Index Diachronica: involving /i/

553 results from /i/   588 results to /i/   389 results with context involving /i/   

ai aia ei ia iai iau iaɔ ie ii iiɛ io iu iəu iɛɪ oi uai uei ui uiau uəi uɛi yi æi øi ɑi ɒi ɔi əi ɛi ɜi ɨai ɨi ɪi ʊi

from /i/

553 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.2.2 Proto-Erythrean to Proto-North Erythrean{e,o} {i,u} → a ə
in → ŋ / #_C Proto-Boreafrasian to Proto-Semitic{i,u} → ə Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabici → a / Cˤ_{q,ɣ,ʕ}
i → a / {q,ɣ,ʕ}_Cˤ
{u,a,i} → ∅ / _%, when stressed (short only) Classical Arabic to Egyptian Arabici u → e o / only when short, ! _#
{i,u} → ∅ / VC_CV when unstressed (short only) Classical Arabic to Moroccan Arabic{a,i} → ə / short only; the change of short a blocked for some speakers before ħ ʕ Proto-Semitic to Biblical Hebrew— i iː u uː → eə iːə oə uːə / _R
— i u → e a / _R{$,#} (in verbs)
— i u → e o / _C{$,#} (in verbs)
— i → eː oː / else
— i → ə / _R if a frontal allophone of ə in an adjacent syllable
— i → ə / R_ if a frontal allophone of ə in an adjacent syllable
— i → a / _R
— i → a / R_
— a i → aː eː / _%”
7 Algonquian7.1 Proto-Algonquian to Kennebec River Abenakiiw → o / _#
i → ∅ / #w_
7.2 Proto-Algonquian to St. Francis Abenakiiw → o / _#
i → e / _R
7.3.1 Proto-Arapaho-Atsina to Arapahoi(ː) → u(ː) / o(ː)(C[-dental])(C[-dental])_
7.3.2 Proto-Arapaho-Atsina to Gros Ventrei → u / o(ː)_
7.4 Proto-Algonquian to Blackfoot{a,e,i} → o / _kʷ
{jiː,ja,ahi} {owaː,awa,awe} awi {iːwa,eːwa,aji,aje,ani} → i oː o(ji) iː / C_C
hi → ∅ / aː_
eLwi → iː
i(ː)wi → iː / medially
i(ː)wi → i / _#
{iː,ij,j} → j / C_B
iji → iː
tsi → ∅ / $_OO “(before a prefix; the first obstruent of the follow[ing] cluster then becomes ʔ)
7.5 Proto-Algonquian to Cheyennee i → a e
7.6 Proto-Algonquian to Northern East Creelwi → jo
wi → o / C_
7.7 Proto-Algonquian to Southern East Creelwi → jo
wi → o / C_
7.8 Proto-Algonquian to Plains Creelwi → jo
wi → o / C_
7.9 Proto-Algonquian to Swampy Creelwi → jo
wi → o / C_
7.10 Proto-Algonquian to Woods Creelwi → jo
wi → o / C_
7.11 Proto-Algonquian to Munsee Delawarei o → iː oː
7.12 Proto-Algonquian to Menomineewi(ː) → o(ː) / C_w
e(ː) i → æ(ː) e
{wiː,jiː,weː,jeː,wæː,jæː} {wi,ji,we,je,wæ,jæ} → iː i / C_
7.14 Proto-Algonquian to Mi’kmaq{awa,iwa,iwi} → uː
{o,a}wi → oː
ehi → eː
{aja,iha,iji,ihi,ija} → iː
8 Altaic8.1 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Japonic{a,e,o,æ} i u y ø → ə i ua {u,ə} {ə,u} / _Ce
{a,æ,e,ø,i,y} o → i u / _Ci
e i {o,u} æ ø y → {ə,a} {i,ə} ə a {ə,u} {u,ə} / _Co
8.1.1 Early Middle Japanese to Modern Japaneseau iu uu eu ou → ɔː juː uː joː oː
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolica e i o u æ ø y → {a,i} {e,ja} {e,i} {ø,y,o} {o,u,y} {i,a,e} {e,ø} {ø,y,o,u} / _Ce
i → e / P_Ci
a e o i æ ø y → {a,i,e} {a,e} u {o,u} e {ø,y,o,u} {o,u} / _Co
8.5 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Turkica e i u æ ø y → a {a,ʌ,e} {ɯ,i} {u,o} {ia,ja,ɛ} {ia,ja} ɯ / _Ca
i → e / {r(ʲ),l(ʲ)}_e
a {e,i} o u æ ø y → {ɛ,a} ɛ {ø,o} {y,u} {ia,ja,ɛ} {ia,ja} {y,ø} / _Ci
a e i æ ø y → {o,ja,aj} {ʌ,ɜ} ɯ {ia,ja} {o,u} {u,o} / _Co
e i æ ø y → {ɛ,a,ʌ} {ɯ,i} {e,a} {u,o} ɯ / _Cu Proto-Kypchak to Kyrgyz{u,ɯ}w {i,y}w aw {æ,e}w → uː yː oː øː
8.5.2 Proto-Turkic to Sakhao oɡ ø øɡ iɡ → wo ɥø oː øː iː
iɡ̌ → ɯː → iː (but original ɯː unaffected?)
10 Austronesian10.1.1 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawaniw uj → {i,?} i / _# Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Sasakiw ow ej → i o e / _# Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Sumbawanu i → o e / sometimes Proto-Philippine to Bicoliw → uj Proto-Philippine to Cebuanoiw → uj Proto-Philippine to Hiligaynoniw → uj Proto-Philippine to Ibanagiw → uj Proto-Philippine to Ilocanoiw → uj Proto-Kalamian to Agutaynenaɪ ai → ɪɪ ii (not sure if there’s a long vowel or hiatus here) Proto-Kalamian to Karamiananenaɪ ai → ɪɪ ii (not sure if there’s a long vowel or hiatus here) Proto-Kalamian to Kalamian Tagbanwaaɪ ai → ɪɪ ii (not sure if there’s a long vowel or hiatus here) Proto-Philippine to Kankanayiw → uj Proto-Philippine to Tagaloguj iw → oj uj / _# Proto-Philippine to Warayiw → uj
10.2.1 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-Chamici iw u → ɔj ? ɔw / _#
10.2.2 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Chamorroi u → e o / _C{C,#}
i u → e o / CC# (sporadic)
iw → u
10.2.3 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-Malayic{iw,uj} → i / _# Proto-Malayo-Javanic to Javaneseiw uj → ju i / _# Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Madureseij uw → uj {uj,ój} / _# Proto-Malayo-Javanic to Sundaneseiw uj → {ju,i} oj / _# Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputai au → ai̯ au̯ / _#
ai au → ɛː ɔː / _…#
i u → əi̯ əu̯ / _#
i → əj / _V “(also cases of (C)i → j /__V)”
iu̯ → ui̯
i u → ɛ ɔ / _C# ! _P (sporadic)
i u → əi̯ əu̯ / _(ʔ)#
{i,ɛ} {u,ɔ} → iə̯ uə̯ / _{k,ŋ}# “(and also sporadically before final *t and *n and some other consonants) Proto-North Sarawak to Proto-Kenyahi u → e o / _h# Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghi → e / _k#
i → iə / _ŋ#
{ui̯,iu̯} → e
i u → e o / _CV[+close-mid](C)# “(iə is treated as close mid for this change)”
i u → ɛ ɔ / _CV[+open-mid](C)#
i u → e o / _Cɯ#
i u → əj əw / _V(C)# Proto-Malayic to Minangkabauu i → o e (sporadic)
— u i → uə iə / _{k,ŋ,h,l,r}#
10.3 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Oceanice {uj,iw} → o i
10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiwi(C)V[+ high] i(C)V[+ mid] i(C)a → i(C) i(C)ə {e,i}(C)ə
{e,i} → ɪ (sporadic)
10.3.3 Proto-Oceanic to Lemerig— iCV[- high] → aC
ia → ɪ “(only somoetimes?)”
10.3.4 Proto-Oceanic to Mwotlapo e i → ɔ ɛ ɪ / C_V[- high]
uCi → iC (sporadic) Proto-New Caledonia to Caaàcu i → o e (not always) Proto-Northern to Nixumwak-Nêlêmwau i → o e / “in monosyllabic forms almost always” Proto-New Caledonia to Nyelâyuu i → o e (not always) Proto-New Caledonia to Proto-Yunagau i → o e / in monosyllables
au ai → ɔ ɛ Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejom{i,o} → e
i → o / {u,w}_
ai → i / _C
ei → i Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Erromangou i → o e (sporadic) Proto-Erromango to Syei → e / O[+ labial]_
i → e / _O[+ labial]
10.3.12 Proto-Oceanic to Vera’ai(C)V[+ high] → i(C)
i(C)V[- high] → i(C)ɪ
a(C)i a(C)u → {a,ɛ}(C) {ɔ,a,ɛ}(C)
10.4.1 Proto-Micronesian to Marshallese{i,u} {e,o} → ɨ ɜ
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.2 Proto-Elamo-Dravidian to Achaemanid Elamite{i,e,u} → ∅ / #_{t,n}a
14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamilavu aji → aw aj
i u → e o / _Ca
i u → ɨ ʉ / short only when unstressed ! in #U
i(ː) e(ː) → u(ː) o(ː) / {m,v,p}_C̣
— i(ː) e(ː) → u(ː) o(ː) / _ɭ
15 Eskimo-Aleut15.1 Proto-Eskimo-Aleut to Proto-Aleuti →∅ / #_{z,dʒ}
15.2.2 Proto-Eskimo to Greenlandic Iñupiaqiv → uj / _u
15.2.5 Proto-Eskimo to Kuskokwim Yup’iki → ∅ / #C[+dental]_C[+dental]V
i a u → ii aa uu / C_ in U[+open -initial -final] such that U[+open]_
iv → j / #_u
in → dʒ / _u (possibly only word-initially?)
15.2.6 Proto-Eskimo to Nunivak Yup’iki → ∅ / #C[+dental]_C[+dental]V
i a u → ii aa uu / C_ in U[+open -initial -final] such that U[+open]_
iv → j / #_u
in → dʒ / _u (possibly only word-initially?)
15.2.7 Proto-Eskimo to Siberian Yup’iki → ∅ / #C[+dental]_C[+dental]V
iv → j / #_u
in → dʒ / _u (possibly only word-initially?)
15.2.8 Proto-Eskimo to Unaaliq Yup’iki → ∅ / #C[+dental]_C[+dental]V
i a u → ii aa uu / C_ in U[+open -initial -final] such that U[+open]_
iv → j / #_u
in → dʒ / _u (possibly only word-initially?)
16 Extended West Papuan16.1.5 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Tablai → ∅ / V_ (with a few exceptions)
oi → oe
17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albaniana e i o → {a,e} (j)e {e,i} a
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albaniana e i o → {a,e} (j)e {e,i} a
17.2 Proto-Indo-European to Common Anatolianei eu → ɛː uː
17.3.1 Proto-Indo-European to Artsakh Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.3.2 Proto-Indo-European to Erevan Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.3.3 Proto-Indo-European to Istanbul Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.3.4 Proto-Indo-European to Kharpert Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.3.5 Proto-Indo-European to Sebastia Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.3.6 Proto-Indo-European to Southeast Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.3.7 Proto-Indo-European to Southwest Armenianej ia → e ɛa
{i,u} → ə / in some unstressed syllables
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irishoːi → uː / _#
— {ai,oi} → iː / _#
— i u → e o / _C(…C){a(ː),e(ː),o(ː)}
ei → eː
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welshei → eː
ai → ɛ
uː {oi,ɔː} → yː uː
i u → e o / _Ca
17.6 Proto-Indo-European to Dacianoi wo wj ow → ai wa vi aw
ei → {ei,i} (“PIE *ei evolution is not well reconstructed yet”)
17.7 Proto-Indo-European to Common Germanic{i,j} {u,w} → j w / V[+short]C_
{i,j} {u,w} → ij uw
ei oi → iː ai
eːi {oːi,aːi} → eː oː (?)
