e., without intent for them to catch)
hem  [hm̩]
particle that (introduces dependent clause
9 examples; see noun clauses)
heng·út  [hŋ̩.ˈŋut]
n. pos. shout, scream
1 example
maus heng·út   [ˈmaos hŋ̩.ˈŋut]
v.i., v.t. shout, scream
5 examples
he·pá·ki·hú·hi  [hə̆p.ˈpa.ki.ˈçʉ.çɨ]
n. spectrum
from ha + pai + kíltel + húsu + híleng; 1 word derived from hepákihúhi
hes  [hə̆s]
particle that's (introduces a relative clause, implies "swa" in the relative clause)
from hi + swa; 8 examples
hi  [çi]
conj. where, when (also introduces a relative clause)
7 words derived from hi; 5 examples; see sentences
-hi  [çi]
suffix augmentative, physically large, old
hí·leng  () [ˈçi.ʎŋ̩]
adj. purple
1 word derived from híleng; 4 examples
him  Sign: ([O])+(sft(pm)[5(]) [ˈçim]
v.dt. subjunctive of hyam "give"
1 example; see verbs
hí·pep  [ˈçi.pɪ̆p]
n. field (grassy)
1 example
hí·twi  [ˈçi.twɨ]
adv. recently, adj. recent, new, young
hiu  [ˈçɪʉ]
adj. sphere
n. orb, globe
origin: made from circular letters
hu  Sign: eyt(th)[Ou(s)] [hu]
prep. experienced by, in the opinion of, from the perspective of
22 examples; see prepositions
Sign: ear[Ou(s)] [ˈhu]
letter h
hú·hu  [ˈhu.hu]
n. pos. spot, polka dot
origin: the letter for h is circular
huim  [ˈhʊɨm]
adj. neither flat-shaped nor thin-shaped; of a 2D or 3D object, having similar lengths in all dimensions
huing·es  [ˈhʊɨ.ŋɪ̆s]
n. hail
1 word derived from huinges
huing·es·el  [ˈhʊɨ.ŋɪ̆s.sl̩]
adj. hailing
from huinges + -el
hú·kyes  () [ˈhu.kjᵿ̜̆s]
adj. brown
2 words derived from húkyes; 7 examples
hú·li  [ˈhu.ʎɨ]
adj. big
1 example
hú·li·pi  [ˈhu.ʎɨ.pi]
n. size
origin: it's a relatively long word, starting with a large circle
hún·el  [ˈhu.nl̩]
n. opt.pos. house, home
5 examples
hung () [ˈhuŋ]
n. opt.pos. fruit
4 examples
hup  [ˈhup]
n. pen
hú·pen  () [ˈhu.pn̩]
adj. brown-haired
from húkyes + puinu
húp·ep  [ˈhu.pʊ̜̆p]
n. dog
from onomatopoea; 5 examples
hup hup   [ˈhup ˈhup]
ideophone woof woof
hus  [ˈhus]
ideophone sound of wind blowing
maus hus   [ˈmaos ˈhus]
v.i., v.t. whisper
hú·sek  () [ˈhu.sʊ̜̆k]
adj. brown-eyed
from húkyes + sáki
hús·tep  [ˈhus.tʊ̜̆p]
n. morning
hú·su  () [ˈhu.su]
adj. blue (#0000ff - ~#0066ff)
1 word derived from húsu; 2 examples
hú·swes () [ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s]  audio
n. sun
1 word derived from húswes; 15 examples
hú·swes·el  () [ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s.sl̩]  audio
adj. sunny
from húswes + -el; 2 examples
hwa  [ˈhwɑ]
n. pos. blood
2 examples
lam hwa   [ˈlam ˈhwɑ]
v.i. bleed
lam hwail·et   [ˈlam ˈhwɑe.ʎɪ̆t]
v.i., v.t. fight
1 example
maus hwail·et   [ˈmaos ˈhwɑe.ʎɪ̆t]
v.i., v.t. argue (in the louder, more shouty, sense; compare maus pálemp)
1 example
hwám·pek  [ˈhwɑm.pə̆k]
n., measurement year (= 290 days)
from pik; 1 example
hwant  [ˈhwɑnt]
adj. circle
origin: made from circular letters
hwau·we·yeng  [ˈhwɑo.wʊ̜̆.jŋ̩]  audio
adj. not having well-defined boundaries
(of a picture) blurry
n. an abstract blurry pattern
origin: the diphtongs and glides blur the vowels together
hwau·we·yeng  [ˈlu ˈhwɑo.wʊ̜̆.jŋ̩]
v.i. to appear blurry; to (temporarily or permanently) have bad eyesight
to confuse with (separate the objects with se)
hwel  [hwl̩]
particle starts a parenthetical aside, precedes a nonrestrictive modifier, defocuses or maus and cancels out any uncertainty they would otherwise imply (if these words are modified with a modal verb, hwel goes before the modal)
8 examples
hwi·shail·i  [hwɨ.ˈʃæe.ʎi]  audio
n. aurora
hyam  Sign: [O] [ˈçæm]
v.dt. give
1 word derived from hyam; 5 examples; see verbs
hyáng·u  Sign: ey[Su(sf)]>H [ˈçæ.ŋu]  audio
n. map
the phrase hu hyangu is used with directions up, down, left, right to form the directions west, east, south, and north, respectively (because the people in this world traditionally draw their maps with the west up)
4 examples
hye·lwait  [çl̩ʷ.ˈlʷɑet]
adj. glowing
from hyem- + lwait
hyem-  Sign: [O] [çm̩]
participle of hyam
from hyam; 1 word derived from hyem-; 6 examples; see verbs


í 1 () Sign: [G] [ˈi]  audio
number part 1
3 words derived from í; 6 examples; see numbers
-i () Sign: 5cf(in)[G] [i]
suffix third-person obviate (im) suffix for verbal agreement and inalienable possession. Also takes the forms -m and -im after certain verbs.
from im; 1 word derived from -i; 36 examples
ie  [iɪ̆]
interjection ew
í·he  [ˈi.çɪ̆]
adj. plural (optional, not used with numbers); also can take various adjective forms in comparisons of number (e.g., mal íhe "somewhat plural" = a few; súshlites íhe "pluraler" = more; ihíhe derives from íhe íhe)
2 words derived from íhe; 7 examples
i·hí·he  [i.ˈçi.çɪ̆]
adj. many
from íhe + íhe; 3 examples
ik Sign: [L#F] [ˈik]
v.t. be gotten
1 word derived from ik; 4 examples; see verbs
í·ku  [ˈi.kʉ]
adv. inferential evidential
1 word derived from íku
í·ku  [ˈki ˈi.kʉ]
v.t. figure out
í·ku  [ˈlu ˈi.kʉ]
v.i. seem (from other evidence), inferrential evidential
í·ku·tes  [ˈi.kʉ.tʊ̜̆s]
adad. inferential evidential
from íku + -tes
il [ˈiʎ]
adj., adv. possible (used for epistemic possibility)
1 word derived from il; 1 example
íl·u  [ˈi.ʎʉ]
n. building, structure
3 examples
chus íl·u   [ˈʧʉs ˈi.ʎʉ]
v.t. build
1 example
íl·u pe·tú  [ˈi.ʎʉ pʊ̜̆t.ˈtu]
n. tower
im () Sign: 5cf(in)[G] [ˈim]  audio
pronoun yon, something other than an and al
1 word derived from im; 8 examples; see nouns
imp Sign: ()+(b[Yu(a)]) [ˈimp]
letter mp
ím·pi  [ˈim.pi]
v.s. subjunctive of úmpu "can't"
from un- + pau; 1 word derived from ímpi; see verbs
ím·pi·nge  [ˈim.pi.ŋɪ̆]
v.s. subjunctive of úmpu
from ímpi + -nge; see verbs
í·ne·ku 12 () [ˈi.ɲɪ̆k.ku]
adj. regular octahedron
from í + na + kwau
íng·el  [ˈi.ŋl̩]
adj., adv. likely
2 words derived from íngel
íng·el·pi  [ˈi.ŋl̩.pi]
n. probability
from íngel + -pi
i·nún  [i.ˈɲʉn]
n. opt.pos. branch, stem, twig
1 example
í·pu  [ˈi.pʉ]
adj. last; adv. for the last time
derives from ípwenk
í·pwe·chem  () [ˈi.pwᵿ̜̆ʧ.ʧm̩]
direction right
from ípwenk + -chem; 1 example
í·pwenk () [ˈi.pwŋ̩k]
direction late, beyond; adv. after the time currently talked about
5 words derived from ípwenk; 4 examples
í·pwe·temp  () [ˈi.pwᵿ̜̆t.tm̩p]
direction, adv. clockwise
from ípwenk + -temp
í·pwe·tes  () [ˈi.pwᵿ̜̆t.tə̆s]
adad. -to-be
from ípwenk + -tes
ish [ˈiʃ]  audio
prep. each (in the sense that many items are considered separately; does not include the meaning of "all" as much as English seems to), per
1 word derived from ish; 2 examples
í·she  [ˈi.ʃɪ̆]
conj. and respectively
ísh·el  [ˈi.ʃl̩]
adj. separately
from ish + -el
i·túp () [i.ˈtup]
direction up
1 word derived from itúp; 3 examples
piunk i·túp  ( ) [ˈpɪʉŋk i.ˈtup]
v.t. lift, pick up
naum i·túp·shi   [ˈnaom i.ˈtup.ʃɨ]
v.i. jump
related to itúp; 2 examples
iu·keyl  [ˈɪʉ.kʎ̩]
adj. light (describes color of a light-absorbing object)
1 example
iung·ku 10 () [ˈɪʉŋ.ku]
adj. cube
from í + un + kwau


ká·he·lu caharu [ˈkɜ.hl̩ʷ.lu]
n. opt.pos. king (especially of Puinⱥtimcel; may be possessed with country)
from Súiⱥcúili caharun
ká·hi·lu cahiru [ˈkɜ.çe.ʎʉ]
n. opt.pos. prince (especially of Puinⱥtimcel; may be possessed with country)
from Súiⱥcúili cahirun
kail  [ˈkɜeʎ]
adj. paternal (relative) (from káli -el → ka·lely → kaly → kail)
from káli + -el
kaim  [ˈkɜem]
n. drink
1 word derived from kaim
kaim·yet  [ˈkɜe.mjɪ̆t]
n. pos. thirst
from kaim + -yet
kaim·yet  [ˈlu ˈkɜe.mjɪ̆t]
v.i. feel thirsty (optional subject: thirsty for what?)
kaing·kwes  [ˈkɜeŋ.kwᵿ̜̆s]
n. pos. attempt
2 examples
lam kaing·kwes   [ˈlam ˈkɜeŋ.kwᵿ̜̆s]
v.t. try, try to make (takes a hem clause)
2 examples
las kaing·kwes   [ˈlas ˈkɜeŋ.kwᵿ̜̆s]
v.i., v.t. give up, surrender
kai·tu  [ˈkɜe.tʉ]
n. opt.pos. color; when talking about a color as a noun, use this word ('red color is my favorite color' instead of 'red is my favorite color')
14 examples
kal1  [ˈkɜl]
adj. foggy
from kále "fog" + -el adjective forming suffix → kal·e·el, vowels combine to form kal·el, l's combine to form kal)
kal2  [ˈkɜl]  audio
adj., adv., direction away, not here interjection go away!
