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Examples of lú in Lwaitel : Thought
I thought, "The cat is black".
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An myau swan swátel maus pemím.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn ˈswɑ.tl̩ ˈmaos pə̆m.ˈmim]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox swátelblack maussay pemím.head.

This means that the person said, in their head, the sentence "the cat is black", or some paraphrase of it.

Translations from the CBB in Lwaitel : Oww.
My head hurts.
  
Lun wípi an pemínku
[ˈlun ˈwɨ.pi ˈan pə̆m.ˈmiŋ.kʉ]
-ensee-prox wípihurt anprox pemím-kuhead-1

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