17.7.1 Common Germanic to Gothic— i → ɛ / _{r,h,ʍ}
iw → ju / [- stress]
ij → iː / _s “after the loss of a vowel in final syllables”
ij → i / _# “after the loss of a final vowel or syllable”
iji → iː / U[- stress](C…)_
iji → iː / U[+ long + closed]_ in the stem
i → ∅ / _ji
17.7.2 Common Germanic to West Germanici u → e o / _%{a,o} West Germanic to Anglo-Frisiani o → e a / unstressed
ai au eu → {eː,aː} aː ia
ia iu → jaː juː
{i,u} → ∅ / -# ! VC_ Anglo-Frisian to Old English{i,u} → ∅/ _# ! V[-long]C_# Early Modern English to American Englishi u e → ɪ ʊ ɛ / _ɹ
iə → ɪ (ongoing) Early Northern Middle English to Scots— ai → ɛi → əi / when stem-final
— ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u
— ɛː → ɛi (→ əi?) / in some northern varieties
— əi → aɪ / _{r,F[+voiced],$,#} (pursuant to the above) Old English to Scotsɛ → ɜi → i / _{m,ɲ}
ai → aː
{y,i} → ɪ West Germanic to Old Low Franconianai au → eː oː
ai u → ei ʏ / _(C…){i(ː),j} (short only; in the case of [ʏ] at least this was not yet phonemic)
ei ou → eː oː (except in southeastern dialects; *ei as a result of the umlaut of *ai was not affected) Old Low Franconian to Middle Dutchiu → ju / #_ (in some northern dialects)
iu → {yː,io} (outcome varies depending upon dialect; the former seems more typical)
iw → yw (dialectal)
{ie,ia,io} uo → iə uə Modern Dutch to Polder Dutch Vowel Shiftɛi œy ʌu → ai ay au Belgian and Netherlandish Dutch Monophthongizationɛi œy ɔu → ɛː œː ɔː Middle High German to Standard Germane(ː) i → ø(ː) y / _C[+ affricate]
e(ː) i → ø(ː) y / _{P,l,ʃ} (sporadic?)
e(ː) i → ø(ː) y / {P,l,ʃ}_ (sporadic?)
uə yə iə → uː yː iː
ou øy ei → au oy ai West Germanic to Old Low Germanai au → eː oː
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norsewi → u / Ci_C
i → j / _V ! in #U
(w)u(ː) i(ː) → (w)o(ː) e(ː) / _(C)(C)a ! CC = NC or one C = {ʀ,j}
iu → yː
o(u) {ɔ,ɑ,au,ai,æ} {ja,jE,æ(i),e(i),y} → u a i Proto-Norse to Old Norsei → ɪ / _NS[- voice] ! _NS(C){o,i,j}
i → eː / _ʀ#
BːB aː{o,a,æ,e} {æ,e}ː{æ,e}ː {æ,e}ːi iːEː → oː aː eː eː iː
a(i) {e,w{æ,i}} {we,ei} (w)ɪ → ey ø y ʏ / w_ ! hw_
{u,we,wi} {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / _(C)(C)(C)i
wa we wi → ɒː øː yː / #P_
au {ai,ey,ei} æ{y,i} øy Vː → o e æ ø V / #(C)(C)(C)_CC
ai wi (w)V → eː weː (w)Vː / _h#
{æ,e}i ai au w{ɪ,i} wy wV iu Vː → eː aː oː weː woː wVː eː oː V
i → eː / _#
ai → aː / _r
ai → aː / _h{C,V}
uN yN iN VN → o øː eː Vː / _{s,f}
e(ː){B,i(ː)} → e(ː)u / {v,w}_
eː{Bː,i(ː)} → joː / _C[+ alveolar]#
eː{Bː,i(ː)} → juː Old Norse to Early Icelandicu o a ø y e i → uː oː aː øi yː ei iː / _{ɲc,ɲɟ,ŋk,ŋɡ}
u o a øː eː y i → ʏɪ oi ai øi ei yː iː / _j
u oː aː ʏɪ {y,i} {y,i}ː æː eː ey → ʏ ou au ai y ɪ i je ei Old Norse to Orkney Nornei → eː / _C(ː,V)# (V can be a syllabic consonant)
i → ɪ / _CC
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greek”{i,e}V → j”V
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-Aryanuʐ aʐ iʐ → uː əː iː Proto-Indo-Aryan to Central Middle Indo-Aryana{i,j}(a) a{u,w}(a) → e o Proto-Indo-Aryan to Eastern Middle Indo-Aryana{i,j}(a) a{u,w}(a) → e o Proto-Indo-Aryan to Northwestern Middle Indo-Aryana{i,j}(a) a{u,w}(a) → e o Proto-Indo-Aryan to Western Middle Indo-Aryana{i,j}(a) a{u,w}(a) → e o Vedic Sanskrit to Classical Sanskritau aːu ai aːi → au oː ai eː / ! _V
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavici u → ь ъj
e(ː)i → i
{ai,oi} → i / j_
{ai,oi} → æː
{aːi,oːi} → {æː,a} (the former seems to be more common)
{e(ː),i(ː)} {a(ː),o(ː),u(ː)} → ẽ õ / _N$
oi o → i ъ / “Sometimes in final syllables”
17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishьr → i(ː)ʐ → {ɛ(ː)r,ɛ(ː)ʐ} → {ɛr,ɛʐ}
a ɛ i ɔ u ɨ ã → aː ɛː iː ɔː uː ɨː ãː / _{C/U}[+voiced][lost yer] (i.e., a voiced consonant or a cluster with one)
ji → i / #_
iji ɨjɨ → i ɨ
ɔvi → ∅
i → ∅ / _# “in the infinite and imperative desinences. . .some verbs have never been affected due to a potential ‘difficult’ cluster that would result, instead they got an analogical final -j extension”
tsi ʐi → tɕ ʐ / V_
i u → u i / {lʲ,j}_ (sporadic)
{i,ɨ} → ɛ / _C[+rhotic]
ʃi ʒi tʃi dʒi ɕi ʑi → ʂɨ ʐɨ ʈʂɨ ɖʐɨ tsɨ ʒɨ
{i,ɨ} → ∅ / _jV when unstressed Proto-Indo-European to Latinaj → ai → eː (in rustic dialects)
aj → ai → ae
oj → oi → oe → uː
ai → ei → iː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed
ei oi ou → iː eː uː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed
{i,o} → e / _#
{i,e} → ∅ / _# (sometimes)
{ai,ei,oi} → ei → iː / _(C)(C)# Classical Latin vs. Vulgar Latin{e,i} → j / C_V when unstressed
{e,ai} → ɛ
{i,eː,oi} → e Latin to Catalan{i,eː} e → {e,ɛ} {ɛ,e} / stressed
{i,eː,e} → e / _%”V
i → j / ”V_#
{i,e(ː),ae} → ∅ / _(C)# Latin to French— {i,e} → j / _V
— {eː,i,oe} → é
— {e(ː),i,ae,oe} → e
— {e(ː),i,ae,oe} → e
ai → e / _#
ai iɛɪ → ɛ i
ou ɛu u uɛi → u œ y yi
{ei,ɔi} → oi / C[-nas]
oi → wɛ → wa Latin to Portugueseiː {i,eː} e → i e ɛ / stressed
iː {i,e(ː)} → i e / _%”V
{i(ː),e(ː),ae} → e / _#
{e,i} → ∅ / {l,m,r}_ when between #U and U[+stress]
{e,i} → ∅ / k_t when between #U and U[+stress]
nɡi → ɲ
{e,i} → ∅ / {L,N}_(C)(C)V(C)# Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal— {a,œ,e,i} → e (here, 〈œ〉 denotes the reflex of the Latin vowel written this way, not a front rounded vowel)
i → e / #_sC
ktʃ → its → is (else) Latin to Romanian— eː,i,oe → e
— {e(ː),i,ae,oe} → e
— {e(ː),i,ae,oe} → e / _#
i → ∅ / OL_e
i → ∅ / {ts,dz,S}_V
li → lj / _V
Ci → Cʲ / _# ! R…R_# Latin to Sardiniani → j / V_V
i → j / _V
au ai → o e
{i,j} → dʒ / Vr_V (“dialectal”)
l{i,j} → lː → {ts,dz,ldz,dʒ,lː} (“varies”)
{i,j} → ɡ / #_e
n{i,j} t{i,j} → ndʒ ts / _V Vulgar Latin to Spanishi u → e o / _(C)#
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tochariani → ə / {P,K(ʷ),s}_
Ci → Cʲə
ih1 i{h2,h3} → jə jɨ
17.13.1 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian A{a,ɛ}i əj → e i
17.13.2 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian B{a,ɛ}i əj → ai i
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamaiʔ uʔ → j w / C_V
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to GuarayoaN eN iN ɨN uN → ã ẽ ı̃ ɨ̃ ũ / _#
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to SirionóaN eN iN ɨN uN → ã ẽ ı̃ {ɨ̃,ĩ} õ / _#
18.4.9 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Classical Tupii → ı̃ / ʔ_# (sporadic)
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to UrubuaN iN uN → {aN,ã} ı̃ {uN,ũ} / _#
20 Khoisan20.2.1 Proto-Kx’a to ǂHoaniaɔ → iu
20.2.2 Proto-Kx’a to Northwestern !Xunui → o (?)
i → ∅ / V_
20.2.3 Proto-Kx’a to Southeastern !Xunui → o (?)
i → ∅ / V_
21 Lakes Plain21.1.1 Proto-Far West to Awerati → s / #_V
iiɛ Vdiɛ → ijɛ βe
21.1.2 Proto-Far West to Saponiti → s / #_V
iiɛ Vdiɛ → dzɛ ɾɛ
21.1.3 Proto-Far West to Rasawati → s / #_V
iiɛ Vdiɛ → ijɛ βie
21.2.1 Proto-Tariku to Proto-Central Tarikuti → s~ti / _V
iC uC → î û / _{C,#}
21.2.2 Proto-Tariku to Proto-East Tarikuti → s~ti / _V Proto-East Tariku to BiritaiiC uC → î û / _{C,#} Proto-East Tariku to Doutaidi → dz / _V
iC uC → î û / _{C,#} Proto-East Tariku to EritaidiV → dz
iC uC → î û / _{C,#}
iC → iC~i / _{C,#} (not sure how this plays in with the change mentioned earlier about extra-high vowels; I must have misread something) Proto-East Tariku to KaiiC uC → î û / _{C,#} Proto-East Tariku to ObokuitaiiC uC → î û / _{C,#} Proto-East Tariku to SikaritaidiV → dz
iC uC → î û / _{C,#}
ik → ɡ / {s,k,p}_ ? Proto-East Tariku to WaritaiiC uC → î û / _{C,#}
ik → ɡ / {s,p}_ ?
