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Examples of lú in Lwaitel : Perceiving objects
He said he saw the cat.
 
Lun an myau mausel
[ˈlun ˈan ˈmjæo ˈ̩]
-ensee-prox anprox myaucat maus-elsay-med

Or Lul al myau mausen if you've been talking mainly about him, rather than the cat. The implied experiencer changes when you're talking about what someone else said.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Possession
This cat's eyes are brown.
  
An sákipel al myau swan húkyes.
[ˈan ˈ̩ ˈal ˈmjæo ˈswɑn ˈhu.kjᵿ̜̆s]
anprox sáki-eleye-med almed myaucat swa-enbe-prox húkyes.brown.
  
An sákipi myau swan húkyes.
[ˈan ˈ ˈmjæo ˈswɑn ˈhu.kjᵿ̜̆s]
anprox sáki-ieye-obv myaucat swa-enbe-prox húkyes.brown.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
There were outlines and shapes, but there was just one color, which they called White.
   ,   1 1,    
Swáshe meníl swet nga se sail, útwek swáshe al kaitu h'í su úni, se nga swal mi luitu shelyúp.
[ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ swᵿ̜̆t.ˈŋɜ sə̆ ˈsaeʎ, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈal ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈçɨ su ˈu.ɲɨ, sɪ̆ ˈŋɜ ˈswɑl mi.ˈʎʊɨ.tʉ ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup]
swásheexist menílline swet=ngaaround=any seand sail,shape, útwekbut swásheexist almed kaitucolor he=ícard=1 suand úni,neg, seand ngaany swa-elbe-med mi=luituinv.part=call shelyúp.white.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
who made some things not reflect light,
sw    1 ,
se chúsel swáshe im mel'enáne úni lwait,
[sə̆ ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈim ml̩.ln̩.ˈna.nə̆ ˈu.ɲɨ ˈlʷɑet]
seand chus-elmake-med swa-shebe-indf imobv mel=enáneinv.part=reflect únineg lwait,light,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and ze named those things after zemself.
  
su im hyámel kel sestá.
[su ˈim ˈçæ.ml̩ kl̩.sə̆s.ˈta]
suand imobv hyam-elgive-med kel=sestá.from=self.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Ze also made it so that there wouldn't be any light at night, since people were sleeping anyways.
sw   1  ,  
Chúsel sal swáshe úni lwait pe hámpek, petwánchi nga swaim nepú úlshi pikúni.
[ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈsal ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈu.ɲɨ ˈlʷɑet pə̆.ˈham.pə̆k, pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈŋɜ ˈswɑem nə̆p.ˈpu ˈuʎ.ʃɨ pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ]
chus-elmake-med salanother swásheexist únineg lwaitlight pe=hámpek,at=night, petwánchibecause ngaany swa-ibe-obv nepúasleep úlshiif pikúni.q.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Gray noticed this and made it so that there were objects that were sort of black and sort of white, and lots of shades of that color,
  s   , s      ,     ,
Im súngep hu'al Shichíl luim pútwe, se chúsel swáshe im hes man shelyúp se man swátel, se swáshe lil ihíhe kel kaitu,
[ˈim ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p ˈhwɑl ʃe.ˈʧiʎ ˈlʊɨm ˈpu.twʊ̜̆, sə̆ ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈim hə̆s ˈman ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup sə̆ ˈman ˈswɑ.tl̩, sə̆ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈʎiʎ i.ˈçi.çɪ̆ kl̩.ˈkɜe.tʉ]
imobv súngepthis_fact hu=alexp=med shichílgray -isee-obv pútwe,notice, seand chus-elmake-med swásheexist imobv hesrel mankind_of shelyúpwhite seand mankind_of swátel,black, seand swásheexist liltype ihíhemany kel=kaitu,from=color,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and called them light gray and dark gray.
s    
se hyámel luitu iukeyl shichíl se mepíng shichíl.
[sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈlʊɨ.tʉ ˈɪʉ.kʎ̩ ʃi.ˈʧiʎ sə̆ mə̆p.ˈpiŋ ʃi.ˈʧiʎ]
seand hyam-elgive-med luitucall iukeyllight shichílgray seand mepíngdark shichíl.gray.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Photography was invented shortly after that,
  ,   ,
Pe man ípwenk kel súngep, al chilaupi suitelshe tweskíl,
[pə̆m.ˈman ˈi.pwŋ̩k kl̩.ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p, ˈal ʧe.ˈʎao.pɨ ˈsʊɨ.tʎ̩.ʃɪ̆ twʊ̜̆s.ˈkiʎ]
pe=manat=kind_of ípwenklate kel=súngep,from=this_fact, almed chilau-piphotograph-abstract_concept suit-el-shemake.inv-med-indf tweskíl,invent,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
and photographs used the new white, gray, and black that had been invented.
       
