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Translations from CALS in Lwaitel
I give John the apple.
 John
An hung hyánku al chan.
[ˈan ˈhuŋ ˈçæŋ.ku ˈal ˈdʒɑn]
anprox hungfruit hyam-kugive-1 almed chan.John.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and ze named those things after zemself.
  
su im hyámel kel sestá.
[su ˈim ˈçæ.ml̩ kl̩.sə̆s.ˈta]
suand imobv hyam-elgive-med kel=sestá.from=self.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and called them light gray and dark gray.
s    
se hyámel luitu iukeyl shichíl se mepíng shichíl.
[sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈlʊɨ.tʉ ˈɪʉ.kʎ̩ ʃi.ˈʧiʎ sə̆ mə̆p.ˈpiŋ ʃi.ˈʧiʎ]
seand hyam-elgive-med luitucall iukeyllight shichílgray seand mepíngdark shichíl.gray.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the day, the sky and sun turn orange and yellow, and cast everything in yellow light.
 ,   ,  , 
Pe láspepi lwaipek, al helíyel su al húswes nal hántlwek se pai, se hyámel , lwait pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈlʷɑe.pɪ̆k, ˈal çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ su ˈal ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae, sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈsu, ˈlʷɑet ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv lwaipek,day, almed helíyelsky suand almed húswessun na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai,yellow, seand hyam-elgive-med ,all, lwaitlight pai.yellow.
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
Then the Sun shined out warmly,
   ,
Pyet an húswes hyan lwait nálken,
[pjɪ̆t ˈan ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈçæn ˈlʷɑet ˈ̩]
pyetthen anprox húswessun hyam-engive-prox lwaitto_light_up nálken,hot,