3 words derived from kal; 6 examples
kál·chem  [ˈkɜl.ʧm̩]
direction backward
from kal + -chem
kál·e  [ˈkɜ.lə̆]
n. fog
1 word derived from kále
ká·li  [ˈkɜ.ʎe]
n. pos. dad
2 words derived from káli; 2 examples
kál·kel  [ˈkɜl.kl̩]
adj., n. far away (use with hu)
from reduplication of kal; 1 example
kám·pi  [ˈkɜm.pe]
n. autumn/fall
1 example
kan  [ˈkɜn]
adj. polygon, measurement n-gon (e.g., kan pin = quadrilateral, kan = pentagon)
kánt·e  [ˈkɜn.tə̆]
adj. sitting, n. chair
3 examples
naum kánt·e   [ˈnaom ˈkɜn.tə̆]
v.i. sit down, sit up
piunk kánt·e   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈkɜn.tə̆]
v.t. put down
kán·yen  [ˈkɜ.ɲn̩]  audio
interjection danger, caution
1 word derived from kányen
pau kán·yen   [ˈpao ˈkɜ.ɲn̩]
v.s. dangerous, can't safely
kán·yen·el  [ˈkɜ.ɲn̩.nl̩]
adj. dangerous
from kányen + -el
kat () Sign: [Gu(a)]h [ˈkɜt]  audio
pronoun inclusive we/us (1st person, including second person)
from + chí; 1 word derived from kat; 4 examples; see nouns
kaus  [ˈkɜos]
n. pos. pet
3 examples
kel  [kl̩]
prep. from, starting at (a time), used to form comparatives; when used as "from", can be followed by another preposition except pe
related to kal; 3 words derived from kel; 16 examples; see prepositions
kel·ím  [kʎ̩.ˈʎim]
n. background
1 word derived from kelím; 1 example
kel·ím·el  [kʎ̩.ˈʎi.ml̩]
adj. shy, introverted
from kelím + -el; 1 example
-ket () Sign: [Gu(a)]h [kᵻ̆t]
suffix first-person inclusive (kat) suffix for verbal agreement and inalienable possession
from kat; 1 word derived from -ket; 3 examples
ki- Sign: [L#F] [ki]
v.t. participle of
from ; see verbs
Sign: [L#F] [ˈki]
v.t. get
1 word derived from ; 13 examples; see verbs
kíl·tel  () [ˈkiʎ.tl̩]
adj. light green
2 words derived from kíltel; 5 examples
kíl·te·sek  () [ˈkiʎ.tɪ̆s.sə̆k]
adj. green-eyed
from kíltel + sáki
kí·lu  () [ˈki.ʎʉ]
adj. cyan; during the day with clear sky
1 word derived from kílu; 9 examples
kí·lu·sek  () [ˈki.ʎʉ.sʊ̜̆k]
adj. blue-eyed
from kílu + sáki
kip  [ˈkip]
n. person, being, individual animal
derived from kípelw, then took on extra meanings; 2 words derived from kip; 10 examples
kí·pelw  [ˈki.pl̩ʷ]
n. human
1 word derived from kípelw; 1 example
maus kish   [ˈmaos ˈkɨʃ]
v.t. answer, say (what something is...)
2 examples
kius·teng  [ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩]
n. pos. knowledge (to my knowledge would be "using my knowledge")
2 words derived from kiusteng; 4 examples
hyam kius·teng   [ˈçæm ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩]
v.dt., v.t. teach
kius·teng  [ˈki ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩]
v.t. learn
2 examples
kius·teng  [ˈlu ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩]
v.i. know (a fact)
3 examples
maus kius·teng   [ˈmaos ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩]
v.t. teach (a specific fact)
pau kius·teng   [ˈpao ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩]
v.s. know how
chus kius·teng   [ˈʧʉs ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩]
v.t. figure out, discover (a fact, with intent)
kius·teng·el  [ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩.ŋl̩]
adj. knowledgeable (indicate area of knowledge with naustwi or te)
from kiusteng + -el; 1 word derived from kiustengel
kí·yek  [ˈki.jɪ̆k]
adj. rectangle; n. swear word (also sometimes "black rectangle word"); interjection a mild swear word, like darn (as an interjection, often written as █████)
origin: the letter k has a right angle; two of them together look like a rectangle
1 () Sign: ct(in)[G] [ˈku]  audio
pronoun I/me (1st person, excluding second person)
2 words derived from ; 15 examples; see nouns
2 Sign: ear[Lu(a)] [ˈku]  audio
letter k
1 word derived from
-ku () Sign: ct(in)[G] [ku]
suffix first-persion exclusive () suffix for verbal agreement and inalienable possession
from ; 47 examples
kuk  [ˈkuk]
adj. square
origin: the letter k has a right angle; two of them together look like a rectangle; 1 word derived from kuk
kúk·el  [ˈku.kl̩]
adj. squareish; made of right angles and straight lines, like the numbers on a calculator
adj. right (of a triangle or angle)
from kuk + -el
ku·kú  [ku.ˈku]
direction parallel, alongside (use with pe, tem, lenk, paskel), adj. (of two objects) parallel
origin: the letter for k has a vertical part, and there are two of them together, parallel to each other
kúl·wenk  [ˈku.lʷŋ̩k]
adj. different
kúl·wenk  [ˈlu ˈku.lʷŋ̩k]
v.i. distinguish, tell apart
1 example
ku·ník  [ku.ˈɲɨk]
n. cliff
kú·senk  [ˈku.sŋ̩k]
adj. dead (use with na for die), destroyed
1 example
kwá·he·lu cúaharu [ˈkwɑ.hl̩ʷ.lu]
n. opt.pos. queen (especially of Puinⱥtimcel; may be possessed with country)
from Súiⱥcúili cúaharun
kwá·hi·lu cúahiru [ˈkwɑ.çe.ʎʉ]
n. opt.pos. princess (especially of Puinⱥtimcel; may be possessed with country)
from Súiⱥcúili cúahirun
kwál·sem  [ˈlu ˈkwɑl.sm̩]
v.i. understand, speak (a language), know one's way around (a place)
5 examples
kwau  [ˈkwɑo]
adj. polyhedron
5 words derived from kwau
kwe  [kwʊ̜̆]
prep. marks the direct object of a sentence when needed for disambiguation
see verbs
kwiu  [ˈkwᵻʉ]
n. mermaid (gweu)
from Lìòa 'e Gweú gweú
kyau·sweyl  [ˈkjæo.swʎ̩]
n. tar
1 example
kyes·tán·ek  [kjɪ̆s.ˈta.nə̆k]
n. opt.pos. teacher (usually possessed)
from kiusteng + -ek; 3 examples


la [ˈla]
n. path, option
direction on a path
adj. normal, typical, what everyone else does
origin: the finger spelling sign points forward; 1 word derived from la
lam la  [ˈlam ˈla]
v.i. do what everyone else does
lá·ku  [ˈla.ku]
adj. horizontal front-and-back
1 word derived from láku
lá·ku·tes  [ˈla.ku.tʊ̜̆s]
adad. horizontally font-and-back
from láku + -tes
lá·kwe  [ˈla.kwʊ̜̆]
n. pos. friend, (of a book) character on the protagonist's side
3 examples
lá·kwe  [ˈki ˈla.kwʊ̜̆]
v.t. befriend
lá·le·le  [ˈla.ll̩.lə̆]
adj. too much
2 words derived from lálele
lá·le·le·tes  [ˈla.ll̩.lə̆t.tə̆s]
adad. too (alternate form of láletes)
from lálele + -tes
lá·le·tes  [ˈla.lə̆t.tə̆s]
adad. too (used with man or meníhe for "not enough")
from lálele + -tes; 1 example
lál·wen  [ˈla.lʷn̩]
adj. good (moral)
lam  [ˈlam]
v.i., v.t. do
3 words derived from lam; 17 examples; see verbs
piunk lank   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈlaŋk]
v.t. push
1 word derived from piunk lánk
lánk·em  [ˈlaŋ.km̩]
n., adv. tomorrow, adj. next (for both definitions, can specify the point of comparison with hu and can use with an ordinal number)
related to link and piunk lánk; 1 word derived from lánkem; 2 examples
lánk·ep  [ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̆p]
n. pos. neighbor
from lánkem + -ep; 5 examples
lán·te  [ˈlan.tə̆]
prep. for (benefactive; used when te would be ambiguous and disambiguation is necessary)
from lam + te; see prepositions
lá·pwe  [ˈla.pwʊ̜̆]
n. paint
chus lá·pwe   [ˈʧʉs ˈla.pwʊ̜̆]
v.i., v.t. paint
las1  [ˈlas]  audio
adv., adj., adad. no longer, not anymore (placed before the word it modifies, or as the second word of a verb phrase)
clipping to láspep; 2 examples
las2  [ˈlas]  audio
clipping of láspep; 9 examples; see verbs
lás·pep1  [ˈlas.pə̆p]
adj. still (unmoving)
2 words derived from láspep; 1 example
lás·pep2  [ˈlas.pə̆p]
n. pos. end (temporal)
5 examples
lam lás·pep   [ˈlam ˈlas.pə̆p]
v.i. wait (with shi = wait for)
1 example
naum lás·pep   [ˈnaom ˈlas.pə̆p]
v.i. stop moving
piunk lás·pep   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈlas.pə̆p]
v.t. stop (something from moving)
lat  [ˈlat]
adj. medium-sized, medium amount, some
3 examples
lau  [ˈlao]
det. what (question word, implicitly proximate unless a demonstrative is used)
6 words derived from lau; 4 examples
lauk  [ˈlaok]
det. who (question word, implicitly proximate unless a demonstrative is used)
from lau "what" + kip "person"
laul  [ˈlaol]
n. thing, object (usually noun phrases without an explicit noun are used instead), whatchamacallit
from lau + -el
lau·mes  [ˈlao.mʊ̜̆s]  audio
particle what did you say? (question word; can replace any part of a sentence)
from lau + maus; 1 example
lau·nge  [ˈlao.ŋʊ̜̆]
det. which (also used before "or" phrases one is asking about) (question word, implicitly proximate unless a demonstrative is used)
from lau + -nge; 2 examples
lau·tes  [ˈlao.tʊ̜̆s]
adad. how
from lau + -tes
maus lau·twe   [ˈmaos ˈlao.twʊ̜̆]
v.t. ask
1 example
lá·wet  [ˈla.wʊ̜̆t]
adj. underground, n. basement, tunnel, burrow, hole (in the ground)
from la + wit
lam lá·wet   [ˈlam ˈla.wʊ̜̆t]
v.i., v.t. dig
naum lá·wet   [ˈnaom ˈla.wʊ̜̆t]
v.i. go underground
piunk lá·wet   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈla.wʊ̜̆t]
v.t. bury
le·kaul () [lə̆k.ˈkɜol]  audio
n. cloud
1 word derived from lekaul
le·kaul·e  () [lə̆k.ˈkɜo.lʊ̜̆]  audio
adj. cloudy
from lekaul + -el
lem-  [lm̩]
participle of lam
from lam; 13 examples; see verbs
len·aung·kenk  [ln̩.ˈnaoŋ.kʊ̜̆ŋk]
adj. well-behaved
1 example
lenk  Sign: (XC[Ñu(a)]sh)+(sh[Su(a)]) [lŋ̩k]
prep. beside, with, next to (indicates activities done together)
related to link; 10 examples; see prepositions
lenk ún·i  1 ( ) [lŋ̩k ˈu.ɲɨ]
phrase alone, by oneself
