Tydotsuy Lexicon

527 items currently in the lexicon. A B Þ D E F H I J K L M N O P S T U W Y



a'jah jaxiah
v.: subj. v. opt.-loc. leave, exit (takes middle subject if high-volition), go outside
a'jaha jaxiaha
v.st.: subj.-or-cla. v. opt.-loc. to be outside (from a'jah –ha)
a'japet jaxiapex
n., clf. si·el outside (from a'jah –bet)
a= ja
article indefinite article (a/an); see articles
aa jA
particle positive focus marker, only used in common-mood sentences (see focus)
aa·elh jAuL
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. cla. say, tell (if the subject of its argument is omitted, it's assumed to be the same as the talker and non-volitional; implies a direct quote)
aalat jAlax
v.t. get
afde'ha jafdexha
v.t.st. to be wearing (from afdet–ha)
afdet jafdex
v.: subj. v. dat. do. to wear, put on a piece of clothing; the person doing the putting on is the subject, the person or body part wearing the clothing is in the dative, and the clothing itself is the direct object
v.: subj. v. dat. to get dressed
ah jah
particle somewhat (contrast with not at all), approximately, near, sort of
aheppe jahexpe
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-do.-or-cla. hear; ese aheppe = listen (from huppe)
ai jai
article any; see articles
–aiþ aiSc
grammatical verb suffix seem (the verb's evidential can distinguish between "appears", "sounds", and "seems (from logical deduction)"; the verb's final vowel, if there is one, is deleted); one can get more specific by putting the verb in the dependent clause of a verb relating to sensory input
aiþaþ jaiscaS
adv. as it seems (from –aiþ–sas)
al– jal
grammatical prefix past perfective reportative (for weak verbs); also present reportative for stative verbs
alanit jalanix
v.: subj. v. do. opt.-dat. give back (from combination of anit and olyy)
alh– jaL
grammatical prefix reportative conditional (for strong verbs)
altha jalTa
v.t.st. have
v.i.st. be rich
v.: loc. v. do.-or-cla. indicates the location where the clause applies or the object is
v.: subj. v. cla. indicates that the subject is the topic
For the negative of this verb, use upmul (from aalat –ha)
altha fupo jalTa ofepa
verb phrase not be thirsty, (of a plant) not be in need of water; antonym: upmul fupo (altha fupo)
altha mashna jalTa JmaSCna
verb phrase not be hungry (altha mashna)
amashna jamaSCna
v.ot. eat (from mashna)
anit janix
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. return, go back (uses middle if subject is high-volition), put back (related to onoy and –i; use alanit if transfer of possession is involved)
apeiniþ japuiniSc
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-do.-or-cla. see, perceive; ese apeinic = look (from peiniþ)
apeiniþ dyumuu japuiniSc OdiemE
idiom to not be able to see due to darkness
atlaha jaxlaha
v.t.st. belong to (same as olyy de= teh–altha) (from aalat –la2 –ha)


ba Jba
digit 3 (see numbers)
baa JbA
conj. either, or
baþ JbaSc
adj. first (from –baþ)
–baþ baSc
number suffix Ordinals
bah Jbah
n., clf. hwei dog
balh JbaL
particle polar question (from baa)
bel Jbul
classifier books (suffix: –bel)
belhaa JbuLA
v.i.st. be correct, be true, be real (exist) (antonym: pyuho; not used in the sense "speak the truth", for that see beltestet)
beltestet JbultuStex
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. opt.-cla. tell the truth (antonym: phorustut)
–bet bex
derivational suffix forms a noun from a verb indicating the result of an action
bof Obaf
v.t. hit
boo ObA
adv. swimming underwater (usually modifies motion verbs)
boo oshufmo ObA oasCufma
verb phrase to float underwater, but below the surface
boonoy ObAnai
v.i.st. be able to swim underwater (from boo –nai)
bu'juy Obexiui
n., clf. si·el north star, north (always singular, used with article de=, inherently locative) (from but juy)
buh Obeh
v.: subj. v. do. opt.-loc. pour, v.: subj. v. opt.-do. dat. water (a plant; water is the direct object (optional), plant is dative)
but Obex
n., clf. star
buu ObE
n., clf. si·el end (temporal), yellow, mouth of a river
buu bwilhit ObE JbwiLix
noun phrase fall leaf (singular buu bwilhit)
buuphu ObEPe
n., clf. si·el autumn (from related to buu + maphee)
bwese Jbwuse
particle on its own (replaces the subject or causative) (from pyu– + ese)
bwilh JbwiL
classifier Flat objects; suffix: –bwilh, animate: bwil (from bwilhit)
bwilhit JbwiLix
n., clf. bwilh leaf
bypfdyþ ObixfdiSc
classifier Type plurals (from byt fdyþ)
byt Obix
classifier Piles, inanimate plurals; suffix: –bit
by·uu ObiE
n. skin, surface of a solid object (always plural)


þaa jscA
v.nt.: cla. v. cla. to be because
Followed by a sentence indicating the reason. Both sentences involved get their own evidential, as well as this verb. The argument to this verb can be in the optative to express intent.
þbo'ot oScbaxax
v.st.: subj. v. do.-or-cla. dislike (can take a sentence argument, in the protasis mood for hypotheticals, or the indicative otherwise)
þbot oScbax
particle negative attitude marker (applies to the next word) (from þbo'ot)
þbot leebit oScbax jlEbix
adj. too much, too many (inanimate)
þbot leelaf oScbax jlUlaf
adj. too many people
þbot les oScbax jluS
particle too
þbot lil oScbax jlil
particle not (adjective/verb) enough
þbot thabbit oScbax JTaxbix
adj. not enough (inanimate)
þbot thalaf oScbax JTalaf
adj. too few people
þdipflaf jScdixflaf
v.st.: subj. v. do.-or-cla. like (can take a clause argument, in the optative for hypotheticals, or the indicative otherwise)
þdit jScdix
particle positive attitude marker (applies to the next word) (from þdipflaf)
þdit ah jScdix jah
particle somewhat (adjective/verb) enough
þdit lil jScdix jlil
particle not too
þiþ jsciS
n., clf. fuu white noise, static, noise (in an image or data sample)
þjo'hoy osciaxhai
v.i.st. live, v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists
þjot osciax
v.t. give birth (from backformation from þjo'hoy)
þlatthee jsclaxTE
adv. regardless (can be used with hypothetical sentences)
þmyh oScmih
n., clf. shwelh tree, wood
þmyhmyh oScmihmih
n., clf. si·el forest (from þmyh þmyh)
þmyhy oScmihi
adj. wooden (from þmyh–i)
þmylhoo oScmiLA
v.st. tall (from þmyh yloo)
þphanie jScPanie
v.i.st. heavy, difficult
þtuþmoo oSctuSmA
v.i.st. dense (with solid objects), dense with trees; v.t.st. dense with
þyy oscI
n., clf. si·el right before now, just now, right before the time being talked about
adj. new, baby, recent
n., clf. hwei baby
þyythot oscITax
n., clf. si·el yesterday (from þyy thattei)


