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Lwaitel phrasebook : Greetings and partings
  
An húswes hin lwait te chí yátpweyl
[ˈan ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈçiɲ ˈlʷɑet tə̆ʧ.ˈʧi ˈlu ˈjæt.pwʎ̩]
anprox húswessun him-engive.sbjv-prox lwaitto_light_up te=chídat=you see yátpweylhope

on HOO-swus heen LWIGHT tuh CHEE loo YAT-pwel

"I hope the sun will shine for you"

When leaving for longer periods of time.

Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
171. She was talking to herself.
 
Mausen te sestá.
[ˈ̩ tə̆s.sə̆s.ˈta]
maus-ensay-prox te=sestá.dat=self.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color told this to Black Dark,
 k sw  ,
Súngep mausen t'al Swátel Mepíng,
[ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p ˈ̩ ˈtal ˈswɑ.tl̩ mə̆p.ˈpiŋ]
súngepthis_fact maus-ensay-prox te=aldat=med swátelblack mepíng,dark,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color got each of them to pick objects to be their color.
 hp hp ,    
Chúsen ish'al kílshe ngausu íhe, hi lu yátleng hu'al swí kaitu t'al.
[ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈi.ˈʃæl ˈkiʎ.ʃɪ̆ ˈŋɜ ˈi.çɪ̆, çi lʉ.ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈhwɑl ˈswɨ ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈtal]
chus-enmake-prox ish=aleach=med -el-sheget-med-indf ngausuchoose íhe,pl, hiwhere lu=yátlengpart=want hu=alexp=med swí-ibe.sbjv-obv kaitucolor te=al.dat=med.

...not sure how to translate the "to be their color" part, FIXME

TODO this sentence seems confusing

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Then it was time to pick colors for bigger things.
    
Pyet kil kaitu te súshlites húli.
[pjɪ̆t ˈkiʎ ˈkɜe.tʉ tʊ̜̆s.ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ.tɪ̆s ˈhu.ʎɨ]
pyetthen -elget-med kaitucolor te=súshlitesdat=comp húli.big.
You hit me! in Lwaitel
I'm telling the teacher!
2  
Swáku maus te kyestánekket.
[ˈswɑ.ku ˈmaos tə̆k.kjɪ̆s.ˈta.nə̆k.kᵻ̆t]
swa-kube-1 maussay te=kyestánek-ket.dat=teacher-1.incl.