21.2.3 Proto-Tariku to Proto-West TarikuiC uC → î û / _{C,#} Proto-West Tariku to Deirateti di → s dz / _V Proto-West Tariku to Faiati → s / _V Proto-West Tariku to Fayuti di → s dz / _V Proto-West Tariku to Kirikiriti → s / _V Proto-West Tariku to Sehudateti di → s dz / _V Proto-West Tariku to Tauseti di → s j / _V Proto-West Tariku to Weirateti di → s dz / _V
23 Macro-Chibchan23. Proto-Chibchan to Arhuacoi → ∅ / a_
ia → ə (“unspecified”)
i → ∅ / C”V(C)_
i → ∅ / _(C)”V Proto-Chibchan to Chibchai → u / _(C)u
i → a / _(C)a
i → e / _(C)e
a {e,i} → i ∅ / C”V(C)_
i → ∅ / _(C)”V Proto-Chibchan to Kogii → ∅ / a_ (sometimes) Proto-Chibchan to Marocaceroi → ə / oC_
i → ∅ / C”V(C)_
i → ∅ / _(C)”V Proto-Chibchan to Motilóni → ∅ / a_ (usually; sometimes the diphthong is retained or → aj)
{u,i} → ∅ / C”V(C)_
i → ∅ / _(C)”V Proto-Chibchan to Tuneboai → e / if the *a is not stressed
i → a / _Ca
{a,i} → ∅ / C”V(C)_
i → ∅ / _(C)”V
24 Macro-Pama-Nyungan24.1.1 Proto-Paman to AritinŋitiÉ£u i → w j / a_ when this a is a result of metathesis (?)
24.1.2 Proto-Paman to AwŋtimiC aC uC → Cj Ca Cw / #_ ! before an identical vowel
u i → w j / a_ when this a is a result of the preceding metathesis
24.1.4 Proto-Paman to Mbiywomu i → w j / a_ when this a is a result of metathesis (?)
24.1.7 Proto-Paman to Yinwumi → e / #(C)aC[-palatal]_
28 Muskogean28.2 Proto-Muskogean to Proto-Western Muskogeani → ∅ / #(C)V(C)(C)V(C)(C)_# (sporadic in the case of other vowels)
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Easter Gwich’in{i,e} → {i,ja} (this latter due to the loss of final consonants within the stem) Proto-Athabaskan to Holikachuki e a u {ɑ,ʊ} → e a ɔ o ŭ Proto-Athabaskan to Upper Tanana{a,ɑ} e i u ʊ → e(a) {i,ea} ju {a,ɨ} o
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantui ı̃ V[-round] → uɪ uɪ̃ V[+round] / Cʷ_ Proto-Bantu to Sebirwai u VS → j w A / _V[+high +ATR]
30.1.2 Pre-Proto-Bantu to Proto-Manenguba{u,o} {ɛ,e,i} → w j / C_a in noun roots
{u,o} {ɛ,e,i} → w j / C_(a) in verb roots
{u,o} {ɛ,e,i} → w j / C_$V in noun class prefixes Proto-Akanic to Akani → ∅ / #C_a Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fonoi ɔi ɔ̃i {a,ɛ}i {ɛ̃,ẽ}i ei → oe ɔɛ ɔ̃ɛ̃ ɛɛ ɛ̃ɛ̃ ee
ãi → ɛ̃ɛ̃
31 Nyulnyulan31.1 Proto-Nyulnyulan to Bardiaji → iː / when unstressed
i{w,j} → ∅ / _a, when unstressed
i → u / _ju
ib → ∅ / _i, when unstressed
i(ː)b ik → iw ij / _a
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinoi → e / tʃ_
32.2 Proto-Oto-Manguean to Tlapanec{in,en} an → a u
{iHn,eHn,aHn} uHn → ã ũ
33 Penutian33.1.1 Proto-Utian to Proto-Costanoan (Ohlone)i$Ci → e$Ce / _C ! _ɾ Proto-Costanoan to Rumseni → e / _C(C)oC Northern Yokuts to Kings Valley Yokutsi → u / uC_
33.3.3 Proto-Yokuts to Palewyamii → e / _CVC#, when stressed (! _H, short only)
34 Quechumaran34.4 Proto-Quechumaran to Huarásaw aj {uj,ij} → uː eː iː
36 Sino-Tibetan36.1.1 Late Middle Chinese to Old Mandarini → ∅ / C(w)_a
ia → e / else Old Mandarin to Modern Pekingesei → e / C_ʔ
36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuài → [long-tail vowel thing] / C̣_ (“sometimes”, in “variant readings”); when following /ʂ ʐ/, sometimes yields [ʂi], other times [s truncated vowel-thing]
iʔ iw → eʔ ew / C̣_ (the latter with variant iɛu?)
iʔ → ieʔ (→ i[truncated vowel-thing]ʔ?)
yʔ → ioʔ (→ iʊʔ dialectally?) / {∅,C[+guttural]}_, in -k-types Proto-Naish to Lazea u i iN → e y ɯ i / T_%
{a,i} → ɯ / R_%
iN → æ / {P,C}r_%
i → v̩ / m_% Proto-Naish to Mosuo (Na)iN → æ / {P,C}r_
{iN,u} i → i ɯ / T_
i → ɯ / {R,Kr}_
i → v̩ / m_ Proto-Naish to Naxia iN {i,u} → e ɚɯ / T_%
iN → ɚ / {P,C}r_%
i → ɯ / {R,kr}_% Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan Laew iw → im ju
i → e / _s Proto-rGyalrongic to Chos Kiaiw → jo
i → e / _m
ip it → ib o Proto-rGyalrongic to Hanniuan {} → o ie Proto-rGyalrongic to Kham Toi → o / _m Proto-rGyalrongic to lCog Rtseew iw → i jo Proto-rGyalrongic to Patiim it ik is ij → em u e es e Proto-rGyalrongic to Suo Moi → a / _t
i → iɛ / _s
i → ɐ / _m Proto-rGyalrongic to Trungi → əi / _#
i → iə / _m
it → u Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Naoi → e / _m
i i{t,k} → {ə,iɛ} ə
iŋ → ʅ Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Tae i → i a / _m
it ik → o ek
iw ij → iu ei Proto-rGyalrongic to Wassuit ik → o i
is → eu
im iŋ → wa ie
ij → e Old Tibetan to Amdo dialectsi → ə / _#
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1.1 Proto-Iroquoian to Cherokeeiji → iː
37.1.2 Proto-Iroquoian to Proto-Northern Iroquoianiji(ː) → hi(ː) / {k,s}_ “(possibly after all non-glottal obstruents)”
i → e / ! _hCC (“short only”)
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.3 Proto-Tai to Central Taiiə → ı̆ / _C%
ɛi ei → ai iː Central Tai to Lungchow{(i)ɛ,i̯ɛ} → eː
{ɨo̯,ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → ɨː iː
ai → aːi
u̯əi uəi uai i̯əu iau → oːi uːi uːiau oːu
əi → ai
ɨ̯ai → aːi
u̯əi → oːi
ɛ i → eː iː / _u
{uəi,uai} iau → uːi eːu Central Tai to T’ien-Paoi iː u → ə ei oʊ̯ Proto-Tai to North Taiiə → ı̆ / _C%
ɛi ei → ai əi North Tai to Po-Aiɛ iɛ → eː ı̆
ɨo̯ ɨa̯ ie̯ ɨe̯ → uː aː eː iː
{əi,ɛi,ei} → ai
ɨ̯ai → ɨːi
u̯əi ɔi → (w)iː oːi
{ɛi,ei} → ɨː
ɛ e i → eː a iː / _u
uəi uai iau → iː oːi eːu North Tai to Wu-Mingi → {i,oi} / _%
əi → ai Proto-Tai to Southwest Taiiə → ı̆ / _C% (not in all languages)
ɛi ei → ai iː Southwest Tai to Lü{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} {ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → o ə e
əi → ai Southwest Tai to Shan{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} {ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → o ə e
əi → ai Southwest Tai to Siamese{(i)ɛ,i̯ɛ} → ɛː
ɨ̯ai → aːi
{u̯əi,ɔi} → ɔːi
uəi → uai Southwest Tai to White Tai{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} {ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → o ə e
əi → ai
41 Trans-New Guinea41.1 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Apalɨe u i → a {u,ɨ} {i,ɨ}
41.8 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kiwaiu i → {u,o} {i,e}
41.11 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Middle Wahgii → {i,e}
42 Uralic42.1 Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finniciw ow → y uː / _(C) (*)
i → e / _C, when unstressed
iw → u / unstressed
42.1.1 Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnicixi uxu → øː oː
xi → @ / else
UŋA eŋi → Oː øː
ŋi → @ / V_
Uwi ewi → oː øː
i → ∅ / æw_
ji → O / {i,e,y}
i → ∅ / Aj_#
i → ∅ / {o,u}j_
uw ij → ow ej / _C Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnishi → ∅ / {VC,ks}_ at the ends of a suffix
βi → U / _#
oi → o / unstressed Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishið → j / ”V_V
iU OU → Uː Oː
i → y / #(C…)l_y
i → y / #(C…)_væ Standard Finnish to Modern Standard Finnishie yɤ uo → iː yː uː / _A
43 Uto-Aztecan43.2 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Hopii → j / h_ ! _#
43.6 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Tohono O’odhami → ∅ / ts_#
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basquei → u / _(C…)u (Roncalese)
i → y / _(C…)y (Souletin)
u i → o e / _r{C,#}
i → ∅ / _#, in disyllables
hu hi → ʊ ɪ / {o,e}_ (also happened with /a/ sometimes, but usually such sequences just dropped one vowel)
its̺ → tʃ / _# (Biscayan)
45 Yuman-Cochimı́45.1.2 Proto-Pai to Paipaii → ə / unstressed
45.1.3 Proto-Pai to Tipaii → ə / unstressed
46 Vowel Shifts46.3 Belgian and Netherlandish Dutch Monophthongizationɛi œy ɔu → ɛː œː ɔː
46.4 Polder Dutch Vowel Shiftɛi œy ʌu → ai ay au
46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsai → ɛi → əi / when stem-final
ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u
ɛː → ɛi (→ əi?) / in some northern varieties
— əi → aɪ / _{r,F[+voiced],$,#} (pursuant to the above)
46.8 Greek Vowel Shiftai ɔi → ɛ yː
46.10 Late Proto-Finnic to Savonian Vowel Shiftɑː æː ɑi æi → uɑ iæ ɑe æe
ei oi øi → eː oe øe
li ni ri si → lʲi nʲi rʲi sʲi
46.11 Middle Chinese to Cantonese Vowel Shift (“The Inner-Outer Flip”)iəu → au
46.13 Old Norse to Faroese Vowel Shift{i,y} → iː / ɪ
46.14 Pre-Slavic Vowel Changesi → ı̆ [ə?] → {e,a} (strong)/∅ (weak) “in modern languages”
46.15 Proto-Japanese to Old Japanese Vowel Shift{u,ɨ}i {,a,i {ɨi,i{a,ə}} u{ɨ,a,ə} → wi e je wo
46.16 Development of Proto-Lolo-Burmese -i(C)# and -u(C)# to Lahu-i -i{p,k} -it -i{m,ŋ} -in → -i -ɨʔ -iʔ -ɛ -ɨ
46.17 Proto-Maidun to Nisenian Vowel Shiftu i e a → y e a o
46.19 Southern [United States] Shift (English)ɛj(ə) ɪj(ə) i eɪ → ej(ə) ij(ə) ɪi ɛi
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes47.3 List 3: Vowelsi u → s̩ f̩ (Ōgami) (

to /i/

588 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.1.1 Proto-Omotic to North Omoticu o → i e
e → i / #N_C
e → i / #l_{P,C[+voiced]}
e → i / #b_
e → i / p_r
e → i / #{s,ʃ,tsʼ}_{k(w),ʔ}
e o → i u / #C_P
e o → i u / #(ʔ)_C
e o → i u / #{k(ʼ),x}_{t(ʼ),tsʼ}
e o → i u / #(ʔ)_C$
e o → i u / #P_{tsʼ,tʃʼ}
e(ː) → i(ː) / #C[+sibilant]_{d,n,r}
6.2.2 Proto-Erythrean to Proto-North Erythreaneː oː → i u Proto-Boreafrasian to Egypto-Berberə → i
q → i / #_V{Z,C[+dental]}
ʕ → i / #_VR Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabic∅ → i / #al$_z
a → i / _C(C), when stressed
uː iː → u i Classical Arabic to Hassāniyya Arabic— j w → i u / #_CV
7 Algonquian7.1 Proto-Algonquian to Kennebec River Abenakioː aː eː iː → o ɔ̃ a i
7.2 Proto-Algonquian to St. Francis Abenakinj → i / #_
oː eː iː → o a i
7.3 Proto-Algonquian to Proto-Arapaho-Atsinao(ː) → i(ː)
e → i / #_
7.3.1 Proto-Arapaho-Atsina to Arapahoeː → ei / j_
7.4 Proto-Algonquian to Blackfoote → i / {#,k}_
∅ → i / r_w
{jiː,ja,ahi} {owaː,awa,awe} awi {iːwa,eːwa,aji,aje,ani} → i oː o(ji) iː / C_C
∅ → i / #_jC
∅ → i / C_jV#
i(ː)wi → i / _#
a → i / ! at word boundaries
{eː,iː} → i
7.6 Proto-Algonquian to Northern East Creee eː → i aː
a → i / in some unaccented syllables (short only)
7.7 Proto-Algonquian to Southern East Creee → i (short only)
7.8 Proto-Algonquian to Plains Creee → i (short only in southern dialects, both short and long in northern dialects)
7.9 Proto-Algonquian to Swampy Creee → i (short only)
7.10 Proto-Algonquian to Woods Creee(ː) → i(ː)
7.11 Proto-Algonquian to Munsee Delawareə → i / _hC
7.12 Proto-Algonquian to Menomineewe je → o i / _C
e → i / Vː%_ ! _H
e → i / #(C)_ ! _H
e → i / _{k,m} “when in the second syllable of glottal words”
