Talbas lexicon

139 items currently in the lexicon. A B D E I K L M N O P Q S T Y



'ami [ˈʔa.mi]
n.in. question, v. ask
from proto-Talbas hami; 2 examples; declension
'anda [ˈʔan.da]
v.t. have, v.i. exist
from proto-Talbas anda; 1 example
'ata [ˈʔa.ta]
v. stop
from proto-Talbas hat'a; 3 examples
'ay [ˈʔaj]
adj. first
from proto-Talbas ay; 1 example


baba [ˈba.ba]
n.m. dad
from proto-Talbas baba; declension
bal [ˈbal]
n.in. time (occasion)
particle verb nominalizer (for actions)
from proto-Talbas bal; declension
balbe [ˈbal.be]
v. argue
from proto-Talbas balpe; 1 example
bambol [ˈbam.bol]
number 8
from proto-Talbas banpol, bana + poli
bammas [ˈbam.mas]
number 6
from proto-Talbas banmas, bana + mas
bana [ˈba.na]  audio
number 5, n.f. hand
from proto-Talbas bana; 7 words derived from bana; declension
bande [ˈban.de]
number 7
from proto-Talbas bante, bana + te
bankon [ˈbaŋ.kon]
number 9
from proto-Talbas bankon, bana + koni
be [ˈbe]
postposition at, to
from proto-Talbas be; 1 example


dala [ˈda.la]
v. jump
from proto-Talbas dala; 2 examples
dila [ˈdi.la]
n.in. happiness
v. be happy
from proto-Talbas dila; 1 example; declension
do [ˈdo]
postposition until, up to
from proto-Talbas dok; 1 example
don [ˈdon]
determiner some (plural)
from proto-Talbas don; 1 example


'embal [ˈʔem.bal]
adv. often
from proto-Talbas henbal; 1 example
'emi [ˈʔe.mi]
adv. once, once upon a time
from proto-Talbas emi; 1 example
'en [ˈʔen]
adj. next
from proto-Talbas hen; 1 example
'endo [ˈʔen.do]
determiner much, many, lots
from proto-Talbas hendo; 1 example
'eyle [ˈʔej.le]
v. hope
from proto-Talbas eyle; 2 examples


-i [i]
suffix genitive
from proto-Talbas -hi; 5 words derived from -i; 13 examples
-ime [i.me]
suffix agent (plural) (derive nouns from verbs)
from proto-Talbas -ime; 1 example
-ina [i.na]
suffix agent (male) (derive nouns from verbs)
from proto-Talbas -hina; 3 examples
'ipe [ˈʔi.pe]
adv. now
from proto-Talbas hipe; 2 examples
-isa [i.sa]
suffix agent (female) (derive nouns from verbs)
from proto-Talbas -hisa


kanni [ˈkan.ni]
particle as much as possible
from proto-Talbas kanni; 1 example
ke [ˈke]
particle indicates that there's a noun clause after the verb
from proto-Talbas ke; 4 examples
-ken [ken]
suffix instrumental case; also forms adverbs from adjectives
from proto-Talbas -ken; 6 examples
ken [ˈken]
v. use
from proto-Talbas ken
k'ene [ˈkʼe.ne]
direction north
from proto-Talbas k'ene; 4 examples
kimbo [ˈkim.bo]
n.in. tightness
from proto-Talbas kimpo; 1 example; declension
klande [ˈklan.de]
adv. finally
from proto-Talbas klante; 1 example
komban [ˈkom.ban]
number 20
from proto-Talbas konban, koni + bana
konay [ˈko.naj]
n.in. house
from proto-Talbas konahi; declension
koni [ˈko.ni]  audio
number 4, n.in. square
from proto-Talbas koni; 2 words derived from koni; declension
kos [ˈkos]
determiner, pronoun who?
from proto-Talbas kos


le [ˈle]
conj. so
from proto-Talbas lep; 1 word derived from le; 1 example
lembi [ˈlem.bi]
v. give up
from proto-Talbas lembi; 1 example
-li [li]
suffix accusative/dative feminine animate singular definite
1 example
li [ˈli]
pron. her (accusative/dative)
from lime
lime [ˈli.me]
n.f. woman
from proto-Talbas lime; 2 words derived from lime; declension
lo [ˈlo]
adv. maybe
from proto-Talbas lo; 1 example
lomi [ˈlo.mi]
v. learn
from proto-Talbas lomi; 1 example