daaphai JdAPai
classifier, n. section (of a book/piece of music/etc.), act (of a play), season, 1/5 of a day; suffix: –daa
de= Jde
article definite article (the); see articles
deidat Jduidax
pr.n., clf. fuu sky, up (inherently locative)
deidattah Jduidaxtah
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. ascend (takes middle if subject is high-volition), move (something) upward, put above (takes locative object)
deiddaha Jduixdaha
v.st.: subj.-or-cla. v. loc. to be above (from deidattah –ha)
dii JdI
v.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. run away (from), flee (from), v.t. run away from, flee from (can also be used for other means of motion) (locative object shows destination)
disdibbet JdiSdixbex
n., clf. hwei adult (from disdit –bet)
disdippha JdiSdixPa
v.st.: subj. v. num. to be (number) years old (from disdit –ha)
disdit JdiSdix
v.i. grow up, mature
dotlhoh OdaxLah
v. thunder (often used with subject deidat)
dutlhuy OdexLui
n., clf. tuh circular ripples, like from a raindrop; a shape or symbol made of concentric circles (from duttuh lhuyshlhyu)
duttuh Odexteh
n., clf. rain (classifier when referring to individual drops; often used with the verb pih; animate)
dwaf Jdwaf
n., clf. hwei aunt, uncle
dwit Jdwix
adv. indicates that the speaker recently learned this information
dyumuu OdiemE
n., clf. fuu, adj. black, dark


e'– jex
grammatical prefix past perfective inferential (for weak verbs); also present inferential for stative verbs
ea jua
adv. placed before the verb, indicates direct evidential when the verb can't indicate this or when needed for clarity or focus (from analogy: eta : et– :: ? : no marking)
ef juf
conj. a.k.a., in other words, slash (from eif)
efteh jufteh
n., clf. si·el, particle the same time (at the beginning of a sentence, relative to the previous sentence; or it can follow a noun indicating time; as a noun, doesn't take an article or classifier) (from eif tehit)
eif juif
v.t.st. be (only used for linking noun phrases)
eifri juifri
v.t.st. be similar to, be the same as, v.: cla. v. cla. similarly to (from eif –fri)
eihwie juihwie
v.ot. reach (for), be about to
eis juiS
v.nt.: subj. v. v. modal indicating present tense for weak verbs, should be immediately followed by an unconjugated verb; direct form: eis, hearsay form: lais, inferential form: teteis, dubitative form: seleis
eis– juiS
grammatical prefix present direct (for strong verbs)
eishthit juiSCTix
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. stand, be standing (use with location to express position; use myumoyho for negative; use neishthit for active)
v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists
v.st.: subj. v. v. still be (with statives; for actives use epfnii; follow with an unconjugated verb)
Irregular present tense in all senses: eishthit/laishthit/tetsheishthit/shesheishthit
See postural verbs.
el jul
article who
el– jul
grammatical prefix past stative direct (for strong verbs)
ela jula
adv. placed before the verb, indicates reported evidential when the verb can't indicate this (from analogy: eta : et– :: ? : l–)
elh juL
particle however, contrastive or counterexpectative focus marker (see focus), yes but...
=elh L
clitic speaker case
elhfi juLfi
conj. whereas, compared to (from elh –fri)
epfnii jexfnI
v.t. hold, keep, still (be doing something; used with actives; with statives, use eishthit)
es1 juS
particle indicates agreement with something the other person has said, or that this sentence is expected given the previous sentence
es2 juS
adv. to each other (from esinat)
ese juse
v.ot. do, do it
v.: subj. v. v. cause oneself to become (used with stative verbs)
v.: subj. v. cla. cause, make someone do something
v.t. create
v.: subj. v. ideophone go, say
The subject of this verb does not get case marking
ese tuhtoylhus juse OtehtaiLuS
v.t. rip/tear (implies less destructive, e.g., tearing a page out of a notebook)
esee jusE
v.i. what did (subject) do? (moves to the front of the sentence) (from ese hee)
eseha jusuha
v.: subj. v. v. to have done/experienced at some point (from ese –ha)
eshlhee jusCLE
v.t.st. face towards
eshtea juSCtua
v.st.: subj. v. do.-or-cla. want (can take a clause in the indicative, direct-evidential mood); not usually negated (its clause is typically negated instead)
esinat jusinax
v.ot. trade (objects traded use plural or a conjunction, using originatives (–i and/or benefactives (–et) to mark nouns if needed initial owners if needed), do something to each other (thing uses teh– classifier on verb) (from ese hyf naadeh)
esla jusla
v.i. happen
v.ot. have (a thing) happen to
v.t. become
v.: subj. v. v. become (used with stative verbs)
v.: hwih v. cla. actually, in reality; contrasts a statement about reality with one about possibility, hypothetical, beliefs, etc.
v.: cla.-or-n. v. loc. happen at (focuses the time or location; can also be used with time adverbs)
v.: subj. v. cla. indicates that the subject is the topic
The subject of this verb does not get case marking (from es –la2)
eslabeppaf juslabexpaf
n., clf. hwei news reporter, journalist (one who writes the news stories) (from eslabet –paf)
eslabet juslabex
n., clf. bel news (from esla –bet)
eslaha juslaha
v.i., v.: hwih v. cla. (of an action) to have finished or stopped (unless used with a pronoun, used with the subject hwih and with a sentence following it)
v.: subj. v. v., v.: hwih v. cla. used to (auxiliary verb followed by a verb conjugated as habitual)
(from esla –ha)
eslhee jusLE
v.i. what happened to (subject)? (moves to the front of the sentence) (from esla hee)
esspi jusSpi
idiom et. cetera, et. al. (from es –spi)
estela juStula
v.: subj. v. opt.-do.-or-cla. understand (from testet + –la2)
=et Zx
clitic benefactive case (for) (noun modifier and adverbial)
et– jex
grammatical prefix past perfective inferential (for strong verbs); also present inferential for stative verbs
eta jeta
adv. therefore; also indicates a inferential evidential when the verb can't indicate this
eth– jeT
grammatical prefix common mood (for strong verbs)
ethat jeTax
v.: subj.-or-cla. v. cla. to cause (does not imply agency of the subject; subject is often a sentence); this is like þaa, but with the arguments reversed
etlh– jexL
grammatical prefix inferential conditional (for strong verbs)
=etse ZxsZ
clitic autobenefactive case
etwi jetwi
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. opt.-loc. opt.-do.-or-cla. write
etwila jetwila
v.: subj. v. opt.-do.-or-cla. read (from etwi –la2)
etwilapaf jetwilapaf
n., clf. hwei radio announcer, news anchor (from etwila –paf)


