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The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
There were outlines and shapes, but there was just one color, which they called White.
   ,   1 1,    
Swáshe meníl swet nga se sail, útwek swáshe al kaitu h'í su úni, se nga swal mi luitu shelyúp.
[ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ swᵿ̜̆t.ˈŋɜ sə̆ ˈsaeʎ, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈal ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈçɨ su ˈu.ɲɨ, sɪ̆ ˈŋɜ ˈswɑl mi.ˈʎʊɨ.tʉ ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup]
swásheexist menílline swet=ngaaround=any seand sail,shape, útwekbut swásheexist almed kaitucolor he=ícard=1 suand úni,neg, seand ngaany swa-elbe-med mi=luituinv.part=call shelyúp.white.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and ze named those things after zemself.
  
su im hyámel kel sestá.
[su ˈim ˈçæ.ml̩ kl̩.sə̆s.ˈta]
suand imobv hyam-elgive-med kel=sestá.from=self.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and photographs used the new white, gray, and black that had been invented.
       
su al nga chilau tápel shelyúp se shichíl se swátel kaitu hes suit.
[su ˈal ˈŋɜ ʧe.ˈʎao ˈ̩ ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup sə̆ ʃi.ˈʧiʎ sə̆ ˈswɑ.tl̩ ˈkɜe.tʉ hʊ̜̆s ˈsʊɨt]
suand almed ngaany chilauphotograph tap-eluse-med shelyúpwhite seand shichílgray seand swátelblack kaitucolor hesrel suit.make.inv.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the day, the sky and sun turn orange and yellow, and cast everything in yellow light.
 ,   ,  , 
Pe láspepi lwaipek, al helíyel su al húswes nal hántlwek se pai, se hyámel , lwait pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈlʷɑe.pɪ̆k, ˈal çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ su ˈal ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae, sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈsu, ˈlʷɑet ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv lwaipek,day, almed helíyelsky suand almed húswessun na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai,yellow, seand hyam-elgive-med ,all, lwaitlight pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color made blood and injuries red, in memory of what Red went through.
k  ,    
Chúsen ha al hwánge su al wípi, naustwi luim selpím im hes mal Ha.
[ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈha ˈal ˈhwɑ.ŋᵻ̆ su ˈal ˈwɨ.pi, ˈnaos.twɨ ˈlʊɨm sl̩.ˈpim ˈim hə̆s ˈmal ˈha]
chus-enmake-prox hared almed hwa-ngeblood-general suand almed wípi,injured, naustwipurp -isee-obv selpímremember imobv hesrel maldo.inv
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
The donkey-beater said, “Beating is all the donkey knows, I must beat him until he learns how to behave.”
,(   1    .        )
Mausen, muAl lam wípi su úni lul mesúwek hu'an. Pauku pwaint lem wípi shi píki paun kiusteng lenaunkenk”.
[ˈ̩, mu ˈal ˈlam ˈwɨ.pi sʉ ˈu.ɲɨ ˈlul mə̆s.ˈsu.wʊ̜̆k ˈhwɑn, ˈpao.ku ˈpwɑeɲt lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi ʃi.ˈ ˈpaon ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩ ln̩.ˈnaoŋ.kʊ̜̆ŋk”]
maus-en,say-prox, muquot almed lamdo wípihit suand únineg -elsee-med mesúwekbe_familiar_with hu=an.exp=prox. pau-kucan-1 pwaintmust lem=wípipart=hit shi=píkito=when pau-encan-prox kiustengknowledge lenaunkenk”.well-behaved”.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
This time, he did not say anything, but seized the donkey beater and began to beat him with a heavy cudgel.
, 1,    
P'an pik, mausel úni, su íken suimpu se mal wípi na.
[ˈpan ˈpik, ˈ̩ ˈu.ɲɨ, sʉ ˈ̩ ˈsʊɨm.pʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈmal ˈwɨ.pi ˈna]
pe=anat=prox pik,time, maus-elsay-med úni,neg, suand ik-enget.inv-prox suimpugrab seand maldo.inv wípiinjured na.become.

TODO figure out what conjunction should go where "but" is. Also "with a heavy cudgel."

The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger,
           ,
An húswes su an lwángu kel'ípwechem hu hyángu swan mes pálemp launge paim shú tánku,
[ˈan ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s su ˈan ˈlʷɑ.ŋu kʎ̩.ˈʎi.pwᵿ̜̆ʧ.ʧm̩ hu.ˈçæ.ŋu ˈswɑn mə̆s.ˈpa.lm̩p ˈlao.ŋʊ̜̆ ˈpaem ˈʃʉ ˈtaŋ.ku]
anprox húswessun suand anprox lwánguwind kel=ípwechemfrom=right hu=hyánguexp=map swa-enbe-prox mes=pálemppart=debate laungewhich pau-ican-obv shúmost tánku,strong,
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
and immediately the traveler took off his cloak.
  
su al lipwíye piunkel úngeyl nálent.
[su ˈal ʎi.ˈpwɨ.jɪ̆ ˈpɪʉŋ.kl̩ ˈu.ŋʎ̩ ˈna.ln̩t]
suand almed lipwíyetraveler piunk-elput-med úngeyltake_off nálent.cloak.
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
3 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens;
,(  ,    
Se mausen, muChúshshe ílu kat an shuish, su an ílu petú hi itúpen swaim pe helíyel.
[sə̆ ˈ̩, mu ˈʧʉ.ʃᵿ̜̆ ˈi.ʎʉ ˈkɜt ˈan ˈʃᵿɨʃ, su ˈan ˈi.ʎʉ pʊ̜̆t.ˈtu çɨ i.ˈ̩ ˈswɑem pə̆.çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩]
seand maus-en,say-prox, muquot chus-she“make-indf ílubuild kat1.incl anprox shuish,city, suand anprox ílubuilding petústanding hiwhere itúp-enup-prox swa-ibe-obv pe=helí
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
4 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
           ,
Útwek al suim naumel míshelw naustwi hu'al luim shuish su ílu hes suit waipi nga kip,
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈal ˈsʊɨm ˈ̩ ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ ˈnaos.twɨ ˈhwɑl ˈlʊɨm ˈʃᵿɨʃ su ˈi.ʎʉ hʊ̜̆s ˈsʊɨt ˈwɑe.pi ˈŋɜ ˈkip]
útwekbut almed suimdeity naum-elgo-med míshelwdown naustwipurp hu=alexp=med -isee-obv shuishcity suand ílubuilding hesrel suitmake.inv waip-ioffspring-obv ngaany kip,person,