I'm probably not going to put all changes to my website here... not yet sure how much detail to include, though. (Changes to Thread Necromancy etc. scores and placements won't appear here, because it just checks whenever you open that page.)
"New" in this case means "newly uploaded to this website"
There exists lots of stuff on this site already, so if you just look at everything listed in "What's New", you're going to miss some things.
This was my final project in calculus. 4 images, Start, List
Demonstration and explanation of JavaScript's == operator. Go
My superhero is, of course, a cat (since cats are obviously super)! She (or he) doesn't have a name; her kind don't communicate using language (preferring telepathy, of course); when humans talk about her they generally use nouns (e.g., "that cat over there", or "that cute little kitten I always see") or pronouns ("he", or "she"). He looks like an ordinary cat and does not have any distinguishing characteristics (he's white with either blue-green or purple eyes, depending on some lighting phenomenon/which color is handy for the guy drawing the comics; they're officially "bluish").
My esoteric programming language "Useless" now has an interpreter. It's a useless interpreter, though.
CA11122004 is a writing system that I made on November 12, 2004. It's unclear what language this was intended for (I don't think I made a conlang that used this system); it incorporates some of English's phonotactics restrictions and has only English consonants, but has symbols for vowels that aren't in English (namely, the front rounded vowels, German ö and ü, IPA /y ʏ ø œ/; also it includes /ɔ/ and /ʍ/ which are in some English dialects but not mine). Read more
Text in the shape of various foods, which I made for a languages arts (English) class. 12 images, Start, List
Some pictures I made when I was much younger. 10 pictures, Start, List
Dvorak More is a keyboard layout that I made for Mac OS X that adds a bunch of Unicode symbols to the keyboard. Intended audience is those who use Mac OS X, know (or want to learn) Dvorak, are already familiar with entering special characters on Mac, and regularly need to type other Unicode characters (that are similar enough to the ones I type). (Mainly I made it for myself, and I'm making it available in case anyone else wants it.) (Oh, and it uses QWERTY for the command key.)
The letters and numbers are the same as ordinary Dvorak; rather, more symbols have been added that use the Option key. Furthermore, non-redundant symbols using the Option key haven't been changed. Most of the new symbols require two keystrokes.
Symbols added include:
Speak text you enter using your browser's speech synthesis capabilities
Calculate spherical coordinates, also explains how the calculation works. For Earth, only an approximation, because the Earth is only approximately a sphere.
I was recently reminded of this post on a blog I read, Math with Bad Drawings. The Kaufman decimals are like the infinitely-repeating decimal expansions of rational numbers (e.g., ⅓ = 0.33333…, also notated 0.3̄ or 0.(3)), but where there can be more digits after the end of the infinitely-repeating part, and also more infinitely-repeating parts and infinitely-repeating parts inside infinitely-repeating parts. See the original post for details.
The article presents the question of whether it's possible to order the decimals; that is, do < and = work as expected? Here's my program to attempt to order them.
Show blue outlines around all unvisited links, and orange outlines around all visited links. Useful on sites that for some reason set visited and unvisited links to the same color. Clicking on the bookmarklet again will remove the outlines.
I also slightly updated the No YT Autohide bookmarklet, and reorganized/reformatted the bookmarklets page
I was in a large room, multiple stories tall, and each floor of the building had a hall going all the way around the room, with a rail, so one could stand in the hallways and look down into the main room, and many doors on each floor to smaller rooms. Read more
I was outside, at night, hovering above the ground. I could see the stars above me; below me was only grass, which was dark but still visible, and one little girl, with straight blond hair, looking at Mars. I was high enough that the horizon of the Earth looked curved. I heard a male voice, but never saw the person the voice belonged to. He said, "There are some directions, where if you go out into space, and keep going in a straight line in that direction, all the planets you'll encounter will be the same type of planet." Read more
I'm probably going to post more later, both dreams that I have after today, and dreams from a while ago (I have a rather long dream journal to look through for interesting dreams...)
New xkcdsw based on the most recent comic.
Mostly-abstract pictures that I made at a computer camp. 37 pictures on 6 pages, Start, List
Calculate expressions involving other types of numbers than reals, e.g., quaternions and ordinal numbers... later I'll probably add other number types (e.g., other types of hypercomplex numbers, other types of infinity, ...) Go
Unbroken is an esoteric programming language that has certain restrictions. Read more
I updated "Number types", above, to include various other types of infinity: extended real number line, real projective line, IEEE floating point, and cardinal numbers
I made a program to play Reversi
A simple piano keyboard/synthesizer written in JavaScript. Go
I turned my Web Archive bookmarklet into a user script, which has a new feature that you can right-click a link and display its destination in Web Archive. Useful if a link redirects somewhere unhelpful (as broken links often do).
Also a while back I turned my No YT Autohide bookmarklet into a user style, which is easier to use, and I didn't put anything here when I did that.
More instruments/synthesis options: pulse (rectangular) wave, non-symmetric triangle wave, basic additive synthesis, wave with lowpass filter (subtractive synthesis), basic FM synthesis. Go to synthesizer
Index Diachronica is a list of sound changes from many, many, many, many different languages. However, it is large, and it doesn't use Unicode, making it hard to search for specific sounds. Therefore, I made a Unicode PDF, and also an HTML version (since I know at least Apple's Preview has trouble searching for certain Unicode characters (like ʷ) even if a document is in Unicode), and also made a search tool. (Note that I did not make the Index, I only converted it to HTML and made the search tool.)