1 Sign: ([Ñ])+(sft(pm)[5(]) [ˈʎi]
v.i. subjunctive of "perceive"
7 examples; see verbs
2 Sign: b[Ñu(s)] [ˈʎi]
letter l
lí·kel·pwe  [ˈlu ˈʎi.kl̩.pwʊ̜̆]
v.i. suspect, feel (belief) (used with the subjunctive often)
1 example
lil  [ˈʎiʎ]
adad. indicates that the specified adjective (especially a number) applies to the type of the noun
1 word derived from lil; 1 example
líl·pi  [ˈʎiʎ.pi]
n. pos. type
from lil + -pi
lim  [ˈʎim]
v.i., v.t. subjunctive of lam "do"
1 example; see verbs
ling  [ˈʎiŋ]
adj. thin-shaped; of a 2D or 3D object, much longer in one dimension than others, like a string or a line
nius·pe  [ˈʎi ˈɲɪʉs.pʊ̜̆]
v. idiom I wish you to be happy (about), goodbye (only has these meanings when it's in an independent clause, otherwise it's just normal subjunctive)
adj., n. close, near (use with hu)
3 words derived from link; 2 examples
lín·tes  [ˈʎiɲ.tɪ̆s]
adad. almost, nearly (link -tes)
from link + -tes; 1 example
li·pwí·ye  [ʎi.ˈpwɨ.jɪ̆]
n. traveler, tourist, visitor
2 examples
naum li·pwí·ye   [ˈnaom ʎi.ˈpwɨ.jɪ̆]
v.i. to travel, to visit
lish  [ˈʎiʃ]
subjunctive of las "stop"
see verbs
liul  () [ˈʎɪʉl]
adj. pleasant smelling
from liup + -el
lium·i  [ˈʎɪʉ.mɨ]
n. spring
related to liup
liup () [ˈʎɪʉp]
n. opt.pos. flower
2 words derived from liup; 1 example
lí·we  [ˈʎi.wᵿ̜̆]
adj. short-lived, (of an amount of time) short
adj. (of a manmade object) poorly-made
adj. (of a human) died young
adv. for a short period of time
lu- Sign: ] [lu]
v.i. participle of
from ; 5 examples; see verbs
1 Sign: ] [ˈlu]  audio
v.i. see, perceive
2 words derived from ; 61 examples; see verbs
2 5 () Sign: [5] [ˈlu]  audio
number part 5
clipping of lúmi; 1 word derived from ; 2 examples; see numbers
lui·tu  [ˈlʊɨ.tʉ]
n. pos. name, n. word
6 examples
hyam lui·tu   [ˈçæm ˈlʊɨ.tʉ]
v.dt. call (i.e., use a name for), v.dt., v.t. name (with kel: name after)
2 examples
lú·kek  [ˈlu.kʊ̜̆k]
adj. deceptive, liar
maus lú·kek   [ˈmaos ˈlu.kʊ̜̆k]
v.i., v.t. lie, deceive; not generally used for logic puzzles, rather maus an umpikwa (say false things) is used
lú·lek  [ˈlu.lʊ̜̆k]
n. pos. foot
naum lú·lek   [ˈnaom ˈlu.lʊ̜̆k]
v.i. walk
2 examples
lú·li 5 () [ˈlu.ʎɨ]  audio
number part 60,466,176 (610), or any number around 60,466,176–2,176,782,336
from + lya; see numbers
lúm·i () [ˈlu.mɨ]
n. pos. hand
2 words derived from lúmi
maus lúm·i  ( ) [ˈmaos ˈlu.mɨ]
v.i., v.t. sign (use sign language)
lún·twel  [ˈlun.twl̩]
n. gold, adj. golden
1 example
lú·pi  [ˈlu.pɨ]
n. emotion
from + -pi; 1 word derived from lúpi
lu·piu  [lu.ˈpɪʉ]  audio
adv. how do you feel (about) (question word)
from lúpi + -u; 1 example
lús·em  [ˈlu.sm̩]
n. winter
1 example
lu·tain () [lu.ˈtaeɲ]
n. snow (in the air), snowflake
1 word derived from lutain
lu·tain·el  () [lu.ˈtae.ɲl̩]
adj. snowy (snow falling down)
from lutain + -el
lwai·pek  [ˈlʷɑe.pɪ̆k]
n., measurement day
from lwait + pik; 2 examples
lwait  [ˈlʷɑet]  audio
adj. light (due to strong light source; often used with no-subject swa), n. light (photons, not lamps), adj. clear (not confusing); proper noun the country in which this language is used
4 words derived from lwait; 3 examples
hyam lwait   [ˈçæm ˈlʷɑet]
v.i., v.t. to light up, v.i. to shine, to turn on a light, v.t. to turn (something) on
8 examples
lwait·el  [ˈlʷɑe.tl̩]  audio
n. lwaitel (the language), n., adj. person who lives in or comes from Lwait
from lwait + -el; 3 examples
lwáng·elw  [ˈlʷɑ.ŋl̩ʷ]
adj. windy
from lwángu + -el
lwáng·u  [ˈlʷɑ.ŋu]
n. wind
1 word derived from lwángu; 3 examples
piunk lwáng·u   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈlʷɑ.ŋu]
v.t., v.i. blow
2 examples
lwant  [ˈlʷɑnt]
prep. with possession; used with swa for the equivalent of to have
from lwe + ant
lwán·u  [ˈlu ˈlʷɑ.no]
v.i. agree (with), support (if the object is a sentence, it uses the indicative)
maus lwán·u   [ˈmaos ˈlʷɑ.no]
v.i. agree (with), support (if the object is a sentence, it uses the indicative)
1 example
lwe  [lʷʊ̜̆]  audio
prep. with, having (takes a possessed noun, which doesn't mark possession)
2 words derived from lwe; 5 examples
lwe-  [lʷʊ̜̆]
prefix opposite relation (of a possessive noun; e.g., property → owner)
lwe ha  [lʷʊ̜̆ ˈha]  audio
prep. number
see numbers
lwe ku·kú kai·tu    [lʷʊ̜̆ ku.ˈku ˈkɜe.tʉ]
prepositional phrase striped
lwe·pe  [lʷʊ̜̆p.pə̆]
prep. with (for parts of an object that would use pe)
from lwe + pe; see prepositions
lya  [ˈʎa]  audio
number part 36 (62), or any number around 36–1296
6 words derived from lya; see numbers
lyá·li  [ˈʎa.ʎe]  audio
number part 2,176,782,336 (612), or any number larger than around that
from lya + lya; see numbers
lyau  [ˈʎao]
adj. rectangular prism (box shape)
adj. prism (geometry; used with a 2D shape)


mai  Sign: [O] [ˈmae]
v.dt. be given (inverse voice of hyam "give")
1 word derived from mai; see verbs
mai·ku  [ˈmae.kʉ]
n. table
1 example
maim·u  [ˈmae.mʉ]
adv., n. now, adj. current; refers to the time when this is said, rather than the time currently discussed; when making something to read later, maimu hu and maimu hu chí can be used to distinguish time of writing and time of reading
5 examples
mal  [ˈmal]
v.i., v.t. inverse of lam "do"
1 word derived from mal; 6 examples; see verbs
mál·i  [ˈma.ʎe]
adj. enough, the right amount, n. amount
1 word derived from máli; 2 examples
mál·i·tes  [ˈma.ʎe.tɪ̆s]
adad. enough (modifies adjectives), so, such
from máli + -tes; 2 examples
mál·ni  [ˈmaʎ.ɲe]
adj. lying, landscape-orientation
1 word derived from málni
naum mál·ni   [ˈnaom ˈmaʎ.ɲe]
v.i. lie down
mál·ni·tes  [ˈmaʎ.ɲe.tɪ̆s]
adad. horizontally
from málni + -tes
mám·elw  [ˈma.ml̩ʷ]
adj. important, valuable
1 example
man  [ˈman]
adv., adj., adad. kind of, not very (placed directly before the word it modifies (the second word in a phrasal verb); can indicate degree, or something that resembles but isn't quite what is specified)
1 word derived from man; 4 examples
mau·lu  [ˈmao.lu]  audio
n. sunset, sunrise, slow change
2 examples
lam mau·lu   [ˈlam ˈmao.lu]
v.i. change slowly
v.s. slowly become
maum·enk  [ˈmao.mŋ̩k]
adv. please
1 example
maus maum·enk   [ˈmaos ˈmao.mŋ̩k]
v.t. request
1 example
maus  Sign: [S#5(] [ˈmaos]
v.i., v.t. say, write, communicate
3 words derived from maus; 42 examples; see verbs
me·kás·lu  [mə̆k.ˈkɜs.lo]
n. night past midnight
me·kyel·ál·wep  [mə̆k.kjl̩.ˈla.lʷʊ̜̆p]
adv. with difficulty
origin: it's a long, somewhat difficult word; 1 example
pau me·kyel·ál·wep   [ˈpao mə̆k.kjl̩.ˈla.lʷʊ̜̆p]
v.s. difficult
mel-  [ml̩]
participle of mal
from mal; 3 examples; see verbs
me·luin () [ml̩ʷ.ˈlʊɨɲ]
n. moon
men·í·he  [mɲ̩.ˈɲi.çɪ̆]
adj. a few, a little, a bit, adv. a few times
from man + íhe
men·íl  [mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ]
adj. line, line-shaped
2 examples
men·íl swet   [mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ swᵿ̜̆t]
phrase outline
me·píng [mə̆p.ˈpiŋ]
adj. dark (describes color of a light-absorbing object)
2 examples
mes-  Sign: [S#5(] [mə̆s]
v.i. participle of maus
from maus; 1 word derived from mes-; 3 examples; see verbs
mes·chí·chi  [mə̆s.ˈʧi.ʧi]
n. birdsong
from mes- + chíchi
me·sú·wek  [ˈlu mə̆s.ˈsu.wʊ̜̆k]
v.i. be familiar with, know (a person), have been to (a place), have studied (a subject), have read/watched (a book/play/movie/etc.), have worked at (a job)
2 examples
mi-  [mi]
v.dt. participle of mai
from mai; 1 example; see verbs
1  Sign: ([O])+(sft(pm)[5(]) [ˈmi]
v.dt. inverse subjunctive of hyam "give"
see verbs
2 Sign: b[Su(a)] [ˈmi]
letter m
mi·hím  [mi.ˈçim]
v.dt. subjunctive of mihyám "give each other"
see verbs
mi·hyám  [mi.ˈçæm]
v.dt. give each other
1 word derived from mihyám; 2 examples; see verbs
mi·hyám·el  [mi.ˈçæ.ml̩]
adj., adv. mutual, reciprocal, adv. each other, back and forth
from mihyám + -el
mil  [ˈmiʎ]
v.i., v.t. inverse subjunctive of lam "do"
1 example; see verbs
mi·mún  [mi.ˈmun]
adv. not yet
1 word derived from mimún
mi·mún·tes  [mi.ˈmun.tʊ̜̆s]
adad. not yet
from mimún + -tes
mín·teng  [ˈmiɲ.tŋ̩]
n. pos. nostalgia
mín·teng  [ˈlu ˈmiɲ.tŋ̩]
v.i. miss, experience nostalgia
mip  [ˈmip]  audio
divided by
see numbers
mi·púl·i  [mi.ˈpu.ʎɨ]
n. soil
1 example
mi·pús  [mi.ˈpus]
n. part, episode (possessed noun); fraction (possessable)
mí·shelw () [ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ]
direction down
7 examples
naum mí·shelw  ( ) [ˈnaom ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ]
v.i. fall
piunk mí·shelw  ( ) [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ]
v.t. drop
mísh·les  [ˈmiʃ.ʎɪ̆s]
adj. old
mi·shút  [mi.ˈʃʉt]
n. pos. skin
1 example
miul  [ˈmɪʉl]
n. pos. topic; used with lwe to mean "about"
1 example
miul·sek  [ˈmɪʉl.sʊ̜̆k]
n. pos. anger
1 example
miul·sek  [ˈlu ˈmɪʉl.sʊ̜̆k]
v.i. feel angry (about)
miun·twes  [ˈmɪʉn.twʊ̜̆s]
n. afternoon
mius  Sign: ([S#5(])+(sft(pm)[5(]) [ˈmɪʉs]
v.i., v.t. subjunctive of maus "say"
1 example; see verbs
miu·we  [ˈmɪʉ.wʊ̜̆]
n. ball
1 example
mu  [mu]
particle starts a quotation
16 examples
mú·ke  [ˈmu.kʊ̜̆]
n. pos. hunger
mú·ke  [ˈlu ˈmu.kʊ̜̆]
v.i. feel hungry (optional subject: hungry for what?)
