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Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
14. Happy people often shout.
Dilay tsokomes mana 'embal.
[ˈdi.laj ˈtso.ko.mes ˈ ˈʔem.bal. ]
dila-ihappy-gen tsoko-me-sperson-they-indf manashout 'embal.often.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Talbas
23. I hope the rain stops soon.
Potoy mes 'atas, qo 'eyle.
[ˈpo.toj ˈmes ˈʔa.tas, ˈqo ˈʔej.le. ]
poto-irain-gen messoon 'ata-s,stop-indf, qo1s 'eyle.hope.
The North Wind and the Sun in Talbas
when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.
tsa qoldes pani, pyol sempos tenen.
[ˈtsa ˈqol.des ˈ, ˈpjol ˈsem.pos ˈte.nen. ]
tsathen qolde-straveller-indf pani,come, pyolwarm sempo-scloak-indf ten-n.wear-impfv.
Donkey Beater Story in Talbas
There was once a man who beat his donkey every day.
'emi natos 'andan, nay ninkalne 'o'ópen qlan qlan.
[ˈʔe.mi ˈna.tos ˈʔan.dan, ˈnaj ˈniŋ ʔo.ˈʔopeɴ ˈqɫɑɴ ˈqɫɑn. ]
'emionce nato-sman-indf 'anda-n,have-impfv, na-ihe-gen ninkal-nedonkey-acc.m 'o~'ope-nfreq~hit-impfv qlansun ~qlan.~all.
Donkey Beater Story in Talbas
One day, a second man, who was a neighbor, came to the donkey-beater
Qlanes, sami natos pani, tetes pen, ninkali 'opeyna be pani,
[ˈqɫɑ.nes, ˈsa.mi ˈna.tos ˈ, ˈte.tes ˈpen, ˈniŋ ˈʔ ˈbe ˈ, ]
qlan-s,sun-indf, samisecond nato-sman-indf pani,come, tete-sneighbor-indf pen,be, ninkal-idonkey-gen 'ope-inahit-er.m beloc pani,come,