Search examples

Original Lwaitel examples
The sky looks purple (but it really isn't).
  
An helíyel swin híleng úmpikwá.
[ˈan çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ ˈswɨɲ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩ ˈlu ˈum.pɨ.ˈkwɑ]
anprox helíyelsky swí-enbe.sbjv-prox hílengpurple see úmpikwá.false.
Examples of sentence-level things in Lwaitel : Adverbial clauses
If this were a dog, it would say "woof".
   ,  
Úlshi úmpikwá swin húpep, miusen mu hup
[ˈuʎ.ʃɨ ˈum.pɨ.ˈkwɑ ˈswɨɲ ˈhu.pʊ̜̆p, ˈmɪʉ.sn̩ mu ˈhup]
úlshiif úmpikwáfalse swí-enbe.sbjv-prox húpep,dog, mius-enmaus.sbjv-prox muquot hupwoof

Ulsi umpikwa introduces a counterfactual conditional. Both clauses of counterfactual conditionals use the subjunctive mood.

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Orange replied, "No, it shall be mine!"
hD  hD ,(, )
Al hántlwek mausel kish, muÚmpikwá, swaim ánku”.
[ˈal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k ˈ̩ ˈkiʃ, mu ˈum.pɨ.ˈkwɑ, ˈswɑem ˈaŋ.ku”]
almed hántlwekorange maus-elsay-med kish,answer, muquot úmpikwá,“false, swa-ibe-obv ant-ku”.pos.alien-1”.

TODO should there be a conjunction in there?