Can be used for contrastive focus. Also allowed: Hu kú lun an myau. Not allowed: *Kú lun an myau; because the speaker is experiencing rather than doing, kú must be marked with hu (preposition indicating an experiencer).
A prepositional phrase starting with hu can come directly after a phrase talking about a direction (left or right, also up and down when talking about outer space) to indicate whose perspective this is from.
Hu hyangu specifies that the perspective being used is that of a map, oriented the way maps are usually oriented in this world (west = up).
Hu hyangu is a set phrase, so demonstratives, determiners, and other adjectives are not used with hyangu.
This uses the adjective kalkel; using this adjective, the object being compared to is specified using the preposition hu.
...not sure how to translate the "to be their color" part, FIXME
TODO this sentence seems confusing