múm·el  [ˈmu.ml̩]
adj. yummy, tasty
from múmwe + -el
múm·et  [ˈmu.mʊ̜̆t]
n. pos. tooth
múm·ngáng·líl  [ˈmum.ˈŋɜŋ.ˈʎiʎ]  audio
interjection I'm serious; I'm serious, stop it; danger (used to indicate that one is talking seriously about real life, in cases where they might otherwise be talking in-character or non-seriously; it's illegal to use this in works of fiction; certain actions are illegal after someone else involved says this word)
múm·we  [ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
n. food
2 words derived from múmwe; 5 examples
lam múm·we   [ˈlam ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
v.t. eat
1 example
maus múm·we   [ˈmaos ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
v.i., v.t. talk/say with one's mouth full
múm·wel  [ˈmu.mwl̩]
adj. yummy, tasty
from múmwe + -el
mun  [ˈmun]  audio
v.i. don't (prohibitative)
from lam + úni; 2 examples; see verbs: imperative
múng·i  [ˈmu.ŋɨ]
adj., adv., adad. sometimes, habitually (does not specify how often)
1 example
mu·nínt  [mu.ˈɲɨɲt]
adj. together, united
1 example
naum mu·nínt   [ˈnaom mu.ˈɲɨɲt]
v.i. come together, unite
piunk mu·nínt   [ˈpɪʉŋk mu.ˈɲɨɲt]
v.t. bring together, unite, gather
mún·u  [ˈmu.nu]
n. summer
lam mu·súm   [ˈlam mu.ˈsum]
v.t. feel (intentionally, physically)
mu·súm  [ˈlu mu.ˈsum]
v.i. feel (physical)
1 word derived from lú musúm
piunk mu·súm   [ˈpɪʉŋk mu.ˈsum]
v.t. touch
1 example
mu·súm·pi  [mu.ˈsum.pɨ]
n. feeling (physical)
from musúm + -pi
mú·wenk  [ˈmu.wŋ̩k]
adj. empty, n. space (not outer space)
mwí·mi  [ˈmwɨ.mi]
n. wheel
from sound symbolism
naum mwí·mi   [ˈnaom ˈmwɨ.mi]
v.i. roll
1 example
myau () Sign: mt[F]XBgt;H [ˈmjæo]  audio
n. cat; ideophone meow
from onomatopoea; 52 examples


na1 2 () Sign: [V] [ˈna]  audio
number part 2
5 words derived from na; 3 examples; see numbers
na2 Sign: sh[Vu(a)] [ˈna]  audio
letter n
na3 [ˈna]  audio
become, start
9 examples; see verbs
nai·shi  () [ˈnae.ʃi]
n. volcano
from naiyu + shai
nai·yu () [ˈnae.jʉ]
n. fire, adj. burning
1 word derived from naiyu; 3 examples
chus nai·yu  ( ) [ˈʧʉs ˈnae.jʉ]
v.t. burn
nál·ent  () [ˈna.ln̩t]
n. cloak, blanket
from nálken + -et; 4 examples
nál·ken () [ˈnal.kn̩]
adj. hot
1 word derived from nálken; 3 examples
nál·ken ( ) [ˈlu ˈnal.kn̩]
v.i. feel hot (no subject or the thing that feels hot as the subject)
nál·wen  [ˈna.lʷn̩]
n. world, universe; can mean "the whole world", can refer to fictional universes and parallel universes
2 words derived from nálwen; 6 examples
nál·wen·el  [ˈna.lʷn̩.nl̩]
adj. in-universe, Watsonian
from nálwen + -el
nál·weng·ket  () [ˈna.lʷŋ̩.kᵻ̆t]  audio
proper noun Sasaro
from nálwen + -ket
ná·ne  [ˈna.nə̆]
n. song
from onomatopoea/use of na as a nonsense syllable in singing
maus ná·ne   [ˈmaos ˈna.nə̆]
v.i., v.t. sing
1 example
ná·pwi 2 () [ˈna.pwɨ]
n. pair, twin
from na + pwí
nás·ke  [ˈnas.kᵻ̆]
n. pos. fear
nás·ke  [ˈlu ˈnas.kᵻ̆]
v.i. fear, fear that (sentence with subjunctive) will happen, be afraid
nat  [ˈnat]
adj. horizontal left-and-right
1 word derived from nat
nát·tes  [ˈna.tə̆s]
adad. horizontally left-and-right
from nat + -tes
naum  Sign: [G#Pv(a)] [ˈnaom]
v.i. go, move
5 words derived from naum; 46 examples; see verbs
naum·let  [ˈnaom.lʊ̜̆t]
n. TV
from naumlu + -et
naum·lu  [ˈnaom.lu]
n. video, movie, TV show
from naum + chilau; 1 word derived from naumlu
naum·yet  [ˈnao.mjᵿ̜̆t]
n. pos. desire to excersize
from naum + -yet
naum·yet  [ˈlu ˈnao.mjᵿ̜̆t]
v.i. desire excersize (no subject)
naun·chem  [ˈnaon.ʧm̩]
direction forward
from naum + -chem
naung·e  [ˈnao.ŋʊ̜̆]
v. special form of naum for describing paths/lines
from naum + -nge; 1 example; see verbs
naung·ku 20 () [ˈnaoŋ.ku]
adj. regular dodecahedron
from na + un + kwau
nau·pes  [ˈnao.pʊ̜̆s]
adv. easily
pau nau·pes   [ˈpao ˈnao.pʊ̜̆s]
v.s. easy
naus·twet  [ˈnaos.twʊ̜̆t]
n. purpose
1 word derived from naustwet
naus·twi  [ˈnaos.twɨ]
conj. for the purpose of (takes a whole clause; the clause is in the subjunctive if the subjunctive is being used and the purpose is not known to have been achieved; for nouns, use te instead)
from naustwet + hi; 3 examples
nau·yes  [ˈnao.jᵿ̜̆s]
n. dew
1 word derived from nauyes
nau·yes·el  [ˈnao.jᵿ̜̆s.sl̩]
adj. with dew on the ground
from nauyes + -el
ne- [nə̆]
prefix something similar to but not quite (before a vowel: nel-)
from nel; 1 word derived from ne-
nel  [nl̩]
prep. like, similar to, adad. sort of
1 word derived from nel; 1 example; see prepositions
nem-  Sign: [G#Pv(a)] [nm̩]
v.i. participle of naum
from naum; 1 example; see verbs
ne·pú () [nə̆p.ˈpu]
adj. asleep (sleep: use with swa; fall asleep: used with na)
1 word derived from nepú; 1 example
ne·pú·yet  () [nə̆p.ˈpu.jᵿ̜̆t]
n. pos. sleepiness
from nepú + -yet
ne·pú·yet  ( ) [ˈlu nə̆p.ˈpu.jᵿ̜̆t]
v.i. feel sleepy (no subject)
1 example
las nes·kíl   [ˈlas nə̆s.ˈkiʎ]
v.s. prevent, keep from happening, get in the way of
1 example
ne·wím·pelw  [nə̆.ˈwɨm.pl̩ʷ]
adj. frosty (can be used with no subject)
from newímpu + -el
ne·wím·pu  [nə̆.ˈwɨm.pʉ]
n. frost
from ne- + wímpu; 1 word derived from newímpu
nga [ˈŋɜ]  audio
det. any, some, in general (used when making generalizations, in questions, and negative statements)
4 words derived from nga; 12 examples
ngail  [ˈŋɜeʎ]
adj. hidden
naum ngail   [ˈnaom ˈŋɜeʎ]
v.i. hide
piunk ngail   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈŋɜeʎ]
v.t. hide
ngal  [ˈŋɜl]
adj. typical
from nga + -el; 2 words derived from ngal
ngál·set  [ˈŋɜl.sə̆t]
n. plain (geography)
adj. flat (of land), lacking hills or mountains
adj. calm (of a body of water), without obvious waves
related to ngal; 1 example
ngál·tes  [ˈŋɜl.tə̆s]
adad. within the typical range
from ngal + -tes
ngaus·u () [ˈŋɜo.su]
det. any (free choice), n. choice, fork in the road, n. pos. thing chosen
related to nga
hyam ngaus·u  ( ) [ˈçæm ˈŋɜo.su]
v.t. present a choice
ngaus·u ( ) [ˈki ˈŋɜo.su]
v.t. choose, decide
1 example
nge [ŋᵻ̆]
conj. or (placed between each item)
related to nga; 2 examples
-nge [ŋᵻ̆]
suffix (non-productive) used with certain verbs to indicate that an argument is non-specific
from nga; 7 words derived from -nge; 1 example
ngep-  [ŋᵻ̆p]
participle of nguip
from nguip; see verbs
ngí [ˈŋi]
adj. short
origin: the letter for ng is so short that it's below all the other letters
ngíl·em  [ˈŋi.ʎm̩]
n. clothes
1 word derived from ngílem
piunk ngíl·em   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈŋɨ.ʎm̩]
v.t. put on, v.i. get dressed
ngíl·pen () [ˈŋiʎ.pn̩]
n. opt.pos. leaf
1 word derived from ngílpen; 4 examples
ngíl·pi  [ˈŋiʎ.pi]
n. opt.pos. mouth (of a river), estuary
1 example
ngim  [ˈŋim]
n. pos. middle, average, n. noon
direction, conj. between
1 word derived from ngim; 2 examples
ngin  () [ˈŋiɲ]
adj. dark green
5 examples
ngi·nál  [ŋi.ˈɲæl]
n. evening, early night, dinner/supper
from nginátu + -el; 2 examples
