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The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
who made some things not reflect light,
sw    1 ,
se chúsel swáshe im mel'enáne úni lwait,
[sə̆ ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈim ml̩.ln̩.ˈna.nə̆ ˈu.ɲɨ ˈlʷɑet]
seand chus-elmake-med swa-shebe-indf imobv mel=enáneinv.part=reflect únineg lwait,light,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and ze named those things after zemself.
  
su im hyámel kel sestá.
[su ˈim ˈçæ.ml̩ kl̩.sə̆s.ˈta]
suand imobv hyam-elgive-med kel=sestá.from=self.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Gray noticed this and made it so that there were objects that were sort of black and sort of white, and lots of shades of that color,
  s   , s      ,     ,
Im súngep hu'al Shichíl luim pútwe, se chúsel swáshe im hes man shelyúp se man swátel, se swáshe lil ihíhe kel kaitu,
[ˈim ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p ˈhwɑl ʃe.ˈʧiʎ ˈlʊɨm ˈpu.twʊ̜̆, sə̆ ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈim hə̆s ˈman ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup sə̆ ˈman ˈswɑ.tl̩, sə̆ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈʎiʎ i.ˈçi.çɪ̆ kl̩.ˈkɜe.tʉ]
imobv súngepthis_fact hu=alexp=med shichílgray -isee-obv pútwe,notice, seand chus-elmake-med swásheexist imobv hesrel mankind_of shelyúpwhite seand mankind_of swátel,black, seand swásheexist liltype ihíhemany kel=kaitu,from=color,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color made blood and injuries red, in memory of what Red went through.
k  ,    
Chúsen ha al hwánge su al wípi, naustwi luim selpím im hes mal Ha.
[ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈha ˈal ˈhwɑ.ŋᵻ̆ su ˈal ˈwɨ.pi, ˈnaos.twɨ ˈlʊɨm sl̩.ˈpim ˈim hə̆s ˈmal ˈha]
chus-enmake-prox hared almed hwa-ngeblood-general suand almed wípi,injured, naustwipurp -isee-obv selpímremember imobv hesrel maldo.inv
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
The donkey-beater then went into his home and discovered his dinner wasn’t ready, so he beat his wife.
   ,   1 ,   
Pyet naun shi húnelen, se im nginál swaim úni nginátu, wan wálswelyen lan wípi.
[pjɪ̆t ˈnaon ʃɨ.ˈçʉ.nl̩.ln̩, sə̆ ˈlu ˈim ŋi.ˈɲæl ˈswɑem ˈu.ɲɨ ŋi.ˈɲæ.to, ˈwɑn ˈwɑl.swʎ̩.ʎn̩ ˈlan ˈwɨ.pi]
pyetthen naum-engo-prox shi=húnel-en,to=house-prox, seand see imobv nginálevening swa-ibe-obv únineg nginátu,finished, wanso wálsweyl-enspouse-prox lam-endo-prox wípi.hit.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
When the donkey-beater asked why his neighbor was beating him, his neighbor replied, “I will beat you until you learn not to beat others.”
       ,  (         )
Pe píki mausen lautwe petwántu al lánkepen swan mel wípi, mausel kish muSwáku lem wípi shi píki pauchi kiusteng welpwaik im lam wípi”.
[pə̆p.ˈ ˈ̩ ˈlao.twʊ̜̆ pə̆t.ˈtwɑ ˈal ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̩̆ ˈswɑn ml̩ʷ.ˈlʷɨ.pi, ˈ̩ ˈkiʃ mu ˈswɑ.ku lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi ʃi.ˈ ˈpao.ʧɨ ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩ wl̩.ˈpwɑek ˈim ˈlam ˈwɨ.pi”]
pe=píkiat=when maus-ensay-prox lautweask petwántuwhy almed lánkep-enneighbor-prox swa-enbe-prox mel=wípi,inv.part=hit, maus-elsay-med kishanswer muquot swa-ku“be-1 lem=wípipart=hit shi=píkito=when pau-chican-2 kiustengknowledge welpwaikbad imobv lamdo wípi”.hit”.
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him;
    ,    ,
útwek piunken tas píkel lwángu, piunkel tas link ngwa im nálent,
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈpɪʉŋ.kn̩ ˈtas ˈpi.kl̩ ˈlʷɑ.ŋu, ˈpɪʉŋ.kl̩ ˈtas ˈʎiŋk ˈŋwɑ ˈim ˈna.ln̩t]
útwekbut piunk-enput-prox tasso píkellong-lived lwángu,blow, piunk-elput-med tasso linkclose ngwapull imobv nálent,cloak,
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
6 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
   ,  )
Naunku míshelw se chúsku háneng im hástu, naustwi úmpwen lu kwálsem”.
[ˈnaoŋ.ku ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ sə̆ ˈʧʉs.ku ˈha.nŋ̩ ˈim ˈ, ˈnaos.twɨ ˈum.pwn̩ ˈki lu.ˈkwɑ̩”]
naum-kugo-1 míshelwdown seand chus-kumake-1 hánengdark imobv hástu,language, naustwipurp úmpu-encan't-prox get lu=kwálsem”.part=understand”.