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Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Pronouns and demonstatives
I go.
[ˈku ˈnaoŋ.ku]
I/me naum-ku.go-1.

Because Lwaitel is pro-drop, you can also just say Naumku.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Pronouns and demonstatives
I, chri, go.
chri 
chilí naunku.
[ˈku ˈtʃɹɪ ˈnaoŋ.ku]
I/me chilíchri naum-ku.go-1.

A personal pronoun can be used with a noun phrase. Also, since my name is not a Lwaitel word, it's written in its original alphabet with the Lwaitel approximation above it.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Pronouns and demonstatives
This (thing that we've been talking about) goes.
An naun.
[ˈan ˈnaon]
anprox naum-en.go-prox.

An can be used as a pronoun. Again, you could also just say naun.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Pronouns and demonstatives
The cat goes.
An myau naun.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈnaon]
anprox myaucat naum-en.go-prox.

An can also be followed by a noun phrase.

One could also say Myau naumi, if the cat isn't something one plans on talking about much in this conversation (but not *Myau naun or *An myau naumi, because the determiner has to agree with the verb).

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Pronouns and demonstatives
Nwalyep goes.
 
An Nwályep naun.
[ˈan ˈnwɑ.ʎə̆p ˈnaon]
anprox nwályepPN naum-en.go-prox.

An is used with proper nouns as well as common nouns.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Plural
The cats go.
 
An íhe myau naun.
[ˈan ˈi.çɪ̆ ˈmjæo ˈnaon]
anprox íhepl myaucat naum-en.go-prox.

If it's clear from context that one is talking about multiple cats, íhe can be omitted.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Plural
The five cats go.
5 
An he lú myau naun.
[ˈan hl̩ʷ.ˈlu ˈmjæo ˈnaon]
anprox he=card=5 myaucat naum-en.go-prox.

If there's a number, then it's possible to tell that it's plural already, so one would not add íhe.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Definiteness
A cat goes.
An myau naumshe.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈnaom.ʃᵿ̜̆]
anprox myaucat naum-she.go-indf.

Indefiniteness is usually marked on the verb. The determiner is used even on indefinite nouns.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Definiteness
The cat went to a place.
   
An myau naun shi swáshe haupe.
[ˈan ˈmjæo ˈnaon ʃɨ.ˈʃwɑ.ʃɪ̆ ˈhao.pʊ̜̆]
anprox myaucat naum-engo-prox shi=swásheto=exist

If indefiniteness can't be marked on the verb, the determiner swasye is used.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Definiteness
Cats (in general) go.
An nga myau naun.
[ˈan ˈŋɜ ˈmjæo ˈnaon]
anprox ngaany myaucat naum-en.go-prox.
Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Possession
The cat with brown eyes goes.
  
An myau lwe sáki húkyes naun.
[ˈan ˈmjæo lʷʊ̜̆s.ˈ ˈhu.kjᵿ̜̆s ˈnaon]
anprox myaucat lwe=sákiwith=eye húkyesbrown naum-en.go-prox.

Or ...lwe húkyes saki.... Not *An myau lwe húkyes sakipen naun; when used with lwe, the noun doesn't take possessive marking.

Noun phrase examples in Lwaitel : Non-restrictive modifiers
The cat, which is black, goes.
  
An myau hwel swátel naun.
[ˈan ˈmjæo hwl̩ ˈswɑ.tl̩ ˈnaon]
anprox myaucat hwelnfoc swátelblack naum-en.go-prox.
Miscellaneous sentence examples in Lwaitel
I want to go home.
   
yátleng naunku shi húnelku.
[ˈlu ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈnaoŋ.ku ʃɨ.ˈçʉ.nl̩.ku]
see yátlengwant naum-kugo-1 shi=hú
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
10. The sun is rising now.
  
An húswes swan naum itúp maimu.
[ˈan ˈhu.swʊ̜̆s ˈswɑn ˈnaom i.ˈtup ˈmae.mʉ]
anprox húswessun swa-enbe-prox naumgo itúpup
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
15. The kitten jumped up.
   
An myauwe naun itúpshi súngi itúp.
[ˈan ˈmjæo.wʊ̜̆ ˈnaon i.ˈtup.ʃɨ ˈsu.ŋɨ i.ˈtup]
anprox myau-wecat-dim naum-engo-prox itúpshijump súngitowards itúp.up.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
16. The kitten jumped onto the table.
     
