Tydotsuy times

Relative time

Time is (optionally) indicated at the beginning of a sentence. It can take the following forms:

The time adverb is one of the following:

sometime earlier
right before
at the same time, or sometime during the specified time
right after
sometime later, but not right after
all of the specified time

Clock time

There are two systems of time used in Tydotsu: the older thattei fetehit (day time), and the newer lwaitel fetehit (Lwaitel time). In thattei fetehit, the day from sunrise to sunset is divided into three equal daaphai (sections), and time is not counted at night. In lwaitel fetehit, the 24-hour period is divided into 5 equal daaphai, based on noon and midnight. The daaphai are given names as follows:

NameTranslationthattei fetehitlwaitel fetehitDay/night
yhyuMorningFirst 1/3 of the day4:48-9:36 AMDay
thajweiMiddayMiddle 1/3 of the day9:36 AM-2:24 PM
palwaaAfternoonLast 1/3 of the day2:24-7:12 PM
fjohnyEvening/Night start7:12 PM-12:00 AMNight
fjoh buuNight end12:00-4:48 AM

In both systems, each daaphai is divided into 36 (1006) twitse (parts), which are about 8 minutes each. Time can also be measured in toh, which are 1/540 of a lwaitel twitse = 1/67.5 minutes = 8/9 seconds.

Times are given with the name of the daaphai followed by the number of twitse (rounded down) without a suffix, optionally followed by the number of toh, also without a suffix (but as a cardinal number). If the number of toh is specified, often the last two digits are left out.


The year on this planet has 290 days, which are divided into 4 seasons of 72 (2006) days each, plus two extra days. The seasons are considered to officially start on the solstices and equinoctes, like on Earth in the US. The extra days are the summer and winter solstice, and both of them are major holidays. The year begins on the winter solstice.

Dates are indicated with the season name (phish (spring), wiibee (summer), buuphu (fall), mofjoh (winter)) followed by the number of days after the start of the season, as an ordinal number. The solstices are dewiibee neje and dumofjoh neje.