(This is an early version; there still may be bugs to work out.)
A command-line utility for searching for regular expressions, which uses Perl regular expressions, which I made because the version of grep
that comes with my computer (Mac OS X) doesn't support Perl-style regular expressions. It requires Perl (at least version 5.16.2 works). Its flags are not all compatible with other versions of grep
. It's unrelated to any other programs with this name.
This version adds new features including support for Unicode and compressed files
More information; What's new; Download plgrep (10.85K) (source)
QWERTY more and Dvorak more are keyboard layouts that I made for Mac OS X that add a bunch of Unicode symbols to the keyboard. Intended audience is those who use Mac OS X, are already familiar with entering special characters on Mac, and regularly need to type other Unicode characters (that are similar enough to the ones I type).
Changes in this version: add QWERTY more; fix some things with caps lock; add symbols ǣǢ〉♩♪♬♫⑨‽〚〛□■ᶠ♀ȷˡ♂ˢˣ⸛ᵻ¤ᵿ
added descriptions of Súiⱥcúil and Puinⱥtimcel; these are mostly things that I'd already decided previously, even if I hadn't written them down anywhere. Sasaro home page
Every cookie is associated with the domain it came from; that way, sites can't read each other's cookies. Some websites have subdomains, like www.example.com
and store.example.com
; browsers let such sites set a less-specific domain (in this case, anything ending in .example.com
) so that all subdomains can see the cookie. However, the browser needs to make sure that a site can't set a cookie for, say, all sites ending in .com
or .co.uk
(called "public suffixes"), because otherwise unrelated sites would be able to read and interfere with each other's cookies.
In order to do this, browsers need to know what domains parts represent a website (like .example.com
), and what parts are public suffixes (like .com
). Older browsers used simple algorithms for determining what's a public suffix; however, now there's a list of public suffixes, which includes not only ordinary top level domains like .com
, .org
, .co.uk
, etc., but also some hosting providers that allow anyone to create websites under their domain—including the one I'm using.
This page tests if your browser actually uses that list (and is reasonably up-to-date), or if it uses a simpler algorithm that would allow cookies available to all .nfshost.com
More sampled instruments (based on the instruments that I have available to me): harpsichord, monochord, gongs, crotales, glockenspiel, two kinds of windchimes, mbira, whirly tube. Go to synthesizer
I just fixed a bug in my program plgrep (a command-line utility for searching for regular expressions, which uses Perl regular expressions), so if you've downloaded it before you might want to download the newer version.
More information about plgrep; What's new; Download plgrep (10.86K) (source)
chridedeespelleean izz an ideea forě an oltěrnitivě sistěm uvě spellǐng Ǐngglish that Ie camě up with wen Ie wuzz much yunggěr (not nessissarilly azz sumthǐng Ie intenděd tue acshlěy yuzě, just becuzz Ie felt likě it). Its intenděd tue bee uh morě raigyulěr věrzhun uvě Ǐngglishěs kěrěnt spellǐng rulěs. It yuzěs thee oardinary Ǐngglish alfubbet pluss tue extra lettěrs: ě, wich izz olwizz silěnt, and ǐ, wich reprezents thuh voulě in wěrds spellěd with ing.
(Translation: chrideedeespellian is an idea for an alternative system of spelling English that I came up with when I was much younger (not necessarily as something I intended to actually use, just because I felt like it). It's intended to be a more regular version of English's current spelling rules. It uses the ordinary English alphabet plus two extra letters: ě, which is always silent, and ǐ, which represents the vowel in words spelled with ing.)
I fixed a few things in my user scripts page. If you're using one of these, you might want to update it:
These are keyboard layouts to make it easier to type in the International Phonetic Alphabet. There are two layouts available, one based on QWERTY, the other on Dvorak. By default, these will function as a normal keyboard; however, if Caps Lock is on, instead of typing capital letters, it'll type letters in IPA.
A game about dodging fireworks, playable in your browser. Play
On each page in TV Tropes, there are various display options. When you're not logged in, only "Show Spoilers" is enabled, with the other options prompting you to log in if you click them. However, if you enable the options, they work perfectly fine, and there's even perfectly working code to save the options locally like how Show Spoilers works (except for Wide Load, but this script also fixes that). Thus, this script enables those options.
I'm chri; I sometimes post on forums and blogs, usually under the username chridd. I lurk more than I post, partly because I tend to be afraid of saying something wrong and accidentally breaking a rule or starting a flamewar or revealing something about myself that I shouldn't or looking stupid.... Also I sometimes post stuff I make on my website. More info
Go directly to the scores for the forum game you're currently viewing. If not available, go to the list of forum game scorekeepers. This is similar to clicking the link in my signature, except it works even if I haven't posted in the thread recently, and is more reliable when viewing new posts.