An myauwe naun itúpshi shi tem maiku.
[ˈan ˈmjæo.wʊ̜̆ ˈnaon i.ˈtup.ʃɨ ʃ̩.ˈmae.kʉ]
anprox myau-wecat-dim naum-engo-prox itúpshijump
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
17. My little kitten walked away.
    
An wa myauwe kausku naun kel kú.
[ˈan ˈwɑ ˈmjæo.wʊ̜̆ ˈkɜos.ku ˈnaon kl̩.ˈku]
anprox wasmall myau-wecat-dim kaus-kupet-1 naum-engo-prox kel=.from=I/me.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
19. The rain came down.
An suyát naun míshelw.
[ˈan su.ˈjæt ˈnaon ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ]
anprox suyátrain naum-engo-prox míshelw.down.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
26. Go away!
 
Naum kal.
[ˈnaom ˈkɜl]
naumgo kal.away.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
27. Let's go!
Kat naum.
[ˈkɜt ˈnaom]
kat1.incl naum.go.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
29. I will be happy to go.
 , 
Úlshi naunku, niuspe.
[ˈuʎ.ʃɨ ˈnaoŋ.ku, ˈlu ˈɲᵻʉs.pʊ̜̆]
úlshiif naum-ku,go-1, see niuspe.feel_happy.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
31. The baby's ball has rolled away.
     
An miuwe tal al yáme naum mwími kal.
[ˈan ˈmɪʉ.wʊ̜̆ ˈtal ˈal ˈjæ.mə̆ ˈnaom ˈmwɨ.mi ˈkɜl]
anprox miuweball almed yámebaby naumgo mwímiroll kal.away.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
36. You have come too soon.
  
Naunchi láletes sányeng.
[ˈnaon.ʧɨ ˈla.lə̆t.tə̆s ˈsa.ɲŋ̩]
naum-chigo-2 láletestoo sányeng.soon.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
54. Did the man leave?
  
Pikúni an pukáli naun kal.
[pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ ˈan pu.ˈkɜ.ʎe ˈnaon ˈkɜl]
pikúniq anprox pukálimale naum-engo-prox kal.away.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
56. Can you come tomorrow?
   
Pauchi pikúni naum súshli lánkem.
[ˈpao.ʧɨ pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ ˈnaom ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ ˈlaŋ.km̩]
pau-chican-2 pikúniq naumgo súshlihere lánkem.tomorrow.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
57. Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
    
Naun pikúni kal lánkepket páskel lúsem.
[ˈnaon pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ ˈkɜl ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̆p.kᵻ̆t ˈpas.kl̩ ˈ̩]
naum-engo-prox pikúniq kalaway lánkep-ketneighbor-1.incl páskelthrough lúsem.winter.

TODO not sure about the preposition there

Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
96. Have the leaves fallen from the tree?
 
Pikúni an ngílpen naum míshelw kel pin.
[pi.ˈkʉ.ɲɨ ˈan ˈŋiʎ.pn̩ ˈnaom ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ kl̩.ˈpiɲ]
pikúniq anprox ngílpenleaf naumgo míshelwdown kel=pin.from=tree.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
104. Sit here by me.
   
Naum kánte súshli lenk kú.
[ˈnaom ˈkɜn.tə̆ ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ lŋ̩.ˈku]
naumgo kántesitting súshlihere lenk=.beside=I/me.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
106. Come with us.
  
Naum lenk kú íhe.
[ˈnaom lŋ̩.ˈku ˈi.çɪ̆]
naumgo lenk=beside=I/me í
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
107. Bring your friends with you.
  ,
Naum lenk chí, lákwechi.
[ˈnaom lŋ̩k.ˈʧi, ˈla.kwʊ̜̆ʧ.ʧi]
naumgo lenk=chí,beside=you, lákwe-chi.friend-2.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
117. Come with your father or mother.
    
