Súiⱥcúili numbers

Writing and saying numbers

Súiⱥcúili uses base 12 numbers. The digits are as follows:


Numbers higher than eleven are formed by combining the words for the digits; for instance, twelve (10) is in-no (one-zero). Cardinal numbers are used as adjectives, but do not change form to show case.

Alternate notation

Alternate notation is used whenever a decimal point would be used in English. A word indicating a power of twelve is put in front of the number; this word indicates the place value of the first digit. For instance, mimlic fi trh mi would represent 5.3212 × 124. Micic fi trh mi would represent 5.3212 × 12-4.

Starting from 12-12, the words used are sisicic, inisicic, milisicic, trisicic, mimsicic, pifisicic, sicic (12-6), iŋcic, micic, tricic, miŋcic, pifcic, nilic (1), inic, milic, trilic, mimlic, pific, silic (126), inisilic, milisilic, trisilic, mimsilic, pifisilic, sisilic (1212).

Scientific notation

Similar to alternate notation, except that emic goes before the word and em followed by the exponent goes after.


Type a number in one of these boxes to see how it's said and written in Súiⱥcúili (use / for fractions, a and b for 10 and 11) (requires JavaScript)

Base 10:

Base 12:





Words derived from numbers

Dates and times

Years are identified by a name, which is assigned based on an event that happened that year; if the year has not yet been named, it is called ohⱥ (previous year). A year is 290 days, consisting of 12 months of 3 weeks of 8 days, plus 2 extra days. The months are identified by ordinal numbers, and the days are identified by a prefix (hav-, hi-, ho-) plus a day of the week (súida, cocuda, carimeda, rasda, nacleda, srⱥda, bida, síucṛda); dates are written with the day following the month, with the year in front. The extra days at the beginning of the year are noda and inda.

Days are divided into fifteen hours (= 1.6 of our hours), identified by a prefix (hav-, hi-, ho-) prefixed to bleŋen, suliten, daŋen, selaŋen, olaŋen. Each hour is divided into 96 (8012) minutes (= 1 of our minutes), indicated by a two-digit ordinal after the hour; each minute is divided into 96 seconds (= 5/8 of our second), also indicated by a two-digit ordinal after the minute. The boundary between days is considered to be havbleŋ tuno-no (4:48 AM). The hours line up with our hours as follows:

havbleŋ (early morning)4:48-6:24 AM
hibleŋ (mid morning)6:24-8:00 AM
hobleŋ (late morning)8:00-9:36 AM
havsulit (early midday)9:36-11:12 AM
hisulit (mid midday)11:12 AM-12:48 PM
hosulit (late midday)12:48-2:24 PM
havdaŋ (early afternoon)2:24-4:00 PM
hidaŋ (mid afternoon)4:00-5:36 PM
hodaŋ (late afternoon)5:36-7:12 PM
havselaŋ (early evening)7:12-8:48 PM
hiselaŋ (mid evening)8:48-10:24 PM
hoselaŋ (late evening)10:24 PM-12:00 AM
havolaŋ (early night)12:00-1:36 AM
hiolaŋ (mid night)1:36-3:12 AM
holaŋ (late night)3:12-4:48 AM



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