chridd » Site options
These options will change how this site looks on your computer (i.e., they won't affect anyone else). Cookies are necessary to save options. Options with [JS] require JavaScript. Reorganized 2021-06-16.
Show all collapseable sections when going to a new page [JS]
Highlight all items with tooltips
Sans serif font
Use wider margins on large screens (currently only applies to stories; may later apply to all text)
(...because sometimes I like making color schemes and background images and such...)
Original Basic Dark Random (changes daily) [current: Black and white and red all over] Current Season (Northern Hemisphere) [current: Spring] Current Season (Southern Hemisphere) [current: Autumn 2] Autumn Autumn 2 (home page is different) Halloween Winter Santamas Spring Summer Sunset silhouettes Sunset (low contrast) Twilight Night Eclipse Rainbow original (different on home page) Rainbow 1 Rainbow 2 Rainbow dark Gray Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue-Green Light Blue Blue Purple and pink Bright pink Light pink White Gray/brown Black and white and red all over Magenta and black Red, white, and blue Secondary Pinkish/purple/turquoise Aqua and black Random pride theme [current: Dark blue and magenta (bi)] Purple and green (genderqueer) Pink and blue Blue and pink Purple and gray (ace) Dark blue and magenta (bi) Yellow and purple (nonbinary) Pink and orange (lesbian) CYMK (pansexual) Neapolitan Pi Citrus Forest Ocean Moon High-contrast High-contrast white-on-black Fog (you want low contrast? you get low contrast!) Bevels Nostalgia Glitter Incandescent white-balance Inverse Window Shadows Terminal Pinkish gradient Purple and bright colors Use browser colors No Style
Use different themes for certain pages and sections
Use different themes for holidays and other events
…including theme changes that last longer amounts of time
Slightly lower contrast
Don't use web fonts
Ruby text in Lwaitel [JS]: Display normally Fix for older browsers Don't show ruby text lower/upper
Show audio controls [JS]: In bottom-right corner of page Next to icon
Mute all games by default [JS] (Does not affect jam versions of Fireworks Game or Difficult Stream. Regardless of whether this is checked, none of my games make sound until you interact with them.)
Most characters in my stories use random pronounshe/him/hisshe/her/herthey/them/theirit/it/itsze/zem/zir'e/h'/h'salphabetical pronouns (ay, bey, cey, dey, ...)variables (a, b, c, d, ...)nouns (Alice, Bob, Carol, ...)
Pronouns are interactive (click to change the previous option [JS], hover to see character name)
Click pronouns to change the previous option [JS]
Colored dialogue (see "Dialogue")
Show information about how many points the next post will get
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Word filters: auto none 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2022
xkcd forum URL:
Use your computer's time zone [JS] (Current time: Tue Mar 04, 2025 3:36 am UTC)
Highlight the following names (one name per line) [JS]:
Math display [JS]: AutomaticMathML (looks better, but not supported by every browser)HTML/CSS approximation (looks worse) used by calculate number types
Censor bad words
Trigger warnings [JS] Default (show warnings)Hide content when you open the pageOnly show a warningDon't even show a warning I make no guarantees about my ability to correctly identify what should have a trigger warning.
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Derealization triggers [JS] Default (don't warn)Hide content when you open the pageOnly show a warningDon't even show a warning This is based on my own experience with derealization. I don't know how well my experience generalizes, or even if it actually is derealization.
Spiders [JS] Default (hide images (may change))Hide content when you open the pageOnly show a warningDon't even show a warning
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Of the words good and bad, which describes spam comments?