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Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
4. The sun will shine.
Qlani taspe pani.
[ˈqɫɑ.ni ˈ ˈ ]
qlan-isun-gen taspeshine pani.come.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
14. Happy people often shout.
Dilay tsokomes mana 'embal.
[ˈdi.laj ˈtso.ko.mes ˈ ˈʔem.bal. ]
dila-ihappy-gen tsoko-me-sperson-they-indf manashout 'embal.often.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
17. My little kitten walked away.
Qoy yanti mondi.
[ˈqoj ˈjan.ti ˈmon.di. ]
qo-i1s-gen yan-ticat-diminutive mondi.leave.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
23. I hope the rain stops soon.
Potoy mes 'atas, qo 'eyle.
[ˈpo.toj ˈmes ˈʔa.tas, ˈqo ˈʔej.le. ]
poto-irain-gen messoon 'ata-s,stop-indf, qo1s 'eyle.hope.
Miscellaneous example sentences in Talbas
Welcome to Conlangery, the podcast about constructed languages and the people who create them.
Titi qoy ke q'ılbi, Kanleneli titi neme, tsokosesi talbas te seymeti padakas pen.
[ˈti.ti ˈqoj ˈke ˈqʼɯ, ˈ ˈti.ti ˈ, ˈ ˈtal.bas ˈte ˈ ˈpa.da.kas ˈpen. ]
titi2p qo-i1s-gen kencla q'ılbi,appreciate, KanleneliConlangery titi2p neme,hear, tsokoses-iman-made-gen talbaslanguage teand padakaspodcast
The North Wind and the Sun in Talbas
The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger,
K'eney pla te qlan, se t'aldey 'ami balben,
[ˈkʼe.nej ˈpla ˈte ˈqɫɑn, ˈse ˈtʼal.dej ˈʔa.mi ˈbal.ben, ]
k'ene-inorth-gen plawind teand qlan,sun, secmp t'alde-istrength-gen 'amiquestion balbe-n,argue-impfv,
The North Wind and the Sun in Talbas
They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.
Pla te qlan ke santi, sempoy 'ay qateseyna se t'aldendan.
[ˈpla ˈte ˈqɫɑŋ ˈke ˈsan.ti, ˈsem.poj ˈʔaj ˈqɑ ˈse ˈtʼal.den.dan. ]
plawind teand qlansun kencla santi,agree, sempo-icloak-gen 'ayfirst qate-se-inaremove-caus-er.m secmp t'alde-nda-n.strength-be-impfv.
The North Wind and the Sun in Talbas
Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could,
Tsa k'eney pla pote kanni t'aldeken,
[ˈtsa ˈkʼe.nej ˈpla ˈpo.te ˈ ˈtʼ, ]
tsathen k'ene-inorth-gen plawind poteblow kannias_much_as_possible t'alde-ken,strength-ins,
The North Wind and the Sun in Talbas
and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt.
tsa klande k'eney pla lembi.
[ˈtsa ˈ ˈkʼe.nej ˈpla ˈ ]
tsathen klandefinally k'ene-inorth-gen plawind lembi.give_up.
The North Wind and the Sun in Talbas
And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.
Le k'eney pla ke samo, qlan se t'aldenda.
[ˈle ˈkʼe.nej ˈpla ˈke ˈ, ˈqɫɑn ˈse ˈtʼal.den.da. ]
leso k'ene-inorth-gen plawind kencla samo,admit, qlansun secmp t'alde-nda.strength-be.
Donkey Beater Story in Talbas
There was once a man who beat his donkey every day.
'emi natos 'andan, nay ninkalne 'o'ópen qlan qlan.
[ˈʔe.mi ˈna.tos ˈʔan.dan, ˈnaj ˈniŋ ʔo.ˈʔopeɴ ˈqɫɑɴ ˈqɫɑn. ]
'emionce nato-sman-indf 'anda-n,have-impfv, na-ihe-gen ninkal-nedonkey-acc.m 'o~'ope-nfreq~hit-impfv qlansun ~qlan.~all.
Donkey Beater Story in Talbas
One day, a second man, who was a neighbor, came to the donkey-beater
Qlanes, sami natos pani, tetes pen, ninkali 'opeyna be pani,
[ˈqɫɑ.nes, ˈsa.mi ˈna.tos ˈ, ˈte.tes ˈpen, ˈniŋ ˈʔ ˈbe ˈ, ]
qlan-s,sun-indf, samisecond nato-sman-indf pani,come, tete-sneighbor-indf pen,be, ninkal-idonkey-gen 'ope-inahit-er.m beloc pani,come,
Donkey Beater Story in Talbas
The donkey-beater said, “Beating is all the donkey knows, I must beat him until he learns how to behave.”
'opeyna ke talba, "ninkal 'o 'ope sinso; qo 'opemel maso, somoy soy lomi do."
[ˈʔ ˈke ˈ, ˈniŋ.kal ˈʔo ˈʔ ˈ; ˈqo ˈʔ ˈ, ˈso.moj ˈsoj ˈlo.mi ˈdo." ]
'ope-inahit-er.m kencla talba,say, "ninkal"donkey 'oonly 'opehit sinso;know; qo1s 'ope-melhit-opt maso,need, somo-ibehave_properly-gen soyhow? lomilearn do."until."