Made-up words

Here are some words I made up at various points in my life, for various reasons. Many of them I made up for a class where we learned different Greek roots and had to make our own words from those roots. A few of them are words I've actually used at some point; most of them aren't. In some cases, others have coincidentally come up with the same or similar words as I have, which may or may not have the same meaning.

See also "The Agnographer", a story I wrote back in 2008-ish using many of these words.

This list currently contains 50 words: 16 abstract nouns, 11 concrete nouns, 12 adjectives, 4 verbs (including 1 idiomatic verb phrase), 2 taxonomic designations, 2 numbers, 1 title, 1 particle, 1 punctuation mark, 1 pronoun (with 4 distinct forms), 1 suffix, and 1 adverb.   Of the words, 24 are from Greek, 21 are from English, 4 are from Latin, 1 is from MyLanguage, 4 are from multiple languages, and 2 are simply made-up.

# A B C D E F G H I L M O P S T U V X Y


&sarcasm; /not pronounced/
punctuation mark: used to show the end of a sarcastic sentence, replacing any period that would otherwise go there
(unlike <sarcasm>/</sarcasm>, this doesn't give away the presence of sarcasm before the sentence starts and isn't a mismatched tag; it has the additional advantage that if it's typed in HTML directly (&sarcasm;), it'll appear as written until a sarcasm mark becomes supported by web browsers, at which point it will automatically change.)


aelurencephalanthrop /aɪ.ˌlɚ.ɛn.ˈsɛ.fl̩.æn.θɹɑp/ [Gk. aelur "cat" + encephal "brain" + anthrop "human"]
concrete noun: human with a cat's brain
agnography /æɡ.ˈnɑɡ.ɹə.fi/ [Gk. a "without" + gno "know" + graph "write"]
concrete noun: a work in which one writes many phrases synonymous with "I don't know"
amblychromophilosis /ˌæm.bliˌkɹoʊm.ə.fɪl.ˈoʊ.sɪs/ [Gk. ambly "dull" + chrom "color" + phil "affiliation" + osis "diseased condition"]
abstract noun: disease in which one prefers grays and browns over erythroxanthochlorocyanochromy
anautophobia /ˌæn.æɑt.ə.ˈfoʊ.ˌbi.ə/ [Gk. an "not" + auto "self" + phobia "fear"]
abstract noun: fear of not being oneself
anticare /ˈant.i.ˌkeɚ/ [anti "against" + care]
verb: to care, but desiring the opposite outcome that "care" would imply
antikinehelism /ˌæn.taɪ.ˌkin.ə.ˈhil.ˌɪz.m̩/ [anti "against" + kine "move" + hel "sun"]
abstract noun: a belief opposing the idea that the sun should move throughout the sky
asyntheonym /eɪ.ˈsɪn.θi.oʊ.ˌnɪm/ [Gk. a "not" + syn "together" + the "put" + onym "name/word"]
abstract noun: word which is rarely used to express the idea it expresses, but is still widely known, generally for some unusual property of the word itself
Example: antidisestablishmentarianism.
The word literally means "name that is not put together", implying "not put together with other words to form a sentence".
awtuz /ˈæʊt.ʌz/ [MyLanguage awtuz]
concrete noun, plural awtuz: an intelligent or sentient being


barybarbarian /ˌbeɚ.i.bɑɚ.ˈbeɚ.i.ən/ [Gk. bary "heavy" + barbarian]
concrete noun: a heavy, uncivilized person
beither /ˈbið.ɚ/ [combination of but and either/neither]
particle: starts a sentence or phrase that will be followed with the conjunction but, signalling that something the sentence might seem to imply isn't true
Example: Beither I didn't stop beating my wife, but I don't have a wife. A word with this meaning exists in one of my conlangs: Lwaitel twak


colorful thinking [by analogy with black-and-white thinking]
abstract noun: a type of thinking that recognizes that, not only are there points between two extremes, but there are multiple relevant axes (as opossed to black-and-white thinking and grayscale thinking)
cry Olaf /ˌkraɪ ˈoʊ.lɑf/ [from the idiom "cry wolf" + Count Olaf from A Series of Unfortunate Events]
idiom: to repeatedly make true statements that aren't believed, and then be treated as if one has been crying wolf


diswant /ˈdɪs.ˌwʌnt/
verb: to want the opposite of
Intended to replace the construction "don't want", which should logically include indifference. It looks like I'm not the only one to think of this.
drawyer /ˈdroɪ.ɚ/ [by analogy with lawyer]
concrete noun: one who draws (pictures)
drogynous /ˈdɹɑ.dʒɪn.ʌs/ [back-formation from androgynous]
adjective: having traits that are clearly, unambiguously, male or female, and not a mix of the two; not androgynous


