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Translations from CALS in Lwaitel
I think, therefore I am.
  , 
Swáku mes pemím, wan swáku.
[ˈswɑ.ku mʊ̜̆s.pə̆m.ˈmim, ˈwɑn ˈswɑ.ku]
swa-kube-1 mes=pemím,part=think, wanso
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Color, however, wanted there to be more, so ze invented brown,
,    , k   ,
Útwek, yátleng swáshe sal kaitu, wan chúsen tweskíl húkyes kaitu,
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k, ˈlu ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈswɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈsal ˈkɜe.tʉ, ˈwɑn ˈʧʉ.sn̩ twʊ̜̆s.ˈkiʎ ˈhu.kjᵿ̜̆s ˈkɜe.tʉ]
útwek,but, see yátlengdesire swásheexist salanother kaitu,color, wanso chus-enmake-prox tweskílinvent húkyesbrown kaitu,color,
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
There was still something missing, though, so Color asked people to invent new "colors."
   , k  k     
Útwek numánkeyl swa únginet, wan an Kaitu mausenshe maumenk chus tweskíl sal kaitu.
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k nu.ˈmaŋ.kʎ̩ ˈswɑ ˈu.ŋɨ.ɲɪ̆t, ˈwɑn ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈmao.sɲ̩.ʃɪ̆ ˈmao.mŋ̩k ˈʧʉs twʊ̜̆s.ˈkiʎ ˈsal ˈkɜe.tʉ]
útwekbut numánkeylstill swabe únginet,unfinished, wanso anprox kaitucolor maus-en-shesay-prox-indf maumenkrequest chusmake tweskílinvent salanother kaitu.color.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Cyan said that ze liked just staying in the background, so that's what ze did: the sky became cyan.
kl  kl    ,  ,  
Al kílu mausel hem wiut swal pe kelím, wan lámel súngep, helíyel naim kílu.
[ˈal ˈki.ʎʉ ˈ̩ hm̩ ˈlu ˈwᵻʉt ˈswɑl pə̆k.kʎ̩.ˈʎim, ˈwɑn ˈ̩ ˈsu.ŋʊ̜̆p, çʎ̩.ˈʎi.jl̩ ˈnaem ˈki.ʎʉ]
almed kílucyan maus-elsay-med hemthat see wiutlike swa-elbe-med pe=kelím,at=background, wanso lam-eldo-med súngep,this_fact, helíyelsky na-ibecome-obv kílu.cyan.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Green, from Vegúil, liked plants a lot, so ze made plants green.
 o  ,  ,  , o  
Hu'al ngin se kíltel, hwel kel pekwíl, luim wiut wíshkwen, wan chúsel ngin se kíltel ngílpen.
[ˈhwɑl ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩, hwl̩ kl̩.pə̆k.ˈkwɨʎ, ˈlʊɨm ˈwᵻʉt ˈwɨʃ.kwn̩, ˈwɑn ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ ˈŋiʎ.pn̩]
hu=alexp=med ngindark_green seand kíltel,light_green, hwelnfoc kel=pekwíl,from=Vegúil, -isee-obv wiutlike wíshkwen,plant, wanso chus-elmake-med ngindark_green seand kíltellight_green ngílpen.leaf.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Blue, from Tydotsu, liked water a lot, so ze made the ocean blue.
 h ohuse,  Otidaxse,  , h  
Hu'al húsu, hwel kel chitáksu, luim wiut ngúpel, wan chúsel húsu twaimyenteng.
[ˈhwɑl ˈ, hwl̩ kl̩.ʧi.ˈ, ˈlʊɨm ˈwᵻʉt ˈŋ̩, ˈwɑn ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈ ˈtwɑe.mjn̩.tŋ̩]
hu=alexp=med húsu,PN, hwelnfoc kel=chitáksu,from=Tydotsu, -isee-obv wiutlike ngúpel,water, wanso chus-elmake-med húsublue twaimyenteng.ocean.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
The donkey-beater then went into his home and discovered his dinner wasn’t ready, so he beat his wife.
   ,   1 ,   
Pyet naun shi húnelen, se im nginál swaim úni nginátu, wan wálswelyen lan wípi.
[pjɪ̆t ˈnaon ʃɨ.ˈçʉ.nl̩.ln̩, sə̆ ˈlu ˈim ŋi.ˈɲæl ˈswɑem ˈu.ɲɨ ŋi.ˈɲæ.to, ˈwɑn ˈwɑl.swʎ̩.ʎn̩ ˈlan ˈwɨ.pi]
pyetthen naum-engo-prox shi=húnel-en,to=house-prox, seand see imobv nginálevening swa-ibe-obv únineg nginátu,finished, wanso wálsweyl-enspouse-prox lam-endo-prox wípi.hit.
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.
       2
Wan an lwángu mausen hem an húswes paun tánku kel'an he na.
[ˈwɑn ˈan ˈlʷɑ.ŋu ˈ̩ hm̩ ˈan ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈpaon ˈtaŋ.ku kl̩.ˈlan hn̩.ˈna]
wanso anprox lwánguwind maus-ensay-prox hemthat anprox húswessun pau-encan-prox tánkuheavy kel=anfrom=prox he=na.card=2.

TODO "obliged to confess"

Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
7 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
     ,   
Wan al suim piunk tekápu shi sú nálwen, se láspen chus shuish.
[ˈwɑn ˈal ˈsʊɨm ˈpɪʉŋk tə̆k.ˈkɜ.po ʃɨ.ˈʃʉ ˈna.lʷn̩, sə̆ ˈ̩ ˈʧʉs ˈʃᵿɨʃ]
wanso almed suimdeity piunkput tekápuscatter shi=to=all nálwen,world, seand las-enstop-prox chusmake
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
8 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth;
   בָּבֶל‎‎,    ,
Wan luitwi swaim pápel, petwánchi chúsel háneng hástu chí nálwen,
[ˈwɑn ˈlʊɨ.twɨ ˈswɑem ˈ̩, pə̆t.ˈtwɑn.ʧe ˈʧʉ.sl̩ ˈha.nŋ̩ ˈ ˈʧɨ ˈsu ˈna.lʷn̩]
wanso luitu-iname-obv swa-ibe-obv pápel,Babel, petwánchibecause chus-elmake-med hánengdark hástulanguage chíyou all nálwen,world,