Search examples

Examples for location in Lwaitel : Location
The cat is close to the left of the box.
   
An myau swan lenk sápchem al piuleng.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn lŋ̩k.ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox lenk=sápchembeside=left almed

A direction word can come directly after the preposition. With lenk "by", it means that the thing is close to the other thing and on the specified side.

Examples for location in Lwaitel : Location
The cat is close to the left of the box from my perspective (i.e., my left).
    
An myau swan lenk sápchem al piuleng hu kú.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn lŋ̩k.ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩ hu.ˈku]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox lenk=sápchembeside=left almed piulengbox hu=.exp=I/me.

A prepositional phrase starting with hu can come directly after a phrase talking about a direction (left or right, also up and down when talking about outer space) to indicate whose perspective this is from.

Examples for location in Lwaitel : Location
The cat is directly to the south of the box.
     
An myau swan lenk sápchem al piuleng hu hyángu.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn lŋ̩k.ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩ hu.ˈçæ.ŋu]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox lenk=sápchembeside=left almed piulengbox hu=hyángu.exp=map.

Hu hyangu specifies that the perspective being used is that of a map, oriented the way maps are usually oriented in this world (west = up).

*      
An myau swan lenk sápchem al piuleng hu'al hyángu.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn lŋ̩k.ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩ ˈhwɑl ˈçæ.ŋu]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox lenk=sápchembeside=left almed piulengbox hu=alexp=med hyá

Hu hyangu is a set phrase, so demonstratives, determiners, and other adjectives are not used with hyangu.

Examples for location in Lwaitel : Location
The cat is far to the left of the box.
  
An myau swan pe sápchem al piuleng.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn pə̆s.ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox pe=sápchemat=left almed

With the preposition pe "in, at", a direction specifies that the item is in that direction, but not necessarily close by.

   
An myau swan sápchem kel'al piuleng.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn ˈsap.ʧm̩ kl̩.ˈlal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox sápchemleft kel=alfrom=med

This is similar; it uses sapchem as an adjective with its comparative form. Unlike the pe form, this only talks about one axis; that is, for example, the cat may also be far above the box or far in front of it.

   
An myau swan pe kal sápchem al piuleng.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn pə̆k.ˈkɜl ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox pe=kalat=away sápchemleft almed

...this also specifies that it's far away. (TODO is this right?)

Examples for location in Lwaitel : Location
The cat is inside the box, on the left side.
   
An myau swan pe chius sápchem al piuleng.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈswɑn pə̆ʧ.ˈʧɪʉs ˈsap.ʧm̩ ˈal ˈpɪʉ.lŋ̩]
anprox myaucat swa-enbe-prox pe=chiusat=inside sápchemleft almed

Multiple direction-type words can be used together.