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Talbas phrasebook
Qo pani, lo tili molno 'eyle.
[ˈqo ˈ, ˈlo ˈ ˈ ˈʔej.le. ]
qo1s pani,come, lomaybe ti-li2s-acc.f molnobe_okay_with 'eyle.hope.

Formal, used by the person who's arriving. Tili changes to tine if you're talking to someone male:

Ti pani, qoyli q'ılbi.
[ˈti ˈ, ˈ ˈqʼɯ ]
ti2s pani,come, qo-li1s-acc.f q'ılbi.appreciate.

Formal, used by the person who's already there. Qoyli changes to qoyne if you're male:

Qo pani.
[ˈqo ˈ ]
qo1s pani.come.

Informal, used by the person who's arriving.

[ˈqʼɯ ]

Informal, used by the person who's already there.

Talbas phrasebook
Do you speak English?
Sonyo ti Inlisken talba?
[ˈ ˈti ˈInlis.ken ˈ ]
sonyoq ti2s Inlis-kenEnglish-ins talba?say?
Donkey Beater Story in Talbas
and asked, “Why do you beat your donkey?”
tsa 'ami, "Plas ti ninkalne 'o'ópe?"
[ˈtsa ˈʔa.mi, ˈplas ˈti ˈniŋ ʔo.ˈʔope?" ]
tsathen 'ami,question, "plas"why? ti2s ninkal-nedonkey-acc.m 'o~'ope?"freq~hit?"