Naum súshli lenk kálichi nge shíluchi.
[ˈnaom ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ lŋ̩.ˈkɜ.ʎe.ʧi ŋɪ̆ ˈʃi.ʎʉ.ʧɨ]
naumgo súshlihere lenk=káli-chibeside=dad-2 ngeor shí
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
141. All the children came except Mary.
   Mary
Naun an waipwe aunchent Máli.
[ˈnaon ˈan ˈsu ˈwɑe.pwᵿ̜̆ ˈaon.ʧn̩t ˈmeə̆˞.i]
naum-engo-prox anprox all waipwechild aunchentexcept máli.PN.
Sentences to Test Conlang Syntax in Lwaitel
176. Sit here by yourself.
    1
Naum kánte súshli lenk'úni.
[ˈnaom ˈkɜn.tə̆ ˈsuʃ.ʎɨ lŋ̩.ˈku.ɲɨ]
naumgo kántesitting súshlihere lenk=úni.beside=neg.
Translations from the CBB in Lwaitel : but
He didn't walk, but he didn't want to.
  1,  1  
Naun lúlek úni, útwek luim úni yátleng hu'an.
[ˈnaon ˈlu.lʊ̜̆k ˈu.ɲɨ, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈlʊɨm ˈu.ɲɨ ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈhwɑn]
naum-engo-prox lúlekwalk úni,neg, útwekbut -isee-obv únineg yátlengwant hu=an.exp=prox.

Thread, Post

Translations from the CBB in Lwaitel : but
He didn't walk, but he ran.
  1,  
Naun lúlek úni, u naun táles.
[ˈnaon ˈlu.lʊ̜̆k ˈu.ɲɨ, ʉ ˈnaon ˈta.lə̆s]
naum-engo-prox lúlekwalk úni,neg, ubut_rather naum-engo-prox tá
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Pink, and Magenta came, and many others too.
 ,hp      ohuse     
Naumel p'an, al ha se hántlwek se pai se kíltel se ngin se kílu se húsu se híleng se shupál se waunku se sal se sal.
[ˈ̩ ˈpan, ˈal ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈŋiɲ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈ sʊ̜̆ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩ sə̆ ʃʉ.ˈpal sə̆ ˈwɑoŋ.ku sʊ̜̆ ˈsal sə̆ ˈsal]
naum-elgo-med pe=an,at=prox, almed hared seand hántlwekorange seand paiyellow seand kíltellight_green seand ngindark_green seand kílucyan seand húsuPN seand hílengpurple seand shupálpink seand waunkumagenta seand salanother seand sal.another.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Most of the others tried to get out of the way quickly, but Red got hurt badly, and was bleeding.
       , h   , h 
Líntes kel sal lámi kainkwes naum kal tal, útwek al Ha nal wípi wípi, se lámel hwa.
[ˈʎiɲ.tɪ̆s ˈsu kl̩.ˈsal ˈ ˈkɜeŋ.kwᵿ̜̆s ˈnaom ˈkɜl ˈtal, ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈal ˈha ˈnal ˈwɨ.pi ˈwɨ.pi, sɪ̆ ˈ̩ ˈhwɑ]
líntesalmost all kel=salfrom=another lam-ido-obv kainkwestry naumgo kalaway tal,fast, útwekbut almed hared na-elbecome-med wípiinjured wípi,injured, seand lam-eldo-med hwa.blood.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Some people left the building entirely.
   