su al nga chilau tápel shelyúp se shichíl se swátel kaitu hes suit.
[su ˈal ˈŋɜ ʧe.ˈʎao ˈ̩ ʃʎ̩.ˈʎup sə̆ ʃi.ˈʧiʎ sə̆ ˈswɑ.tl̩ ˈkɜe.tʉ hʊ̜̆s ˈsʊɨt]
suand almed ngaany chilauphotograph tap-eluse-med shelyúpwhite seand shichílgray seand swátelblack kaitucolor hesrel suit.make.inv.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Pink, and Magenta came, and many others too.
 ,hp      ohuse     
Naumel p'an, al ha se hántlwek se pai se kíltel se ngin se kílu se húsu se híleng se shupál se waunku se sal se sal.
[ˈ̩ ˈpan, ˈal ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈ sʊ̜̆ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩ sə̆ ʃʉ.ˈpal sə̆ ˈwɑoŋ.ku sʊ̜̆ ˈsal sə̆ ˈsal]
naum-elgo-med pe=an,at=prox, almed hared seand hántlwekorange seand paiyellow seand kíltellight_green seand ngindark_green seand kílucyan seand húsuPN seand hílengpurple seand shupálpink seand waunkumagenta seand salanother seand sal.another.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color got each of them to pick objects to be their color.
 hp hp ,    
Chúsen ish'al kílshe ngausu íhe, hi lu yátleng hu'al swí kaitu t'al.
[ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈi.ˈʃæl ˈkiʎ.ʃɪ̆ ˈŋɜ ˈi.çɪ̆, çi lʉ.ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈhwɑl ˈswɨ ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈtal]
chus-enmake-prox ish=aleach=med -el-sheget-med-indf ngausuchoose íhe,pl, hiwhere lu=yátlengpart=want hu=alexp=med swí-ibe.sbjv-obv kaitucolor te=al.dat=med.

...not sure how to translate the "to be their color" part, FIXME

TODO this sentence seems confusing

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Ze started with fruits and flowers, and got everyone to pick their favorite fruits and flowers.
1,hp   
U'í, kílshe liup se hung lu wiut shú hu'al.
[ˈwɨ, ˈkiʎ.ʃɪ̆ ˈʎɪʉp sə̆ ˈhuŋ lu.ˈwᵻʉt ˈʃʉ ˈhwɑl]
u=í,ord=1, -el-sheget-med-indf liupflower seand hungfruit lu=wiutpart=like shúmost hu=al.exp=med.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Then it was time to pick colors for bigger things.
    