Talbas is a conlang which I've just started, but my current idea is that it'll be a protolang. Work in progress. Talbas home page
This shows keyboard events so you can see what key codes your browser uses, behavior for key repeating, etc. Go
Bitbucket for no apparent reason has the main content scrolling separately from the window, which makes scrolling work weirdly (scrolling diagonally doesn't work). User style: Fix Bitbucket scrolling
I have a thing for converting numbers to different bases and such. I've added quote notation, continued fractions, and fibonacci coding to it.
A game where you have to keep your mouse cursor or finger on a fast-moving, bendy river. Playable in your browser. Play
Find dates like 2017-02-17 or 2017-07-12 where the date is the anagram of the year
X/ (pronounced "ecks slash") is a simple, abstract game about attacking your enemies to move around. It was made for the Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, with the theme of dual purpose design—in this case, attacking serves a dual purpose of also moving you forward, and likewise enemies are both enemies and things you need in order to move. Playable in your browser (mouse or touch). Play
Add the ability to record stuff; add scales based on the overtone and undertone series; add subharmonic instrument (because I was curious what it would sound like) Go to synthesizer
Also added this thing
Tells mobile browsers to use the default (wide) width and allow zooming, like they do for sites that aren't made for mobile devices. On some websites, this will switch them into desktop layout, rather than mobile layout. More info
I updated "Number types" to include a few more things: p-adic numbers, modular arithmetic, boolean algebra, and also added square roots to types where it makes sense
I updated "Number types" to include a few more number systems (split-complex, dual numbers, supernatural numbers, reals mod n), a few more operations (absolute value, non-natural logs, complex conjugate), and a way to see all number systems at once
Finally got around to updating No YT Autohide (user style only; haven't even tested the bookmarklet recently)
This is for people wishing to start a new thread for the latest xkcd comic on the xkcd forum. It automatically generates the BBCode for the link to the comic, puts the subject in the correct format, and adds the title text. Go
Date I actually made and uploaded this despite not getting around to posting a link anywhere until now: 2017-05-05
A platform game where you explore a big world, based on xkcd #1110: Click and Drag. Made for the xkcd Game Jam. (There are quite a few features and fixes that I didn't get around to doing, and I might come back to this after the jam and voting are over and add and fix some things.) Play
Here are some words I made up at various points in my life, for various reasons. Many of them I made up for a class where we learned different Greek roots and had to make our own words from those roots. A few of them are words I've actually used at some point; most of them aren't. In some cases, others have coincidentally come up with the same or similar words as I have, which may or may not have the same meaning. Go
I also added "The Agnographer", a story I wrote back in 2008-ish using many of these words.
Description of various features of my idiolect. Go
For my senior project in high school, I made a robotic cat that moves towards a light or towards an infrared signal from a TV remote. More info and pictures
These aren't new games; some people have already seen them on itch.io, and they already existed on this site, there just wasn't any link to them on this site. I'm starting to reorganize the home page of my site, and part of that change is that there's a new page with all my games on it, which includes these games. (My plan mostly involves moving some links to separate page so the home page isn't such a huge list of links... I'm not going to change URLs for existing content, so bookmarks and links should still work.)
This is my attempt to explain a particular thing that I've experienced sometimes which I think falls under the category of derealization/depersonalization. This thing involves intrusive thoughts about the nature of reality and consciousness, and certain physical feelings, which tend to occur together. I've experienced this on-and-off I think at least since middle school. When I first experienced it I called it "worrying", since that was the only term I had to express thinking about uncomfortable things.
(I'm writing this in case it's helpful for anyone else to understand their own experience; however, I'm only writing about my own experience, and I can't say how common or rare anything I've described here is. I'm not asking for help dealing with this.)
Program to download YouTube annotations, before YouTube deletes them on Jan 15 2019. Made primarily for my own use (so not very polished); provided as is with no guarantees about anything. View page
Added some old music that isn't piano music:
Add "comb noise" instrument; add Euler–Fokker genus scale (was recently mentioned on a Discord server I'm on); moved info about the Java version to the version history page Go to synthesizer
Finally got around to making a small fix to No YT Autohide again (user style only; haven't even tested the bookmarklet recently)
...just an idea that I had for an alternative to time zones that doesn't have the issue of what day it is changing in the middle of the day. Not that I expect it to actually be used, since day and time keeping are fairly entrenched and reforms like this never catch on, and since probably not many people will see this anyways.
Times are always written in UTC±12:00, using a 24-hour clock. Dates are the same as they are currently, changing at midnight local time rather than at 0:00. After the time, the letter "E" or "L" is written. Between local midnight (when the day changes) and 0:00, the letter "E" (for "early") is used; between 0:00 and local midnight, the letter "L" (for "late") is used. This means that every date/time can be written in two different ways, depending on the time zone (e.g., 5:00 L Monday = 5:00 E Tuesday). More info
Prompt: "In the Cali Co office building, employee health is important and crunch is discouraged! That's why to ensure that everyone gets plenty of rest, the harder people work, the more they turn into cats—until they nap away their sleep debt. In theory." (part of the Overtime Cats antholojam)
I looked up at the Cali Co office building, where I was about to start my new job as a game developer. Is this really what I want? I don't even know why this appeals to me, I wondered. I shouldn't worry too much; it's only going to be temporary. Somehow, though, despite my worry, the thought of those changes being temporary also made me feel… something. Read more
Stop and smell the flowers. Stop on top of a flower to smell it. Made for eevee's Games Made Quick jam, with theme "the faster you go, the longer it takes" (at least, the longer it takes to get points) and "can be beaten instantly" (if you get good RNG). Other factors that make this not a good speed game include the fact that your speed is mostly determined by the timer (and the only way to decrease your time is to do poorly), and the initial timer value is random!