ngi·ná·tu  [ŋi.ˈɲæ.to]
adj. finished, done, complete
2 words derived from nginátu; 2 examples
naum ngi·ná·tu   [ˈnaom ŋɨ.ˈɲæ.to]
v.i. arrive (used with the preposition shi)
1 example
chus ngi·ná·tu   [ˈʧʉs ŋɨ.ˈɲæ.to]
v.t., v.s., v.i. finish, complete, succeed
chus ngi·nít   [ˈʧʉs ŋɨ.ˈɲit]
v.t., v.s., v.i. fail, lose (a game)
ngín·tes  [ˈŋiɲ.tɪ̆s]
adad. medium
from ngim + -tes
ngip  [ˈŋip]
v.t. inverse subjunctive of piunk "put"
see verbs
ngish  Sign: (knlt(in)[S])+(k[5(b(s)]) [ˈŋiʃ]
n. rock, adj. stone
1 example
ngius·kent  [ˈŋɪʉs.kn̩t]
n. picture
chus ngius·kent   [ˈʧʉs ˈŋᵻʉs.kn̩t]
v.i., v.t. draw
ngú Sign: ear[Su(a)] [ˈŋu]
letter ng
nguip  [ˈŋʊɨp]
v.t. be put (inverse of piunk "put")
1 word derived from nguip; see verbs
naum ngung   [ˈnaom ˈŋuŋ]
v.i. hold on (to hold oneself up; shi + thing held on to)
piunk ngung   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈŋuŋ]
v.t. hold (to hold a thing up/in place)
origin: the finger spelling for ng looks like holding or pulling something
ngú·pel  [ˈŋu.pl̩]
n. water
1 example
piunk ngwa   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈŋwɑ]
v.t. pull
origin: the finger spelling for ng looks like holding or pulling something; 1 word derived from piunk ngwá; 1 example
ngwius  [ˈŋwᵻʉs]
n., adv. yesterday, adj. previous (for both definitions, can specify the point of comparison with hu and can use with an ordinal number)
related to piunk ngwá
ngyump  [ˈŋjʉmp]
adj. unusual
origin: made from the least common sounds in the language; 1 word derived from ngyump
ngyún·tes  [ˈŋjʉn.tʊ̜̆s]
adad. unusually, not within the typical range
from ngyump + -tes
subjunctive of na "become, start"
see verbs
ní·li 2 () [ˈɲi.ʎi]  audio
number part 1296 (64), or any number around 1296–46656
from na + lya; see numbers
níng·kel  [ˈɲiŋ.kl̩]
n. donkey
2 examples
ní·peyl  [ˈɲi.pʎ̩]
adj. flat-shaped; of a 3D object, much thinner in one dimension than others, like a piece of paper or book; includes foldable or bendable things, like a laptop
nium  Sign: ([G#Pv(a)])+(sft(pm)[5(]) [ˈɲɪʉm]
v.i. subjunctive of naum "go"
1 word derived from nium; 2 examples; see verbs
niung·e  [ˈɲɪʉ.ŋʊ̜̆]
v. subjunctive of naunge
from nium + -nge; see verbs
nius·pe  [ˈɲɪʉs.pʊ̜̆]
n. pos. happiness
1 example
nius·pe  [ˈlu ˈɲᵻʉs.pʊ̜̆]
v.i. feel happy (about)
14 examples
núl·ek  [ˈnu.lʊ̜̆k]
n. poison
hyam núl·ek   [ˈçæm ˈnu.lʊ̜̆k]
v.t. poison
núl·ek  [ˈki ˈnu.lʊ̜̆k]
v.i. be poisoned
núl·tu  [ˈnul.tu]
n. pos. taste
núl·ye  [ˈnu.ʎʊ̜̆]
n. pos. tongue
lam núl·ye   [ˈlam ˈnu.ʎʊ̜̆]
v.t. taste (intentionally)
núl·ye  [ˈlu ˈnu.ʎʊ̜̆]
v.i. taste
nu·máng  [nu.ˈmaŋ]
adad. still
clipping of naum numánki; 1 example
nu·máng·keyl  [nu.ˈmaŋ.kʎ̩]
adv. still (has the same meaning as numáng, but freer word order)
from numánki + -el; 1 example
naum nu·máng·ki   [ˈnaom nu.ˈmaŋ.ki]
v.i. continue moving
3 words derived from naum numánki
nu·máng·ki·pi  [nu.ˈmaŋ.ki.pi]
n. inertia
from numánki + -pi
nump () [ˈnump]
adj. cold
nump ( ) [ˈlu ˈnump]
v.i. feel cold (no subject or the thing that feels cold as the subject)
nun  [ˈnun]
n. pos. dream
nun  [ˈlu ˈnun]
v.i. dream (verb, not used with subjunctive), to see in a dream
nu·naun·we  [nu.ˈnao.nwʊ̜̆]
n. pos. chin
nún·et  [ˈnu.nʊ̜̆t]
n. opt.pos. wood, tree trunk
1 example
nús·cheyl  [ˈnus.tʎ̩]
adj. starry, sparkly, clear (when referring to weather at night)
from núschi + -el
nús·chi  [ˈnus.ʧɨ]
n. star
1 word derived from núschi
nús·chi le·kaul  ( ) [ˈnus.ʧɨ lɪ̆k.ˈkɜol]
n. nebula
nwá·li  [ˈnwɑ.ʎe]
n. river
1 word derived from nwáli; 1 example
naum nwá·li   [ˈnaom ˈnwɑ.ʎe]
v.i. flow downhill, along a surface, like a river
nwá·lyep  [ˈnwɑ.ʎə̆p]
personal name
from nwáli + -ep; 1 example
nwíl·ek  [ˈnwɨ.ʎɪ̆k]
n. waterfall
1 word derived from nwílek
naum nwíl·ek   [ˈnaom ˈnwɨ.ʎɪ̆k]
v.i. flow off the edge, fall off the edge
piunk nwíl·ek   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈnwɨ.ʎɪ̆k]
v.t. push off the edge
nwíl·ek·ep  [ˈnwɨ.ʎɪ̆k.kᵻ̆p]
personal name
from nwílek + -ep


pá·hel  [ˈpa.hl̩]
n. Pahaor; any culture related to the cultures in Súiacúil before the Vegúili came
adj., n. any person from such a culture
from Súiⱥcúili Pahⱥrun
pai  () [ˈpae]
adj. yellow
2 words derived from pai; 10 examples
pai·pen  () [ˈpae.pn̩]
adj. blond (applied to people; the hair itself is yellow)
from pai + puinu
pá·ki·hep  [ˈpa.ki.çɪ̆p]
personal name
from hepákihúhi + -ep
pal 3 () Sign: [6] [ˈpal]  audio
number part 3
3 words derived from pal; see numbers
pál·e  [ˈpa.lə̆]
adj. triangle
related to pal
pál·emp  [ˈlu ˈpa.lm̩p]
v.i. disagree (with), oppose (if the object is a sentence, it uses the subjunctive)
maus pál·emp   [ˈmaos ˈpa.lm̩p]
v.i., v.t. debate, discuss opposing viewpoints
v.i. disagree (with), oppose (if the object is a sentence, it uses the subjunctive)
1 example
pá·li 3 () [ˈpa.ʎe]  audio
number part 46656 (66), or any number around 46656–1,679,616
from pal + lya; see numbers
pál·ne·ku 32 () [ˈpal.nə̆k.ku]
adj. regular icosohedron
from pal + na + kwau
pás·kel  [ˈpas.kl̩]
prep. through, throughout, across
from pe + se + kel; 2 examples; see prepositions
pás·kel maim·u   [ˈpas.kl̩ ˈmae.mʉ]
phrase so far
pat  [ˈpat]
v.t. be used (inverse of tap "use")
see verbs
pau  [ˈpao]
v.s. can
4 words derived from pau; 9 examples; see verbs
pau·nge  [ˈpao.ŋʊ̜̆]
v.s. form of pau "can" where one argument is general
from pau + -nge; 1 example; see verbs
pe Sign: sh[Ŧu(af)]XCd [pə̆]
prep. at, in; used for location or time; used with directions after the preposition to indicate that something is in a certain direction of an object but is not right next to it; used with distances and lengths of time (directly after the preposition); used to indicate that something is part of something else (including abstract concepts), when this relation is not shown by inalienable possession
4 words derived from pe; 30 examples; see prepositions
pe·kwíl  [pə̆k.ˈkwɨʎ]  audio
proper noun Vegúil (a country)
from Vegúili, probably; 1 example
pe·lás [pl̩.ˈlas]
n. beach
from Tydotsuy fraþ; 2 examples
pe·mím [pə̆m.ˈmim]
n. pos. head
1 word derived from pemím; 2 examples
pe·mím [ˈlu pə̆m.ˈmim]
v.i. imagine, picture (in one's mind; uses subjunctive)
maus pe·mím  [ˈmaos pə̆m.ˈmim]
v.i. think, v.t. think (a specific thought)
2 examples
penk-  [pŋ̩k]
participle of piunk
from piunk; see verbs
pe pik  [pə̆ ˈpik]
then (adv. at the time currently talked about; adad. can be used with adjectives and possessed nouns to indicate a relation that is no longer existant)
pe·sáp·i  () [pə̆s.ˈsa.pe]
conj. before
from pe + sap + hi
pe·shísh·ep  [pə̆ʃ.ˈʃi.ʃɪ̆p]
n. butterfly
origin: the word sort of kind of looks like a butterfly
naum pes·twámp   [ˈnaom pə̆s.ˈtwɑmp]
v.i. turn, (of a picture) rotate
1 word derived from naum pestwámp; 1 example
piunk pes·twámp   [ˈpɪʉŋk pə̆s.ˈtwɑmp]
v.t. turn, (of a picture) rotate
pe·tú [pə̆t.ˈtu]