fahwil jfahwil
n., clf. si·el south (used without an article)
fdy'hoo ofdixhA
v.t.st. to be shaped like
n., clf. fuu shape, kind
fdyþ ofdiSc
classifier Kinds/types; suffix: –fdiþ (from fdy'hoo?)
fe– jfe
prefix abstract concept (from fuu)
fehfeh jfuhfeh
n., clf. butterfly
fitþdal jfixScdal
n., clf. mii/nyryu, lr. webbed foot
fjoh ofiah
n., clf. si·el night
fjohny ofiahni
n., clf. si·el evening, twilight (from fjoh + neje)
fjohwyt ofiahwix
n., clf. hwei bat (from fjoh + wit: night bird)
flhabedee jfLabedE
n., clf. lif root
flhee jfLE
n., clf. bwilh money (use the counter word "bwilh" for the major currency, which is a type of coin resembling a sand dollar)
fnif jfnif
classifier Left item in a pair (e.g., hands, eyes, ears)
foshfylh ofasCfiL
v.i.st. dense (from eif a=oshuf–nilh))
fphu ofPe
number 1,679,616 (68; see numbers)
fphuy ofPui
sentence-level conj. indicates that the subject of the next clause is the last noun phrase of the previous clause
fraþ jfraSc
n., clf. si·el beach
n., clf. sand
fraþ– jfraSc
prefix common prefix on the names of beaches (from fraþ)
–fri fri
grammatical suffix more than (adds an extra argument after other noun arguments, in the locative case)
frobbai ofraxbai
v.ot. go home (to)
Used in the habitual aspect to mean "live at"
frobbaiha ofraxbaiha
v.i.st. at home (from frobbai –ha)
frobbainilh ofraxbainiL
n., clf. si·el house (when distinguishing from other senses of frobbe) (from frobbai –nilh)
frobbe ofraxbe
n., clf. si·el house, home, building (from related to frobbai)
frytlyy ofrixlI
v.t. block
v.: subj. v. cla. prevent (subordinate clause uses the conditional mood)
fthase jfTase
v.: subj-or-cla. v. loc. pass, move by; if used with a clause, the clause should be express motion
fu'– ofex
prefix common prefix for the names of waterfalls (from futtowo)
fupo ofepa
n., clf. luhwyy water for drinking
fut ofex
adv. running (usually modifies motion verbs), quickly
futnoy ofexnai
v.i.st. be fast (from fut –nai)
futtowo ofextawa
n. waterfall, sudden change (pronounced like futtoo)
fuu ofE
classifier Clouds, abstract concepts; suffix: –fee, animate: ful (from fuuhysh)
fuuhysh ofUhiSC
n., clf. fuu cloud (often used with the verb lhoy; inanimate)
fuushuu ofUsCE
v.i.st. be asleep (ese/esla fuushuu: fall asleep)
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. to be spending the night at, to be on an overnight trip
fuyshbolh ofuiSCbaL
v.i.st. not dense (from eif a=yshbash–nilh))


–ha ha
derivational suffix forms stative verbs from active verbs
ha= jha
article indefinite genitive article (a/an); see articles
haa– jhA
prefix great (when applied to haamii and haanaa)
haamii jhAmI
n., clf. hwei grandma (from haa– miipii)
haanaa jhAnA
n., clf. hwei grandpa (from haa– naawaa)
habuy jhabui
n., clf. hwei child
hai jhai
article any (for genitives); see articles
harah jharah
n. air (always plural)
hashl– jhasCl
grammatical prefix past imperfective/stative optative (for strong verbs)
hat jhax
v.t.st. to be colored, to have the same color as
n., clf. fuu color
hee jhE
article what, which
hesh jhuSC
v.nt.: subj. v. v. modal indicating the optative mood in weak verbs, should be immediately followed by an unconjugated verb or a verb with the prefix la'–
hesh– jhuSC
grammatical prefix present/future optative (for strong verbs)
hie jhie
particle most (often used after tu'o), exactly, completely
hie oshufmo jhie oasCufma
verb phrase to be on the ground underwater
hie tottuhyt jhie Otaxtuhix
adv. always, forever
hodoy ohadai
n., clf. lif tree trunk, column, brown, thing that everything else depends on
hoh oaH
adj. old
n., clf. hwei old person
hu ohe
pronoun First person singular pronoun (I/me)
huh ouH
v.i. breathe, v.ot. blow
huhsus ouHsuS
n., clf. mii/nyryu, lr. lung (from huh–ses)
hulof ohulaf
pronoun First person exclusive plural (us, not including you) (from hu lof)
huppe ohexpe
n., clf. mii, lr. ear
huru ohure
pronoun First person inclusive plural (me and you, and possibly some other people) (from hu nyryu)
huubee ohEbE
n., clf. bwilh flower
huubuuloo ohEbUlA
v.i.st. beautiful (from huubee yloo)
hwaiþ jhwaiSc
v.: subj. v. do. opt.-loc. chase (to)
hwei jhwui
classifier Animals, people (when their name is not known); suffix: –hwei, animate: hweil
hwet jhwex
v.st.: cla. v. cla. for the purpose of (use indicative if successful, optative otherwise, optative + lilsas before the optative to indicate failure)
hwih JwYH
pronoun Refers to things which will be mentioned later in the sentence. Used as the subject of certain impersonal verbs, and used similarly to "the following" in English.
hwys ohwiS
n., clf. hwei offspring (son, daughter), (of a city/country) person born or raised there
hyf ohif
sentence-level conj. and (particularly when the subject is the same in both clauses; it can be omitted in the second clause in that case)


