Crunchy the Kitty Cat

Assignment: Write a children's story

[brown cat whose ears have a wafer texture] [a Kit-Kat bar with sparkles turning it into a cat]

Crunchy was once a Kit-Kat bar who lived in Coculaght. Sucarumin, a person who can turn candy into humans and animals, turned Crunchy into a cat.

[the cat with thought bubbles from off-panel saying "Yum!" and "Mmm..."]

Sucarumin can turn candy into animals, but he can't do it perfectly. For example, Crunchy was brown, and everyone wanted to eat him

[a bird and a mouse]

Crunchy wasn't the only animal everyone wanted to eat. Crunchy wanted to eat Scuiki the Mouse and Tuiti the Bird.

[the cat in front of two trees; behind the trees, parts of the bird and mouse are visible]

Scuiki and Tuiti, of course, didn't want to be eaten. They hid whenever Crunchy got near.

[Crunchy touching the mouse]

Crunchy, however, was good at finding them.

[the mouse saying "Squeeeeeek!!"]

"Why do you want to eat me?" asked Scuiki. "You know that Tuiti tastes better!"

"No I don't!" said Tuiti. "Scuiki tastes better!"

[the cat is next to the mouse and thinking about a squirrel]

"Maybe I do taste better than Tuiti," said Scuiki, "but I know someone who tastes even better!"

"Who's that?" asked Crunchy.

"Squirli the Squirrel."

[the cat is next to the squirrel and thinking about a mouse]

Crunchy went to Squirli, but when he tried to eat him, Squirli said, "Don't eat me! I know someone who tastes even better!"

"Who's that?"

"Ratti the Rat."

[the cat is next to the rat and thinking about a chipmunk]

Crunchy went to Ratti, but when he tried to eat him, Ratti said, "Don't eat me! I know someone who tastes even better!"

"Who's that?"

"Chipi the Chipmunk"

[the cat is next to the chipmunk and thinking about an acorn]

Crunchy went to Chipi, but when he tried to eat him, like everyone else, he said, "Don't eat me! I know someone who tastes even better!"

"Who's that?"

"Nutti the Acorn."

[the cat eating the acorn and purring]

Crunchy went to Nutti, but Nutti, being an acorn, could not talk, so Crunchy ate the acorn. It tasted so good that he decided to become a vegetarian, and he didn't eat Scuiki, Tuiti, Squirli, Ratti, or Chipi, or any other small animal in Coculaght. No one ate him, either.