Tydotsuy sentence-level examples

See sentences

Word order

I ate a grape.
ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Hu =su amashna a= timalh
I =vol eat a= grape.
Did I eat a grape?
JbaL ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Balh husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈm̆bɑɬ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Balh hu =su amashna a= timalh
q I =vol eat a= grape?

For polar (yes/no) questions, the question word just goes at the beginning, and doesn't change the word order.

Joboo, did I eat a grape?
oiabAPZh, JbaL ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Jóboophuh, balh husu amashna atimalh?
[ˈjɔ.boː.pʰuh, ˈbɑɬ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Joboo =phuh, balh hu =su amashna a= timalh?
Joboo =dat, q I =vol eat a= grape?
Joboo said, "I ate a grape".
oiabaL ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Jóbolh husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈjɔ.bɔɬ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Jobo =lh hu =su amashna a= timalh
Joboo =say I =vol eat a= grape.
Yesterday I ate a grape.
oscITax ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Þyythot husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈθyː.tʰɔʔ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Þyythot hu =su amashna a= timalh
Yesterday I =vol eat a= grape.
Yesterday, Joboo said, "I ate a grape".
oscITax oiabaL ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Þyythot Jóbolh husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈθyː.tʰɔʔ ˈjɔ.bɔɬ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Þyythot Jobo =lh hu =su amashna a= timalh
Yesterday Joboo =say I =vol eat a= grape.
Joboo said, "Yesterday, I ate a grape".
oiabaL oscITax ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Jóbolh þyythot husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈjɔ.bɔɬ ˈθyː.tʰɔʔ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Jobo =lh þyythot hu =su amashna a= timalh
Joboo =say yesterday I =vol eat a= grape.


I accidentally ate a grape.
ohulz jamaSCna jatimaL
Hulo amashna atimalh.
[ˈhu.lɔ ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Hu =lo amashna a= timalh
I =nvol eat a= grape.
Joboo got me to eat a grape.
oiabAsZ ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Jóboosu husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈjɔ.boː.su ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Joboo =su hu =su amashna a= timalh
Joboo =vol I =vol eat a= grape.
Joboo made me eat a grape.
oiabAsZ ohulz jamaSCna jatimaL
Jóboosu hulo amashna atimalh.
[ˈjɔ.boː.su ˈhu.lɔ ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Joboo =su hu =lo amashna a= timalh
Joboo =vol I =vol eat a= grape.
I ate a grape with my hands.
ohusZ JmaimA jamaSCna jatimaL
Husu maimaa amashna atimalh.
[ˈhu.su mai.ˈmɑː ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Hu =su maimaa amashna a= timalh
I =vol hand eat a= grape.
I decided on my own to eat a grape.
Jbwuse ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL
Bwese husu amashna atimalh.
[ˈm̆bwɛ.sɛ ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Bwese hu =su amashna a= timalh
On_own I =vol eat a= grape.
You ate a grape.
JTixlz jamaSCna jatimaL
Thitla amashna atimalh.
[ˈtʰit̚.tɬɑ ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Thit =la amashna a= timalh
You =nvol eat a= grape.
The grape fell down by itself (no one pushed it).
Jbwuse JTwE JdetimaL
Bwese thwee detimalh.
[ˈm̆bwɛ.sɛ ˈtʰwɛː dɛ.ˈti.mɑɬ]
Bwese thwee de= timalh
On_own fall_down the= grape.


I ate a grape for Joboo.
ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL oiabAZx
Husu amashna atimalh Jóboout.
[ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ ˈjɔ.boː.ut̚]
Hu =su amashna a= timalh Joboo =ut
I =vol eat a= grape Joboo =ben.
I ate grapes with Joboo.
ohusZ jamaSCna JtimaL oiabASpi
Husu amashna timalh Jóboospy.
[ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ˈti.mɑɬ ˈjɔ.boː.spy]
Hu =su amashna timalh Joboo =spy
I =vol eat grape Joboo =com.
I ate a grape, according to Joboo.
ohusZ jamaSCna jatimaL oiabaL
Husu amashna atimalh Jóbolh
[ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ɑ.ˈti.mɑɬ ˈjɔ.bɔɬ]
Hu =su amashna a= timalh Jobo =lh
I =vol eat a= grape Joboo =say.
I'm not hungry, because Joboo made me not hungry.
ohe jalTa JmaSCna oiabAStS
Hu altha mashna Jóboostus.
[ˈhu ˈɑl.tʰɑ ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ˈjɔ.boː.stus]
Hu altha mashna Joboo =stus
I have food Joboo =caus.