i JY
v.nt.: subj. v. v. modal indicating gnomic aspect; i.e., the verb applies in general; only conjugated in the present stative; not used in the common mood
=i i
clitic from
derivational suffix from
number suffix fraction denominator
classifier Small objects not usually counted separately (e.g., grains, drops); suffix: –iþ, animate: il
ifbwai jifbwai
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. sit, be sitting (use with location to express position; use myumoyho for negative; use nifbwai for active)
v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists
See postural verbs.
ifnah jifnah
v.st.: subj.-or-cla. v. loc. (of a skinny object) to be parallel to (from ifnat –ha)
ifnat jifnax
v.: subj-or-cla. v. loc. move alongside; if used with a clause, the clause should be express motion
ifsha jifsCa
v.st.: subj. v. number indicates the number of an object there are (followed by a modifier expressing amount)
v.st.: cla. v. number indicates the number of times an event happened
(from iifish+–ha)
iifish jIfiSC
v.t. count
iishbyu jISCbie
v.ca.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. lie, be lying (use with location to express position; use myumoyho for negative; use niishbyu for active)
v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists
v.st.: subj. v. do. to have not yet done (object is a verb using teh–, and the article puo)
See postural verbs.
inif JYnYf
v.t. drop, let go, stop suddenly


j– j
grammatical prefix prefix indicating the present+past tense
jet jiex
n., clf. mii head, top
joboo oiabA
n., clf. lif river (inherently locative)
pr.n., clf. lil a given name
joo oiA
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. opt.-do. shout, howl, call someone's name
joo– oiA
prefix common prefix on the names of rivers (from joboo)
jootydotsu oiAtidaxse
proper noun River Tydotsu, a major river in Tydotsu (from joo– tydotsu)
juy oiui
n., clf. si·el center, axis of rotation, axel
jyynoo oIinA
particle times


kunyyku OtkenItke
n. cliff (from Lwaitel kunik)


l– l
grammatical prefix past perfective reportative (for strong verbs); also present reportative for stative verbs
la'– jlax
grammatical prefix past imperfective indicative; past stative direct (for weak verbs)
–la1 la
non-productive suffix used to form the passive
=la2 lz
clitic low-volition subject, animacy marker
laa– jlA
grammatical prefix past stative reportative (for weak verbs)
laf– jlaf
prefix animate plural
laftyy jlaftI
n., clf. bel book, story
lais– jlaiS
grammatical prefix present reportative (for strong verbs)
lal– jlal
grammatical prefix past stative reportative (for strong verbs)
latte jlaxte
n., clf. si·el, particle earlier, the past (at the beginning of a sentence, relative to the previous sentence; or it can follow a noun indicating time; as a noun, doesn't take an article or classifier)
lee jlE
adj. big (from leebyyho)
leebit jlEbix
adj. many, much (inanimate) (from leebyy byt)
leebyy jlEbI
v.ca. grow, make bigger, inflate
leebyyho jlEbIha
v.i.st. be big (from leebyy–ha)
leedibit jlEdibix
adj. many kinds (from leebyy fdyþ byt)
leeeesas jlysaS
particle, informal very very (from leesas)
leelaf jlUlaf
adj. many people (from leebyy lof)
leesas jlUsaS
particle very, at least (from leebyy –sas)
leewaa jlUwA
adj. much liquid (from leebyy waa)
les jluS
particle very (from contracted form of leesas)
letaine jletaine
n., clf. non-aggregated snowflake (particularly when the 6-fold symmetry is visible) (from Lwaitel lutain)
n., clf. mii hexagon, Star of David
lh– L
grammatical prefix direct conditional (for strong verbs)
lhaþl– jLascl
grammatical prefix past imperfective/stative protasis (for strong verbs)
lheþ jLuSc
v.nt.: subj. v. v. modal indicating the protasis form for weak verbs, should be immediately followed by an unconjugated verb or a verb with the prefix la'–; article if it exists
lheþ– jLuSc
grammatical prefix present/future protasis (for strong verbs)
lheh jLeh
v.nt.: subj. v. v. auxiliary verb indicating the conditional mood for weak verbs; reportative form: alheh
lhi'= jLix
preposition except
lhi'ah jLixah
particle relatively + somewhat (from lhit ah)
lhi'jaf jLixiaf
v.i.st., v.st.: hwih v. cla. common, typical, usual
lhi'jafas jLixiafaS
adv. of course, as usual (from lhi'jaf –sas)
lhiephi jLiePi
v.i.st. whole, unbroken, finished, without internal conflict, (of a line) not dashed or dotted
lhiet jLiex
v.t. finish making (a thing), finish (a teh– verb) (from related to lhiephi, possibly a backformation)
lhietsas jLiexsaS
adv. (of an emotional state) indicates that one feels that they feel how they should and has no internal conflict about the emotion (from lhiet –sas)
lhilil jLilil
particle relatively little (from lhit lil)
lhipphii jLixPI
v.ot. bump, bump into something (body part is the subject if specified: "my knee bumped" instead of "I bumped my knee")
v.: subj. v. cla. to accidentally cause
lhit jLix
particle relatively + very
lhithel jLiTul
n., clf. si·el, particle later (at the beginning of a sentence, relative to the previous sentence; or it can follow a noun indicating time; as a noun, doesn't take an article or classifier)
lhoy oLai
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. hover (use with location to express position)
lhoysos oLaisaS
adv. flying (usually modifies motion verbs) (from lhoy –sas)
lhutuy oLetui
n., clf. bwilh chair, stool
lhuyshlhyu oLuisCLie
n., clf. tuh wave
lhy'oh oLixah
v.t. leave behind
lif jlif
classifier Thin, string-like objects; suffix: –lif, animate: lil
lil jlil
particle not very (contrast with very), at most
lilsas jlilsaS
particle only (nothing more salient) (from lil –sas)
lof olaf
classifier Herds, groups of people, animate plurals; suffix: –laf
lopys olapiS
particle indicates a correction from earlier in the conversation
luhwyy oluhwI
n., clf. mii cup
classifier cup-full, bottle-full, serving (suffix: –leh)
v.dt. fill (container uses the dative case)
v.t. fill (container is the subject)
luhwyyho oluhwIha
v.i.st. (of a container) full (from luhwyy –ha)
lutylh oletiL
v.t. wash, clean
lutylho oletiLa
v.st. be clean (from lutylh –ha)
luulhu olULe
n., clf. bwilh couch, sofa, bench
lwaite jlwaite
pr.n., clf. si·el Lwait (from Lwaitel Lwait)
lwaitel jlwaitul
n., adj. someone from Lwait (from Lwaitel Lwaitel)
pr.n., clf. fuu the language spoken in Lwait
lwaitel fetehit jlwaitul jfetuhix
n., clf. fuu equal-hour time (used without an article)
–lyh lih
grammatical suffix, triggers vowel harmony inverts the subject and object of stative verbs
lyshnut oliSCnex
n., clf. si·el seashore (from lyshpyl –net)
lyshot olisCax
v.i.st. be blue (a basic color term) (from lyshpyl "ocean" + hat)
lyshpyl oliSCpil
n., clf. fuu ocean (used with article 'de', always singular, inherently locative), blue