Lat naumel pe wil ílu.
[ˈlat ˈ̩ pə̆.ˈwɨʎ ˈi.ʎʉ]
latmedium-sized naum-elgo-med pe=wilat=outside ílu.building.
The Invention of Color in Lwaitel
Then Color had everyone who was left stand in a line: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple.
       ,      
Pyet an Kaitu chúsen al numáng haupe naumel shi meníl, ha se hántlwek se pai se kíltel se kílu se húsu se híleng.
[pjɪ̆t ˈan ˈkɜe.tʉ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈal ˈsu nu.ˈmaŋ ˈhao.pʊ̜̆ ˈ̩ ʃi.mɲ̩.ˈɲiʎ, ˈha sə̆ ˈhant.lʷʊ̜̆k sə̆ ˈpae sə̆ ˈkiʎ.tl̩ sə̆ ˈki.ʎʉ sʊ̜̆ ˈ sʊ̜̆ ˈçi.ʎŋ̩]
pyetthen anprox kaitucolor chus-enmake-prox almed all numángstill haupeplace naum-elgo-med shi=meníl,to=line, hared seand hántlwekorange seand paiyellow seand kíltellight_green seand kílucyan seand húsublue seand híleng.purple.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
One day, a second man, who was a neighbor, came to the donkey-beater and asked, “Why do you beat your donkey?”
   , ,(    )
Al lánkepen naumshe shi'an, pyet mausel, muPetwántu an nínkel swáchi lem wípi”.
[ˈal ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̩̆ ˈnaom.ʃᵿ̜̆ ˈʃæn, pjɪ̆t ˈ̩, mu pʊ̜̆t.ˈtwɑ ˈan ˈɲeŋ.kl̩ ˈswɑ.ʧe lm̩.ˈmwɨ.pi”]
almed lánkep-enneighbor-prox naum-shego-indf shi=an,to=prox, pyetthen maus-el,say-med, muquot petwántu“why anprox nínkeldonkey swa-chibe-2 lem=wípi”.part=hit”.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
The donkey-beater then went into his home and discovered his dinner wasn’t ready, so he beat his wife.
   ,   1 ,   
Pyet naun shi húnelen, se im nginál swaim úni nginátu, wan wálswelyen lan wípi.
[pjɪ̆t ˈnaon ʃɨ.ˈçʉ.nl̩.ln̩, sə̆ ˈlu ˈim ŋi.ˈɲæl ˈswɑem ˈu.ɲɨ ŋi.ˈɲæ.to, ˈwɑn ˈwɑl.swʎ̩.ʎn̩ ˈlan ˈwɨ.pi]
pyetthen naum-engo-prox shi=húnel-en,to=house-prox, seand see imobv nginálevening swa-ibe-obv únineg nginátu,finished, wanso wálsweyl-enspouse-prox lam-endo-prox wípi.hit.
Donkey Beater Story in Lwaitel
His neighbor heard the screams of the donkey-beater’s wife and came to the door.
   ,   
Hengúchi luim hu'al lánkepen, se naumel shi wiuye.
[hŋ̩.ˈŋu.ʧɨ ˈlʊɨm ˈhwɑl ˈlaŋ.kᵻ̩̆, sə̆ ˈ̩ ʃi.ˈwᵻʉ.jᵿ̜̆]
hengút-ishout-obv -isee-obv hu=alexp=med lánkep-en,neighbor-prox, seand naum-elgo-med
The North Wind and the Sun in Lwaitel
when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.
   
se shi'an naumshe al lipwíye pe nálent nálken.
[sə̆ ˈʃæn ˈnaom.ʃᵿ̜̆ ˈal ʎi.ˈpwɨ.jɪ̆ pn̩.ˈna.ln̩t ˈ̩]
seand shi=anto=prox naum-shego-indf almed lipwíyetraveler pe=nálentat=cloak ná
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
     ,   שִׁנְעָר   
Píki an nga kip swan naum míshelw hu hyángu, lánshe pútwe ngálset p'al shinál se chúsen swal húnelen.
[ˈ ˈan ˈŋɜ ˈkip ˈswɑn ˈnaom ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ hu.ˈçæ.ŋu, ˈlaɲ.ʃɪ̆ ˈpu.twʊ̜̆ ˈŋɜl.sə̆t ˈpal ʃe.ˈɲæl sə̆ ˈʧʉ.sn̩ ˈswɑl ˈ̩.ln̩]
píkiwhen anprox ngaany kipperson swa-enbe-prox naumgo míshelwdown hu=hyángu,exp=map, lam-en-shedo-prox-indf pútwecome_across ngálsetplain pe=alat=med shinálShinar seand chus-enmake-prox swa-elbe-med hú
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
4 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
           ,
Útwek al suim naumel míshelw naustwi hu'al luim shuish su ílu hes suit waipi nga kip,
[ˈu.twʊ̜̆k ˈal ˈsʊɨm ˈ̩ ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ ˈnaos.twɨ ˈhwɑl ˈlʊɨm ˈʃᵿɨʃ su ˈi.ʎʉ hʊ̜̆s ˈsʊɨt ˈwɑe.pi ˈŋɜ ˈkip]
útwekbut almed suimdeity naum-elgo-med míshelwdown naustwipurp hu=alexp=med -isee-obv shuishcity suand ílubuilding hesrel suitmake.inv waip-ioffspring-obv ngaany kip,person,
Tower of Babel story in Lwaitel
6 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
   ,  )
Naunku míshelw se chúsku háneng im hástu, naustwi úmpwen lu kwálsem”.
[ˈnaoŋ.ku ˈmi.ʃl̩ʷ sə̆ ˈʧʉs.ku ˈha.nŋ̩ ˈim ˈ, ˈnaos.twɨ ˈum.pwn̩ ˈki lu.ˈkwɑ̩”]
naum-kugo-1 míshelwdown seand chus-kumake-1 hánengdark imobv hástu,language, naustwipurp úmpu-encan't-prox get lu=kwálsem”.part=understand”.