adj. standing, portrait-orientation, vertical
1 word derived from petú; 1 example
naum pe·tú  [ˈnaom pə̆t.ˈtu]
v.i. stand up
pe·tú·tes  [pə̆t.ˈtu.tʊ̜̆s]
adad. vertically
from petú + -tes
pe·twánt·i  [pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe]
conj. because
from petwánt + hi; 4 examples
pe·twánt  [pə̆t.ˈtwɑnt]
n. opt.pos. reason
2 words derived from petwánt
lam pe·twánt   [ˈlam pə̆t.ˈtwɑnt]
v.t. cause, effect
pe·twánt·u  [pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.to]
adv. why (question word)
from petwánt + -u; 2 examples
Sign: b[Ŧu(sf)] [ˈpi]
letter p
1 word derived from
-pi  [pi]
suffix abstract concept (anything to noun; e.g., ha = red → hapi = redness)
7 words derived from -pi; 1 example
pik  [ˈpik]
n. opt.pos. time
7 words derived from pik; 2 examples
pík·el  [ˈpi.kl̩]
adj. long-lived, (of an amount time) long
adv. for a long time
from pik + -el; 1 example
pík·i  [ˈpi.ki]
particle when; the time when (turns a clause into a noun)
from pik + hi; 7 examples; see sentences
pík·u  [ˈpi.kʉ]
adv. when (question word)
from pik + -u; 1 example
pi·kún·i () [pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ]  audio
adv. marks a polar (yes/no) question or "whether or not" phrase
from pikwá "yes, true" + úni "no, not"; 1 word derived from pikúni; 12 examples
pi·kwá  [pi.ˈkwɑ]  audio
adj. true, yes, correct; adv. (often with lú and maus) correctly; if used with or maus, the main verb is not subjunctive
2 words derived from pikwá; 2 examples
pin1 4 () Sign: [4] [ˈpiɲ]  audio
number part 4
2 words derived from pin; see numbers
pin2 () [ˈpiɲ]  audio
n. tree
1 word derived from pin; 2 examples
pink  [ˈpiŋk]
v.t. subjunctive of piunk "put"
see verbs
píng·ku 4 () [ˈpiŋ.kʉ]
adj. regular tetrahedron
from pin + kwau
pín·li 4 () [ˈpiɲ.ʎi]  audio
number part 1,679,616 (68), or any number around 1,679,616–60,466,176
from pin + lya; see numbers
pip  [ˈpip]
n. valley
from the shape of the word
pí·pwi  () [ˈpi.pwɨ]
conj. after
from pe + ípwenk + hi
písh·lye  [ˈpiʃ.ʎɪ̆]
n. pos. trust
písh·lye  [ˈlu ˈpiʃ.ʎɪ̆]
v.i. trust
pit  [ˈpit]
v.t. inverse subjunctive of tap "use"
see verbs
pí·te·ku  Sign: b[Ŧu(sf)] sh[Du(s)] ear[Lu(a)] [ˈpi.tɪ̆k.ku]
n. letter, alphabet (in both meanings, includes all phonetically-based writing systems (alphabets, abjads, abugidas, syllabaries), but not ideographic or logographic systems; this word is used before letter names)
from + ta +
piu  [ˈpɪʉ]
v.s. subjunctive of pau "can"
1 word derived from piu; see verbs
piul·eng  [ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩]
n. box
11 examples
piu·nge  [ˈpɪʉ.ŋʊ̜̆]
v.s. subjunctive of paunge
from piu + -nge; see verbs
piunk  [ˈpɪʉŋk]
v.t. put
1 word derived from piunk; 7 examples; see verbs
pu-  [pu]
v.s. participle of pau
from pau; 2 words derived from pu-; see verbs
puil  [ˈpʊɨʎ]
adad. maybe
puin·u () [ˈpʊɨ.ɲʉ]
n. pos. hair
3 words derived from puinu; 1 example
pu·ká·li  [pu.ˈkɜ.ʎe]
adj. male, n. man
from pu- + káli; 1 example
púl·shet  [ˈpuʎ.ʃᵿ̜̆t]
n. radio
from púlshu + -et
púl·shu  [ˈpuʎ.ʃʉ]
n. radio show, podcast
1 word derived from púlshu; 1 example
púm·pwel  [ˈpum.pwl̩]
n. brick, adj. made of bricks
1 example
pú·pu () [ˈpu.pu]
n. pos. finger (includes thumb)
pú·pu lú·lek  ( ) [ˈpu.pu ˈlu.lʊ̜̆k]
n. pos. toe
pus  [ˈpus]
adad. partly
pu·shí·lu  [pu.ˈʃɨ.ʎʉ]
adj. female, n. woman
from pu- + shílu; 1 example
lam pú·twe   [ˈlam ˈpu.twʊ̜̆]
v.t. come across, discover (unintentionally)
1 example
pú·twe  [ˈlu ˈpu.twʊ̜̆]
v.i. notice
2 examples
maus pú·twe   [ˈmaos ˈpu.twʊ̜̆]
v.t. point out
pwa  [ˈpwɑ]
prep. made from, having as its parts
measurement made from n parts
pwaint  [ˈlu ˈpwɑeɲt]
v.i. need _ to (implies necessary for something, including life; used with naustwi; not used for conclusions)
pau pwaint   [ˈpao ˈpwɑeɲt]
v.s. must, have to, need to (implies necessary for something, including life; used with naustwi; not used for conclusions)
1 example
pwál·e  [ˈpwɑ.lə̆]
adj. sick
pwí  [ˈpwɨ]
n. opt.pos. set, group, twin/triplet (possessable with the type of thing in the set)
1 word derived from pwí
pwíl·i  [ˈlu ˈpwɨ.ʎi]
v.i. believe, think (that...), believe in (the existence of); not used to indicate uncertainty (see kiusteng) or to indicate opinions on subjective matters (just use hu); uses subjunctive
2 words derived from lú pwíli; 2 examples
pwi·ne·chím·kel Puinⱥtimcel [pwɨ.ɲɪ̆ʧ.ˈʧim.kl̩]  audio
proper noun Puinⱥtimcel/Onceuponatimia (a country)
from Súiⱥcúili Puinⱥtimcel
pyet  [pjɪ̆t]
conj. then (after that)
6 examples


sa Sign: sh[Vv(a)] [ˈsa]  audio
letter s
sá·he  [ˈsa.hə̆]
det. et. al., etc.
sail  [ˈsaeʎ]
n. shape (also used with the names of shapes when talking about shapes as abstract entities)
1 example
sait  [ˈsaet]
adj. bad smelling, bad tasting
1 word derived from sait
sait·ek  [ˈsae.tɪ̆k]
n. skunk
from sait + -ek
sai·yu  [ˈsae.jʉ]
adv. weakly
pau sai·yu   [ˈpao ˈsae.jʉ]
v.i. to be weak
v.s. to be too weak to...
sak  [ˈsak]  audio
interjection Look out!, Watch out!
clipping of sáki
sá·ki () [ˈsa.ki]
n. pos. eye (irregular: 3rd person sa·ki·pen, sa·ki·pel, sa·ki·pi)
5 words derived from sáki; 5 examples
lam sá·ki  ( ) [ˈlam ˈsa.ki]
v.t. look at, watch
3 examples
sá·ki ( ) [ˈlu ˈsa.ki]
v.i. see (with eyes)
2 examples
lam sá·ki·pes   [ˈlam ˈsa.ki.pɪ̆s]
v.t., archaic look at
2 examples
sal  [ˈsal]
det. another, more, other, besides what's already been mentioned, adv. again
2 words derived from sal; 10 examples
sáng·u  [ˈsa.ŋu]
adj. famous, well-known
1 example
sán·yeng  [ˈsa.ɲŋ̩]
adv. soon, soon after, early (earlier than expected or needed)
4 examples
sap () [ˈsap]
direction early, before, n. an early time (pe sap = at an early time), adv. earlier (indicates something that happened before the time currently talked about)
4 words derived from sap; 1 example
sáp·chem  () [ˈsap.ʧm̩]
direction left
from sap + -chem; 5 examples
sáp·temp  () [ˈsap.tm̩p]
direction, adv. counterclockwise
from sap + -temp
sáp·tes  () [ˈsap.tə̆s]
adad. former, formerly
from sap + -tes
sá·pwe  () [ˈsa.pwʊ̜̆]
n., adj. glass, window
from sáki + -e; 2 examples
sá·se  [ˈsa.sə̆]
adj. pyramid (geometry; used with a 2D shape)
sásh·yen  [ˈsa.ʃn̩]
n. noise (audio white noise, meaningless sound), adj. noisy
sá·wep  [ˈsa.wʊ̜̆p]
n. surroundings, environment
1 example
se Sign: [V#V(] [sə̆]
conj. and (placed between each item), plus; pronounced su when before a vowel (this does not affect spelling or sign)
from ; 2 words derived from se; 39 examples
se·chaim  [sə̆ʧ.ˈʧæem]
n. pos. side
1 word derived from sechaim
sel·pím  [sl̩.ˈpim]
n. memory
from sal + pemím
hyam sel·pím   [ˈçæm sl̩.ˈpim]
v.dt. remind
lam sel·pím   [ˈlam sl̩.ˈpim]
v.t. memorize
sel·pím  [ˈlu sl̩.ˈpim]
v.i. remember, recognize
1 example
pau sel·pím   [ˈpao sl̩.ˈpim]
v.s. remember how
sen·táng  [ˈlu sn̩.ˈtaŋ]
v.i. be interested, be interested in, be interested in the fact that...