mai Jmai
digit 5 {< maimaa "hand"; see numbers)
maimaa JmaimA
n., clf. mii, lr. hand, arm
maphee JmaPE
n., clf. mii circle, cycle
n., clf. si·el year (suffix –maf)
mashna JmaSCna
n., clf. luhwyy food
mehwes JmuhwuS
n., clf. bwilh paper
menilswet Jmenilswex
n., clf. mii outline
(from Lwaitel menil swet "line around")
mi Jmi
particle indicates that a verb or numeral applies collectively to all subjects (opposite of tyf) (from mipee)
mi– Jmi
prefix maternal (applies to any family member term) (from miipii)
mibaaha JmibAha
v.t. come from, be made out of (from miebaa –ha)
miebaa JmiebA
v.: subj. v. opt.-v.-or-cla.-or-do. start, cause to start
mii JmI
classifier Other shapes; suffix: –mii, animate: mil
miipii JmIpI
n., clf. hwei mother
mipee JmipE
adv. together
mippoy Jmixpai
v.t.st. be different from
n., clf. tuh difference
mi·a Jmia
n., clf. hwei cat
mobbyh Omaxbih
v.t.st. be called, have as a name
mobbyhbut Omaxbihbex
n., clf. fuu name, word (from mobbyh –bet)
mofjoh Omafiah
n., clf. si·el winter (from maphee + fjoh)
mopfraþ OmaxfraSc
n., clf. lif finger, toe
mot Omax
digit 1 (not used in all cases; (from mopfraþ "finger"); see numbers)
mum ngang lil Omem Jnkank jlil
interjection I'm serious; I'm serious, stop it; danger (from Lwaitel mumnganglil); used to indicate that one is talking seriously about real life, in cases where they might otherwise be talking in-character or non-seriously; it's illegal to use this in works of fiction; certain actions are illegal after someone else involved says this word)
my'ol Omixal
n., clf. hwei cousin
myu Omie
preposition from (precedes a locative noun for verbs of motion; not used for a'jah or myumoy) (from myumoy)
myumoy Omiemai
v.: subj. v. loc. go away from
v.i. leave
v.modal stop (doing something; used with statives; use lhy'oh for actives)
myumoyho Omiemaiha
v.st.: subj.-or-cla. v. opt.-loc. to not be at (not usually negated; see postural verbs) (from myumoy –ha)


n– n
lexical prefix forms active verbs from statives (from onoy)
na– Jna
prefix paternal (applies to any family member term) (from naawaa)
naa JnA
n., clf. mii thing
naadeh JnAdeh
v.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-cla. return a favor, pay (original favor may be in the accusative case, with the teh– classifier if it's a verb; new favor is a clause at the end of the sentence; either may be omitted); v.: cla. v. cla.-or-do. in exchange for
naawaa JnAwA
n., clf. hwei father
–nai nai
grammatical suffix is able
nalwee JnalwE
n., clf. si·el alternate universe, fictional universe (from Lwaitel nalwen)
nalweget Jnalwedkex
proper noun Sasaro (from Lwaitel nalwengket)
nalwet Jnalwex
n., clf. mii television (from Lwaitel naumlek)
nangwe Jnankwe
v.st.: subj. v. v. used to describe the shape of a path or line, by describing how one would move along it (from Lwaitel naunge)
napflhee JnaxfLE
v.t. buy (can be used with a clause as an argument to indicate buying a service (e.g., I bought a plumber fixed my sink); the verb in the clause can be in the indicative, indicating that the desired action was performed, or the optative, which does not imply that); seller, if present, is in originative case (–i); amount of money, if present, uses naadeh (from esinat "trade" + flhee "money")
nappeh Jnaxpeh
v.i.st. light (weight), easy
natnat Jnaxnax
n., clf. bug
ne= Jne
article definite genitive article (the); see articles
neifai Jnuifai
adv. slowly
neishthit JnuiSCTix
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. stand, stop moving (from n–eishthit)
v.t. stop doing (used when the subject was actively performing the action; compare thwee)
neje Jnuie
n., clf. si·el start (temporal), mountain, solstice, equinox (preceded by the name of a season for the last two definitions)
neje pietit Jnuie Jpietix
n., clf. snow (classifier when referring to individual flakes; often used with the verb pih)
neshlhee JnusCLE
v.ot. turn (towards) (from n– eshlhee)
–net nex
derivational suffix thing beside (from nutnylh)
nifbwai Jnifbwai
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. sit down, set, set down (from n–ifbwai)
niishbyu JnISCbie
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. lie down, lay, lay down (from n–iishbyu)
–nilh niL
derivational suffix forms a noun from a verb indicating the patient
no'juf Onaxiuf
v.ca.st.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. hang
no'jufo Onaxiufa
v.st. hanging (use with location to express position) (from no'juf –ha)
v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists
noloftyy OnalaftI
n., clf. bel television show (from nalwet laftyy)
noonyu OnAnie
n., clf. shwelh grass
noy Onai
pronoun something, someone (implies that the noun that would go here is unimportant)
nurul Onurul
v.t.st. to be beside, to be next to
nutnylh OnexniL
n., clf. si·el thing that's beside something else (inherently locative)
nuy Onui
number 1296 (100006, 64; see numbers)
nwiþpii JnwiScpI
v.t. hide (uses –phese to indicate hiding oneself)
nwiþpiiha JnwiScpIha
v.i.st. hidden, invisible (from nwiþpii–ha)
nwil Jnwil
n., clf. hwei person
ny Oni
digit 2 {< nyryu, the classifier for "pair"; see numbers)
nyþ OniSc
n., clf. hwei sibling
nyryu Onirie
classifier Pair; suffix: –nirie
nyshbash OniSCbaS
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. float, move upwards in a liquid, put into a liquid (from n–yshbash)


