Súiⱥcúili writing


The alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet (which was brought to the planet by aliens who've also at least seen Earth), and consists of 27 letters: aⱥbcdefghiíjlmnŋoøprṛsʃtuúv

A aa/ɑ/a  audio Variants: a, ā
Ⱥ ⱥao/ɔ~ʌ/aúⱥ  audio a with slash through
B bb/b/bib  audio
C cc/k/ca  audio does not change before e or i
D dd/d/ded  audio
E ee/e~ɛ/e  audio Variants: ė
F ff/f/of  audio
G gg/g/gag  audio
H hh/h/aha  audio
I ii/i~ɪ/ı  audio Variants: ı
Í íy/j/íu  audio
J jj/dʒ~ʒ/jo  audio Often written without a dot (ȷ)
L ll/l/el  audio
M mm/m/em  audio
N nn/n/en  audio
Ŋ ŋng/ŋ/ audio This letter is also used in the International Phonetic Alphabet
O oo/o/o  audio Variants: o, ō, o, o
Ø øwa/wɑ/ø  audio Pronounced the same as úa
P pp/p/pi  audio
R rr/ɾ/er  audio
Ṛ ṛrr/ɚ/ audio r with dot below
S ss/s/os  audio
Ʃ ʃsh/ʃ/ audio This letter is also used in the International Phonetic Alphabet
T tt/t/te  audio
U uu/u/u  audio Variants: u, u
Ú úw/w/úi  audio
V vv/v/vo  audio

There are three digraphs which make different sounds, but are not considered separate letters: gh (/ɣ~x/), rh (/ɾ̩/), and sh (/z/). Aside from this, spelling is entirely phonemic.

The following are not considered separate letters: a o o u o u ė ı ā ō (a and o have plus signs over them; o and u have circles over them; o and u have slashed circles over them). Ā is silent; all other letter variations are pronounced the same as the basic letter. These variants are used to indicate which vowels change in different forms of the word. ı is used in certain endings, in function words and interjections, and in the name of the letter i; ā is only used in pronouns; ė and ō are only used in forms of words containing i and ā. In all-caps text, often the basic form of these letters are used instead; when this is done, ā is simply omitted (rather than being written as A).

When using a limited character set (e.g., ASCII), the letters in the second column of the table above should be used and the basic form of letters is used as for all-caps text. If this is done, the digraph sh should be replaced with z to avoid confusion with ʃ. ao/, ng/ŋ, and úa/ø are still potentially ambiguous. When using Unicode, combining X above (a̽ o̽) may be used instead of a combining plus sign above (which Unicode does not seem to support). For slashed-circle above, a combination acute accent and ring above can be used, but this might not display correctly in applications that display Unicode correctly.

Keyboard layout

The Súiⱥcúili keyboard layout is based on Dvorak, but with i and o switched, and letters not used in Súiⱥcúili replaced with ones that are. The layout:

A ¯I ˙E  U  O  DHTNS-


(Note: for some reason I decided to approximate  with Ⅎ.)

Mac: Download Mac layout. To install:

Vim: Download Vim layout. To install, put this in ~/.vim/keymap/. To use, :set keymap=suiacuili-dvorak. This expects the system's keyboard layout to be Dvorak. (TODO the diacritics don't seem to work quite right...)