mama [ˈma.ma]
n.f. mom
from proto-Talbas mama; declension
mana [ˈma.na]
v. shout
from proto-Talbas mana; 4 examples
mas [ˈmas]  audio
number 1
from proto-Talbas mas; 1 word derived from mas
maso [ˈma.so]
v. need
from proto-Talbas maso; 1 example
-me [me]
suffix plural
from proto-Talbas -met
me [ˈme]
pron. they (animate)
from proto-Talbas met; 2 words derived from me; 1 example
-mel [mel]
suffix optative
from proto-Talbas -mel; 1 example
mes [ˈmes]
adv. soon
from proto-Talbas mes; 2 examples
meti1 [ˈme.ti]
pron. them (accusative/dative)
from proto-Talbas metye, from met + -ye "[suffix] accusative/dative"
meti2 [ˈme.ti]
pron. their (genitive)
from proto-Talbas methi, from met + -hi
mey [ˈmej]
pron. her (genitive)
from lime + -i
mo [ˈmo]
conj. but
from proto-Talbas mo; 1 example
molde [ˈmol.de]
v. can
from proto-Talbas molte
molno [ˈmol.no]
v. be okay with
from proto-Talbas molno; 1 example
mondi [ˈmon.di]
v. leave
from proto-Talbas monti; 2 examples
moy [ˈmoj]
particle up
postposition on, above
from proto-Talbas moy; 2 examples


-n [n]
suffix imperfective (-en after a consonant)
from proto-Talbas -n; 5 examples
na [ˈna]  audio
pron. he (nominative)
from proto-Talbas na, from nato; 2 words derived from na; 1 example
nali [ˈna.li]
n.m. boy
from sali; declension
nato [ˈna.to]
n.m. man
from proto-Talbas nato; 1 word derived from nato; 2 examples; declension
nay1 [ˈnaj]
pron. him (accusative/dative)
from proto-Talbas naye, from na + -ye "[suffix] accusative/dative"
nay2 [ˈnaj]
pron. his (genitive)
from proto-Talbas nahi, from na + -hi
-nda [nda]
suffix be
from proto-Talbas -nda; 2 examples
-ne [ne]
suffix accusative/dative masculine animate singular definite
2 examples
neme [ˈne.me]
v. hear, listen
from proto-Talbas neme; 1 example
ninkal [ˈniŋ.kal]
n.m. donkey
from proto-Talbas ninkal; 4 examples; declension


'o [ˈʔo]
particle only
from proto-Talbas o; 1 example
'ope [ˈʔo.pe]
v. hit
from proto-Talbas ope; 4 examples


pani [ˈpa.ni]
v. come, will (future tense)
from proto-Talbas pani; 5 examples
pen [ˈpen]
v. be
from proto-Talbas pen; 2 examples
petipe [ˈpe.ti.pe]
n.f. butterfly
from proto-Talbas fetife; declension
pla [ˈpla]
n.m. wind
from proto-Talbas pla; 5 examples; declension
plas [ˈplas]
adv. why?
from proto-Talbas plas; 1 example
polban [ˈpol.ban]
number 15
from proto-Talbas polban, poli + bana
poli [ˈpo.li]  audio
number 3
from proto-Talbas poli; 2 words derived from poli
pote [ˈpo.te]
v. blow
from proto-Talbas fote; 2 examples
poto [ˈpo.to]
n.f. rain
from proto-Talbas poto; 6 examples; declension
pyepi [ˈpje.pi]
v. play
from proto-Talbas pyepye; 1 example
pyol [ˈpjol]
adj. warm
from proto-Talbas pyol; 2 examples


qan [ˈqɑn]
pron. it, this, these, they (inanimate)
from proto-Talbas qam
qate [ˈqɑ.te]
v. remove
from proto-Talbas qate; 2 examples
qay [ˈqɑj]
n.in. table
from proto-Talbas qayet; 1 example; declension
q'ılbi [ˈqʼɯl.bi]  audio
v. appreciate
from proto-Talbas q'ılbi; 2 examples
qıme [ˈqɯ.me]
v. wake up
from proto-Talbas qıme; 1 example
qlan [ˈqɫɑn]
n.m. sun, day
from proto-Talbas qlan; 14 examples; declension
qo [ˈqo]
pron. I (first person singular)
from proto-Talbas qo; 5 examples
qolde [ˈqol.de]
n.f. traveller
from proto-Talbas qolde; 3 examples; declension
qoqo [ˈqo.qo]
pron. we (first person plural)
from proto-Talbas qoqo


