Original examples

I'm chri.
Sela carā tʃri.
Sel-abe-1 carāI tʃri.chri
I'm eighteen years old.
Ohipa carā tab ın sıno enub.
Oh-ip-aexist-pst-1 carāI tabfor ınone sınosix en-ub.year.prep-brown.indf.pl

...not really (had to anonymize this, plus it was written years ago). Literally, I have lived for eighteen years.

My eyes are brown.
Il olohu fⱥ carā caludub rėhub.
Ilbe olohueye fⱥon carāI.prep calud-ubbrown.O-brown.indf.pl rėh-ub.thing.O-brown.indf.pl
My eyes are green.
Il olohı fⱥ carā velėnėıg rėhıg.
Ilbe olohıeye fⱥon carāI.prep velėnė-ıglime green.O-green.indf.pl rėh-ıg.thing.O-green.indf.pl

Green eyes, of course, need the green-eyed gender (-ı suffix). If I were using more adjectives about myself, those would have to use green-eyed agreement suffixes, too.

I live in Súiⱥcúil.
Il carā rėhu fⱥ Súiⱥcúil.
Ilbe carāI rėh-uthing.O-brown.indf.sg fⱥon Súiⱥcúil.Suiacuil.prep
I am smart.
Il carā culėsⱥ r'.
Ilbe carāI culės-ⱥsmart.O-brown r'.thing
Who are you? Do you speak Súiⱥcúili?
Selı tirā e lėnu? E soėnıs tirā Súėⱥcúėlė?
Sel-ıbe-2 tirāyou eq lėn-u?animal.O-brown.indf.sg Eq soėn-ı-ssay, write-2-sbjv tirāyou Súėⱥcúėlė?Súiⱥcúili.O
It's cloudy; it's not sunny; however, it's not raining.
Par búiseb; nil on to parus sul; tisil, on to parus úise.
Parhappen búis-eb;cloud-blue.indf.pl nilalso onnot tothat par-u-shappen-3-sbjv sul;sun tisil,however onnot tothat par-u-shappen-3-sbjv úis-e.rain-blue.indf.sg
Luke, I am your father.
La carā rėhu folⱥ tiLuc.
L-abe-1 carāI rėh-uthing-brown.indf.sg.O folⱥparent of ti-you.prep Luc.luke.prep

"Folⱥ" is used to refer to one's genetic parent; if Darth Vader had actually raised Luke, he would be folLuc (or foltiLuc in the second person).

Second person non-pronoun nouns are possible in Súiⱥcúili, and this example uses them.

TiLuc tirā: La carā rėhu folⱥ tirā.
Ti-you Lucluke tirā:you L-abe-1 carāI rėh-uthing.O-brown.indf.sg folⱥparent of tirā.you

"Ti___ tirā" can also be used as a vocative.

I think, therefore I am.
Nesina carā; pifil oha carā.
Nesin-athink (that)-1 carā;I pifiltherefore oh-aexist-1 carā.I
I want to go home.
Culen carā ta tsalas sṛcarā.
Culenwant carāI tathat.O tsal-a-sgo-1-sbjv sṛ-home of carā.I