Crunchy was once a Kit-Kat bar who lived in Coculaght. Sucarumin, a person who can turn candy into humans and animals, turned Crunchy into a cat.
Sucarumin can turn candy into animals, but he can't do it perfectly. For example, Crunchy was brown, and everyone wanted to eat him
Crunchy wasn't the only animal everyone wanted to eat. Crunchy wanted to eat Scuiki the Mouse and Tuiti the Bird.
Scuiki and Tuiti, of course, didn't want to be eaten. They hid whenever Crunchy got near.
Crunchy, however, was good at finding them.
"Why do you want to eat me?" asked Scuiki. "You know that Tuiti tastes better!"
"No I don't!" said Tuiti. "Scuiki tastes better!"
"Maybe I do taste better than Tuiti," said Scuiki, "but I know someone who tastes even better!"
"Who's that?" asked Crunchy.
"Squirli the Squirrel."
Crunchy went to Squirli, but when he tried to eat him, Squirli said, "Don't eat me! I know someone who tastes even better!"
"Who's that?"
"Ratti the Rat."
Crunchy went to Ratti, but when he tried to eat him, Ratti said, "Don't eat me! I know someone who tastes even better!"
"Who's that?"
"Chipi the Chipmunk"
Crunchy went to Chipi, but when he tried to eat him, like everyone else, he said, "Don't eat me! I know someone who tastes even better!"
"Who's that?"
"Nutti the Acorn."
Crunchy went to Nutti, but Nutti, being an acorn, could not talk, so Crunchy ate the acorn. It tasted so good that he decided to become a vegetarian, and he didn't eat Scuiki, Tuiti, Squirli, Ratti, or Chipi, or any other small animal in Coculaght. No one ate him, either.