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Original Lwaitel examples
I got a cat.
Kíkushe an myau.
[ˈki.kʉ.ʃᵿ̜̆ ˈan ˈmjæo]
-ku-sheget-1-indf anprox
Examples of sentence-level things in Lwaitel : Word order
I got the food.
 
kíku múmwe.
[ˈku ˈkɨ.kʉ ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
I/me -kuget-1 mú

One of many possible word orders. In this particular sentence, the words can be rearranged to any order.

 
Kíku múmwe.
[ˈki.kʉ ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
-kuget-1 mú

The first-person pronoun is implied by the agreement suffix on the verb , so it can be omitted.


If it's clear from context that we're talking about food, the object can be omitted altogether.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Definiteness
I get some food.
 
Kíkushe múmwe.
[ˈki.kʉ.ʃᵿ̜̆ ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
-ku-sheget-1-indf mú
Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Definiteness
I didn't get any food.
 1 
Kíku úni múmwe.
[ˈki.kʉ ˈu.ɲɨ ˈmu.mwʊ̜̆]
-kuget-1 únineg mú

Úni mumwe is the noun phrase here; if úni was modifying the verb, it would be kíku úni nga mumwe.

Translations from the CBB in Lwaitel : Are you learning...
Are you learning a new language?
   
Kíchi pikúni kiusteng an sal hástu.
[ˈki.ʧi pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ ˈkɪʉs.tŋ̩ ˈan ˈsal ˈ]
-chiget-2 pikúniq kiustenglearn anprox salanother hástu.language.

Thread, Post

(Using "another" here because I think using the word for "new" would imply that the language itself is new...)

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color got each of them to pick objects to be their color.
 hp hp ,    
Chúsen ish'al kílshe ngausu íhe, hi lu yátleng hu'al swí kaitu t'al.
[ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈi.ˈʃæl ˈkiʎ.ʃɪ̆ ˈŋɜ ˈi.çɪ̆, çi lʉ.ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈhwɑl ˈswɨ ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈtal]
chus-enmake-prox ish=aleach=med -el-sheget-med-indf ngausuchoose íhe,pl, hiwhere lu=yátlengpart=want hu=alexp=med swí-ibe.sbjv-obv kaitucolor te=al.dat=med.

...not sure how to translate the "to be their color" part, FIXME

TODO this sentence seems confusing

The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Ze started with fruits and flowers, and got everyone to pick their favorite fruits and flowers.
1,hp   
U'í, kílshe liup se hung lu wiut shú hu'al.
[ˈwɨ, ˈkiʎ.ʃɪ̆ ˈʎɪʉp sə̆ ˈhuŋ lu.ˈwᵻʉt ˈʃʉ ˈhwɑl]
u=í,ord=1, -el-sheget-med-indf liupflower seand hungfruit lu=wiutpart=like shúmost hu=al.exp=med.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Green and Cyan were shy and didn't pick much, but everyone else got something.
        ,  ,
Kíltel se ngin se kílu swaim kelímel se man man íhe, útwek sal, lat.
[ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ ˈswɑem kʎ̩.ˈʎ̩ sə̆ ˈki ˈman ˈman ˈi.çɪ̆, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈki ˈsu ˈsal, ˈlat]
kíltellight_green seand ngindark_green seand kílucyan swa-ibe-obv kelímelshy seand -iget-obv mankind_of mankind_of íhe,pl, útwekbut -iget-obv all sal,another, lat.medium-sized.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Then it was time to pick colors for bigger things.
    
Pyet kil kaitu te súshlites húli.
[pjɪ̆t ˈkiʎ ˈkɜe.tʉ tʊ̜̆s.ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ.tɪ̆s ˈhu.ʎɨ]
pyetthen -elget-med kaitucolor te=súshlitesdat=comp húli.big.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color got those who had the least fruits and flowers to go first.
k  k    , 1
An Kaitu chúsen al hes shú man íhe, kil u'í.
[ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈal hə̆s ˈki ˈʃʉ ˈman ˈi.çɪ̆, ˈkiʎ ˈwɨ]
anprox kaitucolor chus-enmake-prox almed hesrel get shúmost mankind_of íhe,pl, -elget-med u=í.ord=1.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
They felt that Color was being unfair in giving Blue and Green such important colors, and they started to argue.
 ,k  k          
Hu'al, an Kaitu swan únteslep petwánchi swan Kíltel se Ngin málites mámelw kaitu se na mausen hwailet.
[ˈhwɑl, ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈswɑn ˈun.tʊ̜̆s.lə̆p pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈswɑn ˈki ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈŋiɲ ˈma.ʎe.tɪ̆s ˈ̩ʷ ˈkɜe.tʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈna ˈ̩ ˈhwɑe.ʎɪ̆t]
hu=al,exp=med, anprox kaitucolor swa-enbe-prox únteslepunfair petwánchibecause swa-enbe-prox get kíltellight_green seand ngindark_green málitesenough mámelwimportant kaitucolor seand nabecome maus-ensay-prox hwailet.argue.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Yellow, in zir greed, also took gold.
p , p ,p  
Al pai, petwánchi swal súyet, kil sal lúntwel.
[ˈal ˈpae, pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈswɑl ˈsu.jᵿ̜̆t, ˈkiʎ ˈsal ˈlun.twl̩]
almed pai,yellow, petwánchibecause swa-elbe-med súyet,greedy, -elget-med salanother lú
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
6 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
   ,  )
Naunku míshelw se chúsku háneng im hástu, naustwi úmpwen lu kwálsem”.
[ˈnaoŋ.ku ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ sə̆ ˈʧʉs.ku ˈha.nŋ̩ ˈim ˈ, ˈnaos.twɨ ˈum.pwn̩ ˈki lu.ˈkwɑ̩”]
naum-kugo-1 míshelwdown seand chus-kumake-1 hánengdark imobv hástu,language, naustwipurp úmpu-encan't-prox get lu=kwálsem”.part=understand”.