obytspy oabixSpi
particle and others, not only (follows the noun it modifies) (from a= byt =spi)
ofupo oafepa
v.ot. drink water (from fupo)
ohwee oahwE
v.: subj. v. loc. go towards
v.i. go, move
olwoo oalwA
n., clf. si·el spring (river), source, origin
olyy oalI
v.: subj. v. dat. do. give
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. do. forms passives for nonvolitional verbs and verbs where the direct object is volitional: original object becomes the subject, original verb gets prefix fe– and becomes the direct object, original subject optionally becomes a dative object, and if the verb is stative, refers to entering the state
onoy oanai
v.: subj. v. loc. go to
v.i. come
oo oA
number 36 (1006, 62; see numbers)
opflat oaxflax
v.: subj.-or-cla. v. loc. move through, move in (not into); if used with a clause, the clause should be express motion
opoo oapA
v.st. foggy (often used with subject harah)
oshthyy oaSCTI
v.t.st. to be about, to be interested in
v.: hwih v. do. introduces a topic or is a contrastive topic marker (topic is the direct object, uses future tense in this sense)
oshuf oasCuf
v.i. dive (takes reflexive subject if high-volition), sink (from oshufmo (back-formation))
oshufmo oasCufma
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. be submerged in a liquid (use with location to express position), v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists


–paf paf
derivational suffix one who does or makes as a job (from pof)
palwaa JpalwA
n., clf. si·el afternoon
pappat Jpaxpax
adv. walking (usually modifies motion verbs)
pappatnai Jpaxpaxnai
v.i.st. be able to walk (from pappat –nai)
pebbi Jpexbi
v.: subj. v. opt.-loc. move around as a recreational activity: go for a walk, hike, go for a swim, drive around; take the scenic route
peeje JpUie
n., clf. lif hair (of all types), fur
peewit JpUwix
n., clf. lif feather (from peeje wit)
peiniþ JpuiniSc
n., clf. mii, lr. eye
pepepet Jpepepex
adv. walking quickly (usually modifies motion verbs)
=pheh PZh
clitic dative (to) and vocative case
=phese PsZ
clitic middle case
phish JPiSC
n., clf. si·el spring (from related to maphee + nyshbash)
phohoru OPahare
n., clf. fuu any culture related to the cultures in Súiacúil before the Vegúili came (from Súiacúili Pahaorun)
phohoruy OPaharui
adj. from a phohoru culture (from phohoru –i)
phorustut OParuStex
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. opt.-cla. say something false (–se subject implies this is a lie; antonym: beltestet)
phuthuh OPeTeh
n., clf. shwelh plant that is not a tree or a bush
phuutush OPEtuSC
n., clf. bwilh bed (classifier: bwilh)
n. bedroom, appartment (room), hotel room
phuutush lhutuy OPEtuSC oLetui
n., clf. bwilh bed (as distinguished from other meanings of phuutush)
pietit Jpietix
n., clf. fuu, adj. white, light (color)
pih Jpih
v.i.st. flow, v.st.: subj. v. loc. flow to (takes middle subject), v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists
pisla Jpisla
v.st.: subj. v. loc. expresses the location of a river (from pih esla)
pof Opaf
n., clf. fuu job
poy Opai
pronoun oneself (indicates the object is the same as the subject) (derives from poy·ot "reflect") (from poy·ot)
poyþoþ OpaiscaS
adv. unlike how it seems; (when modifying a verb with –aiþ) only seems (from pyu–aiþaþ)
poy·ot Opaiax
v.ot.st. be reflected (in)
pu Ope
particle negative focus marker (see focus)
pu– Ope
digit 0 (in ordinal numbers; see numbers)
puo Opua
article negative indefinite article (any); see articles
digit 00 (in ordinal numbers; see numbers)
puospy OpuaSpi
particle only (nothing/no one else at all) (follows the noun it modifies) (from puo –spi)
puthuu OpeTE
particle indicates the sentence is a correction of a misconception; also can be used at the end of a sentence as a tag question
putot Opetax
article not all (see numbers)
pwepeisas JpwepuisaS
adv. this is my assumption and I haven't heard or seen evidence otherwise (from pyu– apeiniþ + –sas)
pwinatime Jpwinatime
pr.n., clf. si·el Onceuponatimia (from Súiacúili Puinatimcel)
pwinatimel Jpwinatimul
n., adj. someone from Onceuponatimia (from Súiacúili Puinatimcel)
pys OpiS
particle corrective focus marker (see focus), indicates disagreement with previous statement
pyu– Opie
grammatical prefix not (used on verbs)
pyuho Opiuha
v.i.st. be incorrect, be false, not exist (antonym: belhaa; not used in the sense "be mistaken", for that see phorustut) (from pyu– –ha)