1 word derived from lú sentáng
sen·teng·yát  [ˈlu sn̩.tŋ̩.ˈŋjæt]
v.i. be bored, be bored of
from lú sentáng + -yet
sen·yui  [ˈlu sɲ̩.ˈɲᵿɨ]  audio
v.i. appreciate; thank you
1 example
ses·tá  [sə̆s.ˈta]
self (adv. indicates that the subject and object of the verb are the same; det. indicates that the noun refers to the same object as another noun in the clause or in an enclosing clause)
4 examples
ses·twín () [sə̆s.ˈtwɨɲ]
n. ice
1 word derived from sestwín
lam ses·twín  ( ) [ˈlam sə̆s.ˈtwɨɲ]
v.i. freeze, solidify (used for any liquid → solid state change)
ses·twín·el  () [sə̆s.ˈtwɨ.ɲl̩]
adj. icy, freezing
from sestwín + -el
ses·twín·tes su·yát·el   ( ) [sə̆s.ˈtwɨɲ.tɪ̆s su.ˈjæ.tl̩]
adj. freezing-rainy
set-  [sə̆t]
v.t. participle of sheet
from sheet; see verbs
se·taus·lenk  [sə̆t.ˈtaos.lŋ̩k]
adj. underwater, submerged (under any liquid)
n. sunset (time)
naum se·taus·lenk   [ˈnaom sə̆t.ˈtaos.lŋ̩k]
v.i. sink, (with the sun as the subject) set
se ún·i 1 () [su ˈu.ɲɨ]
only (in senses other than "the only ___", placed after the relevant phrase)
shai () [ˈʃæe]
n. mountain
3 words derived from shai
shail  () [ˈʃæeʎ]
adj. really big
from shai + -el
shaip  () [ˈʃæep]
personal name
from shai + -ep
shál·shel  [ˈʃæʎ.ʃl̩]
adj. same
1 example
-she  [ʃɪ̆]
suffix indefinite
2 words derived from -she; 21 examples; see verbs: definiteness, nouns: possession
sheet  [ˈʃit]
v.t. inverse subjunctive of chus "make"
1 word derived from sheet; see verbs
sheyl·úp  [ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup]
adj. white
4 examples
she·pík  [ʃɪ̆p.ˈpik]
adv. once, one day, once upon a time
from -she + pik; 2 examples
shi  Sign: sh[Vv(a)]XC [ʃi]
prep. to, destination of movement, until; can be followed by location prepositions except pe
1 word derived from shi; 17 examples; see prepositions
shi·chíl  () [ʃi.ˈʧiʎ]
adj. gray
4 examples
shi·hau·kel  [ʃi.ˈçæo.kl̩]
adv. back (used with naum)
from shi haupi kel "to where [I came] from"
lam shi·hau·kel   [ˈlam ʃe.ˈçæo.kl̩]
v.t. undo (takes a clause with hem and the subjunctive as an argument)
shí·lu  [ˈʃi.ʎʉ]
n. pos. mom
2 words derived from shílu; 1 example
shíng·kwel  [ˈʃiŋ.kwl̩]
adj. not moving, stuck in place, (of a person) doesn't travel, settled down
from shínkwem + -el
shíng·kwem  [ˈʃiŋ.kwm̩]
n. opt.pos. root (of a plant), foundation (of a building)
1 word derived from shínkwem
shiul  [ˈʃɪʉl]
adj. maternal (relative) (from shílu -el → sí·lelw → sílw → síul)
from shílu + -el
shú  [ˈʃʉ]
adad. most (superlatives of adjectives); adj. best, (for some nouns) worst, closest to the Platonic ideal
3 examples
shuish  [ˈʃᵿɨʃ]
n. city
3 examples
shu·pál  () [ʃʉ.ˈpal]
adj. pink
1 example
shú sán·yeng   [ˈʃʉ ˈsa.ɲŋ̩]
adv. immediately
shu·wín  [ʃʉ.ˈwɨɲ]
n. glue
1 example
shu·wín púm·pwel   [ʃʉ.ˈwɨɲ ˈpum.pwl̩]
n. mortar (brick)
su Sign: [V#V(] [su]
conj. and (see se)
from se; 11 examples
Sign: [4#4(] [ˈsu]
det. all, (when used with a cardinal number, particularly 1) only (in the sense, "the only ___")
2 words derived from ; 15 examples
suim  [ˈsʊɨm]
n. deity
2 examples
suim·pu  [ˈki ˈsʊɨm.pʉ]
v.t. grab, take by grabbing
1 example
naum suim·pu   [ˈnaom ˈsʊɨm.pʉ]
v.i. grab (to hold oneself up; shi + thing grabbed)
piunk suim·pu   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈsʊɨm.pʉ]
v.t. grab
suit  [ˈsʊɨt]
v.t. be made (inverse of chus "make")
1 word derived from suit; 5 examples; see verbs
suit·el  [ˈsʊɨ.tl̩]
adj. artificial, human-made
from suit + -el; 1 example
súng·ep  [ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p]
det. this fact (used to refer to a sentence, clause, or group of sentences that were just spoken)
n. statement
7 examples
súng·i  [ˈsu.ŋɨ]
prep. towards
1 word derived from súngi; 3 examples; see prepositions
súng·i·pi  [ˈsu.ŋɨ.pi]
n. direction
from súngi + -pi
naum sus   [ˈnaom ˈsus]
v.i. jump, bounce
origin: the letter s goes up and then comes back down
piunk sus   [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈsus]
v.t. bounce
sús·eyl  [ˈsu.sʎ̩]
adj. out-of-universe, Doylist
súsh·li  Sign: sh[Gu(sf)]>H [ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ]  audio
n., adv. here, det. thing close to me, thing that I'm pointing at
1 word derived from súshli; 12 examples
súsh·li·tes  [ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ.tɪ̆s]
adad. compared to other relevant things
from súshli + -tes; 1 example
su·yát () [su.ˈjæt]  audio
n. rain, raindrop, drop
1 word derived from suyát; 2 examples
su·yát·el  () [su.ˈjæ.tl̩]  audio
adj. rainy, dripping
from suyát + -el; 4 examples
su·yát·el he·pá·ki·hú·hi   ( ) [su.ˈjæ.tl̩ hə̆p.ˈpa.ki.ˈçʉ.çɨ]
n. rainbow (in the sky)
sú·yet  [ˈsu.jᵿ̜̆t]
adj. greedy
from + -yet, all-wanting; 2 examples
swa  Sign: [V(] [ˈswɑ]
v.s. be, it is
3 words derived from swa; 100 examples; see verbs
swál·ki  [ˈswɑl.ki]
n. pos. mouth
swá·mes  [ˈswɑ.mə̆s]
prep. according to, adv.-ish according to someone else (as an adverb, it goes anywhere in the sentence a prepositional phrase modifying the sentence could go, rather than in the normal place for adverbs; can be modified with (um)pikwa)
from swa (as an imperfective marker) + maus; 1 example
swá·she  [ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆]
v.s. there is/are, exist, det. a/an
from swa + -she; 7 examples; see verbs, nouns
swá·tel  () [ˈswɑ.tl̩]
adj. black (of a light-absorbing object)
20 examples
swet  [swʊ̜̆t]
prep. around, surrounding
2 examples; see prepositions
swí  Sign: ([V(])+(sft(pm)[5(]) [ˈswɨ]
v.s. subjunctive of swa "be"
9 examples; see verbs
swíl·kwe  [ˈki ˈswɨʎ.kwᵿ̜̆]
v.t. win (a prize); to gain though luck or skill
chus swíl·kwe   [ˈʧʉs ˈswɨʎ.kwᵿ̜̆]
v.i., v.t. win (a game, contest, war, election, ...), pass (a test, a class, ...), complete a puzzle
1 example
swí·u·kweyl Súiⱥcúil [ˈswɨ.ʉ.kwʎ̩]  audio
proper noun Súiⱥcúil (the country to the south of Lwaitel)
from Súiⱥcúili Súiⱥcúil; 1 example


ta Sign: sh[Du(s)] [ˈta]  audio
letter t
1 word derived from ta
tail·su  [ˈtaeʎ.ʃʉ]
adj. light (weight)
tai·sheyl·ep  [ˈtae.ʃʎ̩.ʎə̆p]
personal name
from taisheyl + -ep
tai·sheyl  [ˈtae.ʃʎ̩]
adj. beautiful, pretty, pleasant to look at
2 words derived from taisheyl; 1 example
tai·sheyl  [ˈlu ˈtae.ʃʎ̩]
v.i. see beauty, see something as beautiful
tai·sheyl·pi  [ˈtae.ʃʎ̩.pi]
n. beauty
from taisheyl + -pi
tal1  [ˈtal]
adj. fast
1 word derived from tal; 1 example
tal2  [ˈtal]
belonging to that (medial form of ant)
from ant + -el; 2 examples
naum tál·es   [ˈnaom ˈta.lə̆s]
v.i. run
from tal -es; 1 example
tál·tu  [ˈtal.to]
n., adv. today
tá·mu  [ˈta.mo]
adv. how (question word)
from táp hem "by" + -u; 1 example
tan  [ˈtan]
belonging to this (proximate form of ant)
from ant + -en; 1 example
táng·ku  [ˈtaŋ.ku]
adj. heavy, adv. with lots of strength
2 examples
pau táng·ku   [ˈpao ˈtaŋ.ku]
v.i. to be strong, to be powerful
v.s. to be strong enough or powerful enough to...