'e /i/ [Based on the sounds that are in both "he" and "she"]
pronoun: gender-neutral singular pronoun; forms:
Subjectheshe'e /i/
Non-subjecthimherh' /hə/
Possessive (attrib.)hisherh' /hə/
Possessive (non-attrib.)hishersh's /həz/
Reflexivehimselfherselfh'self /hə.ˈsɛlf/
(...I don't really like this much anymore, because there are already other pronouns and adding another doesn't help, and because 'e sounds like he in certain dialects and h' sounds like her in certain dialects)
elefator /ɛl.ˈɛf.ə.tɚ/
number: 9+2, used in my duodecimal system along with tern, represented by (an H with a vertical line through it)
Equus monoceratus [Latin equus "horse" + Gk. mono "one" + cerat "horn"]
species: unicorn
It looks like the similar Equus monoceros has existing usage e.g. [1] [2] [3] (those are just the first three results on Google)
ergoger /ˈɚ.ɡoʊ.dʒɚ/ [Gk. erg "work" + ger "old person"]
concrete noun: an old person who still works
erythroxanthochlorocyanochromy /ɚ.ˌɪθ.ɹoʊ.ˌzænθ.ə.ˌkloɚ.oʊ.sai.ˈæn.ə.kroʊm.i/ [Gk. red-yellow-green-blue-color-ness]
abstract noun: rainbow-colored-ness


fir /ˈfɚ/ [back-formation]
adjective: close to the beginning of a sequence
comparative firrer /ˈfɚ.ɚ/, superlative first /ˈfɚst/, antonym: la
forepreantepenultimate /ˈfoɚ.ˈpri.ˈæn.ˌti.pɛn.ˈḷt.ɪ.mət/ [English fore "before" + Latin pre "before" + ante "before" + pen "almost" + ultimate "last"]
adjective: fifth-to-last
Darn! Not the first to come up with this.


gleen /ˈɡlin/ [grass is to green as glass is to gleen]
adjective: a somewhat-dull bluish green color, the color of glass (especially noticeable when looking at the edges of things made of glass)
gliphonician /ˌglɪ.foʊ.ˈnɪʃ.ṇ/ [gli "glue" + phone "sound" + ician "practitioner of"]
concrete noun: one who forms words from prefixes, bases, suffixes, like I'm doing here!
(...actually glimorphemician might be more accurate...)
grayscale thinking [by analogy with black-and-white thinking]
abstract noun: a type of thinking that recognizes that there are points between two extremes (as opposed to black-and-white thinking), but fails to recognize that there is more than one relevant axis (as opposed to colorful thinking)
gred /ˈgɹɛd/ [green + red]
adjective: red, yellow, or green (could be used by color-blind people)
(I don't have enough experience with color blindness to know whether such a word would actually be useful. Also I initially had this as "erythrochlorous", from the Greek roots for red and green, but later decided that something more Anglo-Saxon would be better.)
-gry /ɡɹi/ [from hungry]
suffix: desiring
Example: I'm hungry, but I'm not really dinnergry, just snackgry.


h' /hə/
pronoun: gender-neutral object or possessive pronoun: him/his, her, or them/their; see 'e
heteroanthropophobia /ˌhɛt.ɚ.oʊ.æn.ˌθɹɑp.ə.ˈfoʊb.i.ə/ [Gk. hetero "different" + anthrop "human" + phobia "fear"]
abstract noun: fear of people who are different than oneself
heterochromographonym /ˌhɛt.ɚ.oʊ.ˌkɹoum.ə.ˈgɹæf.ə.ˌnɪm/ [Gk. hetero "different" + chromo "color" + graph "writing" + onym "name"]
concrete noun: the name of a color written in a different color (aside from neutral colors or the color of the surrounding text)
Examples: red, green, purple.
houcher /ˈæutʃ.ɚ/ [Gk. ouch + hour]
abstract noun: an hour which is unpleasant, boring, or too long to wait. Often used interjectively, generally preceded by whole
Examples: "A whole houcher?!", "I have to wait a whole half houcher?!", "Three days until the weekend? That's 72 whole houchers!"
h's /həz/
pronoun: gender-neutral possessive pronoun: his, hers, or theirs; see 'e
h'self /həˈsɛlf/
pronoun: gender-neutral reflexive pronoun: himself, herself, or themself; see 'e


ichthamphibisaurornithomammal /ɪkθ.æm.ˈfɪ.bɪ.soɚ.oɚ.ˌnɪθ.ə.ˈmæ.mḷ/ [Gk. ichth "fish" amphibian + saur "reptile" + ornith "bird" + mammal]
concrete noun: a vertabrate
iridotherapy /ɪɚ.ˌɪd.ə.ˈθeɚ.ə.pi/ [irid "rainbows" + therapy]
abstract noun: treatment using rainbows!
Unfortunately, it seems this word is in use...?