Created at the last minute because I have other stuff going on this week. May have undiscovered bugs—I mean, "features".
Misconceptions that I've had at various points in the past. Read
A game in which you play as a one-sided shape who can only jump once per level, which takes place on a one-sided surface (a Möbius strip). (There's also only one color and one note per screen, and the levels are numbered in unary.)
I made it for the 2019 Game Maker's Toolkit game jam, with the theme "only one". Once the jam is over and judging is done, I might add more levels.
Defines instances of Show
, Eq
, and Ord
for functions. Also defines a Finite
class for types where all possible values of the type can be listed in a finite list, and defines function equality in terms of that class.
(This has been on my site, not linked anywhere, for a while.)
Me, on Discord: "I should have done with 1683 what I did with 1737 (https://chridd.nfshost.com/xkcdsw/153#)". I did the same thing as I did with that comic, and got a completely different result.
The first thing I thought of when I saw today's comic
Add "Arbitrary additive" instrument type; add "Scale of harmonics" and "Arbitrary intervals" scales; added the option for some scales to repeat at an interval other than an octave Go to synthesizer
color scheme options, more assist options (game speed, disable certain section types), more sound options (including a sound test) Play Difficult Stream
After escaping from a series of Möbius strips, the one-sided shape from One side, one jump finds herself in an infinitely-long plane. However, someone painted a question mark on her, so a platforming hero mistook her for an end goal. Fortunately, this plane lets her jump as many times as she wants; unfortunately, jumping is the only thing she can do. How far can she go before the hero catches her?
I made it for eevee's Games Made Quick Four jam, with the theme "the faster you go, the longer it takes". (Also some aspects were inspired by nmccoy's Wavespark and Sonic 3.) This is not as polished as I'd like, so I'll probably make a few changes a bit later.
add hard mode (survive for 1 minute/3600 points to see how to unlock it); add joystick-style touch controls and a new menu for touch control options (under "Controls"); pause the title screen when the window/tab is not in front (also some more internal changes that will hopefully make making more games easier) Play Fireworks Game
Undo is an esoteric programming language based on Unlambda. The main differences are that Undo uses lazy evaluation instead of eager evaluation, and that the way I/O works is different; instead of using side effects, it uses a system inspried by Haskell's monadic I/O. (The "do" in the name comes from Haskell's do
keyword.) More info and JavaScript interpreter
Unoop and fracasm are esoteric programming languages that I made a while back. Both of them had interpreters written in Python 2. I have now updated both of them to work with Python 3, and also made various other changes to fracasm (see its page for details).
T-Write, TurExp, and Actions are esoteric programming languages that I made back in 2012-2013, with interpreters written for a version of GHC that I don't think was even up-to-date at the time. Since then, Haskell has changed in incompatible ways, and the original interpreters no longer compile without errors, so I fixed them. While I was changing things, I also went through the descriptions of the languages and tried to clarify some things.
Simple Stack is a minimalist stack-based programming language. During execution, there is a data stack; all operations manipulate this stack. There is also a call stack, so the program can return from a procedure call. However, there are no local variables, or for that matter, any variables at all.
Simple Stack 1.1 adds input, as well as making some changes to the interpreter that don't affect the language itself (including saving programs). More info/interpreter
Help me get my keyboard to work. This is a game I made for the 2020 GMTK game jam, with the theme of "Out of control". It might take two or three playthroughs to figure out what exactly I did with that theme (things might not be entirely as they seem…). Play Ctrl+Out
A program to show the various alternative indentation styles from a tweet by @ctrlshifti and its replies. Go
loopy is an older esoteric programming language that I made, inspired by some IOCCC entry I'd seen where the entire program was done in one big loop. It also "solves" the halting problem by not allowing programs to halt. More info/download (I made it in 2007, but am uploading it for the first time now; includes interpreter written in C)
RE-type is a pure functional esoteric programming language where regular expressions are types.
This is based on a programming language I started around the time I made TurExp, so it uses a similar syntax for regular expressions. I never finished that version because type checking was too slow and I couldn't figure out how to fix it; it turned out this was because type checking that language was NP-hard. This language solves that problem by using stochastic type checking; that is, programs with type errors have some chance of running anyways. More info/interpreter (includes JavaScript interpreter)
Design goal: To create a programming language using primarily the Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode characters (U+2600 through U+26FF). Also used are Enclosed Alphanumerics (starting at U+2460) and Dingbats (starting at U+2700). No ASCII is used except whitespace. (Basically I just looked at the various characters there and tried to figure out what they could mean in a programming language.)
Version 2.0 makes it easier to program in by adding two jump commands, decimal input/output, and a numeric comparison command; it also gives some more output options that weren't available in the first version. More info/interpreter
Co is an esoteric programming language where everything is a coroutine and the only non-IO operation is coroutine transfer. More info/interpreter
Added qntm's zero-indexed calendar to the date converter
Prompt: "Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost"
I looked around, confused. Where was I? Who was I? I had no memory of my past. Did I even exist before now?
