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The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Cyan said that ze liked just staying in the background, so that's what ze did: the sky became cyan.
kl  kl    ,  ,  
Al kílu mausel hem wiut swal pe kelím, wan lámel súngep, helíyel naim kílu.
[ˈal ˈki.ʎʉ ˈ̩ hm̩ ˈlu ˈwᵻʉt ˈswɑl pə̆k.kʎ̩.ˈʎim, ˈwɑn ˈ̩ ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p, çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ ˈnaem ˈki.ʎʉ]
almed kílucyan maus-elsay-med hemthat see wiutlike swa-elbe-med pe=kelím,at=background, wanso lam-eldo-med súngep,this_fact, helíyelsky na-ibecome-obv kílu.cyan.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
They felt that Color was being unfair in giving Blue and Green such important colors, and they started to argue.
 ,k  k          
Hu'al, an Kaitu swan únteslep petwánchi swan Kíltel se Ngin málites mámelw kaitu se na mausen hwailet.
[ˈhwɑl, ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈswɑn ˈun.tʊ̜̆s.lə̆p pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈswɑn ˈki ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈŋiɲ ˈma.ʎe.tɪ̆s ˈ̩ʷ ˈkɜe.tʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈna ˈ̩ ˈhwɑe.ʎɪ̆t]
hu=al,exp=med, anprox kaitucolor swa-enbe-prox únteslepunfair petwánchibecause swa-enbe-prox get kíltellight_green seand ngindark_green málitesenough mámelwimportant kaitucolor seand nabecome maus-ensay-prox hwailet.argue.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
It became violent.
Na wípeyl.
[ˈna ˈwɨ.pʎ̩]
nabecome wípeyl.violent.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Most of the others tried to get out of the way quickly, but Red got hurt badly, and was bleeding.
       , h   , h 
Líntes kel sal lámi kainkwes naum kal tal, útwek al Ha nal wípi wípi, se lámel hwa.
[ˈʎiɲ.tɪ̆s ˈsu kl̩.ˈsal ˈ ˈkɜeŋ.kwᵿ̜̆s ˈnaom ˈkɜl ˈtal, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈal ˈha ˈnal ˈwɨ.pi ˈwɨ.pi, sɪ̆ ˈ̩ ˈhwɑ]
líntesalmost all kel=salfrom=another lam-ido-obv kainkwestry naumgo kalaway tal,fast, útwekbut almed hared na-elbecome-med wípiinjured wípi,injured, seand lam-eldo-med hwa.blood.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the day, the sky and sun turn orange and yellow, and cast everything in yellow light.
 ,   ,  , 
Pe láspepi lwaipek, al helíyel su al húswes nal hántlwek se pai, se hyámel , lwait pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈlʷɑe.pɪ̆k, ˈal çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ su ˈal ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae, sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈsu, ˈlʷɑet ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv lwaipek,day, almed helíyelsky suand almed húswessun na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai,yellow, seand hyam-elgive-med ,all, lwaitlight pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the year, the leaves turn yellow and orange.
 ,   
Pe láspepi hwámpek, al ngílpen nal hántlwek se pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈhwɑm.pə̆k, ˈal ˈsu ˈŋɨʎ.pn̩ ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv hwámpek,year, almed all ngílpenleaf na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
And when things are destroyed in a fire, the fire is orange and yellow.
   ,   
Se píki nga swaim naiyu se naim kúsenk, al naiyu swal hántlwek se pai.
[sə̆ ˈ ˈŋɜ ˈswɑem ˈnae.jʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈnaem ˈkʉ.sŋ̩k, ˈal ˈnae.jʉ ˈswɑl ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
seand píkiwhen ngaany swa-ibe-obv naiyufire seand na-ibecome-obv kúsenk,dead, almed naiyufire swa-elbe-med hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
This time, he did not say anything, but seized the donkey beater and began to beat him with a heavy cudgel.
, 1,    
P'an pik, mausel úni, su íken suimpu se mal wípi na.
[ˈpan ˈpik, ˈ̩ ˈu.ɲɨ, sʉ ˈ̩ ˈsʊɨm.pʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈmal ˈwɨ.pi ˈna]
pe=anat=prox pik,time, maus-elsay-med úni,neg, suand ik-enget.inv-prox suimpugrab seand maldo.inv wípiinjured na.become.

TODO figure out what conjunction should go where "but" is. Also "with a heavy cudgel."

Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
5 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do;
,(      1 ,  
se mausel, muAn kip swan munínt se swan tap h'í hástu, se na lam súshli.
[sə̆ ˈ̩, mu ˈan ˈkip ˈswɑn mu.ˈɲɨɲt sə̆ ˈswɑn ˈtap ˈçe ˈ, sʊ̜̆ ˈna ˈlam ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ]
seand maus-el,say-med, muquot anprox kipperson swa-enbe-prox munínttogether seand swa-enbe-prox tapuse he=ícard=1 hástu,language, seand nabecome lamdo sú