1 example
tap  [ˈtap]
v.t. use
6 examples; see verbs
tap hem   [ˈtap hm̩]
conj. by (indicates how one does something)
1 word derived from táp hem
tas  [ˈtas]
adad. so, as, that
related to -tes; 3 examples
taus·lep  [ˈtaos.lʊ̜̆p]
adj. fair, just
1 word derived from tauslep
taus·tu  [ˈtaos.tu]
adj. warm, lukewarm
1 example
taus·tu  [ˈlu ˈtaos.tu]
v.i. feel okay temperature-wise (no subject)
te [tə̆]
prep. for (benefactive), to (receiver)
1 word derived from te; 6 examples; see prepositions
te·káp·u  [tə̆k.ˈkɜ.po]
adj. spread out
naum te·káp·u   [ˈnaom tə̆k.ˈkɜ.po]
v.i. scatter, spread out
1 example
piunk te·káp·u   [ˈpɪʉŋk tə̆k.ˈkɜ.po]
v.t. scatter, spread out
2 examples
te·lí [ʧʎ̩.ˈʎi]
direction across (use with pe, tem, paskel), not parallel, adj. (of two objects) crossing
origin: the two letters sort of go in different directions, as to the signs in finger spelling
te·lí te·lí [ʧʎ̩.ˈʎi ʧʎ̩.ˈʎi]
direction perpendicular
tem  Sign: (XC[Du(s)]knlt(in))+(k[Su(a)]) [tm̩]
prep. on, stuck to, touching
1 word derived from tem; 1 example; see prepositions
-temp  [tm̩p]
suffix (non-productive) direction of rotation
from naum pestwámp; 2 words derived from -temp
-tes  [tə̆s]
suffix turns an adjective into an adverb that modifies modifiers (if the adjective is formed with the suffix -el, that suffix is dropped)
18 words derived from -tes
tum  [ˈtum]
ideophone bang; the sound of thunder and drums
tu·mísh  [tu.ˈmiʃ]
n. thunder, lightning, lightning strike (use as the subject of na to mean "lightning struck")
1 word derived from tumísh
tu·mísh·el  [tu.ˈmi.ʃl̩]
adj. thundery, lightningy
from tumísh + -el
naum túm·pen   [ˈnaom ˈtum.pn̩]
v.i. climb
somehow related to tem
tún·chi  [ˈtun.ʧɨ]
n. book
túng·kel  [ˈtuŋ.kl̩]
n. pos. heart (body part)
n. second (time)
tún·ye  [ˈtu.ɲᵿ̜̆]
n. pencil, graphite
1 example
twaim·yen·teng  [ˈtwɑe.mjn̩.tŋ̩]
n. ocean
1 example
twak  [ˈtwɑk]
particle introduces a sentence that will be marked with útwek ("but", "however")
1 word derived from twak; 1 example; see sentences
chus twes·kíl   [ˈʧʉs twʊ̜̆s.ˈkiʎ]
v.t. invent
3 examples
twím·ek  [ˈtwɨ.mɪ̆k]
adj. pretend, fake
1 example
lam twím·ek   [ˈlam ˈtwɨ.mɪ̆k]
v.i., v.t. play (e.g., with a toy, with a game), act
2 examples
twím·ek  [ˈlu ˈtwɨ.mɪ̆k]
v.i. pretend


u1  [u]  audio
particle starts an ordinal number
1 word derived from u; 3 examples; see numbers
u2  [u]  audio
conj. but rather, rather than
from earlier ut; 2 words derived from u; 2 examples
-u  [u]
suffix (non-productive) forms various question words
6 words derived from -u
ú·kyenk  [ˈu.kjŋ̩k]
adj. late
úl·shi  [ˈuʎ.ʃɨ]
conj. if, regardless (when used with a question word in the condition)
1 word derived from úlshi; 6 examples
úl·shi pi·kún·i  ( ) [ˈuʎ.ʃɨ pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ]
úlshi "if" + pikúni polar question marker
úl·shi úm·pi·kwá   [ˈuʎ.ʃɨ ˈum.pɨ.ˈkwɑ]
conj. counterfactual if (both the condition and the consequence are in the subjunctive)
u·lyún  [u.ˈʎun]  audio
adj., adv. necessary (epistemic or situational, but for situational, it must be physically impossible not to, rather than just e.g. necessary to live)
from úneyl + úni
úm·pi·kwá  [ˈum.pɨ.ˈkwɑ]
adj. false, incorrect; adv. (often with lú and maus) incorrectly; if used with or maus, the main verb is subjunctive
from un- + pikwá; 3 examples
úm·pu  [ˈum.pu]
v.s. can't
from un- + pau; 1 word derived from úmpu; 2 examples; see verbs
úm·pu·nge  [ˈum.pu.ŋʊ̜̆]
v.s. form of úmpu "can't" where one argument is general
from úmpu + -nge; see verbs
un1 [ˈun]  audio
adad. not (only used for attributive adjectives, otherwise use úni; if used with nouns, means "thing that isn't ___")
from un-
un2 0 () Sign: [S] [ˈun]  audio
number part 0
from lúmi; 3 words derived from un; see numbers
un- [ˈun]
prefix opposite
16 words derived from un-
ún·eng·el [ˈu.nŋ̩.ŋl̩]
adj., adv. unlikely
from un- + íngel
ún·eyl [ˈu.nʎ̩]
adj., adv. impossible (epistemic)
from un- + il; 1 word derived from úneyl
ú·ngeyl1 [ˈu.ŋʎ̩]
adj. bare, naked
from un- + ngílem
úngeyl2 () [ˈuŋʎ̩]
adj. bare (of a tree; i.e., lacking leaves)
from un- + ngílpen
piunk ú·ngeyl  [ˈpɪʉŋk ˈu.ŋʎ̩]
v.t. take off, v.i. get undressed
1 example
ú·ngi·net  [ˈu.ŋɨ.ɲɪ̆t]
adj. unfinished, incomplete
from un- + nginátu; 1 example
úng·weng  [ˈu.ŋwŋ̩]
n. pos. body
ún·i 1 () [ˈu.ɲɨ]  audio
adj. no, none, zero, adv. not
from un- + í; 4 words derived from úni; 26 examples
unk Sign: ()+(ear[E]) [ˈuŋk]
letter nk
úng·kel [ˈuŋ.kl̩]
adj. unreciprocal, one-way, unrequited; can be used with lú mesúwek to refer to instances where one is familiar with another without them necessarily knowing the first person, for instance, being familiar with a famous person through their work (un kel)
from un- + kel
úng·kius·teng·el  [ˈuŋ.ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩.ŋl̩]
adj. ignorant (indicate area of lack of knowledge with naustwi or te)
from un- + kiustengel
ún·li 0 () [ˈuɲ.ʎɨ]  audio
number part point (number part)
from un + lya; see numbers
ún·lwet  [ˈun.lʷʊ̜̆t]
adj. not glowing
from un- + lwait
ún·sál [ˈun.ˈsal]
adj. same (identity; with kel), oneself (intensifier)
det. the one previously mentioned (when this isn't otherwise clear)
(un- sal)
from un- + sal
ún·tes·lep  [ˈun.tʊ̜̆s.lə̆p]
adj. unfair, unjust
from un- + tauslep; 1 example
u·nún [u.ˈnun]  audio
adj., adv. not zero (can be used to contrast with úni), even
from un- + un-; 2 examples
ún·wiut  [ˈlu ˈu.ˈnwᵻʉt]
v.i. dislike, dislike that (something happened)
ús·telw () [ˈus.tl̩ʷ]
n. pos. ear
1 example
lam ús·telw  ( ) [ˈlam ˈus.tl̩ʷ]
v.t. listen to
1 example
ús·telw ( ) [ˈlu ˈus.tl̩ʷ]
v.i. hear
1 example
u·tún·i  1 ( ) [u.ˈtu.ɲɨ]
prep. instead of (written as two words, u úni)
from u (earlier ut) + úni; 1 example
ú·twek  [ˈu.twʊ̜̆k]
conj. but, however; although, even though
from u + twak; 12 examples
ú·wel  [ˈu.wl̩]
n. pos. arm
ú·wel lú·lek   [ˈu.wl̩ ˈlu.lʊ̜̆k]
n. pos. leg


wa  [ˈwɑ]  audio
adj. small
origin: it's a short word, with the smallest letter and a small circle; 2 examples
waip  [ˈwɑep]
n. pos. offspring (son/daughter)
backformation from waipwe-we; 2 examples
waip  [ˈki ˈwɑep]
v.t. have a child (either parent)
wai·pwe  [ˈwɑe.pwᵿ̜̆]
n. child, n. pos. young son or daughter
1 word derived from waipwe; 3 examples
wál·sweyl  [ˈwɑl.swʎ̩]
n. pos. spouse
4 examples
wál·sweyl  [ˈki ˈwɑl.swʎ̩]
v.t. marry
wan  [ˈwɑn]
conj. so, therefore
1 word derived from wan; 10 examples
wán·u  [ˈwɑ.no]
adv. so what (question word)
from wan + -u
waum·i  [ˈwɑo.mɨ]
adv. on time, n. pos. deadline
1 example
waung·ku  () [ˈwɑoŋ.ku]
adj. magenta
1 example
-we [wʊ̜̆]
suffix diminutive, physically small, young (-e after consonants)
from -e; 1 word derived from -we; 5 examples
wel·pwaik  [wl̩.ˈpwɑek]
adj. bad, evil (moral)
2 examples
wil  [ˈwɨʎ]
direction outside
1 example
wím·pelw  [ˈwɨm.pl̩ʷ]
adj. snowy (snow on the ground)
from wímpu + -el
wím·pu  [ˈwɨm.pʉ]
n. snow (on the ground)
2 words derived from wímpu
wíng·ki  [ˈwɨŋ.ki]
adj. shiny (of a reflective or transparent object) or sparkly
wí·peyl  [ˈwɨ.pʎ̩]
adj. violent
from wípi + -el; 1 example
wí·pi  [ˈwɨ.pi]
adj. injured, n. injury
1 word derived from wípi; 4 examples
lam wí·pi   [ˈlam ˈwɨ.pi]
v.t. hit
13 examples
wí·pi  [ˈlu ˈwɨ.pi]
v.i. hurt (in the intransitive sense; subject can be a body part, or can modify a phrase to mean "it hurts when...", or null-subject)
1 example
chus wí·pi   [ˈʧʉs ˈwɨ.pi]
v.t. harm, injure
2 examples
wísh·kwen  [ˈwɨʃ.kwn̩]  audio
n. plant
1 example
wit  [ˈwɨt]
n. ground, floor
2 words derived from wit
wiu  [ˈwᵻʉ]  audio
interjection yay!
wiuk  [ˈwᵻʉk]
adj. long, tall
wiut  [ˈlu ˈwᵻʉt]
v.i. like, like that (something happened)
5 examples
wiu·ye  [ˈwᵻʉ.jᵿ̜̆]
n. door
1 example


ya  [ˈjæ]
interjection ow!
maus ya   [ˈmaos ˈjæ]
v.i. cry
from onomatopoea; 1 word derived from maus yá
yá·me  [ˈjæ.mə̆]
n. baby
probably related to maus yá; 1 example
yám·eyl  [ˈjæ.mʎ̩]
adj. safe
from yámi + -el
pau yám·i   [ˈpao ˈjæ.me]
v.s. safe, can safely
1 word derived from pau yámi
yát·leng  [ˈjæt.lŋ̩]
n. pos. desire
1 word derived from yátleng; 3 examples
yát·leng  [ˈlu ˈjæt.lŋ̩]
v.i. want; lú úni yatleng (I don't want) implies indifference
2 words derived from lú yátleng; 4 examples
yát·pweyl  [ˈjæt.pwʎ̩]
n. pos. hope
from lú yátleng "want" + lú pwíli "believe"; 2 examples
yát·pweyl  [ˈlu ˈjæt.pwʎ̩]
v.i. hope
from lú yátleng "want" + lú pwíli "believe"
yau  Sign: (sh[Iu(a)]XCX)+(sh[Iu(a)]XAX) [ˈjæo]
noun vowel; letter no consonant letter
yaun  [ˈjæon]
n. opt.pos. sound
2 words derived from yaun
yaun·el  [ˈjæo.nl̩]
adj. loud
from yaun + -el
yaun·yent  [ˈjæo.ɲn̩t]
n. pos. voice, timbre, speech
from yaun + yaun + -et; 1 example
maus yaun·yent   [ˈmaos ˈjæo.ɲn̩t]
v.i., v.t. talk, say (with voice)
-yet  [jɪ̆t]
suffix desire (used with lú, but can also be a possessed noun; e.g., drink → thirsty, sleep → sleepy)
from yátleng; 5 words derived from -yet
yú·pu  [ˈjʉ.pu]
personal name
from Tydotsuy joboo