–s S
grammatical suffix forms adjectives from stative verbs
s– S
prefix become, make (inverse of –ha)
sa jsa
article polar question indefinite article (any); see articles
particle question focus marker (see focus)
sabbuu jsaxbE
v.i. rot, become rotten (from (s–hatbuu))
sabbuuho jsaxbUha
v.i.st. rotten (from sabbuu –ha)
–sas saS
derivational suffix forms adverbs
sbahwee jSbahwE
v.: subj. v. opt.-loc. flood (used with subject duttuh)
sbahweeha jSbahwUha
v.st. flooded (subject is an area) (from sbahwee –ha)
sdiimii jSdImI
n., clf. flying bug
sdyytyt oSdItix
v.st. cold (often used with subject harah)
se'– jsex
grammatical prefix past perfective dubitative; also present dubitative for stative verbs
=se sZ
clitic high-volition subject
sel jsul
adv. maybe
sel– jsul
grammatical prefix past imperfective/stative dubitative (for strong verbs)
sela– jsula
grammatical prefix past imperfective/stative dubitative (for weak verbs)
selh– jsuL
grammatical prefix dubitative conditional (for strong verbs)
selha jsuLa
v.i.st. (of an action) intentional, (of a thing) human-made (from ese –la2 –ha)
–ses suS
derivational suffix forms a noun from a verb indicating the agent
ses– jsuS
grammatical prefix present dubitative (for strong verbs)
set– jsex
grammatical prefix past perfective dubitative inferential (for strong verb); also present dubitative inferential for stative verbs
setl– jsexl
grammatical prefix past stative dubitative inferential (for strong verbs)
setlh– jsexL
grammatical prefix dubitative inferential conditional (for strong verbs)
sets– jsexS
grammatical prefix present dubitative inferential (for strong verbs)
shdesh jSCduS
v.ca.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. descend (takes middle if subject is high-volition), move (something) downward, put below/under
shdesha jSCdusa
v.st.: subj.-or-cla. v. loc. to be below (from shdesh –ha)
shdeshbet jSCduSbex
n., clf. si·el down, bottom side (from shdesh –bet)
shdiba jSCdiba
n., clf. mii, lr. foot, leg
shdyduu oSCdidE
n., clf. si·el, particle right after (at the beginning of a sentence, relative to the previous sentence; or it can follow a noun indicating time; as a noun, doesn't take an article or classifier)
sheshl– jsCusl
grammatical prefix future dubitative (for strong verbs)
shish jsCiS
n., clf. fuu white noise, at a lower pitch than þiþ
shl– sCl
grammatical prefix future indicative (for strong verbs)
shleh jsCleh
v.nt.: subj. v. v. modal indicating future tense for weak verbs, should be immediately followed by an unconjugated verb; does not show evidentiality; dubitative form: sheshleh
shmif jSCmif
n., clf. bwilh table
shmyu oSCmie
number 2,821,109,907,456 (616; see numbers)
shnii jSCnI
adv. probably
shtish jSCtiS
n., clf. lif/nyryu, lr. gill
shushush osCusuS
adv. swimming on the surface of water (usually modifies motion verbs)
shushushnoy osCusuSnai
v.i.st. be able to swim (from shushush –nai)
shwelh jsCwuL
classifier Whole plants; suffix: –shwelh, animate: shwel (from shwelha)
n., clf. fuu green
shwelha jsCwuLa
n., clf. shwelh plant
shwelhat jsCwuLax
v.i.st. be green (from shwelh + hat)
=sie siZ
clitic locative case (also used for times) (omitted for inherently-locative nouns except when modifying nouns)
si·el jsiul
classifier Places, times (all nouns with this classifier are inherently locative); suffix: –sie (from si·ela)
sitsit jsixsix
v.i.st. sparse (with solid objects), (of an area) open, not many trees, unfurnished, low population density; v.t.st. not dense with (can take a negative object)
si·ela jsiula
n., clf. si·el place
=snet SnZx
clitic possessive case
snoo oSnA
pronoun Proximate (this), particularly things that are in the same room or visible from where the person is talking/listening.
spaphii jSpaPI
v.ca. fall over, push over, knock (something/someone) over (in all senses, this implies no longer being upright, but not moving downward)
spaphiiha jSpaPIha
v.i.st. sideways (from spaphii –ha)
=spi Spi
clitic and, with
spis jSpiS
particle also; focuses on the following noun phrase or verb, and implies that the rest of the sentence is the same as something previously said (see focus) (from –spi)
spuo oSpua
conj. nor (used after a negative noun phrase)
steh jSteh
n., clf. si·el now (from snoo + tehit) (used without article or classifier)
=stes StS
clitic causative case (noun modifier and adverbial)
sthot oSTax
n., clf. si·el today (from snoo + thattei) (used without article or classifier)
swaara jswAra
v.st. hot (often used with subject harah, or sometimes thattaa)
sweitaf jswuitaf
n., clf. hwei furry animal (colloquial), mammal (technical)
swiethwil jswieTwil
pr.n., clf. si·el Súiacúil (from Súiacúili Súiacúil)
swiethwili jswieTwili
n., adj. someone from Súiacúil (from swiethwil –i or Súiacúili Súiacúili)
pr.n., clf. fuu the language spoken in Súiacúil