{wiː,jiː,weː,jeː,wæː,jæː} {wi,ji,we,je,wæ,jæ} → iː i / C_
wa ja → uə̯ iə̯ / C_
7.14 Proto-Algonquian to Mi’kmaqo(ː) waː eː iː → u o e i
7.15 Proto-Algonquian to Ojibwewe e → o i
7.17 Proto-Algonquian to Shawneee → i / #(C)_ “(but remains e in a few cases?)”
iː → i / _j
je → i / C_
∅ → i / #C_jVː “(for some speakers)”
8 Altaic8.1 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Japonica → i / _Ci
{a,e,o,æ} i u y ø → ə i ua {u,ə} {ə,u} / _Ce
{a,æ,e,ø,i,y} o → i u / _Ci
e i {o,u} æ ø y → {ə,a} {i,ə} ə a {ə,u} {u,ə} / _Co
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolica → {a,i} / _Ce
a → {a,i,e} / _Co
e o u æ ø y → {a,e} {o,u} {a,o,u a {a,o,u} {o,u,i} / _Ca
a e i o u æ ø y → {a,i} {e,ja} {e,i} {ø,y,o} {o,u,y} {i,a,e} {e,ø} {ø,y,o,u} / _Ce
a e u æ ø y → {a,e} {e,i} {y,ø} {i,e} {i,e,ø} {ø,y,o,u} / _Ci
a e o i æ ø y → {a,i,e} {a,e} u {o,u} e {ø,y,o,u} {o,u} / _Co
a e {o,u} æ ø y → {a,o,u} {e,a} {o,u} {a,o,u} {e,i,u} {i,o,u,y,ø} / _Cu
8.4 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Tungusicæ → i / {s,ʃ,x}_Ca
{u,ø,y} æ → {o,u} ia / _Ca
æ ø → i {o,u} / _Ce
æ → i / {s,ʃ,x}_Ci
æ ø y → ia {o,u} i / _Ci
{u,æ} ø → {o,u} i / _Co
ø → i / {s,ʃ,x}_Cu
{u,æ,y} ø → {o,u} ia / _Cu
8.5 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Turkica e i u æ ø y → a {a,ʌ,e} {ɯ,i} {u,o} {ia,ja,ɛ} {ia,ja} ɯ / _Ca
y → i / {r(ʲ),l(ʲ)}_e
a {e,i} o u æ ø y → {ɛ,a} ɛ {ø,o} {y,u} {ia,ja,ɛ} {ia,ja} {y,ø} / _Ci
a e i æ ø y → {o,ja,aj} {ʌ,ɜ} ɯ {ia,ja} {o,u} {u,o} / _Co
e i æ ø y → {ɛ,a,ʌ} {ɯ,i} {e,a} {u,o} ɯ / _Cu Proto-Kypchak to Kyrgyze → i / _ɡ
e → i / k_y (maybe they mean k_j?)
8.5.2 Proto-Turkic to Sakhaeɡ → {je,iː,ji}
9 Austroasiatic9.1.2.1 Middle Vietnamese to Hanoi Vietnameseɨ → i / _(ə)w
10 Austronesian10.1.1 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawaniw uj → {i,?} i / _# Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Balineseej ow → i u Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Sasakiw ow ej → i o e / _# Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Sumbawanu → i / _{s,t,r,n,l} (blocked in Pusu) Proto-Philippine to Ibanaguj → i Proto-Philippine to Proto-Kalamiane → i / _Ci Proto-Kalamian to Agutaynenaɪ ai → ɪɪ ii (not sure if there’s a long vowel or hiatus here) Proto-Kalamian to Karamiananenaɪ ai → ɪɪ ii (not sure if there’s a long vowel or hiatus here) Proto-Kalamian to Kalamian Tagbanwaaɪ ai → ɪɪ ii (not sure if there’s a long vowel or hiatus here) Proto-Philippine to Tagalogə → i
10.2.2 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Chamorrouj → {i,u}
10.2.3 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-Malayic{iw,uj} → i / _#
— aj aw → i u / _# Proto-Malayo-Javanic to Javaneseiw uj → ju i / _#
— əw əj → i u / _# Proto-Malayo-Javanic to Sundaneseiw uj → {ju,i} oj / _#
10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauanaj aw uj → e o i Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputa → i / O[+voiced]…_(C)# “(blocked if there was an intervening nasal, and sometimes if there was an intervening voiceless stop or liquid)”
{i,ɛ} {u,ɔ} → iə̯ uə̯ / _{k,ŋ}# “(and also sporadically before final *t and *n and some other consonants) Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghi → iə / _ŋ# Proto-Malayic to Minangkabau— u i → uə iə / _{k,ŋ,h,l,r}#
10.3 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Oceanice {uj,iw} → o i
10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiwi(C)V[+ high] i(C)V[+ mid] i(C)a → i(C) i(C)ə {e,i}(C)ə
u(C)V[+ high] u(C)e u(C)o u(C)a → {u,i}(C) u(C)ə e(C)ə {u,ɵ}(C)ə
10.3.4 Proto-Oceanic to MwotlapuCi → iC (sporadic) Proto-New Caledonia to Caaàcu → i (typical) Proto-Northern to Nixumwak-NêlêmwauCu → iCi Proto-New Caledonia to Nyelâyuu → i “often”
10.3.7 Proto-Oceanic to Shark Bay”a → i / _CV[- high]
10.3.8 Proto-Oceanic to Tolomakou → i (“sporadic”) Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejomai → i / _C
ei → i
e → i / Ḱ_ “[tendency]”
e → i / _Ḱ “[tendency]” Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Erromangoa → i / _CV[+ high] Proto-Erromango to Uraə → i Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Tannao e → {u,ə} i Proto-Tanna to Kwamerau → {e,i} / _Cu Proto-Tanna to Lenakelr → {l,i} Proto-Tanna to North Tannar → i Proto-Tanna to Southwest Tannau → {e,i} / _Cu Proto-Tanna to Whitesandsr → {l,i}
10.3.12 Proto-Oceanic to Vera’ai(C)V[+ high] → i(C)
i(C)V[- high] → i(C)ɪ
uCV[+ high] → iC “sometimes”
oa {ae,ea} → uɔ iɛ
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.2 Proto-Elamo-Dravidian to Achaemanid Elamitee → {e,i} / #C_C
14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamilaː eː iː oː uː → a ɛ i o u / _#
j → jːi / E_#
o e → u i / _C{u,i} “(highly sporadic)”
15 Eskimo-Aleut15.1 Proto-Eskimo-Aleut to Proto-Aleuta → i / i_
15.2.1 Proto-Eskimo to Barrow Iñupiaqə → i / at word boundaries
ədʒ → i / _{a,u} (except in #U)
adʒ → i / _a (except in #U?)
15.2.2 Proto-Eskimo to Greenlandic Iñupiaqə → i / else
ədʒ → i / _{a,u} (except in #U)
adʒ → i / _a (except in #U?)
15.2.3 Proto-Eskimo to Mackenzie Iñupiaqə → i / else
ədʒ → i / _{a,u} (except in #U)
adʒ → i / _a (except in #U?)
15.2.4 Proto-Eskimo to Wales Iñupiaqə → i / else
ədʒ → i / _{a,u} (except in #U)
adʒ → i / _a (except in #U?)