I was in some sort of house, and it was dark and kind of spooky. All around me were blocks, some made of wood, others of stone, still others some sort of yellow plastic, all of them somehow floating above what seemed like an endless void. Is this what I was? A block, like all these blocks around me? Somehow I thought that was true, although I didn't know where that knowledge came from. I looked down at my… hands? I had hands? They were white and kind of transparent. Read more
Generates domino tilings of Aztec diamonds as described in a video by Mathologer. Click a new pair of dominos to switch their orientation. Maximum size this program can generate with the "generate" button currently is 100. I might add some more features later. Go
added audio; wrote a manual and developer commentary. Play Orb
Demonstration and explanation of JavaScript's == operator, and other stuff.
and 1n
to the table by default, added information about bigints to the explanation, and updated the transitive closure section to account for bigints
Based on a recent Mathologer video, this shows the number of ways of making change for a given amount. Works best in Firefox and probably Safari. I might or might not add some more features later. Go
Updated No YT Autohide again to make it not apply to embeds (which it originally did, but then that broke) (user style only; the bookmarklet still doesn't work anymore)
I've been reorganizing my home page somewhat. Some things that were directly linked on the home page are now under the "See all" links, or you can see everything on my site from the site map. Bookmarks should still work.
Updated the user script (but not the bookmarklet) for Web archive to fix it so hopefully the menu item won't appear multiple times anymore.
mode (also an empty language will no longer generate the word "WORD")
rule), rather than including the name of the rule in the generated word (this is so things like WORD = WORD WORD
don't slow down your browser)
Updated the user script (but not the bookmarklet) for Web archive to fix it so hopefully the menu item won't appear multiple times anymore (again; the first time didn't work right).
Deletes all items on the page that don't scroll with the rest of the document. This can get rid of those cookie popups, some ads that overlap the content, possibly even some paywalls (depending on how they're implemented). Bookmark the link, then click the bookmark to delete the elements on the page.
I should have made this back in March/April when I was actually making these changes, but better late than never.
This is a list of times that I've moved or removed links on the home page (and other changes that might impact your ability to find what you're looking for). I try to keep URLs working, so if you bookmark specific pages, those bookmarks should still work, even when I change the home page. See list
instead of 9'9
instead of .5
); this made the code for mixed-base systems simpler, and it seems most programming languages and calculators do it that way.
I added octonions and sedenions to number types
BigINTERCAL is an esoteric programming language that I made inspired by INTERCAL and bit**.
The biggest change from INTERCAL is that, whereas INTERCAL has one-spot variables that are 16 bits and two-spot variables that are 32 bits, BigINTERCAL has infinity-spot variables that are an infinite number of bits (at least, until your computer runs out of memory). The downside is that once I made the first infinity-spot variable, I couldn't fit in any other variables, not even the one-spot or two-spot variables from INTERCAL. Yeah, I could move things around, maybe move all the bits to just the even-numbered bits, but Hilbert's hotel tried that and they're never going to recover from the infinite number of one-star reviews (★
) they got, so I decided it just wasn't worth it. Since there's only one variable, it doesn't need a number, so naturally it's notated with two numbers: |1\1
There are also a number of other changes from INTERCAL, and none of the later extensions are implemented except for COME FROM
First, she was trapped in a Möbius strip [GMTK Jam 2019]. Then in an infinite plane [Games Made Quick jam 2020]. Now where is she?
Wherever she is, space seems to be falling apart. And… something seems wrong with her, too. Like, a piece of who she was is missing. Was the question mark that still hadn't worn off from her last adventure causing her to question things? Or had the space falling apart affected her somehow? Or was there something deeper going on?
Help her navigate the disconnected space while she tries to find herself.
Basic Time Travel is an unstructured esoteric programming language based on BASIC that allows time travel. Its only way of making loops involves making the program travel to the past to get its past self to run the same statements again.
Why am I suddenly thinking about spaghetti?
(Photosensitivity warning: Programs written in this language have a tendency for their output to flicker.)
More operations for p-adic numbers: integer power, exponents, logarithms, and now square roots work for p = 2. Go
Also, moved the main conversion and calculation page to the "Old and obsolete stuff" section, and re-added Times of day
Go directly to the scores for the forum game you're currently viewing. If not available, go to the list of forum game scorekeepers. This is similar to clicking the link in my signature, except it works even if I haven't posted in the thread recently, and is more reliable when viewing new posts.
This should now work in the new forums at ramenchef.net, and also when viewing the forum on web archive/wayback machine.
YouTube increased the size of the controls (at least for me), so this update accomodates for that. It now should continue to work even if they change the size yet again.
Open a YouTube video, click this bookmarklet, and then change the playback speed (gear icon, or press < and > keys). The pitch will increase if you speed up the video or decrease if you slow it down, rather than keeping the same pitch. This will likely also work on other websites with video or possibly audio where you can change the playback speed (though you might need to start the video/audio playing before clicking the bookmarklet).