te'– Jtex
grammatical prefix past stative inferential (for weak verbs)
teh– Jteh
prefix instance of an action (from tuh)
tehit Jtuhix
n., clf. si·el time (si·el tehit: one time, fe–tehit: the abstract concept of time)
tehitses JtuhixsuS
n., clf. mii clock (from tehit–ses)
tehitses toh JtuhixsuS Otah
tehsie Jtuhsie
pronoun then (from tehit –sie)
testet JtuStex
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. opt.-do.-or-cla. talk, tell, say (if the subject of its argument is omitted, it's assumed to be the same as the talker and non-volitional)
tet Jtex
digit 4 (see numbers)
tetl– Jtexl
grammatical prefix past stative inferential (for strong verbs)
tets– JtexS
grammatical prefix present inferential (for strong verbs)
tha'waa JTaxwA
adj. little liquid (from that waa)
tha= JTa
contraction de=ha=
thabbit JTaxbix
adj. few, little (inanimate) (from that byt)
thaddibit JTaxdibix
adj. few kinds (from that fdyþ byt)
thajwei JTaiwui
n., clf. si·el noon, midday (from thattei + juy) (hie tha'jwei = noon)
thal JTal
pronoun Distal (that), for things towards the sea from the speaker (farther from land if the speaker is on the ocean)
thalaf JTalaf
adj. few people (from that lof)
thalh JTaL
v.: subj. v. opt.-dat. opt.-do. have a conversation (with dative, about direct object)
n., clf. tuh conversation, signal, connection, phone call
that JTax
adj. small (from thatnai)
thatnai JTaxnai
v.ca. shrink, make smaller, deflate
thatnaiha JTaxnaiha
v.i.st. be small (from thatnai–ha)
thatnish JTaxniSC
n., clf. si·el sunrise, east (inherently locative, used without an article when meaning "east") (from thattaa + nyshbash)
thattaa JTaxtA
n., clf. mii sun (always singular, used with article de=; often used with the verb waite)
thattei JTaxtui
n., clf. si·el day, 1/288 of a circle (1.25°) (suffix form –that)
thattei fetehit JTaxtui jfetuhix
n., clf. fuu unequal-hour time (used without an article)
thatthwee JTaxTwE
n., clf. si·el sunset, west (inherently locative, dialect variation, also tho'osh; used without an article when meaning "west") (from thattaa + thwee)
thee JTE
v.nt.: v. v. opt.-subj. modal indicating that the information is already known to the listener for weak verbs, should be immediately followed by an unconjugated verb or negated unconjugated verb
–thelh– TuL
classifier part Half; prefix: thelh–
thii1 JTI
classifier Right item in a pair
thii2 JTI
number 6 (106) (from thii "right"—one finger on one's right hand) (see numbers)
thit JTix
pronoun Second person singular (you)
thitlef JTixluf
pronoun Second person plural (y'all?) (from thit lof)
tho'osh OTaxaSC
n., clf. si·el sunset, west (inherently locative, dialect variation, also thatthwee; used without an article when meaning "west") (from thattaa + oshuf)
thuy OTui
v.ca.st.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-loc. stick (to)
thwee JTwE
v.ca. fall down (not underwater), push off, knock (something) down
v.ca. stop (not used when the subject was actively performing the action; compare neishthit)
thweeha JTwUha
v.i.st. on the ground (from thwee –ha)
timalh JtimaL
n., clf. mii or luhwyy grape
toddyy OtaxdI
article all; see numbers
toh Otah
n., clf. tuh beat (in music), heartbeat, second (suffix: –tah)
onomotopoea bang
tot Otax
particle relative to everything (modifies leebit and thabbit and fractions; tot follows the word it modifies) (from toddyy)
totthot OtaxTax
n., clf. mii rainbow, spectrum (from toddyy hat)
tottuhyt Otaxtuhix
adv. during the whole time (at the beginning of a sentence, relative to the previous sentence; or it can follow a noun indicating time) (from tot tehit)
toylhus OtaiLuS
v.ca. rip/tear (implies destructive, compare ese tuhtoylhus), break
toylhuso OtaiLusa
v.i.st. broken (from toylhus –ha)
tu'– Otex
article prefix partitive (triggers vowel harmony)
tu'hwat Otexhwax
v.t. take, grab
tuh Oteh
classifier Instances of an action; suffix: –teh
twat Jtwax
particle focuses on an item and indicates that there's something about the statement that would be counterexpectative (related to Lwaitel twak) (?)
twi'ha Jtwixha
v.i.st. cut apart (from twit –ha), having an internal conflict
twit Jtwix
v.t. cut
twitsas JtwixsaS
adv. (of an emotional state) indicates that one has some sort of internal conflict or doesn't feel like they should feel this way (from twit –sas); antonym: lhietsas
twitse Jtwixse
classifier piece, part, 8 minutes; suffix: –twit (from twit)
tydotsu Otidaxse
pr.n., clf. si·el Dhidox, the country that speaks this language
tydotsuy Otidaxsui
n., adj. someone from Tydotsu (from tydotsu –i)
pr.n., clf. fuu the language spoken in Tydotsu (currently being described)
tyf Otif
particle indicates that a verb (which comes directly after this particle) should treat each entity in a plural subject separately; precedes a numeral to make a distributive numeral; per (but with the numerator and denominator reversed); respectively (from tyfpuf)
tyfpuf Otifpuf
v.t. divide, separate, distribute, v.: subj. v. do. do. separate, v.: subj. v. do. dat. distribute (to the indirect object), divide (into the indirect object number of pieces—indirect object should just be a number + –bit), divide (into indirect object-sized pieces/groups)


ubulh oebuL
adv. otherwise. Can indicates the consequence of a counterfactual conditional: the condition is reversed and in an ordinary mood, and the consequence is in the conditional mood.
uþmuu ouScmE
v.: subj. v. opt.-do. opt.-cla. take revenge for (original act may be in the accusative case, with the teh– classifier if it's a verb; new act is a clause at the end of the sentence; either may be omitted)
ulhol ouLal
n., clf. fuu, adj. red
upmul oexmul
v.t.st. lack (object can be marked with puo), v.i.st. be poor (for negative in both forms, use altha)
upmul fupo oexmul ofepa
verb phrase be thirsty, (of a plant) be in need of water; antonym: altha fupo (upmul fupo)
upmul mashna oexmul JmaSCna
verb phrase be hungry (upmul mashna)
usfuþ ouscfuS
v.ot. do or give bad things to each other (works like esinat "trade") (from ese hyf uþmuu)
usyulo ousiula
n., clf. si·el here (used without an article or classifier) (from si·ela)
uttyu oextie
v.ca. trip
uttyu spaphii oextie jSpaPI
v.ca. trip and fall over, trip so one falls over (only the first verb is conjugated)


waa jwA
n. water (always plural)
classifier liquids
waabet jwAbex
n., clf. si·el inside (from waadee –bet)
waadee jwAdE
v.: subj. v. opt.-loc. enter (takes middle subject if high-volition), go inside
waatha jwATa
v.st.: subj.-or-cla. v. opt.-loc. to be inside
waite jwaite
v.st. shine
wihwi JwYhwY
pr.n., clf. si·el Lake Wihowi
wiibee jwIbE
n., clf. si·el summer (from related to juy + maphee)
wit JwYx
n., clf. hwei bird
wjuu owiE
n., clf. hwei mermaid (from Li̬o̬a 'e Gweû gweû)
wo owa
pr.n., clf. hwei a given name


yhyu oihie
n., clf. si·el morning
yloo oilA
v.t.st. to be similar to, v.st.: cla. v. cla. similarly to
yshbash oiSCbaS
v.st.: subj. v. opt.-loc. float, be in a liquid on the surface (use with location to express position), v.st.: hwih v. do. there exists