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Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
18. It's raining.
Poto se.
[ˈ ˈse. ]
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
19. The rain came down.
Poto sini pani.
[ˈ ˈ ˈ ]
potorain sinidown pani.come.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
20. The kitten is playing in the rain.
Yanti pyepi potoken.
[ˈjan.ti ˈpje.pi ˈ ]
yan-ticat-diminutive pyepiplay poto-ken.rain-ins.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
21. The rain has stopped.
Poto 'ata.
[ˈ ˈʔa.ta. ]
potorain 'ata.stop.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
22. Soon the rain will stop.
Poto 'ata mes.
[ˈ ˈʔa.ta ˈmes. ]
potorain 'atastop mes.soon.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
23. I hope the rain stops soon.
Potoy mes 'atas, qo 'eyle.
[ˈpo.toj ˈmes ˈʔa.tas, ˈqo ˈʔej.le. ]
poto-irain-gen messoon 'ata-s,stop-indf, qo1s 'eyle.hope.