Pyet kil kaitu te súshlites húli.
[pjɪ̆t ˈkiʎ ˈkɜe.tʉ tʊ̜̆s.ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ.tɪ̆s ˈhu.ʎɨ]
pyetthen -elget-med kaitucolor te=súshlitesdat=comp húli.big.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color got those who had the least fruits and flowers to go first.
k  k    , 1
An Kaitu chúsen al hes shú man íhe, kil u'í.
[ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈal hə̆s ˈki ˈʃʉ ˈman ˈi.çɪ̆, ˈkiʎ ˈwɨ]
anprox kaitucolor chus-enmake-prox almed hesrel get shúmost mankind_of íhe,pl, -elget-med u=í.ord=1.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Cyan said that ze liked just staying in the background, so that's what ze did: the sky became cyan.
kl  kl    ,  ,  
Al kílu mausel hem wiut swal pe kelím, wan lámel súngep, helíyel naim kílu.
[ˈal ˈki.ʎʉ ˈ̩ hm̩ ˈlu ˈwᵻʉt ˈswɑl pə̆k.kʎ̩.ˈʎim, ˈwɑn ˈ̩ ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p, çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ ˈnaem ˈki.ʎʉ]
almed kílucyan maus-elsay-med hemthat see wiutlike swa-elbe-med pe=kelím,at=background, wanso lam-eldo-med súngep,this_fact, helíyelsky na-ibecome-obv kílu.cyan.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Green, from Vegúil, liked plants a lot, so ze made plants green.
 o  ,  ,  , o  
Hu'al ngin se kíltel, hwel kel pekwíl, luim wiut wíshkwen, wan chúsel ngin se kíltel ngílpen.
[ˈhwɑl ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩, hwl̩ kl̩.pə̆k.ˈkwɨʎ, ˈlʊɨm ˈwᵻʉt ˈwɨʃ.kwn̩, ˈwɑn ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ ˈŋiʎ.pn̩]
hu=alexp=med ngindark_green seand kíltel,light_green, hwelnfoc kel=pekwíl,from=Vegúil, -isee-obv wiutlike wíshkwen,plant, wanso chus-elmake-med ngindark_green seand kíltellight_green ngílpen.leaf.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Blue, from Tydotsu, liked water a lot, so ze made the ocean blue.
 h ohuse,  Otidaxse,  , h  
Hu'al húsu, hwel kel chitáksu, luim wiut ngúpel, wan chúsel húsu twaimyenteng.
[ˈhwɑl ˈ, hwl̩ kl̩.ʧi.ˈ, ˈlʊɨm ˈwᵻʉt ˈŋ̩, ˈwɑn ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈ ˈtwɑe.mjn̩.tŋ̩]
hu=alexp=med húsu,PN, hwelnfoc kel=chitáksu,from=Tydotsu, -isee-obv wiutlike ngúpel,water, wanso chus-elmake-med húsublue twaimyenteng.ocean.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Yellow, who was particularly greedy, shouted, "In the end, everything shall be my color!"
p , ,p ,( ,   )
Al Pai, hwel súyet, mausel hengút, muPe láspepi , swaim kaitu ánku ”.
[ˈal ˈpae, hwl̩ ˈsu.jᵿ̜̆t, ˈ̩ hŋ̩.ˈŋut, mu pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈsu, ˈswɑem ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈaŋ.ku ˈsu”]
almed pai,yellow, hwelnfoc súyet,greedy, maus-elsay-med hengút,shout, muquot pe=láspep-i“at=end-obv ,all, swa-ibe-obv kaitucolor ant-kupos.alien-1 ”.all”.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Orange replied, "No, it shall be mine!"
hD  hD ,(, )
Al hántlwek mausel kish, muÚmpikwá, swaim ánku”.
[ˈal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k ˈ̩ ˈkiʃ, mu ˈum.pɨ.ˈkwɑ, ˈswɑem ˈaŋ.ku”]
almed hántlwekorange maus-elsay-med kish,answer, muquot úmpikwá,“false, swa-ibe-obv ant-ku”.pos.alien-1”.

TODO should there be a conjunction in there?

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Most of the others tried to get out of the way quickly, but Red got hurt badly, and was bleeding.
       , h   , h 
Líntes kel sal lámi kainkwes naum kal tal, útwek al Ha nal wípi wípi, se lámel hwa.
[ˈʎiɲ.tɪ̆s ˈsu kl̩.ˈsal ˈ ˈkɜeŋ.kwᵿ̜̆s ˈnaom ˈkɜl ˈtal, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈal ˈha ˈnal ˈwɨ.pi ˈwɨ.pi, sɪ̆ ˈ̩ ˈhwɑ]
líntesalmost all kel=salfrom=another lam-ido-obv kainkwestry naumgo kalaway tal,fast, útwekbut almed hared na-elbecome-med wípiinjured wípi,injured, seand lam-eldo-med hwa.blood.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Some people left the building entirely.
   