I added polynomials to number types
Always show YouTube dates [S]: Sometimes YouTube has been showing the number of views with an ellipsis and not showing the date it was uploaded/published/premiered. This fixes that. Download the style.
(see video in the screenshot)
It's Eevee's birthday, but bad things happened on her birthday, so she gets more birthdays to make up for it. Try to light all the candles while outrunning the unstopping passage of time and trying not to burn anything down. Made for 6AMES MADE QUICK???, with the theme "Eevee's birthday".
For my senior project in high school, I made a robotic cat that moves towards a light or towards an infrared signal from a TV remote. Previously, I couldn't find video of it, and it didn't work anymore, so there wasn't video on the page about the robot; now, I have found video, and I added it to the page. More info, pictures, and video for the robot cat
Fix backspace on Wordle [G]: At least on my browser, every time I press backspace on Wordle to try to delete a letter, it goes back to the previous page as if I'd pressed the Back button. This fixes that. Download Wordle backspace user script
The user script now works on the new nytimes.com URL. Download Wordle backspace user script
There was a bug where sometimes the playback time wouldn't update, which I'm pretty sure is related to the hover-to-play feature. This update should fix that.
A Turing Machine equivalent of regular expressions. A nondeterministic esoteric programming language, nondeterministic in the computer science sense of always choosing the right option when there's a choice.
The language runs on a nondeterministic Turing Machine, or a simulator of one.
The machine has a tape, extending infinitely in both directions, with 256 1112064
possible symbols (one per Unicode character) and a current position that's pointing to a symbol on the tape (not between symbols).
I've just made a new version of the language with new instructions, better Unicode support, and an interpreter written in JavaScript.
This is a text game that I made for eevee's GMQ 666 jam. It follows the theme for that jam. Play A Text Game
This is a paper that I wrote for a technical writing class in college in 2012. It might also be interesting to other people as well, although there are probably better instructions elsewhere. I was reminded of it after seeing Tonkotsu's SGDQ reverse boss order run. Also the original title said "a glitch" instead of "the split-up glitch".
Donkey Kong Country is a platform video game made by Rare for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). One of its main distinguishing features is how it handles its two playable characters. Donkey Kong is an ape who is larger and stronger; Diddy Kong is a monkey who is smaller and more agile. Normally the player can switch between the characters within a level; however, if one character gets hit by an enemy, that character runs away and the player must continue with the other character. The character can be recovered if the player finds and breaks open a barrel with the letters DK on it. Normally if the inactive character is available, he'll follow behind the main character but not interact with the level. However, a glitch can cause the game to treat both characters as if they were the active character to some extent.
A game where you roll dice around. Try to match 3 or more of the same number. Made for the 2022 GMTK jam. Play Rolling Cubes
Deletes all items on the page that don't scroll with the rest of the document. This can get rid of those cookie popups, some ads that overlap the content, possibly even some paywalls (depending on how they're implemented). Bookmark the link, then click the bookmark to delete the elements on the page.
The updated version also enables scrolling for the document, since sometimes those sorts of annoying pop-ups disable scrolling.
(I also added an upside-down emoticon.)
C// (pronounced "C divided-by divided-by") is a simplified version of C that I made for a class project in university in 2014. The class was about programming language implementation, and the project was an open-ended "do something related to the topic of the class"-type project. The topic I chose was:
Is having pass-by-reference semantics (or Java's pass-a-reference-by-value semantics) for non-primitive data types necessary for performance?
I've also posted a paper that I wrote for the class about my implementation of the language.
is a weird type, so I made a programming language about it. You cannot stare into the void, because that would be a type error.
Voids For All is a statically-typed esolang where the only primitive type is void
, which uses C-style declarator syntax. Also its only control structure is the for
I'm not super active on any social media; I mostly use these to follow people and comment on/like stuff. I'm also chridd or chrideedee in a bunch of other places, but I think these are the only ones where following me might make some sense.
For an up-to-date list, see my about page
"Tired of the weariness of the world? Want a place to get away from it all? Like cats? Come stay at Kit Inn!"
Ugh, an ad, I thought, as scrolled past the promoted chirp.
I put my headphones back on, feeling more unpleasantly aware than usual of just how humanoid and uncatlike my ears were, and went back to looking at Chirper. Other than the ads, it was just more doom about the president saying something bad. Ugh. I checked my email. There was a new message from my professor, probably saying that he was unhappy with something on my last assignment. Ugh. I switched back to Chirper, and saw that MiawKitty had posted another of her "doomscrolling break! post your cat pictures! 🐱" threads. At least her chirps seemed to always be uplifting, even in doomy times. I scrolled through the thread, looking at and hearting all the cat pictures, and felt a bit better. Maybe that ad was right, I thought, maybe I do need a break from everything. A break with cats.
This was a thing I did for a high school number theory assignment, which I then turned into a JavaScript program.
(I wrote this in terms of pencil-and-paper arithmetic; my intent at the time was to make it in a similar style to certain "math magic" things, where it was like, do this long series of operations and then suddenly I can figure out your number. I'm not sure if I succeeded in that, and I'm not sure this is the clearest or more efficient way to do this.)