15.2.5 Proto-Eskimo to Kuskokwim Yup’iki a u → ii aa uu / C_ in U[+open -initial -final] such that U[+open]_
ə → i / u_
15.2.6 Proto-Eskimo to Nunivak Yup’iki a u → ii aa uu / C_ in U[+open -initial -final] such that U[+open]_
ə → i / {u,a}_ (though aə seems to have become i in some circumstances)
15.2.7 Proto-Eskimo to Siberian Yup’ikə → i / {u,a}_
15.2.8 Proto-Eskimo to Unaaliq Yup’iki a u → ii aa uu / C_ in U[+open -initial -final] such that U[+open]_
ə → i / {u,a}_ (though aə seems to have become i in some circumstances)
16 Extended West Papuan16.1.1 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Nafrie → i / _(C)i
16.1.2 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Central Sentanie → i / _(C)i
16.1.3 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Eastern Sentanie → i / _(C)i
16.1.4 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Western Sentanie → i / _(C)i
17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanian{m̩,n̩} l̩ r̩ → e uj {ri,ir}
eː iː oː uː → o i e {y,i}
a e i o → {a,e} (j)e {e,i} a
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanian{m̩,n̩} l̩ r̩ → e uj {ri,ir}
eː iː oː uː → o i e {y,i}
a e i o → {a,e} (j)e {e,i} a
17.2.1 Common Anatolian to Hittitee → i / _{m,ŋ} when posttonic in U[+closed] or when pretonic
17.2.2 Common Anatolian to Luwiane → i / j_
17.2.3 Common Anatolian to Lyciane → i / j_
17.2.4 Common Anatolian to Lydiane → i / j_
17.2.5 Common Anatolian to Palaice → i / pretonic
17.3.1 Proto-Indo-European to Artsakh Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.3.2 Proto-Indo-European to Erevan Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.3.3 Proto-Indo-European to Istanbul Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.3.4 Proto-Indo-European to Kharpert Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.3.5 Proto-Indo-European to Sebastia Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.3.6 Proto-Indo-European to Southeast Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.3.7 Proto-Indo-European to Southwest Armenian{e,i}ː {u,o}ː → i u
ɛ o → i u / _N
e oj ɛa → i u ɛ / when unstressed
17.5 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Celtic— ∅ → i / C{l,r}S
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irishr̩ l̩ → {ri,ra} {li,la} / _{S,R} (which vowel crops up is unpredictable)
— e → i / _(C…)#
— e o → i u / _C(…C){H,j}
eː → ia / _{#,Cʲ} when stressed; “ai and oi remain, but are written as <ae ai oe oi> seemingly randomly”
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welsha o → ei {ɨ,ei} / _(C…)j(C…)#
a → {ɨ,ei} / _(C…)j(C…)#
{a,e,o} → ei / _(C…)j
e → i / _N
ɣ → i / _C
xt → iθ
ɣ → i / C_V
ɛː → ui
17.6 Proto-Indo-European to Dacianoi wo wj ow → ai wa vi aw
ei → {ei,i} (“PIE *ei evolution is not well reconstructed yet”)
17.7 Proto-Indo-European to Common Germanic{i,j} {u,w} → ij uw
e → i
ei oi → iː ai
eu ou → iu au
17.7.1 Common Germanic to Gothic— o e → u i
— ew → iw
j → i / C_# “after the loss of a final vowel or syllable”
ij → i / _# “after the loss of a final vowel or syllable” West Germanic to Anglo-Frisianai au eu → {eː,aː} aː ia Old English to Midlands Middle Englishɑː y(ː) → ɔː i(ː) Midlands Middle English to Early Modern Englishəɪ əʊ → ɑi æʊ / “in some parts of South-Eastern England” Early Modern English to American Englishɪ → i / _# when unstressed Early Modern English to Australian Englishoʊ iː → əʊ ɪi / else
ɫj → ɫi / “after any segment after which coda-/ɫ/ is forbidden, e.g. failure [fæiɫiɐ]” Old English to Northern Middle Englishy(ː) → i(ː) Early Northern Middle English to Scots— ai → ɛi → əi / when stem-final
— øː → wi / {k,ɡ}_ (in Mid Northern dialects)
— øː → i (in northern dialects)
— a → i / _n (in northern varieties)
— ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u
— ɛː → ɛi (→ əi?) / in some northern varieties
— iː eː ɛː aː oː uː {øː,yː} → əi i {i,e} e o u ø Old English to Scotsoː → iu / _K
ɛ → ɜi → i / _{m,ɲ}
ʌ → ɪi (sporadic) Old English to Southern Middle Englishy(ː) → i(ː) West Germanic to Old Low Franconianeː oː → ie uo
ai u → ei ʏ / _(C…){i(ː),j} (short only; in the case of [ʏ] at least this was not yet phonemic) Old Low Franconian to Middle Dutchiu → {yː,io} (outcome varies depending upon dialect; the former seems more typical)
{ie,ia,io} uo → iə uə Middle Dutch to Modern Dutchiː yː → ɛi œy Modern Dutch to Polder Dutch Vowel Shiftɛi œy ʌu → ai ay au
eː øː oː → ɛi œy ɔu Middle High German to Standard Germany(ː) yə ø(ː) øy → i(ː) iə e(ː) ei (intermittent)
uː yː iː → ou øy ei, except in certain unstressed endings and monosyllables, _C{C,V,#} (“especially before /xt/”), and Low German borrowings
ou øy ei → au oy ai
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norsej → i / C_
{æ,e}ːuː {æ,e}ːiː → eu ai
o(u) {ɔ,ɑ,au,ai,æ} {ja,jE,æ(i),e(i),y} → u a i Proto-Norse to Old Norsee → i / #(C)(C)(C)_(C)(C)(C){i,j}
o {æ,e} → u i / ! in #U Old Norse to Early Icelandicu o a ø y e i → uː oː aː øi yː ei iː / _{ɲc,ɲɟ,ŋk,ŋɡ}
u o a øː eː y i → ʏɪ oi ai øi ei yː iː / _j
aː → ai / _j
e → ei / _{ɣ,j}
u oː aː ʏɪ {y,i} {y,i}ː æː eː ey → ʏ ou au ai y ɪ i je ei Old Norse to Orkney Nornny → in
ja → i
yː → i
y → {ɪ,i}
e iː → ɛ i(ː)
ey → ai Old Norse to Shetland Norn{u,o}(ː) a aː {ɒ,œ,y} e i(ː) → {o,ɔ}(i) æ(i) {ɔ,ɒ}(i) {o,ɔ}(i) {æ,e} / _{Ḱ,Cʲ}
17.7.4 Common Germanic to Vandaliceː → i / unstressed
e → i / ! {w,r,h}_
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greeke → i
y → i
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-Aryanə → i
R̊H → {u,i}R / _V (sporadic) Proto-Indo-Aryan to Central Middle Indo-Aryane o → i u / _#
ɽ → i Proto-Indo-Aryan to Eastern Middle Indo-Aryane o → i u / _#
ɽ → i Proto-Indo-Aryan to Northwestern Middle Indo-Aryane o → i u / _#
ɽ → i Proto-Indo-Aryan to Western Middle Indo-Aryane o → i u / _#
ɽ → i Vedic Sanskrit to Classical Sanskritau aːu ai aːi → au oː ai eː / ! _V
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slaviciː uː → i ɨ
e(ː)i → i
{ai,oi} → i / j_
oi o → i ъ / “Sometimes in final syllables”
17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishьl → il / P_
ьr → i(ː)ʐ → {ɛ(ː)r,ɛ(ː)ʐ} → {ɛr,ɛʐ}
ьjь ъjь → i ɨ
jь → i / utterance-initially (cf. English utterance-initial glottal stops before vowels)
ь ъ → i ɨ / _j
ji → i / #_
iji ɨjɨ → i ɨ
i u → u i / {lʲ,j}_ (sporadic)
iː uː ɨː → i u ɨ
kɨ ɡɨ → kʲi ɡʲi
17.11.2 Proto-Slavic to Old Russianjь → i
17.12.1 Proto-Italic to Proto-Latino-Falsicane → {e,i} Proto-Indo-European to Latine o → i u / _ŋ
aj → ai → eː (in rustic dialects)
aj → ai → ae
oj → oi → oe → uː
V → i / %(C)(C)_% when unstressed
V → {i,u} / %(C)(C)_%P when unstressed
a → e → i / %(C)(C)_ŋ when unstressed
ai → ei → iː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed
e → i / _{s,t}#
{ai,ei,oi} → ei → iː / _(C)(C)#
j → i / C_ Classical Latin vs. Vulgar Latiniː → i
“In contrast, Romanian exhibits u, uː → u (and ultimately also ɔ, oː → o); and Sardinian and African Latin underwent a straight merger of the vowels by length without considering quality (e, eː → e; i, iː → i; u, uː → u; etc.)” Latin to Catalaniː → i / stressed
iː → i / _%”V
mnj → {mni,ɲ} / V_V
j ɡj ts z n → tʃ i w s ∅ / _#
e → i / _{nk,ŋ} when stressed (irregular)
ɛj ɔj → jɛj uei / i {u,ui} / stressed Latin to French— iː oː → i ó
— iː → i
— iː oː → i o
è → iɛ / in U[+open]
è → iɛ / _C#
V”e → ”Vi
ɛ ɔ → iɛ uɛ / _{Cj,jC}
é → ɛi / in U[+open]
ɛ → i / _C(C…)i#
ai iɛɪ → ɛ i
ou ɛu u uɛi → u œ y yi
{ei,ɔi} → oi / C[-nas]
ɲ → in / _{C,#} Latin to Portugueseiː {i,eː} e → i e ɛ / stressed
iː {i,e(ː)} → i e / _%”V
uiː → ui / _#
ı̃ → iɲ
e → i / _(C)(C)V(C)# Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal— e → i / _V (and possibly V_?)
— e → i / _(C…)i{C(C…)V,#}
— e → i / _(C…)i(C…)#
∅ → i / #_sC
j → i / _(s)#
tʃ → i / _C
tʃ → i / C_
ð → i / C_
ð → i / _C ! _s#
j → i / _C
p j → b i / _l
p k tʃ b ɡ β j → b ɡ i {b,u,u→y→i} ∅ {u,u→y→i} i / _r
{t,d} → ð → i / _r
ktj klj → is ʎ
rːVɡ rːj → rdʒ ir
rj → rʲ → ir / V_V
{sːj,stʃj,stj} → ʃ → is (except in the west or extreme east, where the outcome was some flavor of (i)(t)ʃ)
sj → ʒ → (i)(d)ʒ (in some northeastern, northern, and western dialects)
sj → ʒ → iz (the usual outcome)
tVɡ trj → dʒ ir
tj → tʃ → dj → djʒ (?) → dz (in the north and west) or idz (in the south and east)—medial (i)dz became (i)z; i-less forms “prevail in the literary language” and seem to have become common if the dz follows the stress
ndt ndtʃ ntʃ nkt nf → n{d,t} {nts,ndz(→ nz),ndʒ} n(t)s {ɲ,(i)nt,ntʃ} {nf,fː(→ f)}
stʃ → (i)(t)ʃ (for western and extreme eastern regions)
stʃ → is (otherwise)
ktʃ → (i)tʃ (in western and extreme eastern dialects)
ktʃ → its → is (else)
tʃ k → {i,s} {∅,k} / _m
kt ɡd → it id (in the north, northeast, and southwest)
ɡn{d,t} → ŋn{d,t} → ɲ{d,t} → {(i)nd,ɲd,ndʒ} or t(ʃ)
ksː → is
pt → {ut,it} “in a few words”
jd → {dʒ,id} Vulgar Latin to Rhaeto-Romanceuː → y (→ i in most descendants, with the exception of Engadine) Latin to Romanianm s → n i / _#
— iː o(ː) u(ː) → i o u
— iː → i
— iː → i
s → i / #(C…)V_#
ɛ → ie
o e → u i / _N
e → i / #(C…)V…_n…”U Latin to Sardiniane → i / C_V
∅ → i / _s (“[m]ainly Logudorese”) Vulgar Latin to SpanishRaising of e {ɛ,a} ɔ o → i e o u; near j, in particular environments:
— e → i / _Cj ! C = p
”je.o ”je.a → {”i.o,”jo} ”i.a
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharianoy ay ey → ɛi ai əj
17.13.1 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian A{a,ɛ}i əj → e i
17.13.2 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian B{a,ɛ}i əj → ai i
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.1.2 Pre-Bakairi to Western Bakairiɨ → i
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekensɨ → i / #_{p,βe}
18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwára{ẽ,ı̃} ɨ̃ {u,ũ,õ} → i ɨ o
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocama∅ → i / j_#, in monosyllables
j → i / _#, in polysyllables
ã {ẽ,ı̃} ɨ̃ → a i ∅
18.4.3 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guajajaraã ẽ ı̃ ɨ̃ {õ,ũ} → ə e i ɨ o
18.4.7 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Parintintínẽ ı̃ ũ → {ẽ,e} {ı̃,i} {ũ,õ}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Sirionój → {j,i} / _#
o u → {u,o} {u,o,i}
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Urubuj b → {j,i} ∅ / _#
20 Khoisan20.2.1 Proto-Kx’a to ǂHoaniaɔ → iu
20.2.3 Proto-Kx’a to Southeastern !Xunɛ ɔ → i u
21 Lakes Plain21.1.1 Proto-Far West to Aweraiiɛ Vdiɛ → ijɛ βe
21.1.3 Proto-Far West to Rasawaiiɛ Vdiɛ → ijɛ βie
21.2.1 Proto-Tariku to Proto-Central Tarikuti → s~ti / _V
21.2.2 Proto-Tariku to Proto-East Tarikuti → s~ti / _V Proto-East Tariku to EritaiiC → iC~i / _{C,#} (not sure how this plays in with the change mentioned earlier about extra-high vowels; I must have misread something)
22 Macro-Arawakan22.3 Proto-Arawá to Hypothetical Arawán Substratee → i / #_
22.7 Proto-Arawá to Paumaríe → {a,i} / #_
23 Macro-Chibchan23. Proto-Chibchan to Chibchaa → i / _Ci
a {e,i} → i ∅ / C”V(C)_ Proto-Chibchan to Kogij → i / C(V)_ Proto-Chibchan to Motilóna → i / iC_ Proto-Chibchan to Tuneboe → i / “conditioning undetermined”
24 Macro-Pama-Nyungan24.1.7 Proto-Paman to Yinwuma → i / #C[+palatal]V[-long]C_
26 Mande26.2 Proto-Mande to Busaj → i
27 Mayan27.1 Proto-Mayan to Ch’olanaː eː oː → ɨ i u
27.9 Proto-Mayan to Tzeltalanaː eː oː → ɨ i u
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Chilcotine {ɑ,ə} → i {e,ɪ} Proto-Athabaskan to Deg Hit’ane u a {ɑ,ʊ} → a i u ə Proto-Athabaskan to Dena’inae a u {ə,ʊ} → a u i ə Proto-Athabaskan to Dogribɑ ə ʊ u → a e o i Proto-Athabaskan to Easter Gwich’in{i,e} → {i,ja} (this latter due to the loss of final consonants within the stem)
a u {ɑ,ə} ʊ → {i,e} ju a o Proto-Eastern Southern Athabaskan to Jicarillaxʲ xʔ j ɡʔ → ih iʔ i iʔ / _# Proto-Athabaskan to Tahltan-Kaska-Tagishɑ ə ʊ → a {i,e} u Proto-Athabaskan to Upper Tanana{a,ɑ} e i u ʊ → e(a) {i,ea} ju {a,ɨ} o Proto-Athabaskan to Southern Tutchonee a → i e
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantuu ũ → i ı̃ / #R[-labial]_
ɪ ɪ̃ → i ı̃ / #(C)V[-high]C_
30.2 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Potou-Akanicɪ(Cɪ) → e(Ci) / t_; “vowel nasalizations are retained either way on each”
30.2.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic to Proto-Akanicɛ → ia / #(C)_ Proto-Gbe to Ajá{o,ɔ} {ɛ,e} → u i / _i Proto-Vhe to Awalan{o,ɔ} ə → u i / _i
31 Nyulnyulan31.1 Proto-Nyulnyulan to Bardiu → i / _j
i(ː)b ik → iw ij / _a
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinoı̃ → i
e → i / {kʲ,nt}_ when stressed
e → i / in a few data sets “where obscure morphological developments (in the ultimate or penultimate syllable) have resulted in regressive assimilation of vowel quality”
ẽ → i / h_
ẽ → i / in U[+long -stress]
a → {i,e} “under special conditions”
32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinoet el en → itʲ elʲ enʲ
e → i / _j
ɛ → i / n_#
32.1.4 Proto-Chatino to Zenzontepec Chatinoe → i / l_ when unstressed
e → i / kʲ_ when stressed
32.2 Proto-Oto-Manguean to Tlapanece → i
33 Penutian33.1.1 Proto-Utian to Proto-Costanoan (Ohlone)e → i / _(C…)u
ɨ → {e,i} / CC_
ɨ → i Proto-Miwok to Proto-Western Miwokɨ → {u,i} Buena Vista Yokuts to Tulamniɨ(ː) ə(ː) → i(ː) e(ː) Proto-Nim-Yokuts to Northern Yokutsɨ(ː) ə(ː) → i(ː) e(ː)
33.3.3 Proto-Yokuts to Palewyamiɨ(ː) → i(ː)
V → i / C”iC_
35 Salishan35.3 Shuswap to Eastern Shuswap Nasal-to-Vowel Shiftsen enˀ → i iʔ / {ts(’),s,j(ˀ)}_ in U[- stressed]
35.4 Shuswap to Spokane-Kalispel Shuswap Nasal-to-Vowel Shiftsn nˀ → i iʔ / C_s
n nˀ → i iʔ / _{i,ʃ} (sporadic)
36 Sino-Tibetan36.1 Proto-Sino-Tibetan to Middle Chinese(C-)l- → {d,ji}-
36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàj → i
long-tail vowel thing → i (or [truncated vowel-thing] “where GH sibilant initial variants occur”)
iʔ → ieʔ (→ i[truncated vowel-thing]ʔ?)