Complex sentences

I eat and drink
ohusZ jamaSCna ohif oafepa
Husu amashna hyf ofupo.
[ˈhu.su ɑ.ˈmɑʃ.nɑ ˈhyf ɔ.ˈfu.pɔ]
Hu =su amashna hyf ofupo
I =vol eat and drink.
If it's not raining, I'll go outside.
Odexteh OpiuLuSc Jpih
ohusZ jLaxiah
Duttuh pyulhuþ pih; husu lha'jah.
[ˈn̆dut̚.tuh ˈpyʊ.ɬuθ ˈpih; ˈhu.su ˈɬɑʔ.jɑh]
Duttuh pyu– lhuþ pih; hu =su lh– a'jah
Rain neg- prot flow; I =vol cond- exit.
If it weren't raining, I would go outside.
Odexteh Jpih
oebuL ohusZ jLaxiah
Duttuh pih; ubulh husu lha'jah.
[ˈn̆dut̚.tuh ˈpih; ˈu.buɬ ˈhu.su ˈɬɑʔ.jɑh]
Duttuh pih; ubulh hu =su lh– a'jah
Rain flow; otherwise I =vol cond- exit.

In English, the use of the form "if it weren't raining", and the use of "would", implies that it is actually raining, and the situation is completely hypothetical. In Tydotsuy, this is expressed by explicitly stating that it is, in fact raining. The Tydotsuy sentence translates literally to "It's raining, otherwise I would go outside".

ohusZ jLaxiah
Odexteh juL Jpih
Husu lha'jah; duttuh elh pih.
[ˈhu.su ˈɬɑʔ.jɑh; ˈdut̚.tuh ˈɛɬ ˈpih]
Hu =su lh– a'jah; duttuh elh pih
I =vol cond- exit; rain however flow.

Same meaning as above, but the condition is first.

I'm not outside because it's raining.
ohe Opiexiaha
jscA Odexteh Jpih
Hu pyu'joho; þaa duttuh pih.
[ˈhu pyʊʔ.ˈjɔ.hɔ; ˈθɑː ˈdut̚.tuh ˈpih]
Hu pyu– 'joho; þaa duttuh pih
I neg- be_outside; because rain flow.

This assumes that the listener knows neither that I'm not outside nor that it's raining.

OpieTaxiaha ohu
jscA Odexteh Jpih
Pyutho'joho hu; þaa duttuh pih.
[pyʊ.tʰɔʔ.ˈjɔ.hɔ ˈhu; ˈθɑː ˈdut̚.tuh ˈpih]
Pyu– th– o'joho hu; þaa duttuh pih
neg- common- be_outside I; because rain flow.

A bit more realistic, this assumes that the speaker knows I'm not outside (perhaps they saw me inside and asked why I'm inside), but ze might not have noticed that it was raining.

jscA Odexteh Jpih
Pyutho'joho; þaa duttuh pih.
[pyʊ.tʰɔʔ.ˈjɔ.hɔ; ˈθɑː ˈdut̚.tuh ˈpih]
Pyu– th– o'joho; þaa duttuh pih
neg- common- be_outside; because rain flow.

Like the previous example, but this also assumes that the listener knows that I'm talking about me not being outside.

jscA JTE Jpih Odextuh
Pyutho'joho; þaa thee pih duttuh.
[pyʊ.tʰɔʔ.ˈjɔ.hɔ; ˈθɑː ˈtʰɛː ˈpih ˈtut̚.tuh]
Pyu– th– o'joho; þaa thee pih duttuh
neg- common- be_outside; because common flow rain.

This also assumes that the listener knows that it's raining, and the only new information conveyed by this sentences is the reason.

He's not outside; I heard it's because it's raining.
jhwuil Opiexiaha
jalscA Odexteh jalpih
Hweil pyu'joho; alþaa duttuh alpih.
[ˈhwĕĭl pyʊʔ.ˈjɔ.hɔ; ɑl.ˈθɑː ˈdut̚.tuh ˈɑl.pih]
Hweil pyu– 'joho; al– þaa duttuh al– pih
Animal.clf.an neg- be_outside; rep- because rain rep- flow.
He's not outside; it must be because it's raining.
jhwuil Opiexiaha
jexscA Odexteh Jpih
Hweil pyu'joho; etþaa duttuh pih.
[ˈhwĕĭl pyʊʔ.ˈjɔ.hɔ; ɛt̚.ˈt̪θɑː ˈdut̚.tuh ˈpih]
Hweil pyu– 'joho; et– þaa duttuh pih
Animal.clf.an neg- be_outside; infr- because rain flow.