Lat naumel pe wil ílu.
[ˈlat ˈ̩ pə̆.ˈwɨʎ ˈi.ʎʉ]
latmedium-sized naum-elgo-med pe=wilat=outside ílu.building.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the day, the sky and sun turn orange and yellow, and cast everything in yellow light.
 ,   ,  , 
Pe láspepi lwaipek, al helíyel su al húswes nal hántlwek se pai, se hyámel , lwait pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈlʷɑe.pɪ̆k, ˈal çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ su ˈal ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae, sə̆ ˈçæ.ml̩ ˈsu, ˈlʷɑet ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv lwaipek,day, almed helíyelsky suand almed húswessun na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai,yellow, seand hyam-elgive-med ,all, lwaitlight pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
At the end of the year, the leaves turn yellow and orange.
 ,   
Pe láspepi hwámpek, al ngílpen nal hántlwek se pai.
[pl̩.ˈlas.pə̆p.pi ˈhwɑm.pə̆k, ˈal ˈsu ˈŋɨʎ.pn̩ ˈnal ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
pe=láspep-iat=end-obv hwámpek,year, almed all ngílpenleaf na-elbecome-med hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
And when things are destroyed in a fire, the fire is orange and yellow.
   ,   
Se píki nga swaim naiyu se naim kúsenk, al naiyu swal hántlwek se pai.
[sə̆ ˈ ˈŋɜ ˈswɑem ˈnae.jʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈnaem ˈkʉ.sŋ̩k, ˈal ˈnae.jʉ ˈswɑl ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae]
seand píkiwhen ngaany swa-ibe-obv naiyufire seand na-ibecome-obv kúsenk,dead, almed naiyufire swa-elbe-med hántlwekorange seand pai.yellow.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Yellow, in zir greed, also took gold.
p , p ,p  
Al pai, petwánchi swal súyet, kil sal lúntwel.
[ˈal ˈpae, pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈswɑl ˈsu.jᵿ̜̆t, ˈkiʎ ˈsal ˈlun.twl̩]
almed pai,yellow, petwánchibecause swa-elbe-med súyet,greedy, -elget-med salanother lú
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Then Color had everyone who was left stand in a line: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple.
       ,      
Pyet an Kaitu chúsen al numáng haupe naumel shi meníl, ha se hántlwek se pai se kíltel se kílu se húsu se híleng.
[pjɪ̆t ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈal ˈsu nu.ˈmaŋ ˈhao.pʊ̜̆ ˈ̩ ʃi.mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ, ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈ sʊ̜̆ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩]
pyetthen anprox kaitucolor chus-enmake-prox almed all numángstill haupeplace naum-elgo-med shi=meníl,to=line, hared seand hántlwekorange seand paiyellow seand kíltellight_green seand kílucyan seand húsublue seand híleng.purple.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Ze made it so that when the weather conditions are just right, they will all appear in the sky.
k    ,  
Chúsen hem pe píki empík swaim máli, al kaitu lul sáki pe helíyel.
[ˈʧʉ.sn̩ hm̩ pə̆p.ˈ m̩.ˈpik ˈswɑem ˈma.ʎe, ˈal ˈsu ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈlul ˈ pɪ̆.çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩]
chus-enmake-prox hemthat pe=píkiat=when empíkweather swa-ibe-obv máli,enough, almed all kaitucolor -elsee-med sákisee pe=helí
Yellow (poem in Lwaitel)
The trees' leaves are no longer green.
   