uj → u(ɛ)i / m_
uj → uɛi / {P,C[+guttural],∅}_
uj → ui / {C[+dental],C[+sibilant]}_
juŋ → iuŋ / _{∅,x,ʋ,ʔ}
juŋ → iuŋ / _ɡ[+píng tone]
jujŋ ujŋ → iuŋ uŋ
yʔ → oʔ (eventually → {ʊʔ,(i)uʔ?) / {l,C[+dental +sibilant]}_, in “QYS -k-types”
yʔ → ioʔ (→ iʊʔ dialectally?) / {∅,C[+guttural]}_, in -k-types
je jeʔ → iɛ iɛʔ
ye jej → yɛ i
jew → iau / else
{jem,jen} → iɛn / sometimes after C̣_ (but ! ʐ_) (only in one variety?)
wɔn ja wa → uɔn ia ua
jaʔ → iaʔ
aj jaj waj aw jaw → ai iai uai au iau
jawʔ wawʔ → iɔʔ uɔʔ
{jam,jan} → iɛn Proto-Naish to Lazea u i iN → e y ɯ i / T_%
a → i / {ŋ,w}_%
a → ie / ! K_% Proto-Naish to Mosuo (Na)a → i / ! K_%
{iN,u} i → i ɯ / T_ Proto-Naish to Naxia → i / ŋ_% Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan Lau → i / _{r,s}
aj → i
ew iw → im ju Proto-rGyalrongic to Chos Kiauj → ui
ok → iɡ
oj → oi
a ap at ar am aj → e eb e(d) er om e.i
e → i / _#
et ej → o e.i
ip it → ib o Proto-rGyalrongic to Hanniuan {} → o ie Proto-rGyalrongic to Kham Toan → ia
aj → oi
e → i / _{s,#}
ej → ai Proto-rGyalrongic to lCog Rtseew iw → i jo Proto-rGyalrongic to Suo Moe → iɛ
i → iɛ / _s Proto-rGyalrongic to Trungun → ial
an → a(i)
i → əi / _#
i → iə / _m Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Naoew e ej → ə i ei
i i{t,k} → {ə,iɛ} ə Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Taaw aj → au ai
e i → i a / _m
iw ij → iu ei Proto-rGyalrongic to Wassuan ap → ai ie
aj → ui
ew → i
it ik → o i
im iŋ → wa ie Old Tibetan to Amdo dialectss → either i or a diphthong ending in i? / _#
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoiane → i / r_ʔ
ı̃ → i
37.1.1 Proto-Iroquoian to Cherokee∅ → i / C_R
37.1.2 Proto-Iroquoian to Proto-Northern Iroquoianiji(ː) → hi(ː) / {k,s}_ “(possibly after all non-glottal obstruents)”
∅ → i(ː) / #_(C)(C)CVC(C)(C)# Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Huronk → i / #_n Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Oneida∅ → i / {V,t}n_k(ʷ)V
— ∅ → i / C_jV(H)#
37.2.5 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Crow-Hidatsaã ı̃ ũ → a i u
37.2.6 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Dhegihau → i / in ”U (sporadic)
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.3 Proto-Tai to Central Taiɛi ei → ai iː Central Tai to Lungchowe → i / _C%
i̯e → i
ai → aːi
u̯əi uəi uai i̯əu iau → oːi uːi uːiau oːu
əi → ai
ɨ̯ai → aːi
u̯əi → oːi
{uəi,uai} iau → uːi eːu Central Tai to T’ien-Paoi iː u → ə ei oʊ̯ Proto-Tai to North Taiɛi ei → ai əi North Tai to Po-Aii̯e → i
{əi,ɛi,ei} → ai
ɨ̯ai → ɨːi
u̯əi ɔi → (w)iː oːi
uəi uai iau → iː oːi eːu North Tai to Wu-Mingi → {i,oi} / _%
əi → ai Proto-Tai to Southwest Taiɛi ei → ai iː Southwest Tai to Lüe → i / _N%
əi → ai Southwest Tai to Shanəi → ai Southwest Tai to Siameseɨ̯ai → aːi
{u̯əi,ɔi} → ɔːi
əɨ → ai
{ɛɨ,eɨ} → ai
oɨ → ai
uəi → uai Southwest Tai to White Taie → i / _N%
əi → ai
40 Totozoquean40.2 Proto-Totozoquean to Proto-Totonacan{e,ɨ} {ḛ ɨ̰} → i ḭ
41 Trans-New Guinea41.1 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Apalɨe u i → a {u,ɨ} {i,ɨ}
41.8 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kiwaiu i → {u,o} {i,e}
41.11 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Middle Wahgii → {i,e}
42 Uralic42.1.1 Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnicô → ɯ → i / _(X)CA
ej → i / unstressed
wI → i
nʲ → ni / #(C)i_V
nʲ → in / V_V Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnishj w → i U / V_{C,#} Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnisheː øː oː → ie yø uo
j → i / C_, when initial in a suffix
e → i / A_, when unstressed
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livoniany ø → i e / else
43 Uto-Aztecan43.4 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Nahuatlɨ u → e {i,e} “(all */u/ affected, but conditions for when it became /i/ or /e/ are not known)” Proto-Mono-Kawaiisu to Monoɨ → i / _h
uV → u(i)
43.6 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Tohono O’odhaml → i / {p,m,k(ʷ),w}_# “in all dialects, and varies by dialect after other consonants”
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basquea o e → ɛ u i / {i,u}(C…)_ (this [ɛ] is tentatively marked as such; Egurtzegi transcribes it as /e/ but says it’s not as close as /e/)
o e → u i / _$a (raising of *o is less common)
e → i / _{n,C[+ sibilant]} (sporadic)
oa ea → u(e) i(e) / _#
46 Vowel Shifts46.1 7-to-5 Vowel Merger (Bantu)ɪ ʊ → i u
46.2 California Vowel Shift (English)æ ɪ → e i / _ŋ; some speakers (esp. in southern regions) may also have pin-pen and “a single phoneme in contrast to the nasal diphthong [ãɪ̃] of the U.S. Northeast” (though the article doesn’t specify what this is; maybe it’s just plain ã)
u → {iʊ̯,ʉ,ɯ}
46.4 Polder Dutch Vowel Shiftɛi œy ʌu → ai ay au
eː øː oː → ɛi œy ɔu
46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsai → ɛi → əi / when stem-final
øː → wi / {k,ɡ}_ (in Mid Northern dialects)
øː → i (in northern dialects)
a → i / _n (in northern varieties)
ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u
ɛː → ɛi (→ əi?) / in some northern varieties
iː eː ɛː aː oː uː {øː,yː} → əi i {i,e} e o u ø
46.8 Greek Vowel Shifty(ː) ɔː → i(ː) ɔ
46.10 Late Proto-Finnic to Savonian Vowel Shifteː øː oː → ie yø uo
ɑː æː ɑi æi → uɑ iæ ɑe æe
li ni ri si → lʲi nʲi rʲi sʲi
46.13 Old Norse to Faroese Vowel Shift{iː,yː} → ʊi / ʊ(i)
46.14 Pre-Slavic Vowel Changesej → i
iː → i
46.15 Proto-Japanese to Old Japanese Vowel Shifte o → i u / else
{u,ɨ}i {,a,i {ɨi,i{a,ə}} u{ɨ,a,ə} → wi e je wo
46.16 Development of Proto-Lolo-Burmese -i(C)# and -u(C)# to Lahu-i -i{p,k} -it -i{m,ŋ} -in → -i -ɨʔ -iʔ -ɛ -ɨ
46.19 Southern [United States] Shift (English)ɛj(ə) ɪj(ə) i eɪ → ej(ə) ij(ə) ɪi ɛi
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes47.2 List 2: Conditional or complex consonant changesn → i / _s and sometimes other fricatives (Montana Salish)

with context involving /i/

389 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.1 Proto-Afro-Asiatic to Proto-Omoticʃ → s2 / {i,j}_ North Omotic to Dizints → tʃ / _i South Omotic to Dimets → ʃ / _i Proto-Boreafrasian to Egypto-Berberq → ∅ / _i
l → j / #_iC ? Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabica → e / _(C)(C)i(ː)
7 Algonquian7.3 Proto-Algonquian to Proto-Arapaho-AtsinaW → ∅ / C_i(ː)
7.3.2 Proto-Arapaho-Atsina to Gros Ventreʃ {θ,t} m k → s ts tʲ bʲ / _{i(ː),j,#}
7.4 Proto-Algonquian to Blackfootx → sː / {i,#e,ja,ke}_
∅ → s / {i(ː),#e}_t
t → ts / _{i,e(ː),a}
∅ → s / k_i(ː)
∅ → j / {oːw,iːj}_i#
w → j / {r,k}_i#
w → j / _i
w → ∅ / {a,o}_iC
on → u / _iC
7.6 Proto-Algonquian to Northern East Creek → tʃ / _i
7.7 Proto-Algonquian to Southern East Creek → tʃ / _i
7.13 Proto-Algonquian to Miami-Illinoiss → ʃ / _i (not universal)
s → ʃ / _iV
7.15 Proto-Algonquian to Ojibwew → ∅ / {t,r}_i
7.17 Proto-Algonquian to Shawneej → ∅ / C_i(ː)
w → ∅ / t_i
8 Altaic8.1 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Japonica → i / _Ci
{a,æ,e,ø,i,y} o → i u / _Ci
ɡ → ∅ / iV_
r → t / _{i,u}
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolica → {a,e} / _Ci
i → e / P_Ci
a e u æ ø y → {a,e} {e,i} {y,ø} {i,e} {i,e,ø} {ø,y,o,u} / _Ci
t(ʰ) d → tʃ dʒ / _i
tʃ → dʒ / #_i
lʲ → dʒ / #_i
8.4 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Tungusicy → u / P_C{e,i}
æ → i / {s,ʃ,x}_Ci
æ ø y → ia {o,u} i / _Ci
8.5 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Turkice → ja / #_C{e,i}
a {e,i} o u æ ø y → {ɛ,a} ɛ {ø,o} {y,u} {ia,ja,ɛ} {ia,ja} {y,ø} / _Ci
8.5.1 Proto-Turkic to Proto-Kypchakɣ → w / {a,u,i,o}_
9 Austroasiatic9.1.2 Proto-Vietic to Middle Vietnamesel → ∅ / {i,e}_ Middle Vietnamese to Saigon Vietnamesec ɲ → t n / {i,e}_
ə → ∅ / {i,ɨ}_{p,m.w}
10 Austronesian10.1.1.1 Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Balinesew → b / i_# Proto-Bali-Sasak-Sumbawan to Sumbawanw → ∅ / i_# Proto-Philippine to Ifugao∅ → j / _iw# Proto-Philippine to Proto-Kalamiane → i / _Ci Proto-Kalamian to Agutaynent → s / _i Proto-Kalamian to Karamiananent → s / _i
10.2 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Batakw → ∅ / i_#
10.2.2 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Chamorro∅ → j / i_a