Snake, but you can move six directions and you're not confined to a grid and also there's a kaleidoscope effect. I made this for the 2023 Games Made Quick jam. The page had a link to a theme generator; I tried it and got "lasers and mirrors". I had an idea at the beginning of the week, then had no energy the first few days so I decided to go with a less ambitious idea involving a kaleidoscope and something similar to Snake (but more different), and then that wasn't really working out so I turned it into this.
"Ah, we've arrived at my house. Or I guess for now it's our house", said Alex. It was weird how eerily similar it seemed to my own house at home, same color, same layout, same place in the street, yet so different at the same time. Still, it was nice to find someone who would let me stay with them until I could figure out a way to fix my alternate universe machine and return home.
We went inside and sat on the couch.
"So you say you come from the Planet Arth?" said Alex. "They must have a lot of arths there to call it that."
It's graduation time at Moth University, and this year, as usual, the entire class majored in nacho making. No one has majored in pizza baking since 2006, which is why Charon, one of the managers at Nine Pizzas, is so desperate for new hires that he's resorted to trickery. He built many new Nine Pizzas franchises surrounding the nacho restaurant (just off-screen), and has been throwing lights around randomly to try to trick the aspiring nacho chefs into going to his restaurant instead. Now they're all spending their days making pizzas, instead of nachos! It's up to you to guide the moths to their dream job at the nacho restaurant!
YouTube changed something so that the video title now sometimes overlaps the controls with this script/style enabled. This update fixes that.
Theme: Roles Reversed
Just another game with falling blocks and matching colors. See the tutorial for details.
Okay, maybe it's not just another game.
Try to match colors and complete lines. On the left side, use ← and → to move the blocks, ↓ to drop them. On the right side, click a color to clear a group of the same color, and click a triangle to clear a line.
YouTube changed something so that the video title now sometimes overlaps the controls with this script/style enabled, again. This update fixes that, again.
Inspired by a Tumblr post that I saw. It's snake, but you have to stay in the grout between the bricks.
YouTube changed something so that things are layed out wrong with this extension. This update should fix that.
C// (pronounced "C divided-by divided-by") is a simplified version of C that I made for a class project in university in 2014. The class was about programming language implementation, and the project was an open-ended "do something related to the topic of the class"-type project. The topic I chose was:
Is having pass-by-reference semantics (or Java's pass-a-reference-by-value semantics) for non-primitive data types necessary for performance?
Looking at this project again around when I posted it (many years after my initial project), I noticed that there is some similarity between the algorithms that I used and how Rust does things. That means that C// is kind of like a simplified Rust-like language where borrowing vs. ownership is inferred rather than having to be explicitly specified, so my thought is that maybe I could try transpiling this into actual Rust. That means that C// is not only a proof-of-concept for value semantics, but also for this inferred Rust-like language idea.
More info/download for C//; direct link to the page for the updated transpiler to C and the transpiler to Rust
A few days ago (from when I first made this) I learned that the Cursed Conlang Circus (which I'd seen some submissions to on YouTube) was happening again this year, and then found out it was too late to submit anything, but I had an idea, so I'm making it anyways, because conlangers don't care what humans think is impossible. (I did submit something, not sure if it will be accepted. Version I submitted; video I made.)
Leckna, which can be pronounced /ˈleu̯ŋ.knai̯a̯/ and can be interpreted as "can speak", is an international auxiliary language. Read more about Leckna
Added the date format the ancient Romans used to the date conversion thing (actually not quite correct since the Romans didn't use the Gregorian calendar).
I was in a big, dimly-lit room, so big and dark that everything in the distance just faded to black and I couldn't see the walls. In front of me was a big, dark gray table, along the entire length of the wall, big enough that I couldn't see the wall behind it. Other than that, the room and table were empty, except for a few people near the walls to my left and right, and a tiny black insect crawling on the table in front of me.
I thought I saw, out of the corner of my eye, three letters in the direction of the bug. I looked again, and there were three black letters (but not the ones I'd seen before), that were kind of, like, sticking out of the bug somehow. Each time I looked away and looked back, the letters changed, mostly to other letters, but at one point one of them was a percent sign.
This program deals with permutations of finite sets, that is, bijective functions from a finite set to itself. (This is something I've mostly encountered in group theory, in the form of the symmetric and alternating groups.) (Note: this is not for calculating the number of permutations of a set.)
You can enter a permutation in cycle notation, and see it as a product of disjoint cycles, a product of transpositions, and two-line notation, or enter a permutation in two-line notation and see it in cycle notation.
My parents had decided to send me to boarding school, and for some reason the school they'd decided to send me to was for fans of the Twilight books and movies (even though I've never read or seen any of those). We got to a building that was a train station, and then she left me to find where I was supposed to go by myself. I found a sign (it was a blue sign with white lettering that stuck down from the ceiling) that said "boarding-school pick-ups", and that looked promising, so I went there. From there I saw another sign that said "vampire-themed boarding schools". I was surprised that not only were there more than one vampire-themed school, but that these were common enough to get their own section (these were permanent-looking signs). I stood there and waited.
I've been going through some older stories to see if anything needs fixing. Some major changes (so far, at least):
Also added a section to Color talking about yet another version of the story.
Theme: Built to Scale
After finding herself in GMTK Jam 2021, O decides to go for a walk in the snow. She finds that she has frozen solid, and also this a snail-like creature who seems to copy what she's doing?