An pin al ngílpen swal las ngin.
[ˈan ˈpiɲ ˈal ˈŋiʎ.pn̩ ˈswɑl ˈlas ˈŋiɲ]
anprox pintree almed ngílpen-enleaf-prox swa-elbe-med lasno_longer ngin.dark_green.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
One day, a second man, who was a neighbor, came to the donkey-beater and asked, “Why do you beat your donkey?”
   , ,(    )
Al lánkepen naumshe shi'an, pyet mausel, muPetwántu an nínkel swáchi lem wípi”.
[ˈal ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̩̆ ˈnaom.ʃᵿ̜̆ ˈʃæn, pjɪ̆t ˈ̩, mu pʊ̜̆t.ˈtwɑ ˈan ˈɲeŋ.kl̩ ˈswɑ.ʧe lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi”]
almed lánkep-enneighbor-prox naum-shego-indf shi=an,to=prox, pyetthen maus-el,say-med, muquot petwántu“why anprox nínkeldonkey swa-chibe-2 lem=wípi”.part=hit”.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
The donkey-beater said, “Beating is all the donkey knows, I must beat him until he learns how to behave.”
,(   1    .        )
Mausen, muAl lam wípi su úni lul mesúwek hu'an. Pauku pwaint lem wípi shi píki paun kiusteng lenaunkenk”.
[ˈ̩, mu ˈal ˈlam ˈwɨ.pi sʉ ˈu.ɲɨ ˈlul mə̆s.ˈsu.wʊ̜̆k ˈhwɑn, ˈpao.ku ˈpwɑeɲt lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi ʃi.ˈ ˈpaon ˈkᵻʉs.tŋ̩ ln̩.ˈnaoŋ.kʊ̜̆ŋk”]
maus-en,say-prox, muquot almed lamdo wípihit suand únineg -elsee-med mesúwekbe_familiar_with hu=an.exp=prox. pau-kucan-1 pwaintmust lem=wípipart=hit shi=píkito=when pau-encan-prox kiustengknowledge lenaunkenk”.well-behaved”.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
His neighbor heard the screams of the donkey-beater’s wife and came to the door.
   ,   
Hengúchi luim hu'al lánkepen, se naumel shi wiuye.
[hŋ̩.ˈŋu.ʧɨ ˈlʊɨm ˈhwɑl ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̩̆, sə̆ ˈ̩ ʃi.ˈwᵻʉ.jᵿ̜̆]
hengút-ishout-obv -isee-obv hu=alexp=med lánkep-en,neighbor-prox, seand naum-elgo-med
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
”You should not beat your wife so much,” said the neighbor.
(        )
Muswa welpwaik hem an wálsweylchi swáchi lem wípi málites íhemausel.
[mu ˈswɑ wl̩.ˈpwɑek hm̩ ˈan ˈwɑl.swʎ̩.ʧi ˈswɑ.ʧe lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi ˈma.ʎe.tɪ̆s ˈi.çɪ̆” ˈ̩]
muquot swa“be welpwaikbad hemthat anprox wálsweyl-chispouse-2 swa-chibe-2 lem=wípipart=hit málitesenough íhepl maus-el.say-med.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
This time, he did not say anything, but seized the donkey beater and began to beat him with a heavy cudgel.
, 1,    
P'an pik, mausel úni, su íken suimpu se mal wípi na.
[ˈpan ˈpik, ˈ̩ ˈu.ɲɨ, sʉ ˈ̩ ˈsʊɨm.pʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈmal ˈwɨ.pi ˈna]
pe=anat=prox pik,time, maus-elsay-med úni,neg, suand ik-enget.inv-prox suimpugrab seand maldo.inv wípiinjured na.become.

TODO figure out what conjunction should go where "but" is. Also "with a heavy cudgel."

Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
When the donkey-beater asked why his neighbor was beating him, his neighbor replied, “I will beat you until you learn not to beat others.”
       ,  (         )
Pe píki mausen lautwe petwántu al lánkepen swan mel wípi, mausel kish muSwáku lem wípi shi píki pauchi kiusteng welpwaik im lam wípi”.
[pə̆p.ˈ ˈ̩ ˈlao.twʊ̜̆ pə̆t.ˈtwɑ ˈal ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̩̆ ˈswɑn ml̩ʷ.ˈlʷɨ.pi, ˈ̩ ˈkiʃ mu ˈswɑ.ku lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi ʃi.ˈ ˈpao.ʧɨ ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩ wl̩.ˈpwɑek ˈim ˈlam ˈwɨ.pi”]
pe=píkiat=when maus-ensay-prox lautweask petwántuwhy almed lánkep-enneighbor-prox swa-enbe-prox mel=wípi,inv.part=hit, maus-elsay-med kishanswer muquot swa-ku“be-1 lem=wípipart=hit shi=píkito=when pau-chican-2 kiustengknowledge welpwaikbad imobv lamdo wípi”.hit”.
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.
     , 1       
Mausen lwánu swan paim kel sal, an u'í ches swílkwe chus hem nálent piunkel kel'al.
[ˈ̩ ˈlʷɑ.no ˈswɑn ˈpaem kl̩.ˈsal, ˈan ˈwɨ ʧɪ̆s.ˈswɨʎ.kwᵿ̜̆ ˈʧʉs hm̩ ˈna.ln̩t ˈpɪʉŋ.kl̩ kl̩.ˈlal]
maus-ensay-prox lwánuagree swa-enbe-prox pau-ican-obv kel=sal,from=another, anprox u=íord=1 ches=swílkwepart=win chusmake hemthat nálentcloak piunk-elput-med kel=al.from=med.
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him;
    ,    ,
útwek piunken tas píkel lwángu, piunkel tas link ngwa im nálent,
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈpɪʉŋ.kn̩ ˈtas ˈpi.kl̩ ˈlʷɑ.ŋu, ˈpɪʉŋ.kl̩ ˈtas ˈʎiŋk ˈŋwɑ ˈim ˈna.ln̩t]
útwekbut piunk-enput-prox tasso píkellong-lived lwángu,blow, piunk-elput-med tasso linkclose ngwapull imobv nálent,cloak,
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
and immediately the traveler took off his cloak.
  