-s1 [s]
suffix indefinite
from proto-Talbas -s; 5 examples
-s2 [s]
suffix instrument (derive nouns from verbs)
from proto-Talbas -s; 2 words derived from -s
sa [ˈsa]  audio
pron. she (nominative)
from proto-Talbas sa, from sal "[n.f.] woman; she"
sali [ˈsa.li]
n.f. girl, child, daughter
from proto-Talbas salhi, from sal "[n.f.] woman; she" + -hi, originally meant "baby"; 1 word derived from sali; declension
sambal [ˈsam.bal]
adv. twice
from proto-Talbas sanbal; 1 example
sami [ˈsa.mi]
adj. second, another
from proto-Talbas sami; 1 example
samo [ˈsa.mo]
v. admit, give in
from proto-Talbas samo; 1 example
san [ˈsan]  audio
number 2
from proto-Talbas san
santi [ˈsan.ti]
v. agree
from proto-Talbas sant'i; 1 example
-se [se]
suffix causative
from proto-Talbas -se; 1 example
se1 [ˈse]
v. do, happen, make
from proto-Talbas se; 1 word derived from se; 2 examples
se2 [ˈse]
particle more, most (comparative)
from proto-Talbas se; 4 examples
sempo [ˈsem.po]
n.in. cloak
from proto-Talbas semfo; 4 examples; declension
sen [ˈsen]
adv. again
from proto-Talbas sen; 1 example
sin [ˈsin]
n.in. foot
from proto-Talbas sin; 1 word derived from sin; declension
sini [ˈsi.ni]
particle down
from proto-Talbas sinhi, sin + -hi; 1 example
sinlo [ˈsin.lo]
v. can't
from proto-Talbas sinlo
sinso [ˈsin.so]
v. know
from proto-Talbas sinso; 1 example
somo [ˈso.mo]
v. behave properly
from proto-Talbas somo; 1 example
son [ˈson]
conj. or, either
from proto-Talbas son
sonyo [ˈson.jo]
adv. polar question marker
from proto-Talbas sonyo; 1 example
soy [ˈsoj]
adv. how?
from proto-Talbas soy; 1 example


talba [ˈtal.ba]
v. say, talk
from proto-Talbas talba; 1 word derived from talba; 2 examples
talbas [ˈtal.bas]  audio
n.in. language
from proto-Talbas talbas, talba + -s; 1 example; declension
t'alde [ˈtʼal.de]
n.in. strength
from proto-Talbas t'alde; 5 examples; declension
taspe [ˈtas.pe]
v. shine
from proto-Talbas taspe; 8 examples
-te [te]  audio
suffix dual (animate pronouns only)
from proto-Talbas -te
te1 [ˈte]  audio
conj. and
from proto-Talbas te; 1 word derived from te; 3 examples
te2 [ˈte]  audio
number 2
from proto-Talbas te; 1 word derived from te
teban [ˈte.ban]
number 10
from proto-Talbas teban, te + bana
ten [ˈten]
v. wear
from proto-Talbas ten; 2 examples
tete [ˈte.te]
n.f. neighbor
from proto-Talbas tete; 1 example; declension
-ti [ti]
suffix diminutive
from proto-Talbas -ti; 1 word derived from -ti; 4 examples
ti [ˈti]
pron. you (second person singular)
from proto-Talbas ti; 3 examples
titi [ˈti.ti]
pron. you (second person plural)
from proto-Talbas titi; 1 example
t'oki [ˈtʼo.ki]
n.in. tree
from proto-Talbas t'oki; declension
ton [ˈton]
pron. that, those
from proto-Talbas tom
tsa [ˈtsa]  audio
conj. then
from proto-Talbas tsa; 1 word derived from tsa; 6 examples
tsale [ˈtsa.le]
conj. causes
from proto-Talbas tsalep, tsa + lep; 1 example
tsine [ˈtsi.ne]
adj. bright, light
from proto-Talbas tsine; 2 examples
tso [ˈtso]
determiner any
from proto-Talbas tso
tsoko [ˈtso.ko]
n.f. person
2 words derived from tsoko; 4 examples; declension
tsokoses [ˈtso.ko.ses]
n.in. man-made thing
tsoko + se + -s; 1 example; declension
tsokoti [ˈtso.ko.ti]
n.f. baby
tsoko + -ti; declension


yan [ˈjan]
n.f. cat
from proto-Talbas yan; 4 examples; declension
yo [ˈjo]
determiner no
from proto-Talbas yo