This is a platformer game. I made this game for GMTK Jam 2024, but then added a bunch more levels and stuff after the judging ended.
Written for COMPOST #6, a music composition thing for Cohost, a social media site that's shutting down soon 😢, with the prompt "party mode". This piece is inspired by that website's mascot, Eggbug, a purplish egg-shaped bug.
I don't party enough to know if this sounds party-ish.
Download: Ogg, MP3, PDF, LilyPond (view source)
Since Cohost is dying, I copied some pictures I posted there over to here:
("Underwater scene" is another picture I posted to Cohost, but that was already on my site.)
There are four official Mario games using the original Super Mario Bros. engine (at least that I know about, and aside from remakes that keep the order of levels the same), which reuse levels from themselves and each other in various ways, and I made a table and chart showing this.
pintekɑˈmosu (whose name means absolutely nothing) is a conlang that I made for the Cursed Conlang Circus 3 (hopefully I'll get it done in time), which is inspired by the theme "protolang", although I'm not sure if it actually meets the requirements for that theme.
Here's the video I submitted. It didn't appear on the playlist, and I'm not sure why???
Each small square represents a number from 1 to 10,000, colored as follows:
I made this for the Count to a Million thread on the (unofficial) New XKCD Forums (posted on page 327), where people often write certain words whenever these patterns come up. I made this using a Perl program, then increased the size with Gimp. You can also see this as a table or with an alternate color scheme.
Decided to put this matrix thing I made for Cohost in the art section of this site.
Cohost was a social media site I was on. It shut down in 2024, becoming read-only at the end of September and closing entirely at the end of the year. There were some things I posted there that I felt fit into my main site somewhere as their own page, but a lot that didn't (mostly small observations or short jokey things), so that's what this page is for.
Here's the code that I used to make this page. I've slightly modified it so that it can work on other computers, but other than that, it's basically just intended for me to use so it might not account for things other people might want. (Also I did a lot of manual editing to the output.) (If there's some other program to do this, maybe use that one instead?) More info/download the converter
There's an Easter egg in Classic Mac OS (i.e., before OS X, so before around 2001) that I remember knowing about as a kid, but I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else. The Easter egg is simply that in certain fonts, the character Ÿ (U+0178 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS, 0xD9 in MacRoman, typed Option-U Shift-Y) appears as various pictures/dingbats instead of the expected Y with diaeresis.
This only seems to affect bitmap versions of fonts (so, at least on the computer/printer I had when I was young, it would look like a normal Ÿ when printing documents, unless I typed it into a painting (bitmap) document), and the specific image is completely different depending on the font size:
I was in a bedroom with blue carpet and sun coming in through the window, making the whole room fairly bright. It had a mostly-empty closet along one side that you could walk into, and in this closet was a ghost, who looked like a normal person, standing on the floor, except semi-transparent. This ghost was the result of a spell that I knew about, which let people make a ghost duplicate of themselves and talk to other people as this ghost. (If you're familiar with El Goonish Shive, think of the fairy doll spell from that, except ghost instead of fairy.)
What is this page?
This is a list of random questions that I felt like answering, and answers to those questions. Aside from this top section, all of them are questions which I have at some point in my life been asked in some form in some context, or which I've seen asked to the general public in some form (though some may have been paraphrased).
This used to be at the bottom of my about me page, but I decided to add more questions, so I made it its own page.
What questions have been recently added?
(2025-03-01) In addition to the "Questions about this page" section:
Also some questions have been updated. For details, see version history
I was in some sort of coffee shop, at a table with my laptop. There was a website, which was considered a "non-conformist website", which had an article or blog post or something about eating one's keyboard. I read the article, and then started eating my laptop's keyboard, in order to fit in with that website.
I felt for keycaps that were loose (some of them were, others weren't), and pulled them off, and there was some sort of yellow candy underneath them (but I still ate the keys themselves). (I don't remember it having a taste; not sure I can taste in my dreams?) Then I realized that I was permanently destroying the keyboard, and that I should probably stop.
I was in someone's house, in a well-lit garage, overhearing a conversation that my dad was having with someone about politics.
"Pediatricians are complaining that kids these days don't know how to swallow pills", he said. "Pediatricians are complaining that. They're the ones prescribing the pills in the first place!" That is, he thought that it was the pediatricians' fault for not prescribing pills to kids anymore so they don't have practice taking them, so they were complaining of a problem of their own making. However, I also knew of another explanation, namely that ways of preventing disease had gotten so good that kids no longer got sick enough that they'd need medicine very often.
I left the room and went into another part of the house, where the sun was shining in through the window, casting sunbeams on the walls. There I found a book, made of the sort of heavy board-ish paper that I've seen on some books for young children, and this was a book of meme images about five or six different, very specific subjects, one of which was the pill issue that my dad had been talking about. The book was divided into sections, one per subject, and within each section, the memes were arranged chronologically by when the meme was popular.
I looked through one of the sections, starting at the beginning. The earlier memes were photos with impact font text, but they looked like they were from the 1980's or 1990's, before those sorts of memes existed. As I turned the pages, I got to more recent memes, and then as I kept turning the page I got to the present, and then after that, future memes.