su al lipwíye piunkel úngeyl nálent.
[su ˈal ʎi.ˈpwɨ.jɪ̆ ˈpɪʉŋ.kl̩ ˈu.ŋʎ̩ ˈna.ln̩t]
suand almed lipwíyetraveler piunk-elput-med úngeyltake_off nálent.cloak.
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
     ,   שִׁנְעָר   
Píki an nga kip swan naum míshelw hu hyángu, lánshe pútwe ngálset p'al shinál se chúsen swal húnelen.
[ˈ ˈan ˈŋɜ ˈkip ˈswɑn ˈnaom ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ hu.ˈçæ.ŋu, ˈlaɲ.ʃɪ̆ ˈpu.twʊ̜̆ ˈŋɜl.sə̆t ˈpal ʃe.ˈɲæl sə̆ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈswɑl ˈ̩.ln̩]
píkiwhen anprox ngaany kipperson swa-enbe-prox naumgo míshelwdown hu=hyángu,exp=map, lam-en-shedo-prox-indf pútwecome_across ngálsetplain pe=alat=med shinálShinar seand chus-enmake-prox swa-elbe-med hú
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
4 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
           ,
Útwek al suim naumel míshelw naustwi hu'al luim shuish su ílu hes suit waipi nga kip,
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈal ˈsʊɨm ˈ̩ ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ ˈnaos.twɨ ˈhwɑl ˈlʊɨm ˈʃᵿɨʃ su ˈi.ʎʉ hʊ̜̆s ˈsʊɨt ˈwɑe.pi ˈŋɜ ˈkip]
útwekbut almed suimdeity naum-elgo-med míshelwdown naustwipurp hu=alexp=med -isee-obv shuishcity suand ílubuilding hesrel suitmake.inv waip-ioffspring-obv ngaany kip,person,
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
5 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do;
,(      1 ,  
se mausel, muAn kip swan munínt se swan tap h'í hástu, se na lam súshli.
[sə̆ ˈ̩, mu ˈan ˈkip ˈswɑn mu.ˈɲɨɲt sə̆ ˈswɑn ˈtap ˈçe ˈ, sʊ̜̆ ˈna ˈlam ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ]
seand maus-el,say-med, muquot anprox kipperson swa-enbe-prox munínttogether seand swa-enbe-prox tapuse he=ícard=1 hástu,language, seand nabecome lamdo sú
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
8 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth;
   בָּבֶל‎‎,    ,
Wan luitwi swaim pápel, petwánchi chúsel háneng hástu chí nálwen,
[ˈwɑn ˈlʊɨ.twɨ ˈswɑem ˈ̩, pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈha.nŋ̩ ˈ ˈʧɨ ˈsu ˈna.lʷn̩]
wanso luitu-iname-obv swa-ibe-obv pápel,Babel, petwánchibecause chus-elmake-med hánengdark hástulanguage chíyou all nálwen,world,
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
   
se piunkel tekápu shi sú nálwen.
[sə̆ ˈpɪʉŋ.kl̩ tə̆k.ˈkɜ.po ʃɨ.ˈʃʉ ˈna.lʷn̩]
seand piunk-elput-med tekápuscatter shi=to=all ná