10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauan∅ → j / i_V
j → ∅ / C_i
10.2.6 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-North Sarawakh → ʔ / a_{i,u} Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lóngh{p,t} n → c̚ ɲ / {i,ɛ}_#
m → ɲ / i_# Proto-Malayic to Minangkabau— m p → n t / {u,i}_
10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiwa → e / _Ci (sporadic) Proto-New Caledonia to Caaàcjʰ → h / _i Proto-New Caledonia to Jawéjʰ → h / _i Proto-New Caledonia to Nemi-Pije-Fwaijʰ → h / _i Proto-New Caledonia to Proto-NorthernC → ∅ / _$(possessive suffix)# Proto-New Caledonia to Nyelâyujʰ j → h ∅ / _i Proto-New Caledonia to Pwaameis → h / _i Proto-New Caledonia to Proto-Yunagajʰ → h / _i Proto-Reefs/Santa Cruz to Naguŋ → n / _i Proto-Reefs/Santa Cruz to Natügut → l / _{u,i}
ŋ → n / _i
10.3.7 Proto-Oceanic to Shark Bayp v m → t θ n / _{a,e,i}
10.3.8 Proto-Oceanic to Tolomakom b → n̼ t̼ → n t / _{a,e,i} Proto-Utupua to Asuboat → s / _i Proto-Utupua to Nebaoŋ → n / _i Proto-Utupua to Tanibilidr → ɟ / _i Proto-Vanikoro to Vanot → s / _{u,i}
10.3.11 Proto-Oceanic to Proto-Southern Vanuatua → e / _(C)i Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejoms → θ / ! _i, occasionally Proto-Erromango to Syeɣ → k / _i Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Tannaa → e / _Ci Proto-Tanna to North Tannav → ∅ / _i
10.5 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Onganb → ∅ / #_{u,i}
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.1 Proto-Elamo-Dravidian to Proto-Dravidianw → v / #_{i,e}lV
14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamiltː nt → cː ɲc / {i,j}_
o e → u i / _C{u,i} “(highly sporadic)”
15 Eskimo-Aleut15.1 Proto-Eskimo-Aleut to Proto-Aleuta → i / i_
dʒ → ð / i_ (in eastern and central dialects)
15.2.1 Proto-Eskimo to Barrow Iñupiaqt → s / i_
v → ∅ / u_i
dʒ → ʁ / i_u
15.2.2 Proto-Eskimo to Greenlandic Iñupiaqt → s / i_
dʒ → tʃ / i_{u,i}
15.2.3 Proto-Eskimo to Mackenzie Iñupiaqv → ∅ / u_i
15.2.4 Proto-Eskimo to Wales Iñupiaqdʒ → ʁ / i_u
ɣ → u / {i,ə}_V
15.2.5 Proto-Eskimo to Kuskokwim Yup’iks → dʒ / {i,u}_V
dʒ → ∅ / i_i
15.2.6 Proto-Eskimo to Nunivak Yup’iks → dʒ / {i,u}_V
dʒ → ∅ / i_i
15.2.7 Proto-Eskimo to Siberian Yup’ik∅→ n / #_iN (This one is sort of a guess, given a singular example in the text that isn’t really commented upon)
s → dʒ / {i,u}_V
dʒ → ∅ / i_i
15.2.8 Proto-Eskimo to Unaaliq Yup’ikdʒ → ∅ / i_i
s → dʒ / {i,u}_V
16 Extended West Papuan16.1.1 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Nafrie → i / _(C)i
a → æ / i(C)_
16.1.2 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Central Sentanie → i / _(C)i
a → æ / i(C)_
16.1.3 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Eastern Sentanie → i / _(C)i
a → æ / i(C)_
16.1.4 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Western Sentanie → i / _(C)i
a → æ / i(C)_
17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanianḱ → s / _{u̯,u,i̯,i}
i̯ → ɟ / {a,e,i}_
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanianḱ → s / _{u̯,u,i̯,i}
i̯ → ɟ / {a,e,i}_
17.2.1 Common Anatolian to Hittitet → ts / _i ! s_
d → s / #_{i,j}
17.2.2 Common Anatolian to Luwian{ḱ,k} → ∅ / _i(ː)
17.2.3 Common Anatolian to Lycian{ɡ́,ɡ} → ∅ / _i(ː)
17.2.4 Common Anatolian to Lydiand → tʃ / _{i,u}
s → ʃ / _{i,e}
s → ʃ / i_
l → ʎ / _{i,j}
17.3.1 Proto-Indo-European to Artsakh Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
17.3.2 Proto-Indo-European to Erevan Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
17.3.3 Proto-Indo-European to Istanbul Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
ɡʷʱ → dʒ / #_{e,i}
17.3.4 Proto-Indo-European to Kharpert Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
17.3.5 Proto-Indo-European to Sebastia Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
17.3.6 Proto-Indo-European to Southeast Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
ɡʷʱ → dʒ / #_{e,i}
17.3.7 Proto-Indo-European to Southwest Armeniankʷ → tʃʰ / _{e,i}
ɡʷʱ → dʒ / #_{e,i}
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irisheː → iː / ! _{i,u}
— n → ∅ / {i,o,u}_{p,t,k,s}
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welsh{a,o} → e / _(C…)i(ː)
17.7.1 Common Germanic to Gothici → ∅ / _ji West Germanic to Old Low Franconianai u → ei ʏ / _(C…){i(ː),j} (short only; in the case of [ʏ] at least this was not yet phonemic)
a → ɛ / _(C…){i(ː),j} (conjectured based on date from the “Germanic umlaut” article) High German Cosonant Shift and Umlauta u o → e y ø / _(C…){i(ː),j}
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norsewi → u / Ci_C
j → ∅ / _i Proto-Norse to Old Norsei → ɪ / _NS[- voice] ! _NS(C){o,i,j}
e → i / #(C)(C)(C)_(C)(C)(C){i,j}
u {o,ɒ} a → y ø æ / _(C)(C)(C)i
u {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / _(C)(C)(C)i
{u,we,wi} {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / _(C)(C)(C)i
a → e / _i
N(ː) k k(ː) N(ː)ɡ ɡ(ː) ɣ → ɲc(ː) c(ː) ɲɟ(ː) ɟ(ː) ʝ / _{i,j}
a → e / _{i,j,Ḱ}
N(ː) k k(ː) N(ː)ɡ ɡ(ː) ɣ → ɲc(ː) c(ː) ɲɟ(ː) ɟ(ː) ɟ / _{i,j} Old Norse to Orkney Nornh → x / _i
o a → ø ɛ / _(C)(C)i
e → a / _i Old Norse to Shetland Nornɡ(ː) → dʒ / _iV
17.8.1 Proto-Indo-European to Aeolian Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greekt → ts / _i
ɡ x → j ç / _{ɛ,i}
17.8.3 Proto-Indo-European to Boeotian Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.4 Proto-Indo-European to Coan Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.5 Proto-Indo-European to Cretan Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.6 Proto-Indo-European to Doric Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.7 Proto-Indo-European to Elian Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.8 Proto-Indo-European to Ionic Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.9 Proto-Indo-European to Laconian Greekt → ts / _i
17.8.10 Proto-Indo-European to Mycenaean Greekt → ts / _i
17.9 Proto-Indo-European to Hittitet → ts / _{i,e}
17.10 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Indo-Iraniank ɡ ɡʱ → c ɟ ɟʱ / _e,i,j
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavics → x / {i,u,r,k}_
k ɡ x → tʃ ʒ ʃ / _{e(ː)(i),i(ː)}
k ɡ x → ts dz s / _{æː,i} Proto-Indo-European to Latinkʷ → k / _{o,i,C} Latin to Catalanŋ → ɲ / _{i,e}
sk → ʃ / V_{i,e}
k ɡ → ∅ {∅,ʒ} / V_{i,e} (ɡ → ʒ is learned)
k → ts → s / #_{i,e}
ɡ → ʒ / #_{i,e}
kʷ ɡʷ → k ɡ / #_{i,e}
kʷ → ɡ / V_{i,e}
ɡʷ → ɡ / C_{i,e}
ʎ → l / ”i_ Latin to French— V → ”V / _C*”{i,e}V
l → ∅ / {i,u}_
ɛ → i / _C(C…)i# Latin to Portuguesee → ∅ / ”{i,e}_#
k → ts → s / #_{i,e}
ɡ → ɡʲ → dʲ → dʒ → ʒ / #_{i,e}
kʷ ɡʷ → k ɡ / #_{i,e,o}
kʷ → ɡ / V_{i,e}
kʷ → k / VC_{a,i,e}
ɡ → {∅,ʒ} / V_{i,e} (ɡ → ʒ is learned)
j → ∅ / i_ʒV
sk k → jʃ z / V_{i,e} Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal— ɔ → y / _{u,P,k,ɡ,i} (in northwestern dialects)
— ɔ → ɥe / _{u,P,k,ɡ,i} (in western dialects, Limousin, and Auvergne)
— ɔ → ɥo / _{u,P,k,ɡ,i} (in Languedoc)
— ɔ → {ɥe,ɥo,ɔ} / _{u,P,k,ɡ,i} (in southern dialects)
— e → i / _(C…)i{C(C…)V,#}
— ɛ → jɛ / _{u,i,ʎ,rʲ,ʃ,ʒ,j,tʃ,dʒ} (except in some northern and western dialects, or if this u ← l or if this i ← ð)
— o → y / _{tʃ,dʒ,it,id} (did not occur in Dauphiné)
— o → y / _i# (in Bordeaux, Auvergne, and some of Languedoc)
— e → i / _(C…)i(C…)# Latin to RomanianV → ”V / _(C…)”{i,e}V
t d s → ts dz ʃ / _i
e → a / i_(C…){a,e}#
l → lj / _i
lː → ∅ / _i Latin to Sardiniank → ts / _i
d → ∅ / V_{i,j} Vulgar Latin to Spanishk ɡ → tʃ dʒ → ts dz / _{j,i,e,ɛ}
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.3.1 Proto-Tuparí to Makurápβ → ∅ / _i
u → o / _{p,b}i
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekensβ → ∅ / i_
ð → s / _i
18.3.3 Proto-Tuparí to Tuparí{(n)dz,ts} → s / _i
β ð → ∅ {s,h} / _i
u → o / _{p,b}i
18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayoróu → ɨ / _{p,b}i