la /ˈlæ/ [back-formation]
adjective: close to the end of a sequence
comparative laer /ˈleɚ/, superlative last /ˈlæst/, antonym: fir


mediesthous /ˌmidiˈɛsθəs/ [medi "middle" + esth "feel"]
adjective: having no strong emotion (in the moment being discussed). Does not imply that one never or rarely has a strong emotion. Could be a more accurate answer to "How are you?" than "Fine".
melanocyanography /ˌmɛl.ən.oʊ.ˌsai.ən.ˈɑg.ɹə.fi/ [Gk. melano "black" + cyan "blue" + graph "writing"]
abstract noun: writing in blue or black ink
monocytectomy /ˌmɑnəˌsaitˈɛktəmi/ [Gk. mono "one" + cyt "cell" + ectomy "removal"]
abstract noun: surgical removal of a single cell
Mss. /ˈmɪst.ɚz/ [by analogy; see below]
title: used to refer to a married male (for completeness with Miss/Mrs.)
For the married version of Miss, the pronunciation pluralizes Miss and the spelling adds an s onto the opposite gender's title (Mr.), so I did the same to Mr., pluralizing the pronunication of Mr. but pluralizing the spelling of Ms.


onymous /ˈɑ.ˌnɪm.əs/ [Gk. onym "name"; by analogy with anonymous]
adjective: having a known name
Darn! Someone beat me to it!
orbivore /ˈoɚbɪvoɚ/ [orb "circle" + vore "eat"]
concrete noun: one who only eats circle-shaped things
(Back when I first made the word I could find one or two actual uses already on Google. Now I can't find those, but it seems someone's made an app with this name or something.)


phobonymomania /ˌfoʊ.bə.ˌnɪm.ə.ˈmeɪn.ˌi.ə/ [Gk. phob "fear" + onym "name" + mania "mania"]
abstract noun: obsession with names of various phobias
phobonymomaniaphobia /ˌfoʊ.bə.ˌnɪm.ə.ˌmeɪn.ˌi.ə.'foub.ˌi.ə/ [phobonymomania + phobia "fear"]
abstract noun: fear of phobonymomania
polylinguy /ˌpɑl.i.ˈlɪiŋ.gwi/ [Greek poly "many" + Latin lingu "tongue" + Anglo-Saxon-derived y (adjective-forming suffix)]
adjective: (of a word) having parts coming from different languages. [The parts all come from different languages, of course! The y is an Anglo-Saxon adjective-forming suffix, as in rainy.]
Pyropneumidae [Gk. pyro "fire" + pneum "lung" + idae (common suffix for families)]
biological family: dragons.


scribimency /ˈskɹib.ɪ.mɛns.i/ [Latin scribere "write" + mens "mind", inspired by Harry Potter's legilimency]
abstract noun: the ability to put thoughts into another's mind; mind-writing
(Originally I had encephalograhy, but apparently that word is already in use with a different meaning. Also probably mind-writing would work.)
sixths /ˈsɪksθs/
verb: to divide into six equal parts
sixthsed /ˈsɪksθst/
noun: an item that has been divided into six equal parts
Plural: sixthseds /ˈsɪksθsts/


tetraperimorph [Gk. tetra "four" + peri "around" + morph "form"] /ˌtɛt.ɹə.ˈpeɚ.i.moɚf/
abstract noun: one of four parts of the perimeter of a 2-dimensional shape, area, or region
Example: a bay is a body of water surrounded by land on three tetraperimorphs. Inspired by the definition of bay I heard in fourth grade, "body of water surrounded by land on three sides", which logically should include triangular lakes.
tern /ˈtɚn/
number: 9+1, used in my duodecimal system along with elefator, represented by (an upside-down A)
I made up these names and symbols before learning what anyone else had used for base 12. I used the symbols, but not the names, in Súiⱥcúili. This is a homonym of a type of a bird.


univorous /ju.ˈnɪv.ɚ.əs/ [Latin uni "one" + vore "eat"]
adjective: eating only one type of food.
Darn. Already in use.


vel cetera /'vɛl 'sɛt.ɚ.ə/ [Latin vel "or" + cetera "other", by analogy with et cetera]
particle: or something similar; abbreviated velc.
...wait, this is already "pretty well established"?


xenochromous /ˌzi.noʊ.ˈkɹoʊm.əs/ [Gk. xeno "foreign, strange" + chromo "color"]
adjective: being a different color than one would expect or is used to (such as a heterochromographonym)
Previously, I had "heterochromous", but that was in use with a different meaning. I found no results for "xenochromous", specifically, when I searched just now, but Xenochroma is apparently a genus of moths, and "Xenochrome" seems to have some uses (looks like some brand names and such).


yest /ˈjɛst/ [from yes, by analogy with not]
adverb: opposite of not
Can be used gramatically wherever not can be used. Yest does not change the meaning of the sentence when taken out, but it can be used for clarity ("Did you say can or can't"/"I can yest do it"), contrastive focus, or parallel structure (e.g., "Did not"/"Did yest"/"Did not"/"Did yest"/etc.).