18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwárat → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamat → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.3 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guajajarat → ts / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.4 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guaranít → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guarayot → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.6 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Kamayurát → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Sirionót → {ts,tʃ} / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.9 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Classical Tupit → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Urubut → ʃ / _{i,ı̃}
21 Lakes Plain21.2.1.1 Proto-Central Tariku to Edopid → dz / _i Proto-East Tariku to BiritaiV → ∅ / di_ Proto-East Tariku to KaiV → ∅ / di_ Proto-East Tariku to ObokuitaiV → ∅ / di_ Proto-East Tariku to WaritaiV → ∅ / di_
23 Macro-Chibchan23. Proto-Chibchan to Arhuacoj → ∅ / i_V Proto-Chibchan to Chibchaa → ∅ / _i, when unstressed
a → i / _Ci Proto-Chibchan to Kogis → {ʃ,tʃ} / _i Proto-Chibchan to Marocaceros → {ts,ʃ} / _i
a → ∅ / _i Proto-Chibchan to Motilóns → {ʃ,tʃ} / _i
s → x / i_
a → i / iC_
24 Macro-Pama-Nyungan24.1.1 Proto-Paman to AritinŋitiÉ£i[-long]C → Cj / #_ ! _i
24.1.2 Proto-Paman to Awŋtim∅ → j / #(C)iː(C)_V ! _i
24.1.4 Proto-Paman to Mbiywomi[-long]C → Cj / #_ ! _i
25 Macro-Panoan25.1.2 Proto-Tacanan to Chamatʃ → s / _i
n → ɲ / i_{o,a} (the former is conjectured)
25.1.4 Proto-Tacanan to Tacanak → kʷ / #_i
28 Muskogean28 Muskogeanl → j / a_i
28.2 Proto-Muskogean to Proto-Western Muskogeanxʷ → h / %_{o,i}(C)#
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to BeaverT → TŠ / _{i,e,u}, in the British Columbian dialect Proto-Athabaskan to SekaniT → TŠ / _{i,e,u} ! in Ware Sekani
30 Niger-Congo30.1.1.2 Proto-Bantu to Tswana{p,t,tʃ,k} {mp,nt,ɲtʃ,nk} {(m)b,(n)d,(ɲ)dʒ,(n)ɡ} {m,n} → s tsʰ ts ɲ / _iV
{p,t,tʃ,k} {mp,nt,ɲtʃ,nk} {(m)b,(n)d,(ɲ)dʒ,(n)ɡ} {m,n,ɲ} → sw tsʰw tsw ɲw / _iV
{tʃ,k} {ɲtʃ,nk} {ndʒ,nɡ} → s tsʰ ts / _{i,ɪ,e} Proto-Gbe to Ajá{o,ɔ} {ɛ,e} → u i / _i
V[+ nas - high] → [+ high] / _i
ʁ → j / _i
χ ʁ → s z / _{i,j} Proto-Ajá to Hwet d → tʃ dʒ / _{u,i} Proto-Phla-Pherá to Aladak ɡ → ʃ ʒ / _i Proto-Vhe to Adángbek ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _i Proto-Vhe to Avénoə → e / _{i,j}
t d → tʃ dʒ / _{u,i}
k ɡ s → ts dz ʃ / _i Proto-Vhe to Awalana → e / _{i,j}
{o,ɔ} ə → u i / _i
t d → tʃ dʒ / _{u,i}
s {k,ts} {ɡ,dz} → ʃ tʃ dʒ / _i
χ ʁ → ʃ {ʒ,j} / _{u,i,j} Proto-Vhe to Kpándo{t,k} {d,ɡ} → ts dz / _i Proto-Vhe to Pecı́{k,ts} {ɡ,dz} → tʃ dʒ / _i Proto-Vhe to Tɔ̣wunə → e / _{i,j}
k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _i Proto-Vhe to Wacı́ə → e / _{i,j}
{k,ts} {ɡ,dz} → tʃ dʒ / _i
31 Nyulnyulan31.1 Proto-Nyulnyulan to Bardij → ∅ / i_
ib → ∅ / _i, when unstressed
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinot → tʃ / _”{e,iʔ}
t → ʃ / i_i
nʲ → l / #_i
32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinot → tʃ / #_iç
c → tʃ / i_
32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinoʃ → s / _{ik,e,ı̃,ẽ}
ʃ → ts / _i, in monosyllables
33 Penutian33.1.1 Proto-Utian to Proto-Costanoan (Ohlone)k → ʂ / _i
k → ʂ / i_ Proto-Costanoan to Chochenyoa → e / il_
o → u / _(C…)i Proto-Costanoan to Mutsuna → e / il_
o → u / _(C…)i Proto-Costanoan to Rumsenʈ → {ʈ,tʃ} / {i,e,o}$_
a → e / il_
o → u / _(C…)i
33.3.1 Proto-Yokuts to General Yokutso → u / _Ci
33.3.3 Proto-Yokuts to Palewyamis → ʃ / _i
ts tsʰ tsʼ → tʃ tʃʰ tʃʼ / _i
V → i / C”iC_
34 Quechumaran34.2 Proto-Quechumaran to Boliviaʂ → h / _{a,i}
j → ∅ / i_{a,u}
34.3 Proto-Quechumaran to Cuzcoh → ∅ / #q_{i,u}
34.4 Proto-Quechumaran to Huarásʂ → h / _{i,u}
34.6 Proto-Quechumaran to Quitotʼ → tʰ / #_i
34.7 Proto-Quechumaran to Riobambaqh → kʰ / _i ! _i{ʃ,tʃ}
tʼ → tʰ / #_i
kh → kʰ / #_{i,u}
ɲ → n / ! h_i
34.8 Proto-Quechumaran to Santiagoʃ → s / ! i_i or _S
ʂ → ∅ / _{a,i}
j → ∅ / i_{a,u}
34.9 Proto-Quechumaran to Tenaɲ → n / _i
w → ∅ / #_i
35 Salishan35.1.1 Proto-Central Salish to Comoxs → ∅ / #_{wa,wi}
35.1.7 Proto-Central Salish to Nooksacks → ʃ / #_{xʲ,w{i,a},qʷa}
35.4 Shuswap to Spokane-Kalispel Shuswap Nasal-to-Vowel Shiftsn nˀ → i iʔ / _{i,ʃ} (sporadic)
36 Sino-Tibetan36.1.1 Late Middle Chinese to Old Mandarinxɦ → ∅ / _j(w){?,ia,a(ta)}
36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàŋ → ∅ / _{i,j,w,y}
ʔ → ∅ / _{j,i,y} Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan Laŋ → ∅ / i_ Proto-rGyalrongic to Chos Kia{k,j} → ∅ / i_ Proto-rGyalrongic to Hanniut → ∅ / i_ Proto-rGyalrongic to Kham To{ŋ,j} → ∅ / i_ Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Naoj → ∅ / i_
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoiant → ts / _{i,ı̃}
tʰ → ts / _i
r → ts / _i
37.1.1 Proto-Iroquoian to Cherokeek kʷ → ts k / _i
w → ∅ / h_i
37.1.2 Proto-Iroquoian to Proto-Northern Iroquoiann → ∅ / _ti Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Cayugats → hs / V_ ! _{h,i,j,r}
ts → s / ! _{h,i,j,r}
r → w / {o(ː),õ(ː)}_{a(ː),e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}
r → j / {e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}_{a(ː),o(ː),õ(ː)} Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Huronts → s / ! _{i,j}
n → ∅ / _i “(in pronominal prefixes only)” Huron to Wyandot∅ → j / {e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}_V
x → ∅ / _{i,j} Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Onondagats → hs / V_V ! _i
ts → s / ! _{h,i,j}
r → j / {e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}_V
ts → tʃ / _{(h)i,(h)j}
s → ʃ / _{hi,hj} Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Proto-Mohawk-Oneidats → s / ! _{h,i,j} Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Mohawk— ts → tʃ / _{(h)i,(h)j} Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Oneida— jV → ∅ / Ci_(H)#
ts → tʃ / _{(h)i,(h)j} Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Senecats → s / ! _{i,j}
r → j / i(ː)_V Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Tuscarorats → tʃ / _{h,i,j}
37.2 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Siouanx → ç / _{i,u} Proto-Crow-Hidatsa to Crowk → ts / _i
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.3 Proto-Tai to Central Tail → ∅ / p_{ɯ,e,i} Central Tai to Lungchowpr → pʰ / _{ɯ,e,i}
a → aː / _u,i
ɔ ɨ → oː ɨː / _i Central Tai to Nungpr → pʰ / _{ɯ,e,i} North Tai to Po-Aiɨ a → ɨː aː / _i Proto-Tai to Southwest Taio → ɔː / _i Southwest Tai to Siamesea → aː / _i
ɨ → ə / _i
41 Trans-New Guinea41.2 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Asmatt → s / #_i
41.3 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Binanderet → j / #_i
t → {r,s} / V_i
42 Uralic42.1 Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finnica → æ / {a,e,ê,i,y}(X)(C)(C)_, when unstressed
42.1.1 Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnicê ô → e o / _(X)Ci
ɑ → o / ”{a,e,i}(X)C_j
j → ∅ / C_i{C,#}
nʲ → ni / #(C)i_V
t → ts / _i ! following a coronal obstruent or “before a derivational suffix” Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnishj → ∅ / _i (*)
Vː → V[-long] / _i Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnisht → z → @ / _r{i,e}
k → ɣ i / {i,e}_R{i,e}
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livoniant ts s(C) n l r → tʲ tsʲ sʲ(C) nʲ lʲ rʲ / _i
ɑ æ → æe / _(C…)i
o → oː / _{RC#,i}
43 Uto-Aztecan43.4 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Nahuatls ts → ʃ tʃ / _i Proto-Mono-Kawaiisu to Kawaiisuhts → z / V_i
43.6 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Tohono O’odhamts → s / _i
44 Vasconic44.1 Proto-Vasconic to Aquitanians → ʃ / i_#
44.2 Proto-Basque to Basquen → ɲ / {i,ɪ}_V
a o e → ɛ u i / {i,u}(C…)_ (this [ɛ] is tentatively marked as such; Egurtzegi transcribes it as /e/ but says it’s not as close as /e/)
{ɾ,r} → ʎ / {i,j}_ (eastern dialects)
45 Yuman-Cochimı́45.1.1 Proto-Pai to Chapaitʃ → ʃ / _{w,i}
46 Vowel Shifts46.1 7-to-5 Vowel Merger (Bantu)S → F / _{i,u} (Do not necessarily have to be fricatives at the same POA; in some cases, the phones go to null or to /l/)
46.11 Middle Chinese to Cantonese Vowel Shift (“The Inner-Outer Flip”)ə → ∅ / i_{ŋ,k}
∅ → ə / C[+ labiovelar]_i
ə → a / _{i,u}
a → aː / _{i,u}
a → ə → ∅ / i_u
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes47.2 List 2: Conditional or complex consonant changesm → n / _i (Tsakonian)